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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Go back in time and become a cat

Text Chapter 419 (Final Chapter)

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    "The end of the world" just passed as Zheng Tan thought. Zheng Tan didn't go online to talk about betting with those people, and he was not in the mood to join in the fun and denounce those guys who had vigorously spread doomsday theories.  This article is written by .  .  First Post After the apocalyptic year that has been a hot topic on the Internet has passed, the atmosphere in the Jiao family has become increasingly tense.  ¡° One is Xiaoyouzi¡¯s college entrance examination, and the other is Zheng Tan¡¯s state.  Xiaoyouzi did not choose the recommendation of Chuhua University because the places were limited, so she gave her place to Xie Xin, an old classmate from the West District Courtyard. Xie Xin's grades were not as stable as hers, but Xiaoyouzi's grades have always been very good, and  After talking with Dad Jiao, Xiaoyouzi made a decision.  For senior high school students, time flies faster than anyone else, as if there is not enough time. Fortunately, Xiao Youzi¡¯s psychological quality is not bad, which makes parents and mothers feel relieved.  Zheng Tan¡¯s problem is still the same as last year. He always dreams. He feels that even if he just narrows his eyes for a short while, he will dream a lot. His thinking is so confused that Zheng Tan is afraid to sleep now.  Without enough sleep, your mental state will definitely not be good.  Mother Jiao also took Zheng Tan to the pet center for a check-up, and found no major problem except lack of sleep.  Jiao Yuan has called home a lot more times in the past six months, asking about Xiaoyouzi and Zheng Tan. He also said that if the veterinarian here can't solve the problem, he should take her to the capital for a look. There are many authoritative veterinarians there.  Zheng Tan doesn¡¯t want to go, and Jiao¡¯s mother can¡¯t help it. She thinks that after Xiaoyouzi¡¯s college entrance examination, the family will go to the capital to see Jiao Yuan, and take Zheng Tan there for a checkup.  When Zheng Tan was at home, he looked at the calendar on Xiao Youzi¡¯s desk.  After flipping through the pages, he recalled the time when he turned into a cat. It was probably in June, but he couldn't remember the exact time. It had been ten years. Who still remembers it? Besides, Zheng Tan had always lived like a cat.  In chaotic days, I don¡¯t remember dates very much, and sometimes I miss school exams. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of his paw, Zheng Tan drew an inconspicuous mark on the dates from June 1st to 15th.  A few more claws were added to No. 7 and No. 8.  It was the time for Xiaoyouzi¡¯s college entrance examination.  Every time Yuzi comes back, Zheng Tan pretends to be in good spirits, but as soon as Yuzi leaves, Zheng Tan goes back to his usual confused state.  Father Jiao asked Zheng Tan to stay in his office.  It¡¯s easy to take care of anything.  Zheng Tan couldn't go, he felt more comfortable staying at home.  On the morning of June 8th, Jiao¡¯s father, Jiao¡¯s mother, and little Youzi went out.  Zheng Tan went out with them. Jiao's father sent Xiaoyouzi to the examination room, and Jiao's mother was going to the attached middle school. Zheng Tan sent them out of the compound. He originally wanted to take a walk, but he yawned one after another and his eyelids became heavy, so he finally decided  Decided to go home and sleep.  Jumping onto the sofa in the living room, Zheng Tan was too lazy to shake off the cat trap. He raised his foot and pushed the remote control away from the obstruction in the middle of the sofa. Then he lay down in the middle of the sofa, listening to the subtle clicking sound of the second hand of the wall clock, and closed the door.  On the eyes.  After Jiao¡¯s mother went out on her bike, she suddenly realized that she didn¡¯t bring the USB flash drive. She copied some information in the morning and forgot to pull it out, so she rode back again.  The old lady from Big Fatty's house on the first floor was combing Big Fatty's hair. When she saw Mother Jiao, she said, "I just saw that your Heitan came back. I should have gone home to catch up on some sleep." Hearing what the old lady said, Mother Jiao didn't care.  , I guess I was too energetic when I sent Little Yuzi out in the morning, and now I¡¯m going home to rest.  Mother Jiao thought that after today was over, she would take the time to take her cat to the capital to see someone, otherwise no one in the family would be at ease.  When she went upstairs, Jiao's mother's eyelids kept twitching. She took out the key, opened the door, and glanced inside the house.  The room was eerily quiet. There was only a cat sign on the sofa, and there was no other movement. There was no black cat, as if no other creature had ever existed.  Swish - The screen of the half-open window was blown up, and the warm June wind blew in from the window.  Outside the window, the sun is shining brightly.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Nancheng.  A high-rise residence in an elevator room near Nancheng University.  In the bedroom, sunlight shines through the window and through the gaps in the curtains that are not completely closed.  The dazzling light made the person on the bed frown.  The eyelids moved, and Zheng Tan opened his eyes a crack.  The sun was shining on my face. When I suddenly woke up and saw the sun, I immediately closed my eyes when I opened them. I reflexively raised my hands to block them, and then I covered my eyes.     Snapped.  The sound of a slap on the face was quite clear in the quiet room, and the slight pain was clearly transmitted to the brain.  Three seconds later, Zheng Tan opened his eyes.  ??Looking through the fingers, I saw unfamiliar but somewhat familiar decorations. The curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows were half-covered, not tightly covered, and the lightThat's where the line shines in.  Zheng Tan blinked, his mind was still a little confused, the palm covering his face was raised, and the focus of his eyes fell on the palm.  The palm prints are clear, with five long fingers, not black and hairy cat paws.  "Damn, I'm dreaming again!" After cursing, Zheng Tan closed his eyes and planned to continue sleeping. After a few seconds of silence, Zheng Tan sat up suddenly, looked at the two palms raised in front of his eyes, and rubbed them vigorously.  Face, trying to make a sound again.  "Ahem! Uh-huh - ah - eh - oh -" The pronunciation is very clear.  When you were dreaming, it seemed like you didn¡¯t really speak, right?  It seems that I haven¡¯t had this feeling of talking for a long, long time.  Still not right.  ¡°Did you dream of people when you were a cat, or did you dream of cats when you were a human?  Zheng Tan took off the thin quilt and got out of bed. Without wearing shoes, he stepped directly on the dusty wooden floor and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window, kicking aside the clothes and pants that were in the way.  This feeling of walking on two legs is slightly unfamiliar, but it feels natural.  Open the curtains and open the floor-to-ceiling windows.  A gust of wind blew in my face, bringing with it the warmth of the sun.  Zheng Tan walked to the balcony, looked at the buildings in the distance, and took a deep breath.  ¡°Ah¡ª¡ª¡± The pleasure of shouting loudly seemed like something he hadn¡¯t felt for a long time. Although his thinking was not very clear now, Zheng Tan just felt like he was shouting like this.  You will feel much better.  After yelling, Zheng Tan habitually looked diagonally downward.  On the balcony diagonally below, there was no barbed wire, and there was no blue-purple parrot with yellow circles jumping around there. There stood a six- or seven-year-old child, holding an ice cream cone in his hand. Probably because Zheng Tan suddenly roared like this.  , a little frightened, standing there looking up at Zheng Tan, not even noticing that the ice cream melted and dripped to the ground.  ??Withdraw your gaze.  Looking into the distance.  Zheng Tan roared again.  ¡°Ah¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡± It roared longer than the previous one, almost hysterically.  In the house downstairs, the child standing there was carried into the house by the parent who came out. The parent looked at Zheng Tan as if he was looking at a psychopath.  Didn¡¯t care about other people¡¯s eyes.  Ignore the curses from other residents.  After Zheng Tan roared heartily a few times.  I went inside and took a cold shower, and when I came out I felt much clearer.  I took the phone on the bedside table and looked at the date, June 12, 2013.  Zheng Tan scratched his head.  12th?  There was a series of missed calls on the phone, and the name of the caller was somewhat familiar. Zheng Tan ignored it and looked at the time of the call. The earliest one was from the 8th.  Ignoring those missed calls, Zheng Tan is still confused. Is the cat real or the person real?  If it was a dream, it would be too real. Don¡¯t they say that after a dream, you will forget it when you wake up?  Open the Weibo software on your mobile phone and log in automatically, but it is not the "Zheng Tan" account in your memory. Log out, log in again, and enter a new account password.  After reacting for a while we boarded!  That cute black cat avatar is just like in my memory, and those Weibo posts, including the school bus game cat incident and the quarrels about the end of the world, all match up one by one.  If the dream is true Zheng Tan searched for a few more keywords, such as a certain movie about black cats, a certain documentary, a certain pet center, and a certain professor named Jiao, all of which were similar to those in his memory.  Exactly the same.  On the not-so-large mobile phone screen, there were familiar pictures, scenes that overlapped with memories, which made Zheng Tan¡¯s head hurt.  What happened to Tamar?  !  Throwing the phone aside, Zheng Tan thought hard, trying to figure out the reason. In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and went downstairs to find the nearest restaurant to eat.  The meal was tasteless, and I didn¡¯t pay attention to the food at all. I mechanically put the rice into my mouth with a rice spoon, but my eyes were looking out the window, thinking about other things.  Finally, before finishing the meal on the plate, Zheng Tan made a decision. He could not book air tickets or trains. He booked an express ticket. The train would leave at 6pm and he would arrive at Chuhua at 6am tomorrow morning.  city.  Since you can¡¯t think clearly, let¡¯s go and look for the answer.  When walking back out of the restaurant, he passed by a small barber shop. Zheng Tan pulled the yellow hair on his head and walked in.  When he came out again, the yellow hair on one end turned black and was cut shorter.  I went back and changed into a simpler sportswear, and took my mobile phone, bank card, ID cardLooking at the profile picture and name on the ID card, Zheng Tan flicked the person on the ID card, put the ID card into his wallet, took some change, packed it up and headed to the station lightly.  At six o'clock the next morning, Zheng Tan walked out of the station. Instead of hailing a taxi, he walked to the bus stop and looked at the stop signs outside the station and the driving routes of various buses. There were many familiar station names.  After waiting for the bus, I found a seat by the window and sat down, watching the streets and buildings outside as the bus drove by.  The Dragon Boat Festival has just passed, and the billboards about the Dragon Boat Festival in many stores have not yet been taken down. There are many people going to work at this time, and there are long lines of private cars and buses at intersections prone to traffic jams.  The temperature outside was a bit high, and the honking of cars and shouts of people filled the street.  Such weather and the things they encounter make people easily irritable, but Zheng Tan's mind is not on this. It can't be said to be irritable, just a little complicated.  A middle-aged passenger¡¯s cell phone rang in the car, and the song had the feel of the golden years of the 1970s.  Zheng Tan had heard this song before, not from the Internet or other electronic devices, but from a bird singing it.  Zheng Tan seemed to see that little bird with yellow eye circles shaking its head and singing.  Some songs that were once dismissed are like treasures when recalled many years later. The time when the song is located, the people, things, and things involved, and the emotions triggered by it, can always make people remember it for a long time.  This bus is parked on another bus at the intersection, next to the window.  Sitting there was a young man carrying a bag, chewing a bag of buns in his hand.  Sensing Zheng Tan looking at him, he also looked over.  Through the two-layer car window, there was still reflection, and the other person's expression was not clear.  The sign ahead to turn right came on, and the car Zheng Tan was in went first.  As the vehicle drove, for a moment, Zheng Tan could clearly see the other person's expression and doubts in his eyes, but soon, the two vehicles gradually moved away from each other.  When the street scene becomes familiar.  Zheng Tan's mood became increasingly complicated.  Somewhat nervous, but also a little happy.  There was a young policeman on the side of the street who had just caught a thief and held him in handcuffs.  He was holding a walkie-talkie and saying something.  There is a movie trailer on the big screen in the commercial plaza.  Directed by Kong Han.  The actors include Wei Wen, Xue Ding, Tao Qi When there were still two stops away from the original destination, Zheng Tan got off the car.  Walking along the familiar road in my memory, I passed by the outside of the lakeside villa area.  A three-legged tortoiseshell cat ran over from across the street, holding a mouse in its mouth. It glanced at Zheng Tan, and then neatly climbed over the fence into the villa area.  Along the road along the lake, a dark gray cat with black patterns that was obviously larger than the other cats was sharpening its claws on a willow tree.  Without making a sound, Zheng Tan continued to walk forward.  Passing by the affiliated hospital and passing a small grocery store, Zheng Tan looked over.  The store manager with a mean face sat behind the counter, chewing a cigarette and instructing the clerks to move the goods. A white cat squatted on the shelf, looking sharply at the pedestrians passing by.  Entering from the side door at the edge of the Chuhua University campus, Zheng Tan walked along the wall on the side.  Next to a tall tree, on an inconspicuous wall, the crooked lines of pencil writing came into view.  "Zheng Heitan came here on December 12, 2009." "September 9, 2010." "February 28, 2011." There is an abstract sun behind it. ?¡­ ?Zheng Tan raised his finger and touched the word, and it was stained with some pencil black.  Zheng Tan twirled his fingers and walked forward along the side path, walking through the small forest area, passing the old tile-roofed houses, familiar houses, familiar lawns, paths that you can recognize with your eyes closed, and that  Courtyard The guard of the East District Courtyard had poisonous eyes, and he could see the unfamiliar face of Zheng Tan among the people entering and leaving the courtyard at a glance.  "Who is that? Who are you looking for?" The guard uncle leaned out the window of the guard room, pointed at Zheng Tan and shouted.  "I'm looking for Professor Jiao who lives on the fifth floor of Building B." Zheng Tan walked over and said.  "Oh, Mr. Jiao's home, he's not here, he should be in the School of Biology now, but their cat was lost a few days ago, and the whole family is going crazy. Boy, do you know what happened to his cat?  Clues? Have you ever seen a completely black cat, so big, called Hei Tan?" the guard asked eagerly.  "I've seen it before." Zheng Tan paused and added: "A very handsome cat." Hearing Zheng Tan's answer, the hope in the guard's eyes dimmed again. He said no more and waved his hand.  He signaled to Zheng Tan that he could go in.  Taking a deep breath, Zheng Tan raised his feet and went in.  The aunt who was carrying a vegetable basket glanced at Zheng Tan a few times, probably guessing where Zheng Tan was coming from.  Next to the courtyard gateIn one place, on a bench under the shade of a tree, Old Man Li and Old Man Yan were sitting there chatting with Xiaohua and Niu Zhuangzhuang.  The two old men just glanced at Zheng Tan and then stopped looking. Instead, Xiaohua and Niu Zhuangzhuang followed Zheng Tan's gaze.  Niu Zhuangzhuang's small triangular eyes were rarely as fierce as usual.  Ruan Ying led Sahara out. When passing by Zheng Tan, Sahara struck at Zheng Tan's feet with lightning speed. The speed was completely different from the way he usually pretended to be weak.  The force was not too strong and would not bite the feet, but the bite was not light either, because it left several deep tooth marks and a shoe of saliva on Zheng Tan's sneakers.  Ruan Ying also didn¡¯t expect that Sahara, who usually didn¡¯t bite, would suddenly bite like this, so she quickly apologized to Zheng Tan and asked for compensation.  Zheng Tan smiled and refused.  When Ruan Ying scolded Sahara and left, Sahara looked back at Zheng Tan, his eyes slightly provocative, and his tail flicked like a squeal.  Zheng Tan stared, Sahara, just wait, I promise not to beat you to death!  Arriving downstairs in Building B, Zheng Tan¡¯s heart was beating a little fast, wondering whether to press the house number on the access control or call someone.  At this time, the old lady on the first floor walked to the balcony with the fat cat and saw Zheng Tan. The old lady asked Zheng Tan who he was looking for in confusion, and also asked Zheng Tan if he had seen a black cat.  After Zheng Tan answered.  The old lady also had a look of regret on her face, "His family is not at home. You should go to the School of Biological Sciences to find Teacher Jiao. Youzi should be there too What a pity Heitan, the Jiao family are crying anxiously.  That guy Jiao Yuan came back and just left last night. Xiao Gu¡¯s eyes were still red when he went to work today. Oh, what¡¯s this?¡± The old lady said with pity.  Nagging.  But the fat man next to him stared at Zheng Tan.  Zheng Tan reached out towards it. After looking at the old lady, the big fat man walked over.  "Huh?" The old lady was surprised, "Young man, have you been here before? My fat family doesn't get close to strangers." There was another sentence the old lady didn't say.  It¡¯s not just about not getting close to strangers.  Even if someone I know is fat, I won't give him face.  But the old lady didn't expect that the fat man would act so familiar.  Zheng sighed, "Yeah".  He didn't know how to answer, so he scratched his chin, then stood up and said to the old lady: "Then I'm going to find Teacher Jiao. You are busy first." Although he was confused, the old lady didn't ask any more questions.  However, after Zheng Tan left, Big Fat also followed.  In the large yard, under the trees that were not too dense or too tall, a black and white cat was catching bugs in the grass, and a yellow cat was holding the tree, sticking out its butt and sharpening its claws.  Zheng Tan walked over and picked up Ah Huang who was sharpening his claws, "You idiot!" He had been holding back these words for ten years and finally said them out.  Hearing the commotion, the police chief stopped playing with bugs and came over.  Zheng Tan sat down on a long wooden bench nearby. The fat man who had followed him jumped up on the bench and squatted next to it. Seeing this, Ah Huang and the police chief also jumped up and squatted there in turn.  Just like before.  On summer mornings, the temperature rises as the sun rises.  There was wind, coming in waves, making the leaves rustle.  People who go to work, go to school, or buy groceries in the courtyard will glance at the benches when they pass by. In the past, they always saw four cats squatting side by side. Now, the black cat of the Jiao family is gone, but they see it again.  It's strange to see a person and three cats sitting there. When did these three cats become so familiar with the same person?  After sitting on the bench for a while and feeling calmer, Zheng Tan patted the three cats and said, "Let's go now. I'll come back to play with you later." He got up and left the compound, walking along the road to the intersection.  At that time, a school bus passed by, and Zheng Tan quickly waved.  The driver was bald and wore a hat for image.  It is now school time and there is no one in the car. The bald driver talked to Zheng Tan who was sitting in the passenger seat.  "Young man, are you from our school?" the bald driver asked.  ¡°No, but I¡¯ve been here often before, and I¡¯m very familiar with you. I¡¯ve also ridden in your car several times.¡± Zheng Tan replied.  The bald driver took advantage of the opportunity when someone got out of the car, looked at Zheng Tan, shook his head, and said firmly: "No way, if you come here often and take my car, I will definitely have an impression." "Oh, that may be my memory mistake.  Let's take another master's car." Zheng Tan didn't dwell on this issue.  The bald driver looked at Zheng Tan with pity: "You are young and your memory is not as good as mine. Go back and ask your mother to get you some more fish heads, walnuts or something to replenish your brain." Zheng Tan: "Haha."  "Don't take it seriously, I'm telling you" "Master, I'm getting off the car!" After being yelled at by the bald driver all the way, Zheng Tan couldn't wait to get out of the car and looked at the familiar student.Opened the door and walked in.  The guard uncle sitting on the side of the courtyard gate saw Zheng Tan walking so confidently. After thinking about it, he still didn't stop this unfamiliar face.  Zheng Tan is very familiar with where Dad Jiao¡¯s office is.  When he arrived in front of the office door, Yi Xin happened to come out of it. The voices of Xiao Youzi and Jiao's father were heard inside, which was not loud. As Yi Xin closed the door, the sound was also cut off.  Yi Xin looked at the person in front of him strangely, thinking it was an undergraduate in the college, and left after casually asking who he was looking for.  Zheng Tan stood at the door and locked the door.  "Come in." A voice came from inside.  Zheng Tan turned the door lock and pushed the door open.  ============= (End of this article) (To be continued) ps: It¡¯s finally over!  By the way, please ask for votes at the end of the chapter. I probably won¡¯t ask for votes again this year.  Postscript will be posted later.
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