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    The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and after the teachers of each class went out, the students in the classroom also began to move.  In the corridor outside a long row of classrooms, the teachers passing by with textbooks and the students who were out for activities looked at the two people standing in the corridor curiously, with some mocking and contemptuous looks among them.  In the eyes of the students, those who were punished by the teacher were "bad students". Naturally, they would not be very friendly to bad students. Some students passing by were too lazy to look sideways and ignored them completely.  Among the two people who were forced to stand, the student on the left had a smiling face, and he always looked a little unruly. This person was also somewhat famous in several nearby classes, because this person was thick-skinned and was a repeat offender.  Repeat offenders belong to the same category, typically those at the tail end of a crane.  At this moment, this man was talking to his classmates who came out of the classroom, and he had no consciousness of standing still at all. To him, this was a common occurrence and not a big deal.  The person on the right has his head lowered and his face is expressionless. Of course, because he has his head lowered, even if he has an expression, he will not let his classmates see it.  "Hey, why were these two people in your class punished to stand?" Someone from the next class asked in a low voice someone they knew here.  "Do you know about Song Ning in our class?" The person being asked gave a "you know" look.  Several students around him all had expressions of "Oh, that's it."  Song Ning from Class 3 is pretty, has good grades, and has a good personality. Every time she takes the exam, the teachers in each class mention her to the top ten in age. There are many people chasing her, but Song Ning is not that interesting at all, she is a typical  A good student.  In less than half a day, the entire grade knew that Jiao Wei and Cheng Feng from Class 3 had a fight over Song Ning and were punished by the class teacher for standing all morning. There were many people in each class who loved gossip.  Time is enough for them to know this.  Cheng Feng stood there and was still thinking about talking to the passing classmates. He made a sound, pursed his lips in Jiao Wei's direction, and complained to a few close friends: "Crazy, I really can't take a joke." He spoke  Sometimes it's a bit casual, but I didn't expect that Jiao Wei would start a fight with me after just making a joke. As for that, it was reallyfucked.  After the morning class was over, the two of them were taken to the office by their head teacher to continue their education.  Facing the head teacher¡¯s spitting reprimand, both of them lowered their heads, but their moods were completely different. One felt that it didn¡¯t matter, just go through with the reprimand, while the other felt embarrassed.  Jiao Wei already felt embarrassed enough by standing in the corridor for people to "view" for half the morning, and now he was being scolded by the class teacher. Listening to the class teacher's increasingly harsh words, Jiao Wei clenched his fists, and his sensitive self-esteem had been  He was whipped one whip after another, and something in his heart seemed to burst out.  "Do you know what you look like? You are like rat shit that fell into a pot of good porridge! Even if you are bad, you will lead the whole class to follow you to embarrass you, just like that famous guy named Xiao in your junior high school.  Same, scum! The trash of society! "The class teacher is very young, just thirty years old. I heard that he graduated from a famous normal school in the country. He has only been a class teacher for two years. He is strict in doing things and prides himself on being righteous.  They are clearly divided according to their own standards. Whoever touches the line will start training in angry youth mode.  Some people say that this head teacher does not know how to speak tactfully, and is rather mean and merciless.  Today, Jiao Wei and Cheng Feng were at each other's throats again. He wouldn't stop until he was given a good training, and he didn't even think about eating lunch.  The head teacher didn¡¯t expect the person in front of him to dare to resist. Even if Cheng Feng, an ¡°old fritter¡±, was pulled over and reprimanded no less than ten times, nothing happened. Unexpectedly, during the reprimand, there was a sudden sound from the table.  The teacher's table in front of him was overturned, and the person who overturned it was Jiao Wei, who usually had no "bad deeds". Even Cheng Feng, an "old fritter", was so surprised that his eyes widened.  The head teacher reacted quickly. After being stunned, he became even more angry. He looked at Jiao Wei and said, "What do you want? Turn over the table, ha! You have a bigger temper than me! I can't even say a few words to you? If you have the ability, don't come to school."  Class!" Jiao Wei turned around and walked out, ignoring what the head teacher said behind him.  So, on the same day, Jiao Wei had a fight with his classmates, stood in the corridor outside the class for a long time as a punishment, and then flipped the table with the class teacher.  Soon, the head teacher called Jiao Wei's parents to come and talk.  In the afternoon, Jiao Wei returned to their shop near the school to rent a house without going to school. However, after his parents were called by the class teacher to talk, they came back and spoke to Jiao Wei without hesitation. Still unwilling to scold him, they secretly discussed the matter.  Qian went to give gifts to the head teacher and school leaders, a meal, etc. After all, Jiao Wei also wanted to go back to school. He was also worried that the school would give Jiao Wei a demerit. I didn¡¯t know if it would be recorded in the file. The school was looking for negative examples.  According to what the head teacher said, the school might be targeting Jiao Wei.  The head teacher didn't really want to stab him. If everyone knew about it, he was not the only one who was embarrassed.?Teaching your own class?  But at that time, a school leader happened to be passing by, so he caught him and refused to let him go.  "Go buy some high-end things. The people in this town are no better than those in our village. They have a higher level of vision. If you want to treat yourself to a meal, you can go to some luxurious or royal palace. I heard that it is high-end. If you want to treat me to a meal, go there. Is 5,000 yuan enough?  "How about I go get some more?" Jiao Wei's parents were discussing, and when they were taking money from the cabinet, they were seen by Jiao Wei who came out.  He heard what his parents said just now, looked at the wad of money in his father's hand, and didn't know what it felt like.  My parents worked from dawn to dusk every day, wishing to break a dime into several parts, but at this time they took the money very decisively without any hesitation. Five thousand yuan meant that their family would have to work hard for several months.  After entering high school, Jiao Wei didn¡¯t focus on studying. He was always ranked in the middle and lower reaches, and he didn¡¯t think about how much he would study in the future.  When he came out, he really thought that he would forget about studying in the future and do something on his own. Many people in the village went out to work, and they could send home a lot of money every year. There were also many junior high school classmates who didn't study, and they didn't.  Who can't survive.  "Don't go, I won't read anymore." Jiao Wei said hoarsely.  "What are you kidding about? How can you not read it?!" The first person to strongly object was Jiao Wei's mother. The most frugal woman at ordinary times objected firmly at this time.  "Yes, we have to read. It's okay. Just wait at home and I'll find the teacher. Don't worry." Jiao Wei's father said.  The person Jiao Wei's father likes to talk about the most is the friend who goes to teach at Chuhua University in the provincial capital. Comparing it with himself, he naturally hopes that Jiao Wei can learn from others and study at a big school.  The couple used to be servants, and later started a small business. Although they can barely be considered businessmen, their temperaments are still the same as before. They are a bit honest and honest. They are not as good as others, and they have not gone through relationships, such as asking people to give gifts.  It had never been done before, and they consulted other people when they came back.  Jiao Wei has seen people in his school go to the school leaders. In a word, with the style of those leaders, when low-level citizens like them go to ask for help, they should bring both money and gifts, but no self-esteem.  Spineless.  After his parents went out, Jiao Wei didn't stay at home. He felt very confused, a little aggrieved, regretful, guilty, resentful, and other unexplainable things. He wanted to cry for no reason, but couldn't.  Unable to stay in the house, Jiao Wei simply went out and walked aimlessly.  It was already dark early in the night. Jiao Wei walked through the brightly lit streets and continued along the increasingly deserted highway. When he was tired, he rested for a while and continued walking.  The further you go, the wider the road becomes. This side is far away from the center of the town, and the design is more reasonable. There are not many people on both sides of the street that is wider than the center of the town. It is far less prosperous than there. Even if the road is wider, there are not many people.  Several cars go this way.  I don¡¯t know how long I walked, but when I reached the outskirts of the city, the road was no longer smooth and not that wide. There were no street lights, and there were large tracts of farmland on both sides.  Under the moonlight, the crops in the farmland swayed with the wind, and from time to time there were some cats meowing or other weird sounds.  To many people, this scene was a bit eerie, but Jiao Wei, perhaps because of his mood, did not feel scared. After he was tired from walking, he sat down calmly and did not mind that the ground was dirty.  Although his mood was complicated and he didn't know what he was thinking, Jiao Wei stared at the farmland in front of him all night, without feeling sleepy at all.  It was still a bit cold at night, but Jiao Wei endured it and just kept sitting.  There were very few people walking on the outskirts of the city, and few cars passed by all night. It was not until dawn that a few people showed up. They even looked at Jiao Wei who was sitting next to him curiously, but they didn't go over to talk to him.  They were busy with their own affairs, and left without stopping on their bicycles. Everyone was busy with their own affairs.  Jiao Wei thought about it all night but couldn't come up with any clue. He was a little confused now, and he didn't dare to go home or see the people he knew. Should he continue to stay here?  At this time, there was a sudden sound and a motorcycle passed by.  Probably because the roads in this area are not easy to walk, the driving speed is not very fast.  Originally Jiao Wei had no intention of paying attention, but unexpectedly the motorcycle drove past and then drove back, stopping a few steps away from Jiao Wei.  "Jiao Wei?" The person in the car took off his helmet and asked.  Seeing Jiao Wei looking over, the people in the car were happy, "Oh, it's really you. What's going on? Are you playing hooky? Today is not the weekend." Jiao Wei really didn't expect to see this person here.  .  This is Jiao Wei¡¯s junior high school classmate, and he is also the ¡°who named Xiao¡± whom their class teacher mentioned yesterday as ¡°gangster¡±, ¡°scum¡± and ¡°social trash¡± when he was reprimanding him.  Xiao Xiaohuan¡¯s grades have always been poor. Although he is not ranked last, he is still at the bottom of the class. He stares at books impatiently and stopped reading after graduating from junior high school.  These two anxious yearsI've met this person a few times, but I haven't spoken to him, so it's not like I don't recognize him.  Now Jiao Wei doesn't want to pay attention to this person. He doesn't want to say a word now, and he doesn't want to see someone he knows.  Little gangster Xiao didn't pay attention to Jiao Wei's attitude. He stood leaning on his little broken motorcycle, took out a cigarette and smoked it slowly. His feet were shaking, looking like he was feeling a bit proud.  And gloating about one's misfortune, then it seems to say: Dem, I didn't expect you to have this day, isn't it miserable?  Jiao Wei ignored him, but Little Gangster Xiao started talking to himself, talking about some of his small businesses and achievements after graduation, and by the way, he was hurting Jiao Wei and his former classmates.  After talking for a long time, Jiao Wei didn't make a sound, Xiao Xiaohuan smacked his lips.  "Jiao Wei, I know you people look down on me, and I don't care about you. What do you think has nothing to do with me? But now that I have met you, and seeing how sloppy you are, I will just say a few words.  , you can listen or not." "Little gangster Xiao held the cigarette between his fingers and flicked the cigarette butt skillfully.  "My brain can't learn those advanced things you read, and I didn't go to high school. In your eyes, I am just a gangster, but can anyone be a gangster? Some people are gangsters all their lives.  Good water turns into a stinking quagmire, and then it completely rots. But some people can get ahead! Do you know what it means to get ahead?" Jiao Wei still didn't say anything, but he measured his head and looked at his junior high school classmate.  Seeing that Jiao Wei finally reacted, Little Gangster Xiao became even more excited.  He threw away the cigarette butt, rolled it with his toes, and raised his chin toward the field, "Do you know what that is?" Jiao Wei looked over, and the rising sun had begun to emerge, showing the vitality of the first morning.  "Chaoyang?" Jiao Wei said.  "Tsk," Xiao Xiaohuan snorted disdainfully.  Xiao Xiaohuan no longer leaned on the motorcycle, but took a step towards the field, looked at the large field in front of him, raised his hand and nodded: "There, there, and the large area over there will all be mine.  " "You want to farm here?" It's not that Jiao Wei looks down on farming, his family also farms, but based on his understanding of Xiao Xiaohuan, he really can't figure out why this person buys land.  Little gangster Xiao choked up when Jiao Wei said "farming". He really wanted to say "pig brain", but thinking of this person's score in the high school entrance examination, he swallowed the words he was about to say and said instead: "As for you,  All you have to do is study. Don¡¯t think about pursuing my profession. You won¡¯t be able to do it. Don¡¯t even think about imitating other people¡¯s work and doing business. You will definitely be cheated.¡± Facing the large field, Xiao Xiaohuan raised his arms.  A look of intoxication on his face.  "Jiao Wei, do you believe that this place will become a prosperous area and a new town center?" Jiao Wei looked at the large tracts of farmland in front of him and shook his head.  He couldn't imagine it.  Little gangster Xiao just gave me a "superficial" look and didn't explain. Instead, he looked at the farmland and continued: "Many people said to me, 'You missed the best era for your rise. If you want to rise now, it's too late.  'But I don't agree! It's not too late!" "You guys look down on me? At least I know what I'm going to do in the future.  Do you know how to find your own way? Apart from sitting in the classroom with you as a nerd all day long, doing whatever the teacher asks you to do, what else do you know? It takes at least a few steps to find your own way.  Year. Now, my starting point is higher than yours. As for whether you can fly a highly intelligent airplane to surpass my little motorcycle in the future, it depends on whether you have the ability. Some people even drive sports cars.  Running around at the destination, besides, maybe my little motorcycle will be replaced by a big Ben in the future? " Others may not understand these words, but Jiao Wei understands.  A Chinese teacher in their class used to make an analogy. He said that everyone¡¯s starting point is the same, but some people drive fast when they set off, and some people drag wooden carts. Even though the starting point is the same, the speed is still the same.  Naturally different, but knowledge is a kind of armed force. Books have their own golden houses. Although the wooden cart puller lags behind, he may be able to fly a plane and surpass him in the future. He said that reading is the only way out for the poor.  " People like Xiao Xiaohuan are the negative teaching materials in the mouth of teachers in various subjects. It's no wonder that Xiao Xiaohuan is so resentful. It seems that he has a very clear impression of himself in the minds of the teachers.  After Xiao Xiaohuan had vented his inner resentment and expressed his ambition freely, he took a few breaths and looked at Jiao Wei sideways, "There is an old saying, 'fly high and see far', don't fan  When I flap my wings twice, I feel like I'm trying my best. You can only know how high you can fly when you fly first and see.  Like! You have to learn this from me!¡±  Xiao Xiaohuan paused, and then said a sentence in English in his standard dialect: "I'm spring yemer!" Jiao Wei: "" Xiao Xiaohuan said enough, stepped on  Motorcycle, wear a helmet, he still cherishes his life.  Jiao Wei stood up with some difficulty, moved his legs that were numb from sitting for a long time: "Give me a ride." "Get out of here, you bitch, we have different opinions, no ride! You little bastard, I'll just drive mine first."  Now that the little broken motorcycle is gone, you should continue to build the plane for your intellectuals. This is all you can do with your brain. Find the right direction and fly quickly. Of course, if you don't succeed, you can come back and work for me.  For the sake of my junior high school classmates, I will give you a higher salary" Before he finished speaking, he drove away on his little broken motorcycle.  Looking at the motorcycle flying away in the dust, and then looking at the endless road, Jiao Wei suddenly realized that he seemed to have run far away.  I didn¡¯t see any more cars on the road, so I had to walk back by myself.  A cat sprang out from the field next to it, looked at Jiao Wei, and then continued to run into the field to catch the swinging leaves.  On the other side of the field, where the blue-brick residential buildings shrunk in sight, someone shouted "Mi¡ª¡ª" several times in this direction, followed by the sound of knocking on the rice bowl.  The cat, which was playing with grass leaves in the field, immediately stood up and ran towards that direction, meowing as it ran, as if in response.  Raising his hands to block the sunlight, Jiao Wei took a deep breath and walked back along the road.  I wasn't home all night, and I didn't make a phone call. My parents were probably so anxious that they didn't sleep all night. ?¡­ ?Ten years later.  A car parked at the gate of Chuhua University. Jiao Wei got out of the car. He followed his doctoral supervisor to a company with a cooperative project to handle some matters. The supervisor had a house nearby, and when he came back, he dropped Jiao Wei off.  send over.  Jiao Wei went to his small restaurant to have a meal before entering the school gate. He had a few copies that needed to be stamped in the courtyard.  Jiao Wei didn't go far along the main road of the campus when he heard someone calling him. He followed the sound and saw a man with a smiling face running towards him.  "Hey, Cheng Feng, why didn't you call me when you came here?" Jiao Wei said to the visitor with a smile.  "The company organization came here for training. I thought you weren't here. Didn't you say you had something to do a while ago? Have you just come back?" Cheng Feng wiped the sweat from his head, "It was said to be cadre training, but there is also military training.  , Damn, I haven¡¯t been scolded like this since I was a freshman. It¡¯s so hot. Fortunately, your school has many treesthe quality of female students in your school is very good. The school I attended at that time was a college focusing on engineering.  There's a bunch of 'monks' in school, even if the girls there are toad-like, they've already been booked Hey, look at that, that girl has a nice figure, look, look, look!" "Don't you have a wife?  ?" Jiao Wei asked.  "Hey, aren't you here? Look at your seriousness and your lack of progress at all." As he spoke, Cheng Feng's eyes slipped and glanced at the girls who were walking over.  Jiao Wei smiled, Cheng Feng talked like this. He had fought many times before, but he became familiar with it later.  It was like that when we were students. We got bruised and bruised on the court, but maybe we would become brothers in the next game.  Who hasn¡¯t done a few **** things before?  Teenagers have the impulses of teenagers, and adults have the way of thinking of adults. After a few years of hard work after leaving school, their views on people and things have naturally become much more mature. What happened in high school?  At that time, the frictions were all insignificant and straightforward, and a man would not dwell on trivial matters from the past.  When you leave school and enter society, you will find that people who are your brothers and sisters one moment can stab you in the next moment.  I still cherish the friendship I had in high school to this day.  There was a high school class reunion last year, and Cheng Feng even took Jiao Wei for a drink. Not only Cheng Feng, but also Jiao Wei and his class teacher.  The class teacher who was rigid in his work and harsh in his lectures has changed now. After more than ten years as a class teacher, he has brought students from one class to another and has his own insights. During the class reunion, he even chatted with Jiao Wei and Cheng Feng.  After what happened that year, the three of them were quite calm. Cheng Feng even had several drinks with the class teacher, as if they were brothers.  While clinking glasses with his high school teacher, Cheng Feng said: "Old class, you used to say that we were social trash. Look, aren't we all social elites now?" The class teacher also laughed, "I was like that back then.  I'm so angry that I'm glad that you are like this now. Speaking of which, at that time, you all listened to my lectures" When he said this, the head teacher also looked at Jiao Wei.  Jiao Wei coughed and touched his nose, remembering the time when he and his class teacher turned over the table.  "What's the shame? I'm also responsible." The head teacher clinked the cup with Jiao Wei, took a sip of wine, and then said: "You are also trying your best. The year you were admitted to Chuhua University, the principalI was so happy that I took my treasured wine and ran to your dad to drink it several times.  " After finishing the wine in the cup, while Cheng Feng was pouring the wine, the class teacher smiled and said: "I really miss the time before you, unlike now, those students can't say they can't touch, they are squeamish, and they will go to their father after just saying a few words.  Mom comes over to quarrel, or else she will use her mobile phone to send ** and curse words" "Whether it was the one who had the best grades in the class back then, or the one who was at the bottom of the class, or the middle-aged man who was already balding, one by one he would recognize the ones who had changed greatly.  Former students, recalling everyone's things. Except for the students he taught back then, Gangster Xiao, who has now become a big boss, has also changed. The farmland area back then has become a new part of the town.  Economic center. Not only in the town, but also in the city. Speaking of Xiao Huanhu, although Cheng Feng was not in the same class as Jiao Wei and Xiao Huanhu in junior high school, he still knew him and had contact with him later.  "Some time ago, at my nephew's first birthday party, I met gangster Xiao Da when I returned to my hometown. The guy drove a Mercedes and looked like a dog. He was hanging around with bodyguards behind him. I heard he was some famous entrepreneur in the city.  I often have contact with city leaders. Even if there is a boss in a newly built building in the city, it is all related to that kid.  By the way, gangster Xiao Da said that he would invite us to have dinner at his newly opened hotel when he returns during the Chinese New Year this year.  "Cheng Feng said. "This may disappoint you.  "Jiao Wei said regretfully. "What's wrong?  Before Jiao Wei could speak, Cheng Feng made a "stop" gesture: "Don't tell me about this project or that project. I don't understand. Just explain it more clearly."  " "I will go abroad in December this year to work on a project with my former mentor. It will take about two years to come back.  I should have gone out last year, but something happened here and I didn't leave.  " "Two years postdoc?  "Cheng Feng felt very regretful. He probably couldn't even get married in time, so Jiao Wei asked, "What about after two years?  Stay abroad?  Or come back?  " "Come back, I plan to stay in school.  " "Hey, that's good. It's not far from our company. I can come to you for a drink often.  Cheng Feng said with a smile, paused, and winked at Jiao Wei: "I heard that Song Ning is studying for a doctorate here?"  " "Well, it's just over there at the School of Management.  " "Don't fool me, tell me something I don't know, okay?  What's the relationship between the two of us, brother-in-law?  What's there to be embarrassed about" Jiao Wei smiled and looked at the road ahead without saying anything. The tall sycamore trees on both sides blocked the scorching sun above his head, and only some tiny spots of light shone down. The gusts of wind blew by, covering the eight trees.  The heat brought by the scorching summer heat has dissipated a lot. Ten years ago, the gangster riding a broken motorcycle pointed at the large farmland and talked about his glorious future; ten years ago, the man next to him had a fight with him.  , standing in the corridor with a bruised nose and a swollen face, looking at each other in disgust; ten years ago, the boy who couldn't find his way forward had a violent incident. Walking along this sycamore tree path, Jiao Wei suddenly recalled.  When I first came here, that day, a black cat led me past here "Hey, your school is quite harmonious.  " Cheng Feng's words brought Jiao Wei's thoughts back. Looking in the direction Cheng Feng pointed, Jiao Wei saw the large lawn near the East District compound. There, under the camphor tree on the edge of the lawn, a young man  He sat casually on the grass, holding a thick book, staring at the pages like a class enemy. There were three cats lying beside the young man, and Jiao Wei still knew the fat cat.  There, he was taking a leisurely nap with his eyes closed. Ah Huang was rubbing his back on the grass. The police chief was waving his paws as if he had found something on the lawn. The young man clasped the book on the grass and rubbed it over.  Ah Huang kneaded it a few times like dough, and then rolled on the grass. While rolling, he whispered: "It's difficult, it's so difficult~~" Cheng Feng saw this scene and sighed with emotion: "Oh, being a cat  How great, there are not so many troubles, no endorsements, no exams, no training in hot weather, no need to write down your experience, and no one will criticize you if you don¡¯t write well.  " "Is it okay to be a cat?  "Jiao Wei asked. "How would I know? I've never done it.  "Cheng Feng laughed. How about being a cat? Who knows. ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª This is where the extra chapter will be written for now.  The new book is being prepared and will be released in January as soon as possible. PS: Book friends who have subscribed to more than 30% of the book can vote for the book. There are more than 8,000 people who meet the subscription requirements, and only 200 people vote. Why don¡¯t you return to Mao?  Are you satisfied? If you have time, click "Vote for Satisfaction" at the top right of the book page. Thank you.
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