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Text Chapter 67 Rescue (4)

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    "This" Jiang Liansheng couldn't answer for a while.  "Mr. Su, the current situation underground is very complicated. According to the workers who went down the well for the first time to follow the drainage pipes, the water below is rising very fast. We cannot rule out the occurrence of secondary disasters such as secondary water penetration and tunnel collapse. And the water below is  The power distribution room has been flooded and the power supply has been cut off. It is still very dangerous without sufficient lighting. Even the miners refused to go down. It was only after Secretary Li did his work that four miners followed him to investigate.  Explain the situation." Ma Xuejun rushed to answer.  Su Zhiqiang's heart skipped a beat, but he also heard that it was Li Rui who took the initiative, so he couldn't say anything more.  However, Yang Liqing said seriously after hearing this: "At this time, we need our party members and cadres to take the lead in standing up. Comrade Li Rui can disregard his own safety and risk his life to go down the mine to investigate the situation and gain opportunities for the rescue work. This spirit is very good."  It is worth learning from us, so we all must take active action and put the safety of miners first.¡± There was a burst of applause at the scene. Du Jinsong was very happy as he clapped his hands, but he had no choice but to do so.  Thinking about Li Rui, this kid is still stupid and bold.  "Secretary Ji is here." Someone shouted.  The crowd originally surrounding Yang Liqing moved out of the way, and Ji Faling walked over with a serious expression.  "Secretary Ji." Yang Liqing hurriedly greeted him.  "County Magistrate Yang, how's the situation?" Now it's Yang Liqing's turn to report the situation, which is also a rule and characteristic of officialdom.  Yang Liqing reported the known situation to Ji Faling, focusing on the touching story of Li Rui, Party Secretary and Deputy Director of the Coal Management Bureau, who risked his life and personally led people to investigate the accident.  Ji Faling's expression changed slightly when he heard the name Li Rui. First of all, he was a young cadre sent by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. As for the rumors outside, Ji Faling didn't believe it. At most, the young man thought he had some background.  Just young and energetic.  Secondly, her baby daughter mentioned this name to him two days ago. It is said that when her daughter was on the phone with Gao Jie, Gao Jie once joked that a friend of hers worked in Nanqiao and asked Uncle Ji to take care of him.  Although his daughter mentioned it casually, Ji Faling took it seriously. He believed that Gao Jie would never mention someone's name casually. This Li Rui must have an unusual relationship with her.  Moreover, Gao Jie had just divorced not long ago, which could easily arouse Ji Faling's thoughts.  But at this time, he really wanted to get to know this young man. In any case, having such courage is quite rare.  "Come out, Chief An is out." "Why is he alone, where are the others?" There was a commotion in front of the mine, and Ji Faling and Yang Liqing heard the sound and hurriedly walked over.  An Guangmin had just climbed up from below, panting like an ox, and shivering when the cold wind blew through his soaked clothes.  "Quickly, put a coat on him quickly." Ji Faling quickly ordered after seeing this.  The images of Ji Faling and Yang Liqing often appeared in the news on the county TV station. An Guangmin trembled and said quickly: "Secretary Ji, Yang County Magistrate Yang, you hello!" "How is the situation down there?  Yang Liqing asked quickly.  At this time, someone brought a coat over. After putting on the coat, An Guangmin finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly explained the following situation.  Hearing that no body was found below, and that the forty-six trapped miners might still be alive, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ji Faling found that only An Guangmin came up, and there was no one behind him, so he asked  : "Where are Comrade Li Rui and several other miners?" "Secretary Li went to find the trapped miners." An Guangmin then asked how Li Rui wanted to go to the water penetration point to find the trapped miners before the tunnel was completely flooded.  The story was told once.  "Isn't this nonsense? What if there is something wrong? Rescue must be scientific, how can we rely on personal courage? Secretary Ji, I suggest that the rescue team go down immediately and pull people back. Don't let the trapped miners return.  If they are not rescued, we should rescue one first," Yang Liqing said immediately.  Ji Faling was obviously much calmer than Yang Liqing and said: "Ministry An is an expert and he has just investigated the situation down there. We'd better listen to his opinion first." "Secretary Ji, County Magistrate Yang, the top priority now is to pump water.  Ah! The power of our water pump is too small, less than fifty cubic meters per hour. According to the speed of the water level rising, it needs to pump at least 1,000 cubic meters per hour to make the water level drop.  Ji Faling made a prompt decision: "Are the rescue team's water pumps ready? Organize drainage immediately, and we must reach the goal of pumping 1,000 cubic meters of water per hour. In addition, the rescue team will immediately send people down to meet Comrade Li Rui and the others." "Secretary Ji, we  The rescue team used two pumps with a pumping capacity of 50 cubic meters per hour.The water machine is already being installed and can start working in no more than two hours.  But to reach 1,000 cubic meters per hour, at least twenty such pumps are needed!  "Du Jinsong reported while wiping cold sweat. "I don't care about this. If such a big accident happened, doesn't your Coal Management Bureau have no responsibility at all?  It's up to you to figure out the problem with the water pump.  The high-power water pump must be in place before dawn, and the displacement per hour must reach 1,000 cubic meters, no, 1,200 cubic meters. If you can't do it, you, Du Jinsong, just take the blame and resign.  "Ji Faling said sternly. "Du Jinsong was completely dumbfounded now. To achieve a displacement of 1,200 cubic meters per hour, even a giant water pump with a water pumping capacity of more than 200 cubic meters would require as many as six. The entire Pengcheng City may only have the mining department.  How could he, a small department director, do it? He couldn't help but look at Yang Liqing for help. After such a big accident, Yang Liqing was actually very dissatisfied with Du Jinsong.  He had scolded Du Jinsong on the way, but after all, Du Jinsong was his, and he was the one who nominated him as the coal management director. Just now, Ji Faling asked Du Jinsong to take the blame and resign if he couldn't do it.  Just angry words, maybe he really wants to take this opportunity to take down Du Jinsong and replace him with one of his, which can't help but make Yang Liqing alert. "Old Du, are you having any difficulties?  "Yang Liqing asked deliberately in front of Ji Faling. "Secretary Ji, County Magistrate Yang.  "In front of Ji Faling, even if Yang Liqing was asking questions, Du Jinsong did not dare to miss Ji Faling, and he would address him in front of Yang Liqing, "The rescue team's two water pumps with a capacity of 50 cubic meters.  Water pumps are already quite big in our Nanqiao County.  To achieve a pumping capacity of 1,200 cubic meters per hour, you must seek help from the Bureau of Mines. Only they have giant pumping equipment. I heard that the largest pumping capacity can reach 400 cubic meters per hour.  " Asking for help from the Mining Bureau means that the news of a major water leakage accident in Changshan Coal Mine has spread. Yang Liqing blocked the news as soon as he arrived at the scene and has not yet reported it to the city. At this point, Ji Faling and  Yang Liqing's attitude was surprisingly consistent, and Ji Faling never mentioned whether he had reported to his superiors, but it was obvious that he couldn't do it now. "Secretary Ji, look" Yang Liqing looked at Ji Faling and asked.  He furrowed his brows and thought for a moment, then said: "In this way, I will report to the city; County Magistrate Yang, you will be responsible for contacting the water pump together with Du Jinsong; County Magistrate Zhiqiang will be responsible for on-site command.  Remember, saving lives is the first priority. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must give 100% of our efforts.  " At this time, Li Rui had barely swam through the 200-meter lane. At this time, he was already regretting it. He obviously underestimated the resistance caused by the rapid water flow. A short 200-meter swim was longer than the usual 1,000-meter swim.  Tired. The surroundings were dark, only the miner's lamp above my head gave off a faint light. At this time, the water level had risen to about thirty centimeters from the top of the tunnel. If I didn't pay attention, I could touch the top of the tunnel.  He was a little unsure about the tunnel that was completely submerged in the water. Once he got through, he might not have time to come back. He even had the idea of ??turning around and going back. With the speed of the water, he could easily swim back and turn the corner.  In his mind, forty-six trapped miners were trembling and crowded on an abandoned working surface more than 20 meters long and less than 50 to 60 square meters. They were dark, hungry, and thirsty. They had no idea what was happening outside.  Seeing the water level rising little by little, fear and despair were intertwined. What they needed most at that time was hope, the hope of being rescued. At the same time, this scene flashed in their minds, all forty-six miners.  He was killed, and he was held accountable as the deputy director of the Coal Management Bureau in charge of safety. He was removed from his position and fired from his public service. When he returned to Beijing, Zhang's family was surrounded by contemptuous looks. It seemed that everyone was pointing and laughing.  He couldn't hold himself up to the wall. His father was yelling at him: "Look at you, you can't do anything!"  What else do you think you are good for?  waste!  " On one side was the poor miner, and on the other was Zhang Jianguo's angry face and the mocking eyes of the family around him. Li Rui suddenly realized that he was by no means a waste, and he had to save those miners. Li Rui pulled a rope at the top of the tunnel  Wire rested for a moment, took a few quick breaths, then took a deep breath and plunged into the water. The reddish-brown Xiaoyao Laokong water was extremely turbid. Li Rui didn't even dare to open his eyes because of the poison.  The current on the opposite side rushed towards him with great strength. He just dived into the water and paddled desperately. If he slacked off for a moment, he would be rushed back by the strong current. Gradually, he began to slowly spit out the carbon dioxide in his lungs to get more.  It took a long time for the carbon dioxide to be exhausted, but before he could swim out of the short 20-meter lane, the cold water kept hitting his ears and nostrils, and Li Rui accidentally choked on the water.  , which is an extremely bitter and sour feelingHe could only endure the taste. If he opened his mouth, he would only choke on more waste water.  He rowed desperately, and every blood vessel in his body seemed to be violently expanding and beating, and his body felt like it was about to be torn apart. He could only silently chant in his heart: "Hold on! Hold on!" Finally, the ear  There was a sound of running water beside me, and I swam out!  Li Rui suddenly jumped out of the water, air!  Although the air in the mine was very dirty, he was breathing heavily like a bellows, and he could even hear hissing from his lungs.
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