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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 058 Change of Flag in Northeast China 9

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    After the truth about Wang Yizhe's death came to light, the anger of the elders was finally relieved, and the Northeast Army temporarily restored stability on the surface, but it was already divided internally.  Now that "On the Songhua River" has been sung for nearly a year, the homesickness of the Northeast Army officers and soldiers has become even stronger. The military morale that was already restless has already been restless. After this fratricide, most people have seen through the power of the Northeast Army at its peak.  The veterans.  Judging from the past situation, a mutiny may break out at any time, but after just experiencing a bloody incident, no one wants to stain their hands with the blood of their comrades.  Since the veterans did not dare to resist the Japanese, the lower-level officers and soldiers wanted to switch to the troops who really dared to resist the Japanese. As long as they could fight the little devils, they could do anything.  Looking at the whole country, the only party with anti-Japanese slogans is the Datong Party. The Northeast Army was short of food some time ago, and it was all thanks to the assistance of the Datong Party that it was able to survive. This invisibly improved the perception of the Datong Party by the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army.  many.  During the firefight, the Datong Party not only did not take advantage of the situation, but also extended a helping hand to help the Northeast Army quell the chaos, which further increased the favorable impression of the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army towards the Datong Party.  Coupled with the efforts of Datong Party political cadres and young people in the past few months, the position of many lower-level officers and soldiers has gradually shifted towards the Datong Party. Even those who had hesitated in the past, after this internal struggle in the Northeast Army, have  Gradually, deflection began to occur.  Not long after the chaos was over, deserters gradually appeared within the Northeastern Army. This kind of thing was not uncommon and was very common in all armies.  The difference is that the deserters from the Northeast Army ran to the territory of the Datong Party and transformed into new workers' and peasants' Red Army soldiers.  As early as last year after the Battle of Wuqi Town, it was very common for soldiers in the Northeast Army to flee to the Datong Party. The generals of the Northeast Army were already used to it. They knew clearly that the Datong Party was causing trouble within their own troops, but they failed because they could not catch the other party.  Nothing can be done.  But this time.  The generals of the Northeast Army had to go crazy. The reason was that their soldiers no longer escaped in small groups like before, but fell to the Datong Party in organized groups. One or two platoons of troops disappeared almost every night.  And this is the case not just for one or two corps, but for most divisions and brigades.  At the beginning, although the generals of the Northeast Army were very angry, they didn't take it seriously. There was such a big internal fight in the army, and it was impossible for the officers and soldiers at the bottom not to be careful.  Sooner or later, those who have to leave must leave.  You can't keep it, so you usually choose to turn a blind eye.  But he did not expect that the number of troops escaping this time would be so large. If they were not stopped, most of them would be able to escape in a short time. In such a situation, the Northeast Army generals would no longer be able to sit still.  At the first time, they all chose to collect ammunition and seal the barracks tightly. All troops were divided into companies and platoons, and their close men were assigned to closely monitor them.  Prevent any more troops from escaping.  Subsequently, the generals of the Northeast Army, represented by the veteran faction, collectively found Zhang Xueliang and cried to him about the extremely serious phenomenon of desertion in the army, and pointed out that all this was a conspiracy of the Datong Party.  Deliberately taking advantage of the internal instability of the Northeastern Army, a group of people have been thinking about the incident when Ying Detian returned and the Datong Party troops pressed the situation and forced them to compromise.  Zhang Xueliang was also very sad that the strength of the Northeast Army was damaged.  But he cannot be like the elders who casually accuse the Datong Party of poaching him. Although everyone is very aware of this kind of thing, it is difficult to make it obvious.  Especially those troops who broke away left voluntarily, and it was impossible for Zhang Xueliang to directly stop them.  Deep in his heart, Zhang Xueliang felt deep guilt for all the Northeast Army soldiers. If he had not brought 300,000 Northeast Army men into the pass, how could they have fallen to where they are today.  Now that he is helpless, he wants to resist Japan but cannot. Others have chosen the second path. Can he still blame his subordinates for their betrayal?  Although Zhang Xueliang was saddened by the voluntary departure of his soldiers, he understood it very well. Facing the menacing veteran generals, he just kept comforting them, asking them to control the remaining troops and avoid internal fighting again. As for those who wanted to leave,  Yes, if you can't keep them, let them go.  Zhang Xueliang was so weak that the veteran generals were very angry. In the end, they had no choice but to return to their respective stations and tightened control over the troops, but they still could not prevent their troops from breaking away.  At first they thought that everything would be fine if they confiscated the weapons, but they did not expect that the troops who wanted to leave would have to leave even if they were empty-handed. The next day, the entire military camp was wiped out, leaving only the tied surveillance personnel.  personnel.  Seeing more and more troops leaving, the Northeastern Army was almost left with nothing but an empty frame, and the veterans had to regroup to discuss countermeasures.  Some peopleNow that the morale of the army has been lost, it is better to take troops to join the Central Army like Shen Ke and others did before. With their strength, they should be able to get a main position.  This idea was just put forward, but was quickly passed by others. Now the grassroots level of the Northeastern Army has been almost completely dispersed. Except for a few confidant troops, almost none of them can be mobilized. It is simply a fantasy to want to bring them to the Central Army.  .  Even Shen Ke and others had an excuse to take a group of soldiers south with the Marshal's order to rescue the Central Army, otherwise they would not be able to take many troops with them.  If you don't have enough troops on hand, you won't have much say in front of the Chairman. Let alone the popular ones, it will be better if they are not used as cannon fodder. I heard that the Central Army is still at war with the Guangxi clique.  If you are unlucky, you will be thrown into the battle against the Guangxi clan. From the northernmost to the southernmost part of China, if you are not acclimatized, most of your troops will be reduced without fighting, and the rest will be lost without fighting.  Naturally, the elders will not do this kind of thing.  But if they don't vote for the Central Army, where will they go? In the end, Yu Xuezhong, commander of the 51st Army, boldly said: "It really doesn't work, let's forget about voting for the Datong Party." "Vote for the Datong Party?" My current situation  It was caused by the Datong Party. To get the elders to defect to the Datong Party, whoever is willing is willing to do so.  However, Yu Xuezhong continued: "Brothers, I know that everyone is very unhappy with the Datong Party, but in the current situation, if we don't vote for the Datong Party, are there any other paths we can take?" Of course there are other paths, and it is best.  Of course, it is to defect to the Central Army.  However, now that the best opportunity to defect to the Central Army has been lost, the only way for the veterans is to defect to the Datong Party. However, most people are not very happy to bow their heads in front of the Datong Party.  "If we don't surrender to the Datong Party, given the current situation, our troops will be completely wiped out in a short time. The same is true of defecting to the Datong Party. Rather than being alone by then, it is better to take the initiative to defect to the Datong Party while we can still control the troops.  Datong Party, as long as the troops are still in our hands, we will not worry about being unable to make a comeback in the future." Yu Xuezhong continued to express his thoughts. Although other veteran generals were unwilling to do so, they also felt that it was free of charge.  It was not an option. After the final discussion, we had no choice but to accept Yu Xuezhong's proposal and decided that if we wanted to join the Datong Party, we should join together.  After the agreement was reached, the elders went directly to Zhang Xueliang. After some difficulty, they said that the anti-Japanese trend was unavoidable, since the brothers all wanted to fight the Japanese so much.  It would be unreasonable for them to continue to oppose. After discussions among several military commanders, they finally agreed to cooperate with the Datong Party to resist Japan.  Zhang Xueliang was very pleased to hear that the veteran faction finally compromised.  At the same time, I sighed in my heart, why would I have done this if I had known this, but I was still sincerely happy for the change of the veteran faction.  In excitement, Zhang Xueliang quickly conveyed the good news to the Young People and the Datong Party.  He also suggested that the Datong Party complete cooperation matters as soon as possible to calm the still restless military morale.  When they received the telegram from Zhang Xueliang, the Datong Party was very surprised.  But as they expected, in the current situation of the Northeast Army, if they don't make a choice quickly, the remaining troops will be eaten by the Datong Party bit by bit sooner or later.  The Northeast Army repeated this several times, and the Datong Party already had a lot of prejudice against it. After receiving Zhang Xueliang's telegram, a small number of people were very disdainful and thought that they should ignore the Northeast Army's request for cooperation. As long as there is a period of time,  Then all the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army can be absorbed.  Although this kind of thinking is normal and theoretically okay, the chairman and others do not see it that way.  Now that the Datong Party has adopted the slogan of the "Anti-Japanese United Front," a certain degree of greatness must still be retained. Completely annexing the entire Northeast Army would look a bit ugly. No other army would dare to cooperate with the Datong Party in the future.  In the long run, cooperation with the Northeastern Army will play an extremely important role in setting an example. Now that the Datong Party has demonstrated its strength, it still needs to make its own voice heard so that people across the country can hear the Datong Party's determination to resist Japan and understand Datong.  The party's "anti-Japanese united front" policy.  Only by thoroughly implementing the "Anti-Japanese United Front" can we win the hearts and minds of the people in the great cause. Only by winning the hearts and minds of the people can the Datong Party lead the people across the country to carry out revolution, drive away the aggressors, defeat the reactionaries, and ultimately win national victory.  After discussions at a meeting with the Chairman and other central leaders, it was finally agreed to cooperate with the Northeastern Army to resist Japan. However, the Northeastern Army also had to change its tune and be incorporated into the command system of the Datong Party. On the one hand, it was to control the military strength of the Northeastern Army;  The Datong Party does not have much confidence in the combat command of the Northeastern Army. If the time comes, not only will it fail to help on the battlefield, but it will become the biggest culprit.    In addition, a more important reason is to unify government orders and avoid confusion in command.  These requirements of the Datong Party have been mentioned in previous cooperation negotiations. Although the Northeast Army was very unhappy after learning about it, it now had no better choice and had to accept it. However, at the agreement signing meeting, as a veteran  The Northeast Army generals represented by Pai didn't look too good.  Even so, Li Shengshi and Zhang Xueliang, who were responsible for the signing, didn¡¯t care at all. The whole audience kept smiling. After the signing, they shook hands and took photos together cordially, leaving a historic moment.  After the cooperation agreement is signed, the remaining work is the reorganization of the army. The Northeast Army has experienced civil strife and separation of troops. The establishment of each unit can no longer support the current five armies, and downsizing is inevitable.  Under normal circumstances, no general would be happy when the troops were downsized. However, after seeing the reorganization plan proposed by the Datong Party, the generals of the Northeast Army could not help but become happy. The reason was that the Datong Party was so generous that they wanted to carry out the reorganization plan for the Northeast Army.  A comprehensive change of clothes, all in accordance with the standards of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.  After seeing the firepower configuration of the Datong Party, the Northeast Army was envied by everyone, and it was just drooling. I thought that after joining the Datong Party, not all the equipment should be changed, but a few more light and heavy machine guns and artillery would be exciting.  I couldn't sleep because I never expected that the Datong Party would completely change their clothes.  When it¡¯s time to propose a complete makeover.  There was a lot of opposition within the Datong Party at the beginning. If it were to directly incorporate the Northeastern Army, it would be nothing. Now it is only the cooperation stage, and it will be completely redressed. It will inevitably not cause trouble.  The chairman and others understood this concern very well, but they still explained to the comrades why they were doing this.  The first reason is of course to show that the Datong Party is fair and impartial and will not discriminate against the Northeastern Army because it is a foreign army, as Chang Kaishen did.  Datong Party does not know how to learn and does not bother to learn.  The second reason is to win the trust of all the officers and men of the Northeast Army. Since you have come to join the Datong Party, the Datong Party will naturally treat you as its own comrades. Only by trusting each other can the two armies rely on each other on the battlefield and avoid the emergence of the Kuomintang Party.  In this way, the army sacrifices itself to death and I will take the credit. It has become commonplace to betray brother troops.  The third reason is to prepare for the war against Japan. The Japanese army has always been fierce, and the Japanese people are afraid of Japan.  To ask the Northeastern Army to fight against Japan with simple equipment would be tantamount to risking death. The Datong Party would not use the enemy to destroy the miscellaneous army.  The fourth reason is to unify logistics and completely switch to semi-automatic firearms.  The logistics pressure on the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army is increasing. At this time, if we re-establish a logistics system for the Northeast Army, it is tantamount to asking for trouble. After we have had enough of the pain caused by all nations.  The logistics department of the Datong Party does not want to make the same mistakes again.  The last reason, and the most important reason, is that most of the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army have fully defected to the Datong Party.  The remaining veteran generals couldn't make any more troubles, and the Datong Party was not worried at all that they would have different intentions.  Even if they really have different intentions, the Datong Party will not be afraid. After the Northeast Army is fully reorganized, all political commissars and instructors will be installed, and political workers will control the lower-level officers and soldiers. The old warlords of the veteran faction are just decorations.  After explanations from the chairman and others, the Datong Party reluctantly accepted the proposal to change the uniforms of the Northeastern Army. However, there will still be some internal dissent, but the problem is not major.  Before the comprehensive reorganization and change of clothes, the Datong Party's party newspaper department also spread the good news of the two armies' joint resistance against Japan throughout the country. The whole country was shocked for a while, and they all made disbelief. Chang Kaishen, who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, was even more angry.  He scolded Zhang Xueliang for being unloyal.  As the news of the joint anti-Japanese war spread across the country, Li Shengshi and Zhang Xueliang also jointly issued a "Declaration to Compatriots in the Nation to Resist Japan," calling on domestic warlords to "stop the civil war and fight against Japan together." People across the country should unite to defeat the invaders.  Although the declarations of the two armies were impassioned, they were collectively ignored by domestic warlords. Only Yang Hucheng, director of the northwest camp and commander of the 17th Route Army, responded to the proposal of the two armies to jointly resist Japan and decided to form a tri-service alliance with the two armies.  Another important thing is that the underground members of the Datong Party organized large-scale anti-Japanese marches in Shanghai and Beijing. In the middle of the march, both groups of marchers were suppressed by the Shanghai garrison and the 29th Army.  , resulting in a large number of patriotic young people being killed, injured and arrested in confrontations with the military and police.  Due to the excessive number of casualties and arrests of patriotic young people, a larger anti-Japanese demonstration took place in the following days. Since it took place on October 10th, it was later known as the "Double Ten Anti-Japanese Parade" in later history.  While the comrades in the White Area were carrying out the anti-Japanese struggle, the reorganization of the troops in the Soviet Area was also in urgent progress. Not only the Northeast Army needed to be fully reorganized, but also the 17th Route ArmyIt also needs to be reorganized, and even the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army needs to be adjusted.  Now the three main forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army have joined forces and incorporated the Majia Army troops in the northwest. They captured a large number of officers and soldiers of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China during the counter-encirclement and suppression campaign in the northwest. The Northeast Army has also absorbed many officers and soldiers. The troops are already extremely bloated and need to be adjusted.  , when the troops can exert their combat effectiveness.  After the reorganization of the troops was completed, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the Northeast Army, and the 17th Route Army were all collectively referred to as the "Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army", which was under the jurisdiction of the columns directly under the Central Military Commission and the First Army, the Second Army, the Third Army, the Fourth Army, and the Fifth Army.  Army, Sixth Army, Seventh Army, Eighth Army, and Ninth Army, a total of ten armies with more than 400,000 troops.  The columns directly under the Central Military Commission are under the jurisdiction of the first column, the second column, and the third column, and are commander Ye Jianying (Ye Shuai).  The First Army consists of the First Division, the Second Division, the Third Division, and the Independent First Cavalry Brigade, with the commander Mu Sanhu (Lin Shuai).  The Second Army consists of the Fourth Division, the Fifth Division, the Sixth Division, and the Independent Second Cavalry Brigade, with the commander (He Shuai) He Wenchang.  The Third Army has jurisdiction over the 7th Division, the 8th Division, the 9th Division, and the Independent 3rd Cavalry Brigade, with Commander Zhao Wu (General Peng).  The Fourth Army has jurisdiction over the 10th Division, the 11th Division, the 12th Division, and the Independent 4th Cavalry Brigade, with Commander Xu Xiangqian (Xu Shuai).  The Fifth Army has jurisdiction over the 13th Division, the 14th Division, the 15th Division, and the Independent 5th Cavalry Brigade, with Commander Nie Rongzheng (Nie Shuai).  The Sixth Army has jurisdiction over the 16th Division, the 17th Division, the 18th Division, and the Independent 6th Cavalry Brigade, with Commander Liu Mingzhao (Liu Shuai).  The Seventh Army has jurisdiction over the 19th Division, the 20th Division, the 21st Division, and the independent 7th Cavalry Brigade, with Commander Yang Hucheng.  The Eighth Army consists of the 22nd Division, the 23rd Division, the 24th Division, and the Independent 8th Cavalry Brigade, commanded by Yu Xuezhong.  The Ninth Army has jurisdiction over the 25th Division, the 26th Division, the 27th Division, and the Independent Ninth Cavalry Brigade, with the commander He Zhuguo.  Zhu Wei (General Manager Zhu) is appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and Zhao Wu (General Manager Peng) and Zhang Xueliang are appointed as Deputy Commander-in-Chiefs.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª ps-What a tragedy (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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