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Text Chapter 68 Hope

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    "Brother Guangrong, I seem to hear a sound, someone coughing outside." Ergouzi Gulu got up and listened attentively.  Wang Guangrong listened carefully and didn't hear anything: "Don't be surprised. There are forty-six of us here. How can there be anyone here?" Ergouzi felt that he had heard correctly and turned around.  He said to the others: "Did you all hear it? It did seem that someone was coughing just now, and it came from our working surface." "No." Many people shook their heads numbly, their expressions were dull,  One by one, they were either lying down or sitting cross-legged, as if they were waiting to die.  "I say you all should cheer up, don't be all weak, think about how we can get out of here." Ergouzi is the youngest among them, looking at this group of brothers, uncles and uncles who are older than him.  He couldn't help but said anxiously.  "I said Ergouzi, just calm down! We are now more than 300 meters underground, and the only alleyway that can get out has been flooded. What else can you think of to get out? We can only wait and wait for the top.  The people drained the water and came to rescue us," Wang Guangrong scolded.  Wang Guangrong is the captain of the mining team. When he heard what he said, Ergouzi could only sit down angrily.  "Brother Guangrong, do you think people outside will come to save us?" Tian Daniu, who was lying in Wang Guangrong's arms, asked weakly.  He was an operator of a drilling rig. When the accident occurred, he bore the brunt of the surging water and suffered a fractured calf. It was Wang Guangrong and two other miners who fought hard to save him.  Tian Daniu was also the only injured person among them.  "Yes, it will definitely happen. If such a big accident occurs, not only our mine, but also the government will do everything possible to save us." Wang Guangrong comforted softly.  "Waterthe water is too big. Brother Guangrong, you said that water is being pumped up above, but when will so much water be drained? My father was also a coal digger back then, and he was also trapped in the mine due to a water leakage accident. At that time, I  I was still young, but I still remember that my mother and I were waiting at the mine to watch them pump out water to save people, but there was too much water, and it took half a month to pump out the water. In the end, they had no choice but to give up the rescue.  After filling up the mine, even a dozen people not even the corpses were found. Brother Guangrong, do you think we can't escape like my father and others?" Tian Daniu sobbed.  Tian Daniu's words hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer. Everyone is making a living underground. Everyone knows how much water has entered the mine, and the water is still rising. It may not be used.  In two days, the water will flood their only hiding place.  "Daniu, don't be so silly. Didn't Brother Guangrong just say that now, both our mine and the government will find ways to save us." Ergouzi said with a dissatisfied look on his face.  "Okay, okay! Ergouzi, please stop saying a few words. Don't forget that when the water rushed in, if Daniel hadn't reminded everyone to run here, we, including you Ergouzi, would have at least  Half of the people are going to die." In fact, Wang Guangrong also knew the truth of what Tian Daniu said. It would not be possible to drain all the water in one day.  But as the team leader, he knew that he was the backbone of this group of people, so he pretended to be relaxed and said: "What era was it in the past? What era is it in now? Nowadays, science and technology are advanced. I believe the government will definitely find a way. We all need to be stable."  God, don't be discouraged, we will definitely be able to get out." "Guangrong is right." At this time, the oldest Li Jiefang also said, "The most important thing for us now is to save our energy and stay here with peace of mind.  In fact, being trapped is not that scary. I was trapped underground more than ten years ago. It was not due to water leakage but a landslide. The entire tunnel collapsed and many people were crushed to death. A dozen brothers and I were trapped.  We were trapped underground for five days and five nights without food or water, but we were finally dug out. However, there were still several brothers who did not persist until the end, so the most important thing for us now is to persevere, everyone.  "Li Jiefang's words gave everyone a glimmer of hope. Wang Guangrong also took the opportunity to say: "Uncle Jiefang is right!  Live hard, and everyone should turn off the miner's lamps to save some electricity. Ergouzi, please gather all the miner's lamps. Let's use them one by one. We must be prepared for a protracted war. " Ergouzi quickly agreed.  With a sound, all the miner's lamps were gathered together, and only one was lit. At the same time, Li Jiefang asked curiously: "Uncle Jiefang, you have already experienced this once, how can you still dare to go down the well to dig coal?" Li Jiefang touched  He touched Er Gouzi's head and said with a wry smile: "Your aunt is not in good health and needs to see a doctor and take medicine. The two boys have to go to school. How can they make money if they don't go to the well? How can they feed them?"   "I almost forgot that your family, Da Shuan and Er Shuan, are both famous scholars. I heard that Da Shuan was admitted to college this year? Er Shuan is also studying in a key high school in the county, right?" Er Shuan  Gouzi smiled.  Speaking of his two sons, Li Jiefang suddenly showed a very proud look on his face and said: "My biggest wish in this life is to train these two boys to study hard. As long as they can read well, they will not have to suffer from our generation."  It's hard. You must not have studied hard. You came here to dig coal at a young age." "Hey!" Ergouzi scratched his forehead in embarrassment, "I studied until I graduated from elementary school.  Seeing that I was not good at studying, I was not allowed to go to school anymore. I had been doing farm work at home for several years, so I came here to dig coal.  Your father is short-sighted. If it were my son who didn't study hard, I'd beat him to study hard, otherwise he would spend his whole life digging for food from the soil or digging for coal! " "Brother Guangrong, what if?  Your son? Aren't you taking advantage of me" Just as they were talking and laughing, they suddenly heard a faint cry: "Is there someone there? Is there anyone" Ergouzi was not the only one who heard it.  , many people heard it, and everyone couldn't help but excitedly commotion: "Listen, someone is shouting outside, our rescuers must be here, we are saved!" Wang Guangrong hurriedly used a miner's lamp to illuminate the fire that was coming up not far away.  As for the water level, I was excited but also a little confused. According to the current water level, the alleyway coming in from the outside should have been submerged for a long time. How did people get in?  But he immediately calmed down and said: "The passage from the working surface to our place is flooded with water, and our place was temporarily excavated a few days ago. People outside don't know it at all. We have to find a way to let people outside  "I know we're here." "I'm going out!" Ergouzi jumped up first, "I'm good at water. I'll get out through the water hole." "It's about 20 meters from here to work, Ergouzi, can you do it?"  ?" Wang Guangrong said worriedly.  "Don't worry! Brother Guangrong, I used to be able to cross a river through a water hole. It's no problem for more than 20 meters." Ergouzi patted his chest and was about to take off his clothes and go into the water.  "Er Gouzi, don't take off your clothes. This is Xiaoyao Laokong Water. This water is poisonous! Your skin will rot if you soak it in the water for a long time." The experienced Li Jiefang quickly stopped him.  "Everyone, just wait for my good news." Ergouzi was wearing tight clothes and jumped into the water with a miner's lamp on his head.  Li Rui emerged from the water, gasping for air, followed by a violent cough. He finally regained his breath and looked around with the miner's lamp above his head. He was stunned. The water here was already very deep.  , there is a water-permeable point in the distance. Although I can't see clearly, I am sure that there is no human figure. I can only hear the water rushing in.  It was surrounded by mud and there was no way to find any passage. The temporarily opened working surface that Dazhu mentioned was unknown where it was.  Li Rui groped around and couldn't find it. Time passed by and looking at the rising water level, Li Rui suddenly realized that it was too late for him to go out at this time. The laneway more than 200 meters outside was here.  It was almost completely submerged by then.  He suddenly felt a sense of fear. Could he drown here?  But where are the trapped miners?  I didn't see a single body here along the way, so there must be a way out.  In desperation, Li Rui could only shout at the top of his lungs, hoping that they would hear him, give some reply, and find them.  Li Rui shouted loudly for five or six minutes, his voice almost hoarse, but he didn't get any response. Just when he fell into despair, there was a sudden crash not far away, and a head wearing a miner's lamp appeared, breathing heavily.  While still angry, he was still shouting: "Who is shouting? Who is shouting? Are you here to save us?" Li Rui quickly shouted: "It's me." While he hurriedly swam towards the head.  Ergouzi got out of the water and searched for a long time before he found that only one person was swimming over. He asked in surprise: "Why are you the only one, and where are the others?" Li Rui didn't bother to answer. What he was most worried about now was how many people were still alive. They  Where are they?  He asked loudly: "Where are you people? Are there any casualties?" "We are all over there. Only Da Niu's leg is broken, everyone else is here." Ergouzi replied, pointing in the direction he came from.  When he wanted to ask how to rescue them all, Li Rui interrupted: "Okay, stop talking nonsense and take me there quickly." When Li Rui came out, he made an appointment with Li Xiaoshuan, as long as the water is submerged.  At the top of the alley, they asked him to pull the rope hard. The rope was still tied around his waist. If he couldn't find a place to fix it, he would drown alive if they pulled him all the way back.  "Okay! Then you follow me." Ergouzi agreed.With a loud sound, he took two big breaths and turned over and got into the water, followed closely by Li Rui.
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