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Volume 2 Changes Chapter 024 Visitors from afar Part 4

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    During the showdown, the unprepared party is always caught off guard. Wang Ming's reaction was already in Qin Bangxian's calculations, so he didn't care about Wang Ming's appearance when he questioned him when he was angry. Instead, he took a breath and said, "Comrade Wang Ming, what's wrong with you?"  Do you consider yourself a member of the Datong Party? " Wang Ming didn't know why Qin Bangxian asked such a question. Although he was angry, he still shouted angrily: "Of course I am a member of the Datong Party, and I am the most determined member of the Datong Party.  ." The last sentence was a mockery of Qin Bangxian's lack of firmness and his defection to Li Shengshi.  "Do you still remember the ideals of the Datong Party?" Qin Bangxian ignored his sarcasm and continued to ask.  "What are the ideals of the Datong Party and why do you need to teach me? My theoretical level is no worse than anyone else." This time, Wang Ming did not cooperate with Qin Bangxian's question and asked with a sneer.  Seeing that Wang Ming no longer cooperated, Qin Bangxian stopped writing, and said with a correct attitude: "Comrade Wang Ming, based on my observations in the past few days and your just speech, the Party Central Committee believes that you and our party have some misunderstandings.  A friendly negotiation is needed." Turning back to the source, Wang Ming looked at Qin Bangxian and said with a smile: "Is it just a misunderstanding? The Communist International and the Datong Party have lost contact for more than a year, and no one knows.  What exactly happened to you this year? The truth is that after losing contact for more than a year, the Datong Party inexplicably received assistance from an unknown organization, and its equipment level far exceeded that of the Soviet Red Army. How do you want me to believe you now?  ?¡± ¡°That¡¯s why the Party Central Committee sent me to negotiate with you to resolve the misunderstanding.¡± Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the changes in the Datong Party are abnormal. Qin Bangxian does not blame Wang Ming for having ideas. He just didn¡¯t expect that Wang Ming wanted to use extreme methods to reform.  Obtain leadership of the Party Central Committee.  Although Qin Bangxian's "rebellion" disappointed Wang Ming, the Datong Party's willingness to show their intentions at least showed that they did not want to quarrel for the time being, so they might as well ask for more information, so Wang Ming said in a different tone: "Okay,  Since it is a negotiation, can you first explain to me the origin of the Red Army's new equipment? " "Our party's assistance comes from overseas organizations." Seeing that Wang Ming was finally able to communicate normally, Qin Bangxian started talking about the overseas organizations represented by Li Keji.  "Overseas organization?" Wang Ming did not expect Qin Bangxian to get down to the topic at the beginning. He originally thought that Qin Bangxian would beat around the bush for a long time. This method is very common in negotiations, but he had no impression of this so-called overseas organization, so he  I can only raise questions and hope Qin Bangxian can explain it in detail.  "Overseas organizations originally belonged to the Overseas Section of the Fourth Section under the Central Special Section. It was originally established to raise funds for the Party Central Committee" Qin Bangxian failed to participate in the enlarged meeting after the Battle of Wuqi Town, and was unsure about Li Keji's true identity.  He didn't know, so everything he explained was the background identity formulated by the Party Central Committee to protect Li Keji.  Because he didn't know the real situation, he regarded all the news released by the Party Central Committee as true. When he explained it to others, he also described it as the real thing. For a while, he also deceived Wang Ming.  After hearing that the overseas organizations were affiliated to the Central Special Branch, Wang Ming was finally relieved. Even if he was the secretary of the Central Secretariat, it was impossible for him to know all the information under the Central Special Branch. It is not surprising that the world does not know, let alone overseas  The organization was also destroyed once during the process.  After listening to Qin Bangxian¡¯s explanation, Wang Ming was relieved and couldn¡¯t help but laugh. The Datong Party was really good. Its development speed was completely surpassed by its own subordinate departments. It¡¯s no wonder that the current overseas organizations will go independent.  After learning about these situations, Wang Mingcai said: "In other words, all the aid of the Datong Party now comes from overseas organizations?" "As you can see, all aid comes from overseas organizations, and our party has not betrayed any national interests." Qin Bangxian  explain.  Even so, Wang Ming still doesn¡¯t believe that since overseas organizations already have so much energy, why should they come back to aid the Datong Party, which is at the end of its rope? Is it just because the overseas organizations come from the Datong Party? He doesn¡¯t believe it at all.  "I don't know if you have betrayed national interests. I just can't understand how overseas organizations would assist you without asking for anything in return?" "Overseas organizations are also established by members of the Datong Party. We believe in Datongism together." It is indeed such a lie.  Wang Ming is proficient in various theories of Marxism and Lenin. This kind of false and empty words is okay for deceiving a simple and passionate young man, but it is of little use to him. He has long passed the age of passion.  Seeing Wang Ming's dismissive look, Qin Bangxian did not continue to distinguish, but changed the subject and said: "Comrade Wang Ming, we are all sensible people, so we won't use those clich¨¦s. The purpose of the Party Central Committee asking me to come here this time is  I would like to convey some of our party¡¯s views to the Communist International through Representative Wang. First, the Datong Party will be independent from the Communist International in the future and will no longer be the Communist Party.The Far East Branch of the Communist International, we are a fraternal party, not a father-son party. The Communist International has no right to interfere with our party's specific revolutionary line" "You are betraying the revolution!  Seeing that Qin Bangxian finally said what the Datong Party wanted to say, Wang Ming was so angry that he slammed the table in front of him and scolded the Datong Party for their betrayal. Wang Ming's scolding voice was so loud that it could almost be heard outside the house, but fortunately the Party  The small courtyard arranged for him by the central government was separate and independent, and no one was allowed to pass by casually nearby, so no one heard his scolding. Faced with Wang Ming's scolding, Qin Bangxian was not surprised or angry, but waited until Wang Ming calmed down.  After one o'clock, he said slowly: "Comrade Wang Ming, where did we betray the revolution?  " "To disobey the command of the Communist International and arbitrarily leave the Communist International independently is to betray the revolution.  "Wang Ming said angrily. After hearing this, Qin Bangxian couldn't help but smile. Looking at Wang Ming who was still angry, he said: "So, does it mean that as long as we obey the command of the Communist International, we will be considered a revolution?  " Qin Bangxian's question was very heart-wrenching. Naturally, Wang Ming would not answer his question. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "Big Brother Soviet Russia was the first country in the world to complete the Red Revolution. It developed rapidly in just twenty years.  Becoming a superpower is what the Datong Party has always strived to emulate.  For this reason, the Datong Party joined the Communist International in order to learn from the revolutionary experience of the Soviet Big Brother. In order to guide our Red Revolution, the Soviet Big Brother not only trained military and political talents for us, but also personally came to China to guide our revolution.  Now that the revolution has not yet succeeded, the Datong Party has kicked the Communist International away. Isn't this a betrayal?  " "The revolutionary experience of Big Brother Soviet Russia is certainly valuable, but if it is out of date, it will not only fail to guide our revolutionary victory in China, but will mislead our party to take the wrong opportunity.  "Qin Bangxian did not say whether there was betrayal, but focused on the view that the Soviet Union's revolutionary experience was not suitable for China. "Untimely?  "Wang Ming did not expect that Qin Bangxian, who had always regarded the experience of Soviet Russia as the holy word, would actually say such a thing. He said angrily at the moment, "The revolutionary experience of the proletariat is applicable to all countries. Why is it inappropriate for China?  Already?  I think you are petty bourgeois weak. Faced with warlordism, you dare not fight them head-on for revolution to the end. Instead, you choose escapism, running from the city to the countryside, and from the rural areas of western Jiangxi to the northwest.  Can the revolution be successful if we just keep running like this?  " "Comrade Wang Ming, don't stand and talk without hurting your back.  "Qin Bangxian could still talk to Wang Ming calmly at first, but when he saw him angrily scolding himself for his years of failed experiences, he couldn't help but get a little angry, and unconsciously raised his voice a few decibels. "Have you been to the Soviet Area in western Jiangxi?  Have you personally presided over actual work?  The revolutionary experience of the proletariat is indeed universal, but the Soviet-Russian model does not conform to the current actual situation in China.  Do you think I haven¡¯t tried the Soviet-Russian Big Brother experience?  Let me tell you that I tried it. Not only did I try it, but I also failed miserably. The Red Army of 300,000 workers and peasants was beaten to 30,000. The Soviet area in western Jiangxi that had been built for several years was also occupied by the Kuomintang reactionaries.  Whether the Soviet-Russian model is not suitable for China or not, only I, who have personally implemented it, are qualified to judge, and you, Comrade Wang Ming, are not qualified.  "Wang Ming didn't expect that his words would stimulate Qin Bangxian's pain point. Being snatched away by Qin Bangxian, he was speechless for a moment. He was stunned for a long time before he snorted and said: "No matter whether the experience of Big Brother Soviet Russia is suitable for China, you are independent.  To leave the Communist International and not obey the command of the Communist International is betrayal.  " Seeing that the topic had returned to the source, Qin Bangxian, who had already vented his anger, felt much calmer. Listening to Wang Ming's rogue speech, he couldn't help laughing: "The methods of the Communist International are not suitable for the Chinese revolution. Not only do they not allow Datong  The party itself is exploring its own revolutionary path and wants the Datong Party to continue revolution according to wrong methods. Is this the revolutionary spirit that the Communist International should have?  When did the Communist International become imperialist?  " "Who do you think is imperialist?  " Being constantly entertained by Qin Bangxian, Wang Ming couldn't help but roared. " Qin Bangxian ignored Wang Ming's roar. Now everyone opens the sky and speaks openly. Such conflicts are inevitable. When Wang Ming becomes more relaxed, he  Then he continued: "In any case, our party's current goal is very clear, which is to blaze a revolutionary path of our own after breaking away from the Communist International. I would like to ask Representative Wang to convey this on my behalf.  " Seeing that the Datong Party was determined to separate from the Communist International, Wang Ming did not want to continue arguing. Feeling a little frustrated, he couldn't help but want to return to Soviet Russia and continue to stay within the jurisdiction of the Datong Party. Every day  It made him very tormented. But neither the Datong Party nor the Soviet Union wanted him to leave like this. There still had to be a middleman for some things, and now the best intermediary between the Datong Party and the Soviet Union was Wang Ming.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªThanks to the book friends "Wind Whisperers" for the reward.
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