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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 057 Northeast Flag Change 8

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    Liu Duoquan insisted on revenge, and the Young People's Faction would not sit still and wait for death. Long before Miao Jianqiu went to Zhang Xueliang's place, the Young People's Faction had been prepared for the failure of negotiation and secretly contacted the troops it could control.  After discovering the abnormal movement, Sun Mingjiu quickly organized the troops he had contacted previously. Although the various troops were temporarily assembled, they still had nearly a division of troops, which was comparable to Liu Duoquan's 105th Division.  Originally, Liu Duoquan was searching for young factions in various troops, but eventually it gradually turned into a confrontation between the two armies, and they set up positions on the outskirts of Chang'an.  After the positions were set up, a fight of blood and fire ensued. Although the two armies were brothers, they started an extremely cruel fight because of their ideals or hatred. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off the other army commanders are watching with cold eyes, not only have no intention of stopping, but are fanning the flames.  Although Zhang Xueliang was furious, he was unable to prevent the conflict from expanding. At first, the internal fighting was limited to the 105th Division and the Young Strong Faction. Later, Wu Keren saw that the 105th Division was still unable to win the Young Strong Faction, so he also pulled out his 117th Division.  , making the battle more intense.  Seeing that the Young Faction was about to lose its support, the lower-level officers of the Northeast Army could no longer stand the massacre of the Young Faction by the elders. After the resentment they had accumulated in daily life broke out, they all sided with the Young Faction.  The lower-level soldiers turned against each other one after another, and the elders realized that things were gradually beyond their control. In an emergency, they quickly mobilized their trusted troops to suppress the increasingly impetuous military spirit in the army, but they could not control it.  After a while, internal fighting began within his own army.  At this moment, the veterans remembered Zhang Xueliang and begged him to intervene. Although Zhang Xueliang was willing, the Northeast Army was already in chaos, and it was not easy to put an end to it.  Despite the difficulties.  Zhang Xueliang still would not watch his brothers continue to kill each other. After the elders came to intercede, he immediately followed the elders to the 105th Division's garrison on the outskirts of Chang'an. He had to first let the 105th Division and the Young Soldiers cease fire first, and the other troops  Only then can the internal fighting be alleviated.  After arriving at the 105th Division Headquarters, Zhang Xueliang took the lead and shouted: "Liu Duoquan, cease fire immediately. If the fight continues, do you want to wipe out the entire Northeastern Army?" "Young Marshal, I just want to avenge Commander Wang.  Once all the young men on the opposite side are killed, I will cease fire immediately and let the young commander handle it." Liu Duoquan was busy killing the young men, but when he saw Zhang Xueliang coming to ask him to cease fire again, he seemed a little impatient when he spoke.  What Liu Duoquan didn't expect was that Zhang Xueliang did not come alone this time. He was accompanied by Yu Xuezhong, commander of the 51st Army. Just after he finished speaking impatiently, Yu Xuezhong had already stepped into the 105th Division.  Division Headquarters, after what he said, said: "Commander Liu. No one dares to forget the hatred of Commander Wang, but now the fight between you and the Young Strong Faction has caused a chain reaction in the army. Now it is not just your 105th Division and the Young Strong Faction.  . Even the lower-level officers and soldiers in other units are having conflicts. If this continues, do you want to destroy the entire Northeast Army? "Liu Duoquan was so focused on avenging his close friends that he didn't pay attention to the changes in the situation within the army.  Hearing what Yu Xuezhong said, he was shocked, but he still didn't want to give up revenge.  If the Young Faction escapes this time, it will be difficult to catch them next time.  Seeing Liu Duoquan's troubled expression, Zhang Xueliang was very angry, but he continued: "As the supreme commander of the Northeast Army, I am also very sad about Commander Wang's murder. Revenge must be avenged, and no one can escape the responsibility."  No, I, Zhang Xueliang, will never favor anyone. But now, people in the army are already in panic, and they have been stimulated by your gunfire. The entire camp has been blown up. Now all the army generals are trying their best to maintain stability, and they see that it will be impossible to maintain it.  , Do you want to continue fighting until the entire Northeastern Army collapses? " Although Liu Duoquan was unwilling to accept it, he did not dare to see the entire Northeastern Army collapse at this time. After struggling for a long time, he finally reluctantly agreed to a temporary ceasefire.  The 105th Division ceased fire, and the Young Faction also suspended its attack. Then Zhang Xueliang asked Miao Jianqiu to pass a message, asking him to try his best to appease the Young Faction's emotions, and leave the rest to him.  After the 105th Division and the Young Soldiers ceased fire temporarily, Zhang Xueliang then led his guards around various units and personally went to the front line to calm the restless military morale. After several days of hard work and physical and mental exhaustion, the chaotic Northeastern Army temporarily recovered.  Although the situation is stable on the surface, the internal situation is still very tense. If you are not careful, there will be a big chaos.  Although the surface situation has temporarily returned to stability, on the outskirts of Chang'an, the 105th Division and the Young Soldiers still maintained a confrontational state. They did not dare to relax for a few days and were always paying attention to the situation on the opposite position.  Zhang Xueliang knew that if he wanted to solve the current problem, he still had to go back to the original source, so he called Liu Duoquan, commander of the 105th Division, Wu Keren, commander of the 117th Division, and Miao Jianqiu, a representative of the Young Strong Faction, to discuss the final solution to the matter.    At the meeting, Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren still looked angry and had no good looks towards anyone, but Miao Jianqiu looked tired, showing that he had been tense these past few days and had not had a good rest.  As soon as they met, the two sides couldn't help but started yelling at each other. Basically, it was the same old routine. Apart from continuing to increase the hatred and hatred between the two sides, it had little effect. Zhang Xueliang had to stand up and appease both sides.  After much persuasion, Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren still insisted on paying with blood, and the Young Zhuang Faction must pay the due price for killing Wang Yizhe. However, Miao Jianqiu insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the Young Zhuang Faction, and Ying Detian's behavior was just  His personal problems have nothing to do with the Young Zhuang Faction. The Young Zhuang Faction has only one goal, which is to go north to fight against Japan.  Seeing that there was going to be another noise, the Datong Party medical staff responsible for treating Wan Yi's injuries brought good news. Wan Yi, who had been unconscious for a long time, finally woke up.  Wan Yi finally woke up, and the truth of the matter was much closer. Zhang Xueliang, Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren were all very happy, but Miao Jianqiu's face was not very good. When things got to this point, he was really afraid of waking up.  Wan Yi's nonsense will be in danger by then.  All the changes in Miao Jianqiu were in Wu Keren's eyes. Seeing that Miao Jianqiu turned pale after hearing the news of Wan Yi's awakening, he smiled maliciously and said: "Secretary Miao, why are you looking so pale? Is it because of recent times?"  Have you been too busy for the past few days and haven't had a good rest? " "Thank you, Mr. Wu, for your concern. I have been feeling a little sick recently," Miao Jianqiu knew that Wu Keren had noticed something strange about him, but he still pretended to be uncomfortable.  .  Looking at Miao Jianqiu¡¯s poor performance.  Wu Keren just snorted coldly, then caught up with Zhang Xueliang and Liu Duoquan and rushed to the critical care room where Wan Yi was now.  When they arrived at the critical care room, they saw that Wan Yi had regained consciousness and was eating porridge with the help of medical staff. After seeing Zhang Xueliang and others, he stopped and said weakly: "Young Marshal, I apologize for the injury due to my humble duty.  "Captain Wan is injured, so there is no need for extra courtesy. We came here today to ask some questions." Zhang Xueliang was very open-minded and didn't care about Wan Yi at all.  He stood up to greet her, but instead asked about the issues he cared about.  Seeing Zhang Xueliang, Wu Keren and others coming together, Wan Yi naturally knew what they wanted to ask. In fact, he had woken up once as early as yesterday. The first thing after waking up was to be glad that he was not dead. The second thing  But he remembered that he and Ying Detian went to rescue people before, and on the way they met Wang Yizhe, commander of the 67th Army.  What happened next.  Thinking about it was like a nightmare. Wan Yi never thought that the seemingly calm Ying Detian would be so nervous, let alone that Ying Detian would be bold enough to take the initiative to shoot.  Wang Yizhe's death happened to hit Wang Yizhe. Based on Wan Yi's many years of experience and observation, nine times out of ten, he would be killed on the spot, even if he did not die on the spot.  The chance of being rescued is also very slim.  After successfully rescuing the arrested people, Wan Yi was very happy, but no one expected that such a big thing would happen at the last moment.  At that time, he was frightened out of his wits. He led his men to escape based on instinct, but he didn't expect that he was shot unconscious in the middle, and he didn't know how he would change afterward.  So after waking up, what Wan Yi wanted to know most was the subsequent development of the matter. He really couldn't imagine what kind of bad situation the Northeast Army would have after Wang Yizhe's death.  Fortunately, when Wan Yi woke up, there happened to be medical staff from the Datong Party taking care of him. He immediately learned about the subsequent development of the matter from the medical staff. Although he had known that this would be the case, after truly understanding it, he still  Very shocked.  After he calmed down, the Datong Party medical staff, who was actually a political worker, analyzed the pros and cons of the current situation with him and asked him to take all the blame on himself and Ying Detian after seeing Zhang Xueliang.  We must not involve the Young Zhuang Faction and the Datong Party, otherwise the Northeast Army's future anti-Japanese plans will be in vain.  Although Wan Yi was very unwilling to take the blame, he was somewhat helpless, unless he wanted to see the destruction of the Young Faction and the collapse of the Northeastern Army. Taking the overall situation into consideration, sometimes no matter how big the blame was, he had to take the blame.  Wan Yi was originally an anti-Japanese activist, and he was a very upright person, otherwise he would not have become the key target of the Datong Party. After understanding the dangers of the matter, he voluntarily took on the blame without hesitation, hoping that the Datong Party would defeat Little Japan in the future.  His ashes can be sent back to his hometown in Northeast China for burial.  Seeing Wan Yi's deep understanding of righteousness, the members of the Datong Party admired Wan Yi very much, and then asked Wan Yi about the whole story. They really couldn't understand how it was clearly a rescue operation, but it turned into a murder operation, and the person killed was still like Wang Yizhe.  important generals.  Although Wan Yi doesn¡¯t really want to recall what happened that day, he still??Tell the Datong Party political cadres everything that happened in detail. Only by understanding all the specific situations can the Datong Party come up with ways to solve the problem based on the actual situation.  When the Datong Party political cadres heard that it was just an accident, they were so shocked that their teeth almost fell out. What shocked them even more was that Ying Detian must have been too nervous.  Shocked, I still have to find a way. A very important commander died in the Northeast Army. In any case, a scapegoat is needed to take the blame. Avoidance is unavoidable, and the only way to reduce the loss is as small as possible.  Within a certain range.  The final result of the discussion was that Wan Yi should take all the responsibility on himself, insisting that he just couldn't stand the elders' suppression of the young faction and arresting people wantonly. When Ying Detian asked him to borrow troops to save people, he  Lend the troops to Ying Detian.  As for the assassination of Wang Yizhe, they insisted that it was an accident and there was no premeditation. It was all because Ying Detian was too nervous and accidentally beat Wang Yizhe to death.  Although the truth is so simple, when Wan Yi told Zhang Xueliang and others about the situation, Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren still did not want to believe it. They clamored that the matter was instigated by the Young People's Faction, and the goal was not to save people.  Instead, he used this as a cover to take the opportunity to murder Wang Yizhe in order to achieve his ulterior motives.  "Now that Ying Detian has not caught it, you alone have the final say. Do you really think we are fools?" Seeing that Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren were already deeply prejudiced, Zhang Xueliang didn't know what to say, so he had to speak nicely again.  They persuaded each other, and finally said helplessly: "Master Liu, Master Wu, since you don't believe what Commander Wan said, we can wait until Ying Detian is arrested and come back to discuss the remaining issues. Is it an accident? Is it related to the Young Masters sect?"  , when the other principal culprit is arrested and returned, the truth will naturally come out, and Commander Wang will be given justice by then. "Although Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren are very unhappy with Zhang Xueliang's favoritism towards the Young Faction, they cannot continue to cause trouble at this time. If it is the Northeast.  The chaos of the past few days reappeared within the army. They really didn't know whether Zhang Xueliang could still tolerate them, and a complete collapse within the Northeast Army was not what they wanted to see, so they had to suppress their dissatisfaction.  Things have come to this.  Although there was a lot of relaxation for the time being, he could not relax at all. In order to arrest and respond to Tokuda as soon as possible, Zhang Xueliang sent more troops.  It¡¯s strange to say.  Ying Detian fled north with the 627th Regiment, but no one knew where he ended up hiding. After spending a lot of time, he still found nothing.  It was as if he had disappeared from the world, and some even doubted whether Ying Detian might have died in the battle with the First Cavalry Division.  Regarding this possibility, the 1st Cavalry Division retrieved all the corpses of those killed in battle.  Directly denied.  After that, Zhang Xueliang intensified the investigation and even borrowed the power of the Datong Party. It was impossible for the Datong Party to not know about such a thing happening to the Northeast Army. They had previously sent a medical team to treat Wan Yi.  Later, a condolence team was sent to comfort them, hoping that there would be no more fratricide within the Northeastern Army.  When searching for Ying Detian, the 105th Division and the 117th Division were the most active, and even attacked many organizations of the Young Zhuang Faction because they suspected that the Young Zhuang Faction was harboring Ying Detian and intended to protect the culprit.  When a conflict occurred, neither side was too calm. If Zhang Xueliang had not arrived in time, both sides might have fired.  Just when there was no clue about the matter, good news came from the Datong Party first. It turned out that Ying Detian was very cautious. After fleeing north with the 627th Regiment, he quietly broke away from the main force and did not go north alone.  , instead inserted towards the south, and after a circle, entered the sphere of influence of the Datong Party from the west.  Originally, Ying Detian entered the Datong Party base to seek asylum. However, after learning about the internal situation of the Northeast Army, the Datong Party no longer dared to take Ying Detian in. Not only did they not take him in, but they persuaded him to take the initiative to bear the consequences.  Although Ying Detian was an anti-Japanese activist, he was not as high-minded as the Datong Party. He was very repulsive at first and even scolded the Datong Party for doing one thing in front of others and doing another behind the scenes.  Kick someone away.  "The Datong Party does not care about this kind of abuse. It is indeed a bit difficult to place the demands of Datong Party members on an ordinary passionate intellectual."  However, for the sake of the overall situation, the Datong Party still hoped that Ying Detian could take on everything and launched rounds of ideological work on him.  After exhausting a lot of lip service, presenting facts and reasoning, they finally convinced Ying Detian and made him voluntarily stand up and take all the responsibilities. Only then did the Datong Party tell the Northeast Army that they had just captured Ying Detian.  After Ying Detian was sent back to the Northeastern Army by the Langya Special Forces, Zhang Xueliang and the main generals of the Northeastern Army all ran over. First, they wanted to beat Ying Detian hard to vent their anger.The second is to want to know the truth of the matter, whether it is the same as what Wan Yi said.  After meeting Zhang Xueliang and others, Ying Detian's spirit dropped a lot. According to the instructions given to him by the Datong Party, he took all the responsibilities on himself. He only said that he could not bear to see the veteran faction arresting his own people, so he secretly borrowed troops.  To save people, killing Wang Yizhe was just an accident.  Since there is not much difference between what he said and the facts, the only difference is that he left out the Shao Zhuang Faction and turned the Shao Zhuang Faction's rescue operation into his own personal behavior, so when he said these words, there was no lie at all.  mood changes.  ¡° None of the elders were too satisfied with Ying Detian¡¯s rhetoric, especially Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren. The matter had nothing to do with the Young Faction, and only fools would believe it.  Even so, the veterans no longer dared to act rashly as before. Zhang Xueliang already had the card of the Datong Party in his hand. At this time, many Datong Party troops had gathered around the Northeast Army station, euphemistically called  When abnormalities occur within the Northeast Army, they can be stopped in time to avoid losses to the anti-Japanese forces.  With so many tigers around them, the elders dared to act rashly, so they had no choice but to obey Zhang Xueliang's arrangements and end the matter in front of Ying Detian and Wan Yi.  As the murderer who personally killed Wang Yizhe, Ying Detian naturally could not escape, but Wan Yi survived. The reason was that Ying Detian took all the responsibilities. Although Wan Yi lent him troops, he was not involved in everything.  It has nothing to do with it. It was Ying Detian who killed people, and it was Ying Detian who incited the soldiers of the 627th Regiment to flee north. Wan Yi was just innocently implicated.  Ying Detian took over all responsibilities, and with Zhang Xueliang and the Datong Party as guarantees for Wan Yi, the veteran faction finally had to accept it and let Wan Yi go.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Recommend a book that is crushed by black technology, the title is "Mother Tree" /wave ok/ (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! ps: Thank you book friends  "Legendary little person" reward, thanks to the book friend "Sui Moxiang" for voting. Book friend group: 347289093 recommends a book crushed by black technology, the title is "Mother Tree" /wave ok/.
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