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Volume 3 The Road to Rise Chapter 618 Provoking Public Outrage

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    Hitler was also hesitant about this. He once said to Guderian, "I have been in a bad mood since I started thinking about this attack." But in the end Hitler decided to adopt Manstein's plan.  He issued Combat Order No. 6 on April 1st, deciding that the German army would jointly launch a pincer offensive with Army Group Center and Army Group South to destroy the Soviet army in the Kursk salient.  The operation was code-named "Fortress". Operation "Fortress" was supposed to be launched on April 4 as planned. However, due to the late end of the rainy season this year and the lack of preparation by the German army, the operation plan had to be repeatedly postponed.  At a meeting in March to discuss the "Fortress" plan, General Model, commander of the Third Army, brought a stack of aerial photos.  These photos show that the Soviet army has built a large number of defenses along the German offensive route. Model believes that the best opportunity to attack has been lost and the Soviet army has recovered its strength.  The "Fortress" plan should be abandoned.  Hitler again showed hesitation.  However, with the persistence of Kruger, Zeitzler, Manstein, etc. and their confidence in the "Blitzkrieg", the "Fortress" operation was finally determined to be launched in July.  The Battle of Kursk broke out, but the result was unsatisfactory. The German army wanted to break the deadlock with the Soviet army.  But they were always defeated by the Soviet army's strong will.  Throughout the battle, the German army advanced hundreds of kilometers.  On the whole, we are still in a stalemate with the Soviet army.  In the Battle of Kursk, the German army's elite divisions, including armored and tank divisions, were defeated.  The rest suffered heavy losses.  The loss of troops fell to more than 10,000, and the loss of about 100,000 tanks.  Loss of artillery and mortars!  Gongmen, the loss of the aircraft resulted in a mouth frame.  The Soviet Union also suffered heavy losses.  Strive for a field division.  The number of troops lost was tens of thousands, tanks, vehicles, and artillery were lost.  door, the aircraft was lost out of the tool holder.  Neither side was a winner, but the defeat of the battle caused Nazi Germany to permanently lose the initiative on the Soviet-German battlefield. Since then, the German army has never launched a threatening offensive on the Eastern Front of the European battlefield.  Soviet Russia's industry and agriculture were completely destroyed by Germany. It relied entirely on loans from China and assistance from China to survive, and it wanted to attack Germany.  Even more powerless.  The strategic requirement of the imperial government is to hope that Soviet Russia and Germany will fight to the death and maintain a balance on the battlefield.  Consume Ouyuan's strength as much as possible.  At this time, Britain had changed its view of playing tricks on Soviet Russia and began to actively assist Soviet Russia.  Because Britain no longer has a foothold on the European continent, Soviet Russia has become Britain's last hope on the European continent.  In order to step up reinforcements to the Soviet Union, a huge maritime formation quietly left the port of Reykjavik in southwest Iceland and began to sail to the Murmansk military port in the northwest of the Soviet Union. The entire voyage spanned four kilometers and the operation number was Bien.  .  This is the largest fleet dispatched by the British army since it began transporting combat supplies to the Soviet Union on the Arctic Ocean route in August 2015. It is also the largest and most valuable military transport in the history of the Arctic Ocean, with a total of witchcraft participating.  It starts in the second half of the year.  The war situation in the Soviet Union became increasingly tense.  The German army invaded the Volga and Caucasus regions of the Soviet Union.  The Red Army fought hard and urgently needed a large amount of combat supplies.  Britain is worried.  If the Nazi plot to invade the Soviet Union succeeds, the task of fighting the Nazis will likely fall on Britain alone.  On the country.  to this end.  Britain decided to aid the Soviet Union at all costs.  This fleet carried a total of 10,000 tons of combat supplies.  The total value is high in dragon coins, including powerful combat aircraft, a tank, multiple trucks and trailers.  The British army estimates that these combat materials can arm 10,000 Soviet Red Army soldiers.  Enough to fight fascist attacks on a large battlefield.  In order to ensure that this fleet can deliver supplies to the Soviet Union without any loss, the British Navy dispatched 6 destroyers and other armed ships for close escort.  In addition, four Allied cruisers and three destroyers were on guard about 100 kilometers north of the fleet.  The British Navy was still uneasy, and on June 1, it sent a team to provide long-distance escort for the fleet.  This formation is about 10 kilometers away from the fleet.  Including the aircraft carrier "Victory", 2 battleships, 2 cruisers and a destroyer.  On July 1, a Nazi reconnaissance plane searching for targets in the northern Atlantic spotted the Bigou fleet.  The German Navy immediately dispatched two submarines for tracking and reconnaissance.  After understanding the situation, the German army decided to concentrate its forces to attack the fleet.  July 2nd at 6:30 in the morning.  Seven "old" Nazi torpedo planes launched an attack. However, they were intercepted by fierce anti-aircraft fire from the Bien fleet. Two planes were shot down, and the remaining planes had to drop torpedoes in a hurry. Those torpedoes were all out of range. They failed to fire.  Hitting any target. The Germans continued to attack, but it was not until July 3 that they severely damaged a cargo ship. The entire fleet felt confident that as long as they persisted, they would be able to defeat the Nazis.  . In the afternoon of the same day, the Nazis launched another air strike, using cunning tactics. When ten thousand fighter planes attacked in two groups, several other torpedo planes approached the fleet at low altitude and fired about 10 torpedoes. Unfortunately, the ship was hit.  Among them, Ao was severely damaged and could not be used.nbsp; Just as the escort formation was fighting the Nazi attack with all its strength.  British Admiralty Pound suddenly received information that the Nazi's largest battleship "Tibitz" had left port and set sail.  "Tibitz" is the largest Nazi warship that was put into operation at the beginning of the year. It has a displacement of over 10,000 tons and is larger than a British aircraft carrier.  Pound was worried.  Once "Tibitz" is approaching the huge fleet in northern Norway.  Both the escort formation and the fleet will be hit hard.  If all the escort ships are allowed to return westward.  Than fleet disorganization.  If they are dispersed into single ships and then move eastward, all warships and a small number of merchant ships can be saved.  Pound was a senior military officer with a background as a staff officer.  Not very familiar with the specific conditions of the Arctic routes and the Arctic sea. Soon, the escort formation, dominated by the British army, received three secret emergency evacuation orders from the Lord of the Admiralty.  The first secret order is: the escort formation will immediately withdraw to the west.  The second secret order was: Due to the threat of Nazi surface warships, the transport fleet should disperse towards Russian ports.  The third secret order is: transport ships should disperse. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Actually.  Hitler was particularly afraid that Britain's powerful aircraft carrier fleet would sink the Nazi's only maritime fortress "Tibitz". In July, he ordered the ship to return quickly and let German fighter planes and other warships attack the Allied fleet.  Due to Pound¡¯s wrong decision, the escort formation withdrew.  The huge fleet also began to evacuate, traveling slowly and alone on the Arctic Ocean without any protection, and soon became the target of Nazi warships and fighter planes.  The British navy paid a heavy price for its wrong decision.  Nazi Navy Commander Raeder was very happy after receiving the British Navy's order to evacuate the escort formations and fleets.  Warships and fighter planes were immediately ordered to dispatch.  Comprehensive siege and massacre of ships scattered by Bigou.  It¡¯s about 8:30 a.m. on July.  The largest interception operation in the Arctic Ocean has begun.  For a time, the skies over the Arctic Ocean were filled with distress signals.  The British cargo ship Byron Reich was one of the first ships to be sunk by a Nazi submarine torpedo attack.  Subsequently, Nazi dive bombers launched a desperate attack and sank many ships.  As darkness fell, the Nazis ceased their attacks.  The Allied fleet lost approximately 1,000 ships that day.  After July 6, the Nazis continued to carry out crazy attacks, chasing and killing ships everywhere.  July o.  The two ships finally sailed to the sea area only 1,000 kilometers away from the Soviet port of Murmansk.  Suddenly he was chased by Nazi fighter planes.  It was blown to pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea.  Due to Nazi air raids, the Soviet Union had to temporarily close the port of Murmansk.  The surviving ships had to sail to the port of Arkhangelsk in the northwest of the Soviet Union.  Flying in July.  "The last surviving ship of Bixi entered the port to unload its cargo." In this bloody attack on the Arctic Ocean, Bi's losses were extremely heavy. Among the numerous merchant ships, only  was sunk. The damaged combat materials that sank to the bottom of the ocean included anhui combat aircraft, 3 tanks, 3 trucks and trailers, and tens of thousands of tons of other combat materials. Many crew members died, and many people died.  He was disabled by gunshot wounds and frostbite. In this tragic incident, the direct economic loss was more than 100,000 yuan. After the bloody interception in the Arctic Ocean, the Yingmu Navy was "too ashamed" to tell the people the reason for the failure.  Stalin, who had always been skeptical of Western cooperation, simply did not believe that Britain, with its powerful maritime power, would cause a fleet to lose more than 20 ships. He believed that this was a big lie told by Western countries and the Biyichuan fleet suffered huge losses.  The main reason is that the British naval headquarters misjudged the situation, disbanded the fleet, and lost the most effective defense method. From then on, the British navy changed its tactics at a heavy cost and turned defeat into victory.  The route became an extremely important lifeline for the Soviet Union. Just as Europe and Germany were in a stalemate, the United States' actions in South America also unfolded.  Similarly, the United States was not ready for war with the Chinese Empire, so it bypassed several small countries in Central America and the Caribbean and directly aimed its strategic target at French Guiana.  The United States and Britain and France are already at war with each other. Therefore, it is logical for the United States to send troops to the French colonies. However, the strategic purpose of the United States is not just French Doana, but the entire South America. It can open China's blockade.  At the same time, the United States can escape China's three-island blockade by occupying South America. At the same time, the United States' economic and military strength is not enough to compete with China, so the United States needs a huge territory like China.  While completing the strategic depth, it can continue the long-term military confrontation with China. At the same time, after acquiring a large number of colonies, the United States can not rely on foreign markets, and thus have a bargaining chip in economic competition with China. It can be said that the Americans have been there from the beginning.  Strategically, we are afraid of China, and we have already lost one round before the war started.sp; In 1999, after the United States stabilized Canada and Mexico, its huge war victory made Americans crazy.  The Roosevelt administration of the United States sold land and mineral resources in Canada and Mexico to major domestic businessmen to obtain more war funds.  On July 1, the U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet launched a South American offensive, shelling Cayenne Bay in French Guiana and sinking two old French cruisers.  The 6th U.S. Marine Corps captured Cayenne within six hours. Most of the time was spent on marching, and the actual battle did not take more than a few minutes.  France has been destroyed, so the French colonies have become the talk of South American powers.  Especially Brazil and Venezuela next to Guyana have already sent troops to occupy most of the territory to the north and south.  However, it was precisely because of this that the United States "gave the reason to declare war on Brazil and Venezuela. On August 1, the U.S. Atlantic Fleet escorted tens of thousands of U.S. troops to Cayenne. This action made Brazil and Venezuela feel dangerous. After the United States became a fascist country  , countries across the American continent began to be on guard. After the U.S. military invaded Mexico and Canada, countries in South America held regional meetings to discuss ways to deal with the U.S. military invasion of Spain and Chile.  After seeing that the United States did not dare to attack Nicaragua, countries such as Argentina believed that the United States had stopped its plan to invade South America. The countries in South America, which had just been at peace for a few years, began to fight again. This was until the US military captured Cayenne, French Guiana.  After that, countries woke up again.  Everyone knows the strategic intention of the US military to capture there. It is not just because of the declaration of war on France, but because the US wants to find a springboard to capture the countries in South America.  So Ba Xi took the lead.  Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and other countries once again sat together to discuss joint measures to deal with the United States. Representatives from the Consulate General of South America of the Chinese Empire attended.  Chile and Colombia have the best relations with the Chinese Empire. The two countries took the lead in connecting other countries and urgently purchased additional Chinese advanced equipment: South American countries have long wanted to obtain China's advanced equipment.  It can be said that it has reached the point of salivation.  However, China only maintains economic and political ties with most South American countries, and military trade is only available to countries such as Colombia and Chile.  Although they are all slave countries, they still have to be divided into hierarchies and hierarchies, right?  At this point, the Chinese Empire is a bowl of water. Whichever country's government is pro-China will receive special care.  Under the military arm of the Chinese Empire.  The Colombian army, a second-tier country in South America, has transformed into a South American military power, second only to Chile.  Other countries, such as Brazil, have been wavering between China and the United States, so they can only envy them.  Now that the United States has captured Triana, everyone understands that the Americans have skipped several countries in the Sino-US divide.  Just not prepared for direct military conflict with China.  So obviously pro-China Colombia and Chile were put last in the US South American strategy, while Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and other countries became the first targets of US aggression. ???????????????????? A few years ago, none of the countries in South America would be interested in the United States, because at that time, the United States¡¯ military strength was about the same as theirs.  "However, the United States is powerful today.  Even all the countries in South America combined would not be able to see enough.  Therefore, Brazil and Venezuela, which are closest to Guyana, are the first to be afraid.  With the persuasion of Chile and Colombia.  South American countries all understand that the United States wants to turn them into colonial places for dumping goods.  therefore.  For the sake of national sovereignty and independence, South American countries have signed long-term strategic military trade cooperation with the Chinese Empire. ????????????????????????????? The Chinese Empire provided war loans worth 400 million dragon coins to South American countries, requiring them to use the money to purchase China's advanced military equipment. Brazil and Venezuela received half of the share because they were the first to bear the brunt.  As a mortgage for this huge amount of military supplies, Brazil pledged its domestic exports of iron ore and agricultural and sideline products, and Venezuela pledged its domestic oil exports to Chinese companies.  Since the South American Abyss is the last buffer zone for direct war between China and the United States, the imperial government attaches great importance to the military defense of South American countries.  Therefore, the export of military materials and technology to South American countries is also the least restrictive.  In addition to key strategic military technologies, the empire transported large quantities of advanced weapons and equipment to Colombia and Chile, and then transported them to Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and other countries through Route 6 to prevent them from being intercepted by the US military.  In order to obtain Chinese military equipment as soon as possible, Brazil and Venezuela have built several large air force airports in the rear areas of their countries.  China's powerful air transportation capabilities surprised the two governments of the two countries.  Starting from the day the contract is signed on August 7th, it will end on August 7th.  Within a month or so, China used its powerful air transport capabilities to launchFour large-scale pterosaur transport aircraft and a 10,000-ton cargo ship.  The Black Hawk Heart-shaped fighter will be powerful, 2.  The Bobcat main battle tank, four infantry fighting vehicles and anti-tank fighting vehicles, four military vehicles, various artillery pieces, and a large number of light and heavy machine guns, rifles, ammunition and other military supplies arrived and helped Brazil  and Venezuela were formed.  Armored divisions, including 7 from Venezuela and 1 from Brazil.  After the U.S. Command learned about it, it understood that the South American countries had begun to prepare for war.  Therefore, the U.S. military believed that it was better to attack sooner rather than later: So, the U.S. military headquarters launched the attack on the 2nd of August.  The war expanded in the early morning of the 3rd. As the Chinese Royal Navy's Atlantic Fleet blocked the Caribbean Sea and the waters near Bermuda, the US military transport fleet had to take a long way to transport equipment and military troops to Triana.  The six U.S. infantry divisions in Annana cannot wait for the arrival of large-scale heavy equipment from the U.S. military.  Directly attacked the Venezuelan and Brazilian armies in Guyana with pure field infantry divisions.  The new armored divisions formed by Brazil and Venezuela are all in the rear, and the troops in Guyana are also old-fashioned infantry, so their equipment is similar to that of the US military.  However, although the U.S. military is not much stronger than the Brazilian and Venezuelan military, the U.S. military with the residual power of victory in the war still frightens the Venezuelan and Brazilian coalition forces.  On the afternoon of the 4th, the Venezuelan and Pakistani coalition forces in Triana were defeated and retreated to the border between the two countries.  At the same time, the U.S. government issued a declaration claiming that Brazil and Venezuela were helping France fight against the United States, and therefore the U.S. government declared war on the two countries.  Then Brazil and Venezuela declared war on the United States respectively on the 6th.  Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Paraguay have declared war on the United States.  Since then, the United States has offended all South American countries.  Caught in a state of public outrage.  1111111111111111111111,1111111111 Thank you book friends for smoking butts, horror and anger, joy and sorrow  , Sha, Baofenghao for his valuable monthly votes, special thanks to Baofenghao for his four monthly votes!  There are many monthly votes cast by book friends. Since the author cannot see them in the background, I would like to thank them all here. Thank you all for your continued support!
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