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Volume 3 The Road to Rise Chapter 619 Tighten your fists

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    This is what China wants to see most, and it is also the result that the UK wants to get.  To this end, the British and French governments-in-exile invited various countries to join the anti-fascist alliance, and they soon obtained the agreement of all countries.  Because South American countries have declared war on the United States.  Britain saw new hope.  Because the land in South America is much larger than France, it is enough for the British Expeditionary Force to participate in the war against the United States.  For this reason, the British High Command and the French government-in-exile believe that the South American army has not participated in combat for a long time and lacks experience.  Therefore, Britain and France sent an expeditionary force to Brazil.  Prepare to help South American countries fight against the US military while allowing the South American army to grow rapidly.  After the great retreat of Cirque, the French army never had the chance to counterattack Europe. Therefore, General de Gaulle of the French government-in-exile led the British and French coalition forces, escorted by the British Royal Navy, across the Atlantic and landed on the South American continent.  During this period, the U.S. Atlantic Fleet tried to intercept, but the British Navy, with the help of China's large airborne early warning aircraft, often escaped the U.S. military's pursuit and interception, and finally arrived safely.  At this time, China has moved the carrier of the Hawkeye early warning aircraft to the large Pterosaur transport aircraft, so that the early warning aircraft can fly around the world with a full load of fuel.  The Hawkeye early warning aircraft is equipped with large radar devices and communication equipment, which can detect enemies first.  However, when the British Royal Navy was returning home.  Because there was a storm on the Atlantic Ocean.  This makes it impossible for China's airborne early warning aircraft to take off.  Resulting in the Anglo-American Great Battle of the Azores. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.  Month Day.  The cold Atlantic wind is biting.  The British Royal Navy, which had just experienced a storm, was discovered by a German submarine, but the British Navy did not discover the German submarine.  The German submarine quickly reported to the German naval base camp, and the German base camp immediately contacted the nearby U.S. patrol fleet, but did not tell the U.S. military the size of the British fleet.  The U.S. Navy happened to have a patrol fleet near the reporting position at this time, so the U.S. Navy Command immediately ordered this small fleet composed of one battlecruiser and three cruisers to intercept On March 6, the U.S. Navy discovered the British  The Navy's forward reconnaissance cruiser USS Pearl, also known as the USS Pearl, also sighted the American fleet.  So he hurriedly turned around and fled, and reported to the British convoy fleet far away in the sea.  The U.S. Navy has always believed that the British Navy does not dare to appear near the Atlantic Ocean, so it has no worries about this British cruiser.  At 12:10 noon, the battlecruiser USS Atlanta, the flagship of the U.S. Navy, was approaching the Pearl and broke away from the three cruiser formations behind it.  At the exit point, the battlecruiser Atlanta entered the attack range and immediately opened fire on the Pearl.  The Pearl evaded left and right, but was in front of the American battlecruisers.  The Pearl's firepower and speed were inferior to the Atlanta's, three minutes later.  After Atlanta's fourth salvo of fire, two powerful millimeter shells crippled the cruiser Pearl.  At half past one, the battlecruiser Atlanta demanded the surrender of the cruiser Pearl.  At this moment, Lieutenant General Peel, commander of the British escort fleet, led two Lion-class fast battleships and six light cruisers to arrive first.  Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Atlanta immediately turned around and ran away, but it was too late.  At a loss, the Atlanta was overtaken by a British warship and had to bite the bullet and start a battle.  However, just as the Atlanta could easily tear off the skin of the cruiser USS Pearl, the British battleship Nelson also peeled off a layer of skin from the battle cruiser USS Atlanta. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Atlanta was hit by the battleship Nelson's 8mm main gun on the starboard waterline. Atlanta, which had only the old 8mm armor protection, finally realized how helpless the battlecruiser was in front of the battleship.  The huge explosion tore open a large hole more than eight meters wide in the battle cruiser Atlanta in an instant.  The sea quickly poured in, and the battleship turned sideways in an instant.  Although the U.S. Navy officers and soldiers took many remedial measures, it still sank after 2 minutes.  He failed to capture the British navy, but instead became a prisoner of the British navy. God's will.  The three cruisers behind them turned around and ran away halfway after the Atlanta's warning.  It's okay to let them bully the merchant ships, but if they encounter the large warships of the British Navy, they will have no choice but to escape.  The U.S. Navy was furious when it learned that the British fleet had successfully escorted the British and French expeditionary forces to South America and sank the first U.S. battlecruiser, the USS Atlanta, on the way back.  Then, the U.S. Navy Command immediately dispatched the Atlantic Fleet to tightly blockade the Atlantic Ocean, and at the same time worked with the German Navy to blockade the waters around the United Kingdom.  After the war, the Royal Navy cut a large number of naval budgets and retired two-thirds of its warships.  Coupled with the collapse of the gold standard, the British naval strength dropped to the third in the world.  and.  There is a huge gap between China and the United States, which are number one in the world.  Not the same at all?An opponent on a higher level.  If the United States did not want to have a final break with China, the U.S. Navy would have attacked the British mainland long ago.  However, even if the United States and Germany did not land on the British mainland, large American surface ships and a large number of German underwater submarines blocked the Atlantic Ocean.  It also caused great losses to the UK.  At this time, the United Kingdom relied entirely on supplies shipped from China to the United Kingdom from the Mediterranean, which was extremely difficult.  Since both Venezuela and Brazil urgently equipped Chinese armored divisions, the U.S. military had to make extra preparations in Anatolia, thus wasting a lot of time.  Until March 2020, the U.S. military assembled several armored divisions in Annan, one of which was stationed to the north to attack seven armored divisions in Venezuela.  The remaining armored divisions were sent to the south to attack the armored divisions in Brazil.  The thin indentation of the book reveals a different body shape, and it is said that "reading is the best way to get rid of the adultery"!  day.  The U.S. military launched a large-scale attack on the west of the country, and both sides died in Takalei in the west of the country.  A large-scale battle took place.  At dawn, after intensive artillery preparations, the US military launched a surprise attack in three directions.  The left wing is the division under the jurisdiction of the US 7th Army.  In the middle is the 7th Armored Group commanded by coach Phil, who has 7 divisions, and on the right is the 6th Armored Army, which has 1 division.  division.  Before the general offensive, the US military also carried out two special operations to coordinate with the frontal attack.  One is an airborne combat operation code-named "Eagle." The target is to occupy the highway transportation hub behind the Pakistani army. The other is code-named "Griffin."  The operation was carried out by the U.S. Special Forces Armored Brigade.  They dressed up as British troops and sneaked into Allied positions before the arrival of the British army, causing chaos and destruction as much as possible and occupying strategic locations.  On August 1, the wounded division of the Pakistani army was defeated by the US military first, and many people surrendered after being surrounded by the US military.  Yesterday, the US Army's 2nd Armored Group entered Mali, a road transportation hub.  The right-wing 6th Panzer Army occupied the crossing of the Amazon River, and the left-wing 7th Army crossed the Hipalu River.  By March 1st, the US military had torn apart the Pakistani defense line, forming a protrusion about four kilometers wide and one kilometer to one kilometer deep.  The Allied High Command urgently mobilized fire reinforcements from the British 3rd Division and the 3rd Airborne Division, old days.  He also ordered the French 3rd Army to go north to assist Bastogne.  The Brazilian Second Army, which was holding on to Macapa, received orders to withstand the U.S. attack at all costs.  Wait until reinforcements arrive.  The 2nd Armored Division of the Pakistani Army and the 2nd Armored Division of the US Army started a fierce battle in Salles. The Pakistani army was killed in battle.  people.  The men were captured and all the tanks were lost.  As a result, the US 2nd Armored Division was called an "active hell" by the Brazilian army. On the following day, the leading troops of the US 4th Armored Division finally broke through.  Rushed into Macapa.  As the weather improved, Allied aviation began to support ground operations, dealing a fatal blow to the U.S. Armored Group Army, and the U.S.'s hope of forcibly crossing the Amazon River came to nothing.  On April 2, the US military was dispatched.  Multiple planes.  Conduct air strikes on Allied airfields in Brazil.  Blow up allied aircraft and follow the instructions.  U.S. ground forces took the opportunity to attack the western part of the Amazon River.  On April 3, the Allies also launched a large-scale counterattack.  The British and French 3rd Army and the Brazilian 3rd Army, which was holding on to the Macapa area, attacked at the same time.  The U.S. military also launched its most violent offensive in the Macapa area on this day, thus launching the fiercest battle in the Battle of Macapa.  After a whole day of bloody fighting, the Allied forces suffered heavy losses and were forced to retreat to the south bank of the Amazon River to defend.  The U.S. military suffered heavy casualties. Although it achieved victory, it did not achieve the role of a strategic surprise attack, and the battle to cross the Amazon River failed.  Relying on the natural dangers of the Amazon River, the Allied forces took advantage of the geographical advantages to inflict hardship on the Americans. The two sides launched a three-month-long general battle on both sides of the Amazon River, which ultimately shattered the U.S. military's campaign attempt.  The two sides fell into a long-term military stalemate.  While the US military was fighting in Brazil, the US military was launching an attack on Venezuela in the north.  Venezuela's location is not very good. It is close to the Atlantic coast and has a long coastline. The capital of Caracas is on the seaside and is directly under the joint attack of the US Navy and Naval Aviation.  On the beginning of March, the Fourth Squadron of the U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet launched an artillery bombardment of Caracas. On that day, Caracas was razed to the ground, causing 50,000 casualties and causing a huge panic in Venezuela.  !  day.  One armored division of the US military advanced towards Venezuela, and a fierce battle began with seven of Venezuela's main armored divisions near Ciudad Bolivar.  The Mai army fought bravely, just like the Spanish knights in the Middle Ages, driving tanks and charging towards the US military.  Unexpectedly, when the US military saw that the Venezuelan tanks were advanced, they directly confronted them head-on and took the initiative to rear.  The Venezuelan army thought that the US military was afraid, and launched a full-scale charge regardless of the cost.  A very funny scene occurred on the battlefield.  The U.S. troops ran away like crazy, and the Venezuelan troops chased them with all their might.  The American troops ran all the way back to Lord Anna.  The Venezuelan army pursued all the way into Guyana.  In the words of Marshal Luce of the Venezuelan Army, "Tanks are powerful, even more powerful than war horses." However, after entering Guyana, the seven armored divisions of the Venezuelan Army pulled out a front line that was hundreds of kilometers long, and the tank at the front suddenly stopped.  Come down because there is no fuel.  At this time, Luce suddenly realized, "It turns out that this thing is just like a horse.", want to eat!  "At this time, the U.S. armored division and rear artillery suddenly opened fire violently, and countless shells fell into the Venezuelan army. The stopped tanks of the Venezuelan army could only be beaten. Luce fled in a hurry. The U.S. military pursued the victory, but was attacked by the Venezuelan tank troops.  Fight back fiercely. For the sake of the motherland, in order to prevent the tanks from falling into the hands of the US military, the US military will fight to the end. Therefore, the US military has to destroy and capture the tanks along the way, which delays a lot of time for the US military to advance.  When they arrived in City of Bolivar, only one and a half of the seven armored divisions of the Venezuelan army did not enter the U.S. encirclement because they were running slowly. They finally refueled and ran back to City of Bolivar. However, the Venezuelan army was already severely weakened after a day.  After a fierce battle, the Venezuelan army had to withdraw from the city of Bolivar and defended on the north bank of the Gilinock River. On the 3rd, the US military dispatched aircraft to massively bombard the Venezuelan army on the north bank. At the same time, the 6th US Navy team was in the capital.  The southern port of La Guerra quietly landed on the 6th and launched a surprise attack on the Venezuelan capital. Since many Venezuelan troops were transferred to the Gilinock River to block the US military, the strength near the capital was weak, allowing the US Navy 6th Troops to easily invade the capital, and the Venezuelan government surrendered.  The Venezuelan troops near the Gilinock River were unwilling to be subjugated slaves and retreated to Colombia. On the 2nd, the US military occupied the entire territory of Venezuela and the Chinese Royal Navy's Atlantic Fleet was ordered to withdraw from Bermuda and Cartagena.  Base, the sea discussed the Great Slander River in Nicaragua and withdrew from the Caribbean. The five-star admiral Ernest King, commander of the ten-man Western Fleet of the United States, said mockingly: "This is what the Chinese are like, after decades of prosperity.  "It started to be timid." After the Chinese Royal Navy's Atlantic Fleet withdrew from the Atlantic Ocean, it further fueled the arrogance of the U.S. Navy, causing the arrogant U.S. Department of Defense to believe that the time was almost up and secretly planned an all-out war against the Chinese Empire.  At the same time, the U.S. Atlantic main fleet has been forming a combined fleet of Brazil, Chile, and Argentina near the South Atlantic, intending to destroy the South American combined fleet to achieve the strategic goal of large-scale landing operations in South America.  The main fleet of the U.S. Navy continued to search south along the South Atlantic coast, looking for the South American Combined Fleet. Since the U.S. Navy knew that the strongest South American Combined Fleet was the Brazilian Navy's multi-turret battleship Rio de Janeiro, the U.S. Navy was unable to do so because of its slow speed.  Thinking that it would not go very fast, the battlecruiser squadron was sent as the vanguard to search and advance. Under the leadership of Admiral Cheng Lian, it advanced rapidly and gradually followed the United States.  The main force of the Atlantic Fleet pulled away. On the morning of the same day, seaplanes dispatched by the vanguard fleet Boston and the battlecruiser Chicago Tower observed many warships in Port Stanley, Argentina, and then discovered a four-seater ship.  A battleship with four cannons - this is the typical symbol of the Brazilian Navy battleship Rio de Janeiro. ¡°The warships of the South American Combined Fleet are all anchored in the port, if we surprise them.  One pot and one serving is no problem!  " Cheng Lian. Admiral Li Hai was immediately attracted by this huge achievement. According to his estimation, if he surprises the enemy fleet, he can use the huge main gun caliber and long range of his battlecruisers to attack the enemy fleet.  Thinking that all the warships in the harbor would be sunk before the fire was started, Admiral Li Hai immediately ordered his battlecruiser squadron to quickly approach the sea about 10 kilometers outside Stanley Port, and at the same time sent seaplanes to conduct comparisons in the air.  When the U.S. Navy approached, the South American Combined Fleet learned of it. When the U.S. reconnaissance plane left, the South American Combined Fleet immediately left the port. At the same time, the Argentine Air Force Blade fighter jets took off to intercept the U.S. Navy flying over the water.  Reconnaissance aircraft to prevent the US military from learning that the warship is no longer in the port. Admiral Luo Haichuan, commander of the Atlantic Fleet of the Royal Navy of China, who is on standby at the Monte Bay Naval Base in Chile, received the news that the US fleet is approaching the Falkland Islands.  Admiral Kawakawa was a little surprised, because he had just received a report from the Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft that the main U.S. fleet was in the waters east of Brazil, and it was impossible for the South American Combined Fleet to provide false information, so Admiral Luo Haichuan immediately judged that it was the U.S. advance fleet, and followed the Global Hawk.  The reconnaissance plane returned the news again, confirming Admiral Luo Haichuan's suspicion that a U.S. battlecruiser squadron had separated from the main fleet of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet and appeared alone in the waters near the Falkland Islands. This is a very big piece of fat.  "Admiral Luo Hai"'s long-lost feeling reappeared, and he immediately requested instructions from the Imperial Royal Navy Fleet Command, requesting a battle, and guaranteed to annihilate this American battlecruiser fleet with certainty.  Since the Imperial Navy Fleet Headquarters transferred the Atlantic Fleet back to the Pacific, it has begun to plot against the U.S. NavyThe plan to carry out the decisive battle and place the Atlantic Fleet at the Monte Bay Naval Base in Chile was to prepare for a surprise bypass of South America and a surprise attack on the U.S. Navy.  The time has come, but the Imperial Navy does not agree to go to war immediately. The Empire is currently in the midst of a serious illness of Emperor Tianming and a national election. It is very likely that the new emperor will ascend the throne and the new cabinet will take office at the same time. The Empire needs to do its best to maintain domestic stability and prevent a change of power.  Changes happen.  However, the Admiralty did not put its words to death.  The Admiralty also wanted war.  The final order given to Luo Haichuan was, "You can fight, but you must ensure that the Americans die in confusion."  Admiral Luo Haichuan naturally has a way to do this.  It¡¯s not the first time I¡¯ve done it, so I¡¯m very confident.  Immediately ordered the Atlantic Fleet of the Imperial Navy to set out and head to the South Pacific waters.  At this time, the Atlantic Fleet of the Imperial Royal Navy was in possession.  A fast battleship, the Taipei is "Jiu", the Nanjing is "Zhao Yiyi", the Fuzhou is "Jiu", the Hong Kong is "Jiu Bijiu", the Macau is "Zhao Yili", the Luoyang is "Zhao Yiwu", the Anyang is "Zhao Yidao", the Puyang is "Jie",  Nanyang%, Kaifeng, Xuchang, etc. A-class aircraft carrier battle group, Han Wen Emperor Hua Yin, Tang Taiwu Emperor Ping 14, Tang Wenhuang Emperor Feng Yi., Tang Zetian Empress  Look at everything, including the Chinese Aegis cruiser, the anti-aircraft and anti-submarine destroyer, and the ugly submarine.  The Wolf, The Passing Cong, Hugo Eats Books, Sparrows Diving into the Abyss, etc. have voted for their valuable monthly votes. Special thanks to book friends and book friends Jiu Ran!
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