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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 025 Visitors from afar Part 5 [Please order first when the new book is released]

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    ps: Thanks to the book friend "Holy Bilong King" for the reward!  !  !  New book is on the shelves, please subscribe!  !  !  Whether Wang Ming is willing to accept it or not, sometimes the truth is so cruel. Although the final exchange still ended in a breakdown, the Datong Party still gave Wang Ming the convenience of contacting Soviet Russia and provided him with a radio station and operator.  Wang Ming also honestly and politely informed the Communist International of the Datong Party's intention to become independent from the Communist International, and said a lot of things in a more embellished way. Even so, he also informed the Soviet Union of the general situation of the Datong Party.  aspect.  Although the Soviet Union had been prepared for this outcome, they were a little stunned when they actually faced it. No one could figure out what China's Datong Party was going to do.  If, as usual, his younger brother suddenly said that he wanted to separate the family, the big brother of Soviet Russia would definitely teach them a lesson. However, the Datong Party has made such a big move in the northwest region this time. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is abnormal, and they cannot understand clearly.  Before the situation, even tough ones like the Soviet Union would not be able to act rashly.  After receiving Wang Ming¡¯s report, the Datong Party¡¯s desire to be independent is indeed infuriating, but the Soviet Russians are more concerned about the overseas organizations mentioned in the intelligence.  ?According to Wang Ming¡¯s report, a big reason why the Datong Party came up with independent ideas came from overseas organizations.  After receiving strong assistance from overseas organizations, the Datong Party no longer needs to rely on the Communist International. As its wings become stronger, it will naturally want to go out independently. This is human nature, but it is not the result that Soviet Russia hopes to see.  If possible, Soviet Russia will bring all communist parties under its control. Only then will Soviet Russia not have to fear the hostility of the capitalist world. As the most powerful red party in the Far East, the Datong Party is precisely their  An important bargaining chip to balance world power.  Now that this bargaining chip wants to escape from its control, no Bolshevik would like to see it, but it is helpless and beyond its reach.  I can't stop it even if I want to.  ¡°If it were in the past, when the Datong Party was very dependent on the Communist International, they could abolish the Central Committee in the name of the Communist International and push Wang Ming to the front.  Now that the Datong Party has the assistance of overseas organizations and has completely got rid of its dependence on the Communist International, this method will no longer work.  So when receiving the report from Wang Ming, although the Soviet Union was very angry, they were more concerned about the overseas organization that provided assistance to the Datong Party.  Judging from the report, overseas organizations originally belonged to the fourth section under the Central Special Section, and their purpose was to raise funds overseas for the Datong Party.  It was destroyed once during the process, and was later rebuilt and renamed the Overseas Organization.  These things are superficial. What really worries the Soviet Union is that the military configuration provided by overseas organizations for the Datong Party has exceeded that of the Soviet Red Army. Just one infantry squad already has 2 submachine guns and 1 light machine gun.  In addition, there is a launcher that can fire grenades, and the other rifles are also semi-automatic firearms, which is really surprising.  What surprised the Soviet Union even more.  The weapons and equipment used by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were actually new equipment that did not exist in any country. This had to surprise the Soviet Union.  You said that overseas organizations have made a lot of money over the years, and now they come back to support their old employers.  Although the number is a bit large, it is not unreasonable.  But now you not only come back with a lot of money to help, but all the equipment provided are new and unprecedented equipment, which has to be strange.  What kind of monsters are overseas organizations?  It was actually able to come up with new equipment that surpassed the military level of most countries today, and the Datong Party's troops suddenly jumped to the forefront of the world. No wonder the Datong Party is so confident now.  They all want to get rid of the Communist International and go it alone.  After being shocked by the overseas organizations, the Soviet Union quickly sent a reply to Wang Ming. Although it verbally criticized the Datong Party for its wrong behavior in seeking independence, the actual focus was all on the overseas organizations and asked Wang Ming to provide the Soviet Union with  More information on overseas organizations.  Looking at the telegram in his hand, Wang Ming thought that the Communist International would strongly criticize the Datong Party's secession. Unexpectedly, the Communist International only made some remarks and paid no attention to it. Instead, it focused on asking questions about overseas organizations.  .  Although Wang Ming is sometimes naive, he is not a fool. After seeing the telegram replied by the Soviet Union, he knew that the Communist International had already had the idea of ????compromising. However, before that, regarding the actual interests, the Soviet Russians must  Will care about everything.  Faced with such a naked exchange of interests, although Wang Ming was not angry, he had to report what he knew to the Communist International in detail. Even if he didn't say it now, the Datong Party and the Bolsheviks would negotiate face-to-face sooner or later.  Rather than that, it is better to do your best to get some benefits while you are still useful.  Sure enough, ?Not long after he contacted the Soviet people, Qin Bangxian came back to see him again, and this time it was not just Qin Bangxian, but a handsome man wearing glasses.  Wang Ming knew this person. When he came to Wuqi Town, this person also participated in the welcome ceremony for him. After the Zunyi Conference, he replaced Qin Bangxian as the general secretary and is now the nominal supreme leader of the Datong Party Central Committee.  Seeing Qin Bangxian and Zhang Wentian visiting hand in hand, although Wang Ming knew it was nothing good, he politely welcomed them into the house. After serving tea and sitting on both sides, Wang Ming did not say any nonsense and just spoke.  Question: "I wonder what the Party Central Committee wants me to convey this time?" "Comrade Wang Ming, although our party is preparing to become independent from the Communist International, it does not mean that our party will deviate from the ideal of universal unity. It is just that China has China  Under the special circumstances, we should find a revolutionary path suitable for the Chinese people, rather than copying the Soviet Union¡¯s October Revolution experience.¡± Seeing that Wang Ming¡¯s tone was still not very good, Zhang Wentian confirmed it first.  The stance of the Datong Party, and then said: "The Datong Party and the Bolsheviks are both political parties that believe in redism. We will be comrades and brothers no matter when and where we are, and we will liberate all mankind as our lofty ideal. We are brothers."  The party is not a party of father and son. The differences in the line are not a life-or-death class struggle. I hope Comrade Wang Ming can correct his position." "After saying so much, it is not about splitting. I don't want to discuss this with you now. What's the matter?  Just say it," Wang Ming said, not listening at all to what Zhang Wentian said.  Seeing that Wang Ming already had a deep grudge against the Datong Party, Zhang Wentian didn't want to say anything more, but changed the subject and said: "After Comrade Wang Ming contacted the Communist International, he didn't know that the Communist International had negative feelings towards our party.  "Do you have any opinion on the independent Communist International?" "What do you think? The Communist International is of course very angry and severely criticized your separation. What else can you say?" Wang Ming asked angrily.  "Comrade Wang Ming, your attitude is unacceptable. If the Communist International really wants to criticize our party, why not send the telegram directly to our party." Zhang Wentian shook his head and said.  "Since you can contact the Communist International directly, why do you need to use my name?" Wang Ming asked rhetorically.  "Haha, what kind of stupidity is Comrade Wang Ming doing? It's not time for face-to-face communication yet." Faced with Wang Ming's rhetorical question, Zhang Wentian smiled.  Looking at Zhang Wentian¡¯s smiling face, how could Wang Ming not know the relationship between this? Although the Datong Party is determined to separate from the Communist International, it is not yet time to break up.  In this case, if the Datong Party and the Bolsheviks want to negotiate without breaking up, they must have a buffering middle zone, and Wang Ming is the best buffer zone, so the two parties will use him to communicate "unnecessarily".  Knowing that it would be useless to continue making trouble, Wang Ming stopped pretending to be stupid and said coldly: "The Communist International wants to carry out some cooperation with overseas organizations and hopes to get your introduction." "Oh? The Communist International  International wants to cooperate with overseas organizations?" Although Zhang Wentian had known that this would be the case, he pretended to be doubtful.  Wang Ming didn¡¯t know much about overseas organizations. The only information he knew was from Qin Bangxian.  Even so, as smart as he is, he also senses the huge power of overseas organizations. There has never been a shortage of family consortiums in the world that are as wealthy as rival countries, but there are very few overseas organizations that have such powerful organizations that extend their tentacles to all countries and industries, and  It was developed in less than ten years.  Wang Ming believes that anyone who learns about the general situation of overseas organizations will be shocked by its development speed and power. This is really a miracle, or it is impossible. Many people are not willing to believe it.  But we have to admit this fact.  ¡°If someone had told Wang Ming about the situation of overseas organizations before entering the Northwest Soviet Area controlled by the Datong Party, he would have laughed at that person as a complete lunatic.  But after going deep into the northwest Soviet area, seeing the new equipment used by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and enjoying a material life that far exceeded those in Europe and the United States, he had to admit that the energy of overseas organizations was indeed great.  The Northwest Soviet Area is located in the mainland of China. It is surrounded by hostile forces and all means of transportation have been cut off. However, overseas organizations can still deliver a shocking amount of materials to the Northwest Soviet Area without anyone noticing. This alone is a huge blow.  For most countries and organizations, it is really difficult to imagine how overseas organizations can do this.  From the comprehensive information point of view, overseas organizations are not only huge in energy, but their organizational procedures are also mysterious. There is no information about them in the world. Apart from knowing that overseas organizations were once affiliated to the Fourth Section under the Central Special Section of the Datong Party, the only  There is only one liaison officer named Li Keji on the surface.  It is precisely because of this thatThe Soviet Union temporarily ignored the Datong Party's desire to be independent, but focused all its energy on overseas organizations, because they knew that the reason why the Datong Party had the confidence to say that it wanted independence was because it received assistance from overseas organizations.  Controlling overseas organizations is tantamount to controlling the Datong Party.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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