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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 070 The Destruction of 731 Part 5

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    Recently, I feel sorry for my book friends because of personal issues. I don¡¯t want to talk about the sad things anymore. What I want to say here is that I did not collapse. Although I still have residual blood, I was resurrected. I will resume updating today, turning my grief and anger into strength, and continue to hit the target of updating 10,000 words per day.  .  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª ¡°On board¡± Following the slogan of the Japanese commander launching a charge, the Japanese military police units seemed to be crazy and swarmed desperately towards the anti-Union blocking position. At the same time, the rear mortar units also launched  After the shelling, the artillery shells almost extended towards the anti-alliance positions close to the stormtroopers.  Faced with such a desperate posture of the Japanese army, even though all the anti-resistance forces are now equipped with Japanese weapons, there is not much difference in firepower and equipment from the Japanese army, but their combat literacy and fighting will cannot be compared with the elite soldiers of the Japanese army who have been trained for many years. Except for a few who have a tenacious fighting will  Except for the troops, other troops could not withstand the death charge of the Japanese army and began to collapse.  Although the situation is critical, the anti-alliance commander has almost completed his blocking mission. He caught the Japanese army off guard at the beginning and bought enough time for the Lone Wolf Special Commando Team. Now he no longer has to fight with the Japanese army.  Go down.  Just when the army was about to collapse, the anti-alliance commander ordered a retreat, but not in full. Instead, he adopted a delaying war, fighting while retreating, to continue to buy more time for the Lone Wolf Special Commando.  During the retreat, the Anti-Japanese Alliance did not forget to destroy roads. They blew up bridges and blocked roads, completely destroying the road from Harbin to Pingfang District.  After losing the main road, the speed of the Japanese military police forces will be greatly affected. Unlike the Northeasterners who were born and raised in the Anti-Japanese League, they can move freely through the mountains and forests even if there are no roads.  Like the gendarmerie troops coming out of Harbin, the gendarmerie troops that had gone out to pursue the Anti-Japanese Alliance earlier actively moved closer to the Pingfang area after receiving the order, preparing to rescue the attacked Unit 731.  But as soon as their front legs changed direction, the Resistance Alliance who were still running away in front of their back legs suddenly turned around and chased them.  If it were normal, the Japanese military police troops would be very happy about this.  At this time, they had no intention of continuing to entangle with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The main responsibility of these military police units was to ensure the safety of Unit 731. If something went wrong with Unit 731, they would have no choice but to die and thank the Emperor.  Therefore, after discovering that the Anti-Japanese Alliance turned around and pursued them, the Japanese military police did not entangle too much with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Instead, they left a small force to block the attack, while the large force continued to move closer to the bungalow area. The telegram just urged  It was sent again. The situation of Unit 731 is getting more and more dangerous.  Halfway through the run, what the Japanese military police did not expect was.  Another anti-Union blocking force appeared halfway along the road. On a steep hillside beside the road, a large number of anti-Union troops were ambushed. They were not discovered when they passed by before.  Because they were in a hurry, the Japanese military police did not expect to encounter an ambush force of the Anti-Alliance when they returned. They thought that they were chasing the main force of the Anti-Alliance, so at the beginning of the ambush battle, they suffered huge losses.  With the sound of a gunshot from the Anti-Union commander, the Anti-Union soldiers in the ambush position opened fire.  Amidst the rattling gunfire, bullets were sprayed towards the Japanese soldiers without any cost. Every time a salvo hit, a row of Japanese soldiers fell to the ground, and the bullets exploded in a miserable bright red after entering their bodies.  The only fly in the ointment is that the Type 38 rifle's penetration is very good.  The lethality is not that great. If it does not hit a vital point, it will only be a wound in one eye or two. Those with a strong will can still keep fighting.  After the initial chaos.  After paying a heavy price, the Japanese military police forces quickly reorganized their combat effectiveness and began to engage in exchanges of fire with the anti-alliance forces in the ambush position.  Because one side occupies a good location and the other has superb marksmanship, they are evenly matched.  However, this situation did not last long. In terms of combat literacy and fighting will, professional soldiers like the Japanese army were still incomparable to the soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Alliance who were only equivalent to militiamen. After surviving the initial superiority in the battle, they gradually became weak.  Suddenly at a disadvantage.  The Anti-Japanese Alliance showed signs of fatigue, but the Japanese military police did not want to continue to struggle with them. After opening a gap, the large forces began to withdraw, leaving only a small group of troops to block the attack.  Seeing the large Japanese troops escaping, the anti-alliance commander in charge of the ambush suddenly became anxious and asked the political commissar beside him: "What should we do? The main force of the Japs has broken out of our ambush circle." "Captain, our mission is  We're just trying to stop the Japs. Do you still want to eliminate them all here? Although our equipment is getting better and better, our combat effectiveness is still far behind that of the Japs. Don't be too ambitious now that our mission is almost completed.  As soon as the little Japanese who came down are eliminated, we must retreat. If the little Japanese come back later, we won't be able to escape." Knowing that the political commissar was right, the captain could only sigh that he could not eliminate more Japanese little ones, and then issued the order.  , strengthen the supervision of small daily? Attack, destroy them as quickly as possible, and the anti-alliance fighters suddenly fought even more fiercely.  As the remaining Japanese troops became fewer and fewer and the sound of gunfire became sparse and sparse, the charge horn of the Anti-Union Alliance finally sounded. After hearing the charge horn, the Anti-Union soldiers in the ambush position all rushed out of their positions.  The dark crowd poured down from the mountain like a tide, drowning the remaining little Japan in an instant.  At this time, the mountains were still echoing with the shouts of the anti-Union fighters, which continued for a long time, seeming to indicate the tragic battle that had just occurred.  When the anti-Japanese war here ended, the Lone Wolf Special Commando over there had completed the final rescue operation. The fellow villagers had sent out the south wall one after another. Before the first batch of fellow villagers arrived, the special operations team blew them down.  The front climbed into the south wall. After seeing the fellow villagers arriving, various combat groups continued to escort them to escape south. Not far away was the Anti-Union support team, and when the time came, all the fellow villagers would be handed over to them.  At this time, the second team continued to destroy the north, buying more time for the first team and the second team. The special operations team members worked in pairs and used the many buildings in the 731 unit station to engage in street fighting with the Japanese army.  At this point, they had received the most professional training, which was far from being comparable to that of the Japanese army. For a time, the Japanese army was frightened.  On the other side, the first team also started sabotage operations after helping the third team rescue all the fellow villagers. Although it was also to gain time, it was to help Li Keji rescue our spy Kato Taka within the 731 unit.  Although Kato Takashi was a member of the Japanese Communist Party, Li Keji didn't like his Japanese identity too much, but after learning about Kato Takashi's contribution and Yang Yinong's instructions, he  Li Keji couldn't just let it go. After all, he was planning to wipe Unit 731 off the face of the earth. It would be bad to let an innocent comrade sacrifice.  Long before the operation started, Li Keji hoped that Kato Taka could find a way to temporarily leave the 731 station. Unfortunately, the management of the 731 unit was too strict, and it did not mean that he could come in and out whenever he wanted.  Unable to wait for Kato Taka to leave, Li Keji decided to take Kato Taka out together after rescuing the fellow villagers.  After receiving Li Keji¡¯s intention, Kato Taka told Li Keji the location of his room and did not leave the house after the operation began.  To avoid being accidentally killed by special forces members.  After escorting all the rescued fellow villagers, Li Keji went to find Kato Taka alone. The first team that stayed behind just helped him attract the attention of other Japanese soldiers.  Following the map in his memory, Li Keji flew like a tiger towards the accommodation area where Kato Takashi was staying. He ignored the bullets fired at him by Japanese soldiers along the way. He held a submachine gun in each hand and shot all the Japanese soldiers he met on the road.  They were completely eliminated, almost every three bullets killed a Japanese soldier, and they were like a god of death, moving freely among the Japanese army and no one could stop them.  After rushing to the accommodation area.  Li Keji quickly found Kato Taka on the third floor, but he still asked after confirming: "Kato Taka?" "Hello, comrade, I am Kato Taka." Kato Taka fully understood Li Keji's caution, while admitting that he was  Kato Takashi.  While taking out his token, it was the spy equipment that Chen Fuyi gave him.  After confirming that it was correct, Li Keji threw a submachine gun to Kato Taka and said, "Do you know how to fight?" After receiving the new submachine gun that Li Keji threw to him, Kato Taka smiled and said: "Although I am a master of medicine. But I am also a master of medicine."  Received formal military training. ""Follow my pace." Li Keji didn't care too much about Kato Takashi, as long as he followed himself.  Even if there was a sneak attack by the Japanese army, he could block the bullet for Kato Taka immediately, although blocking a bullet for a Japanese gave him a very strange feeling.  Kato Taka followed Li Keji out of the accommodation area. At the beginning, he wanted to show off his military qualities, but the Li Keji in front of him was simply a pervert. When he met the Japanese soldiers, he had just raised his gun, and Li Keji had already  When the trigger was pulled and the sound of gunshots reached his ears, the heads of the Japanese soldiers in the distance had been opened, and the blood bloomed instantly like flowers.  At first, he thought it was just a coincidence, but he didn't expect that in the next action, he would have no chance to show off. The submachine gun in Li Keji's hand was like a sniper rifle. It was almost guaranteed to hit, and every bullet was fired.  It hit the Japanese soldier on the head, which shocked Kato Taka. He had never seen such a powerful soldier.  Following Li Keji, he escaped from the accommodation area with almost no danger, passed through the long 731 station, and met up with the first team blocking the south wall.  After successfully rescuing Kato Taka, Li Keji ordered everyone to retreat. The second team quickly assembled and fled to the north. The first team also quickly passed through the hole in the south wall and quickly left the 731 station.  The Lone Wolf Special Commando began to retreat, and the Japanese military police gave chase. Unfortunately, before the commando retreated, they had alreadyBombs were installed on the retreat route and nearby main buildings. Just after the commandos successfully retreated, they detonated the previously installed bombs. The continuous explosions were like thunder, shaking the ears of the Japanese soldiers at the 731 station.  , the raging fire lit up half of the night sky.  A fire broke out in the station, and the Japanese military police had no intention of chasing the commandos. Instead, they launched a fire-fighting operation, fearing that the fire would spread to the poison gas depot and the poison gas manufacturing factory, and no one would survive.  What they didn't expect was that hell had just begun. Just after Li Keji confirmed that all members of the commando team had retreated far enough away, he summoned a large number of thermobaric bombs from the portable base, whether in the air, underground or in the building.  Shrouding the 731 station in shadow.  "Goodbye, 731" As Li Keji sighed, before the Japanese soldiers in the 731 station could realize why something like a bomb suddenly appeared around them, they heard a louder rumbling sound than before, and the thermobaric bomb exploded.  Then the surrounding air was instantly ignited, and the Japanese soldiers were plunged into a sea of ????fire without knowing anything.  At this time, the military police troops who came out of Harbin and those who had just returned from outside saw such a strange scene in the distance. They saw a huge fireball burst out in the direction of the 731 station, like a rising mushroom.  , the blazing mushroom fireball was like the sun, instantly lighting up the entire night sky.  Seeing this strange sight, the Japanese military police were all frightened. They all fell to their knees, sobbing and not knowing what to say.  Different from the panic of the Japanese army, the anti-alliance fighters and special operations team members who saw this scene from a distance cheered with joy. Especially those fellow Northeasterners who were captured by Unit 731 for experiments were so excited that tears filled their eyes.  While crying, he cursed, "Little Japan, you too have today."  Like ordinary soldiers and fellow villagers, the anti-alliance commander and commando captain were happy, but they couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines. This overseas organization must be too awesome. Originally, they didn't quite understand what Li Keji said before.  The final finishing work is handed over to overseas organizations, which will definitely wipe the demonic force 731 off the face of the earth.  It now seems that Li Keji really wiped Unit 731 clean from the face of the earth. With such a huge explosion in front of them, they had no idea how much explosives were needed and what kind of powerful bomb would be needed to achieve such an effect.  After watching the last "fireworks show", Li Keji urged the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the commando team to leave quickly, before the Japanese military police troops could react and surround them again.  With shock, the anti-alliance and commando teams escorted the fellow villagers to continue their retreat, marching for three consecutive days and nights, and finally reached the previously prepared camp to rest.  At this time, the soldiers were so tired that their bodies were weak, and the anti-alliance fighters lay down directly, preparing to take a good rest. However, under the organization of Li Keji, the special operations team members dragged their tired bodies to prepare meals for everyone.  After eating, the anti-alliance fighters and special operations team members who had regained their strength cooperated with Li Keji to conduct a comprehensive physical examination on the rescued fellow villagers. After all, no one knew whether they had been infected with any dangerous viruses when they were stationed in the 731 station.  It would be bad if you infect other people.  At the same time, Li Keji also asked medical staff in the special operations team to inject some vaccinations into soldiers who had been in contact with fellow villagers to prevent viral infections.  After being so busy and confirming that everyone was safe, Li Keji led the commando team to cooperate with the Anti-Japanese Alliance to do some aftermath processing, and after repelling the pursuit of several groups of Japanese military police units, he returned to the Northwest Soviet Area.  When they went back, not all the commandos came back, most of them stayed with the Anti-Alliance. On the one hand, they increased the strength of the Anti-Alliance, and on the other hand, they also conducted more systematic military training for the Anti-Alliance. What they showed this time  The combat effectiveness is really not that good.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster! PS: Updates have been discontinued for more than a week. Collections and subscriptions have dropped miserably. I don¡¯t know if anyone is still paying attention.
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