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Text Chapter 261 The unreliable Wu Tian

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    "Of course, so the price of oil may continue to fall, and the life of Rosneft will become increasingly difficult, so I think it is not the best time to intervene. Brother Wenjie, if you and your friend  I really want to invest in Russian oil fields. I think they might as well wait. Only when they are at the end of their rope can they get the maximum benefit." Ma Wenjie lowered his head and thought for a while. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Li Rui's words made sense. He looked up in surprise.  Li Rui looked at it and praised: "Li Rui, Li Rui, I found that I really underestimated you before. I didn't expect that you could see so much in just a few magazines in Hong Kong."  You put me, a person who has been running in Russia all year round, to shame! Well, your analysis is very reasonable. Judging from the current situation, it is indeed not the best time. I will have to deal with them after I return.  Let¡¯s discuss it.¡± Li Rui was secretly proud and a little embarrassed at the same time. His words were nothing more than hindsight comments that he saw on the Internet, but the facts turned out as he said.  In fact, when it comes to magazines, the mainland has very strict control over magazines and newspapers brought from Hong Kong these days, but it is not difficult for a person of Zhang Zhuoyang's status. Zhang Zhuoyang did bring him many magazines, but most of them  It's a dragon, a tiger, a leopard, something like that.  But now that this topic was brought up, Li Rui couldn't help but want to show off. He lit a cigarette, drank tea to moisten his throat, and continued: "What Americans are best at is economic war and financial war. When will Russia  If we agree to NATO's eastward expansion, the price of oil will rise. Once NATO expands eastward, it will be like strangulating Russia's neck. By then, Russia will no longer be the main opponent of the United States and Western countries.  It's our turn." Ma Wenjie was still immersed in Li Rui's far-sighted remarks. Hearing his change of subject, he suddenly asked curiously: "How do you say this?" "Americans have always said this.  They show no mercy to countries that threaten them politically, militarily, and economically. The current Russia is an example. The Plaza Agreement signed with Japan a few years ago is another example. Now Japan is honest. When NATO expands eastward, Russia's  The economic collapse and the pinching of the neck do not pose much of a threat. However, as our country's reform and opening up deepens, its economic development will not only pose a threat to Western countries, but we will also be in danger.  We are hostile to them in the ideological field. Will they watch our rise? They have already made a small move a few years ago, but they just failed. " "Then you mean that they will be in the oil industry in the future.  Supply is stuck for us? This is not possible. Our country's oil resources are already self-sufficient. Even if there is a gap in the economy in the future, won't we just import from Russia? Is it possible that Russia is so controlled by Western countries?  Damn it, can you still wear a pair of pants?" Ma Wenjie said a little confused.  "HahahaBrother Wenjie, you have underestimated the development potential of our country. Although our country's GDP is now less than a fraction of that of the United States, I believe that there will definitely be great progress in the next ten years."  With its development, we might be able to catch up with the United States one day," Li Rui said with a smile.  Ma Wenjie obviously didn't believe it and said: "How is that possible? Our current GDP is only over 400 billion US dollars, and the United States has already reached 5 trillion US dollars. I don't think we can catch up in another hundred years." "  Just look at it." Li Rui shook his head and did not argue with him. Looking at it now, this is indeed a fantasy, but in fact, China's GDP has only grown from more than 400 billion US dollars now to the final 5 trillion US dollars.  It took less than twenty years, but Li Rui remembered that he had already achieved this goal in his previous life.  Of course, the quality is another matter, but at that time it was indeed the second largest economy in the world, and it was also saving the capitalist world from an economic crisis.  "In any case, our country's economic development prospects are bright. In the future, cars will be able to enter the homes of ordinary people. In the future, the demand for oil may be several times, dozens or even hundreds of times what it is now. We are developing, and other countries  It is also developing. The demand for oil will only increase. Besides, when the old man recovers in the future, he will also be wary of us. Don't forget that in history, they were the only ones who occupied so much of our land.  One day when our country becomes stronger, we will ask them to discuss the occupied land. Now they have no choice but to do business with us. Who else can they rely on except doing business relatively fairly with us?  For some small countries, that's just a drop in the bucket. So, Brother Wenjie, even if you invest in oil fields in Russia, you have to be careful about them playing tricks on you. " Ma Wenjie still agreed with this, and he nodded.  Said: "Now RussiaThe political situation in Sri Lanka is also unstable, with cabinet prime ministers changing like a lantern.  Although Vasily talked to me very sincerely last time, he still had to" "Who?  Who did you just say?  "Li Rui was pouring tea, but when he heard the name Vasily, his hand shook and the tea in the pot almost poured out of the tea tray, and he asked quickly. "Vasily, oh, that's what I told you just now.  The deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, his name is Vasily.  " Ma Wenjie said, he was a little surprised why Li Rui had such a big reaction. Vasily, wasn't he the Emperor Vasily who would lead Russia to rejuvenation in the future? Yes, Li Rui had seen his resume. He did indeed do it in the early 1990s.  He was the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg. He never expected that Ma Wenjie would actually know this person, and it sounded like the two of them had a good relationship. Oh, yes, he had mentioned him before.  She just met Vasily last year, and last year because of the unexpected death of his uncle, Ma Wenjie rushed back from Russia, and then hurriedly ended his business in Russia and returned to China, thus missing Vasily. "Li Rui,"  What¡¯s wrong with you?  "Ma Wenjie saw Li Rui looking in a daze and pushed him. "Oh.  Li Rui quickly woke up and asked, "Brother Wenjie, how is your relationship with this Vasily?"  It sounded good to you just now?  " "He is the deputy mayor in charge of foreign trade in St. Petersburg. In fact, although the former Soviet Union has disintegrated.  But the operations of their government departments are actually similar to ours.  Moreover, we reformed and opened up much earlier than they did, and they are not as good as us in terms of foreign trade.  I had worked in the foreign trade department before, so he was more interested in talking to me, and we became familiar with him over time.  In fact, it¡¯s the relationship¡¯s turn, how should I put it?  Probably somewhere between a friend and a client.  Ma Wenjie said. Then he asked with some confusion: "Have you heard of this person?"  " "I saw an introduction about this person in a magazine. It is said that he is a newly rising figure in Russian politics. Foreign media spoke highly of him.  "Li Rui still classified what he knew as what he saw in magazines. "Really?  Ma Wenjie was quite surprised and said with some confusion: "He is a student of Sobchak, the current mayor of St. Petersburg. But Sobchak is having a very difficult time now and is likely to step down in the next election."  It's not certain whether he can still be the deputy mayor by then.  Actually, I was a little hesitant at first.  The only thing I'm afraid of is that someone will be replaced when the time comes. If someone is replaced, there will be many uncertain factors.  " Li Rui blurted out: "As long as you have a good relationship with him, what are you afraid of?  " "It depends on the results of next year's election. What if he can't even become the deputy mayor?  Could it be that the report you saw still boasted about him?  " Li Rui said mysteriously: "It's really amazing!  Did you know he was from the KGB?  " "Of course I know this. He also talked to me about some of his experiences while working in East Germany.  correct.  Once he told me that when Nixon visited the Soviet Union, he temporarily talked to a tourist on Red Square. Who do you think that tourist was?  It was actually him, and everyone on the Red Square at that time was from their KGB.  You say it's funny or not, but now that I think about it, it's almost the same as here.  " Ma Wenjie laughed. "Do you know that he has a very good relationship with Chubais?  "Li Rui continued to ask. "Who?  Chubais?  Did you read this from a magazine?  What magazine?  " Ma Wenjie was suddenly surprised. "I forgot the specific magazine. I just glanced at it casually. I only remembered it when you mentioned Vasily just now.  I remember that article not only mentioned that he had a good relationship with Chubais.  And they are from the same hometown.  "Li Ruixin made nonsense. "Chubais is now the director of the President's Office. It is said that the President has great trust in him. In terms of real power, he is the third-largest figure after the Prime Minister.  If that's the case" Although Ma Wenjie was a little doubtful, he still fell into deep thought. After a while, he raised his head and said, "This is the first time I've heard the news you mentioned. I will definitely inquire about it after I go there this time.  However, Vasily is indeed different from other officials. He seems to have outstanding abilities in all aspects and has his own opinions. If someone really supports him in the future.  Maybe we can still go up there.  " "The author of that article seemed to be very optimistic about him, and even hailed him as a rising star in Russian politics.  In fact, I only know him from articles, and I am not as familiar with him as you are.  If you think he can still go up, you might as well invest in him first and become a friend or something.  Once he gets there in the future, it will be easier for you to have a good time in Russia.  "Li Rui chuckled. "That's right. When you say that, I feel really itchy.  In fact, he is famous in RussiaIt's not obvious, which may have something to do with him deliberately keeping a low profile.  In fact, he is quite to my liking. I originally thought that even if he could not become the deputy mayor in the future, he would be good as a friend. But now that I heard you talk about it, I feel a little utilitarian in my heart.  " Isn't it a bit utilitarian? Li Rui was thinking secretly in his heart, you will know the benefits when someone reaches the top in a few years! But in his heart, he sincerely hoped that this person would be his in the previous life.  Old friend and big brother can do great things and live a wonderful life. It is said that since his rebirth, he has unknowingly changed the fate of many people. Brother-in-law and Ma Wenjie have different lives.  , Ding Junfeng the same is true, even Gou Fugui, who would have been dominating Nanqiao now if he hadn't appeared. Ma Wenjie stayed in Qingshanquan Town for a week to arrange the preliminary matters.  , leaving his team behind, he hurried to Beijing again, reportedly to discuss it with his investment partners, and then flew directly to Russia. As for the construction of the factory, he directly entrusted it to Li Rui.  Of course, Rui was not polite. It happened that Wu Kangmei and Fang Qiang had just finished the construction of the park, and this project worth tens of millions was directly given to them. Le Wu and Qiangzi were very happy during this time. Li Rui was not idle either.  Mainly because after Shen Weidong took over the Changshan Coal Mine, it was very troublesome to change various licenses, from the mining license of the Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau, the safety production license of the Coal Management Bureau, the public security, taxation, industry and commerce, environmental protection, and health and coal management bureaus.  There was a long list of work safety licenses, public security, taxation, industry and commerce, environmental protection, sanitation, etc. Shen Weidong went to each department in person, and he helped call the leaders of each department to say hello. Fortunately, he is now a member of the Nanqiao political circle.  He is a new star and a famous person, especially the scene at the International Hotel. Naturally, some good people spread the word, and everyone looks up to him even more. Now that Li Rui takes the initiative to say hello, everyone is naturally convinced.  But despite this, it still took a whole month to get it done. It can be seen that if someone else had done this, how many guests would have to be invited and how many gifts would be given? On this day, Shen Weidong ran to his office, sat down on the sofa, and sighed.  He took a breath and said: "Finally the last chapter has been struck, and the rest is waiting for the city bureau's approval.  " In principle, mining licenses and safety licenses need to be issued by the municipal bureau, but they are basically approved after the county bureau reviews them, and production can usually start directly. " But this time, fortunately, I have you to help me say hello.  Otherwise, I would have had to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. When I applied for a license for my Pingtian coal mine, I had to wait for half a year.  If there's nothing wrong tonight, I'll make an appointment with Shi Wei and Lian Sheng to get together?  "Shen Weidong continued. "Okay.  "Li Rui agreed with a smile. Being able to start production is also good news for him. After all, he still has 30% of the shares in it. Then he thought about it and asked: "Zhou Zewen and his gang didn't give you anything in the mine.  What's going on?  " "That's not true. These people are quite law-abiding. Most of them are veterans and are very organized and disciplined. No wonder" Shen Weidong stopped mid-sentence. Anyway, everyone understands the following meaning.  No need to say more. Li Rui nodded, finally feeling relieved. He picked up the cigarette on the table and threw one to Shen Weidong. Shen Weidong took out a lighter from his trouser pocket, stood up, and walked to the desk while leaning over.  Li Rui took the opportunity to light a cigarette and asked tentatively: "Secretary Li, I heard that you have a good relationship with Mayor Li?  " Since his identity was exposed, Li Yifeng has always been very concerned about him and often called him to express his concern. When he called once, Shen Weidong happened to be next to him. Shen Weidong didn't say anything at that time. He was obviously remembering  In my heart. ¡°It¡¯s okay, he seems to care about me.  "Shen Weidong is one of his own, and Li Rui didn't hide anything and answered directly. Shen Weidong said "oh", and then whispered: "We will lose money with the current old mine. Gou Fugui's new mine tunnel  The coal has already been seen. I went in and took a look. It was exactly the same as the photo you took when you investigated him last year. The coal seam was one meter and a half thick.  " "That's not very good. When your coal washing plant is completed, you can produce and sell it yourself.  "Li Rui took a breath of smoke. For a moment, he didn't understand what he said had anything to do with the relationship between him and Li Yifeng. "So, this matter must not only be done safely but also be long-term. It's best to get it done.  indicators for newly opened mines.  The indicators for new mine openings are very tight now. There will be no more than ten in Pengcheng City this year. I asked someone to inquire and found that there are only two indicators left for this year. It may be even tighter next year" Li Rui understood, Shen Weidong was so enthusiastic.  To win the Changshan Coal Mine, they had the same idea as Gou Fugui. Although the quota for new mine opening must first go through the procedures with the county, this is two different things from renewing the certificate.The decision-making authority still lies with the Municipal Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau, which is under the jurisdiction of Executive Vice Mayor Li Yifeng.  But this matter was quite difficult for him. Why Li Yifeng cared so much about him was because he saw the Zhang family behind him. Thinking of this made him feel awkward.  "Why don't you ask Secretary-General Wang to say hello to you?" Li Rui asked hesitantly.  When Shen Weidong saw that Li Rui wanted to refuse, he quickly said: "I told Secretary-General Wang. Secretary-General Wang is also in a dilemma. There is something between him and Mayor Li and let's talk about the director of the Municipal Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau.  That's Mayor Li's support. No one will sell it except Mayor Li. Unless it's Secretary Gao and Mayor Cui, if it wasn't for nothing, I wouldn't trouble you about this. " Seeing Shen Weidong's face.  Bitter color.  Li Rui thought about it for a moment, and then said: "Don't worry about it, I also have a stake in it. Let me contact Mayor Li's secretary first, and then you can go directly to him. What's the matter?  I will come forward again if the problem arises." Shen Weidong saw that Li Rui had concerns. While he nodded in agreement, he was also worried that he would not pay attention to the matter. Then he said: "Secretary Li, I have already looked at it carefully.  With three to four working faces, plus the original old mine, the annual output is at least one million tons. According to the current price of 50 yuan per ton, it is 50 million yuan per year. After all kinds of expenses,  The annual profit is nearly 10 million" Damn it!  Ten million today is not ten million ten or twenty years from now.  He holds 30% of the shares, and his annual dividends amount to three million.  Even though Li Rui often had tens of millions of dollars flowing in his hands in his previous life, he couldn't help but be moved.  Times are different, and the value of money is also different.  After Shen Weidong left, Li Rui immediately called Dong Qiliang. Li Rui didn't say anything clearly on the phone, but said that a friend encountered something and wanted to ask him for help.  As Li Yifeng¡¯s secretary.  Dong Qiliang received such calls almost every day, but Li Rui's call made him dare not show any slightness. After all, the domineering manner Li Rui showed in the good times last time amazed him, not to mention his boss.  Now he also favors Li Rui.  He agreed repeatedly and said that Li Rui's friends could go to him at any time.  I don¡¯t know whether Dong Qiliang did this on his own or whether Mayor Li personally gave the instructions after he asked Li Yifeng for instructions. Anyway, Shen Weidong¡¯s permit for the new mine was issued surprisingly quickly, and the permit was issued in less than half a month.  .  Afterwards, Dong Qiliang made a special call to Li Rui. From the tone of his voice on the phone, it seemed that Shen Weidong was quite generous.  He is also happy to be friends with wealthy people like Shen Weidong.  However, whether it was the last time he changed his certificate or this time he applied for a new certificate, Shen Weidong never revealed to Li Rui how much he spent.  Li Rui is quite satisfied with this. Shen Weidong even keeps this kind of thing a secret from himself, which shows his professional ethics and truly achieves one-on-one.  Don't sue your parents, don't sue your wife and children.  Otherwise, Li Rui might still be worried about his deal with him, and whether he would also tell her about it.  During this period, various projects were progressing smoothly. Cui Jiongjiu was probably completely resigned to his fate and did not dare to cause trouble secretly. There were no major fluctuations in the demolition in the town. Of course, minor quarrels were inevitable. Fortunately, Wang Bin could handle them well.  , and it won¡¯t bother Li Rui.  Life was quite comfortable during this period.  Since reconciling with Gao Jie, Li Rui has resumed the habit of returning to Pengcheng on weekends. After the last twists and turns, the relationship between the two seems to have reached a new level. Gao Jie is also more relaxed than before, and Qin Se  Harmony, very harmonious and happy.  Li Rui happened to be in the city on business that day. He stopped by to visit Qiao Xiaoshu, the old leader of the Coal Management Bureau, and did not return to Nanqiao.  Seeing that it was still some time before Gao Jie got off work, he asked Ding Junfeng to drive directly to the Ascendas Center.  The apartments and office buildings in the Ascendas Center have been put up for sale. It is said that the sales situation is quite good. Zhao Wenlong even bought half a floor as the company's office.  When we arrived at the Ascension Center, we happened to meet Guo Wending¡¯s brother-in-law Wu Tian.  Wu Tian saw Li Rui get out of the car from afar. He ran over at a trot and even opened his arms in an exaggerated way to hug Li Rui.  Li Rui felt goosebumps when he saw this. He turned around and said a few words of concern to Ding Junfeng, avoiding his hug without showing any trace.  "Li Rui, why are you free to come here today? Are you okay tonight? I'm treating you to a treat. How about we go to Dafuhao Lele together?" Wu Tian invited enthusiastically.  "I'm sorry, Manager Wu, I've already made an appointment today." Li Rui declined politely and at the same time took a look at him. He saw that his hair was shiny with mousse, and he had a small bag under his arm and a long hair.  The antenna was exposed from the small hole in the bag, obviously containing a mobile phone.  Wu Tian noticed Li Rui's gaze, raised the bag in front of him intentionally, and said with a smile: "I bought it new. With this thing, I can contact you more easily. Oh, yes."?" After saying that, he patted his head again and quickly took out a business card from his bag and handed it to Li Rui: "Look at my memory, I even forgot to give you my phone number. This is my newly printed business card. It's yours.  The number is right there.  " With that said, he took out a pack of Soft China and gave Li Rui a cigarette. Li Rui waved his hand and refused. He has no habit of smoking in public or on the street. Furthermore, although Wu Tian is very enthusiastic, he also doesn't like Wu Tian.  I didn't catch a cold very much. From the first time I met him at Guo Wending's house, I felt that this person was a bit arrogant. Wu Tian was in the building materials business. Li Rui promised to help him introduce some business. When the Ascendas Center was completed and renovated, Li Rui  He was introduced to Zhao Wenlong, but it was said that there were many mistakes, which made Li Rui's impression of him even worse. Seeing that Wu Tian refused to leave, Li Rui had to deal with it: "Manager Wu, you are here today.  ?  " "Oh, our company has undertaken the stone paving project of Tengfei Central Square. Come and take a look today.  Li Rui, I really want to thank you for this. If you are free one day, give me a call and I will make arrangements.  Wu Tian said with a smile. Li Rui frowned slightly after hearing about the stone paving project in the square. This was considered a big project. When the drawings of the Ascendas Center came out, he had seen the entire Ascendas Center Square.  The stone paving project cost at least two to three million. This Wu Tian was not very reliable. Why did Lao Zhao give him such a big project? Li Rui secretly regretted it and felt that he should have called Zhao Wenlong in advance.  Hello, just do some innocuous small projects to deal with it. It is best to find a more reliable company to do such a big project, otherwise if something goes wrong, he will not be able to explain it to Zhang Zhuoyang. Thinking of this.  , Li Rui still told Wu Tian: "Manager Wu, the stone paving project in this square is not an ordinary project. This is a prestige project for the Ascendas Center. In the future, this will be a large shopping mall and a five-star hotel. Not only will the traffic flow  It's very dense, and cars have to drive on it, so you have to pay attention to the quality of the project!  "    "understand!  Li Rui, don't worry about the quality of this project. You introduced me here. I can't lose your face no matter what, right?  Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to explain myself in front of my brother-in-law.  "Wu Tian hurriedly patted his chest and assured. But hearing that he deliberately mentioned Guo Wending made Li Rui feel a little unhappy. He thought to himself: What does the quality of this project have to do with Guo Wending? It's just to show off his identity.  Since he had already said hello, Li Rui didn't want to talk nonsense with him. After a few words, he broke up with him and walked inside. When he arrived at Zhao Wenlong's company on the ninth floor, the girl in charge of reception was the one from Hua Zhongcheng.  The foreman knew him, and when he saw Li Rui, he greeted him warmly and took him to Zhao Wenlong¡¯s office. PS: Qiqian Dazhang, I haven¡¯t recommended him for almost two months. There is only one reason.  There are too few recommendation votes. Please cast a few recommendation votes to support Lao Wan.
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