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Volume 3 Chapter 58 Planning

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    "Before Shen Chong left, he said that the only thing that was better in Taiwan than the mainland was that he was allowed to make movies. Other than that, it didn't matter."  Sitting upright and with a serious expression, he looked like he was being trained! The middle school student didn't look like his usual wild self at all, not for anything else but because the person sitting opposite him was his father, Huang Shaogu.  Different from his son's vulgar appearance, Huang Shaogu has a square head, big ears, thick eyebrows and broad nose, and a dignified appearance. He held an important position in the Kuomintang's supervisory department as early as the 1930s, and is now the "President of Justice" in Taiwan. He has long-term disciplinary and judicial work.  , cultivated a majestic and murderous temperament, in front of him, Huang Renzhong, a young man, seemed to be like a cat and a mouse.  After Chiang Ching-kuo failed to "fight tigers" in Shanghai and Peiping in his early years and came to Taiwan in disgrace, he hated official corruption very much. Anyone he knew to be suspected of corruption would be held accountable. For example, a few years ago, "Military Intelligence Director" Lu Guangyi  He bought a house in a prosperous area of ??Taipei through installment payment. When Chiang Ching-kuo found out, he immediately transferred him to a casual position, ruining his future - Taiwan's senior officials all have official residences allocated by the government, so why did you buy a house?  Where did the money come from?  Lu Guangyi was originally a key talent trained by the military, but his future as the future "Commander-in-Chief of the Taiwan Army" was ruined because of a house Therefore, although Huang Shaogu has deep qualifications and a high position, his children are all successful and financially comfortable.  , but he has been living in a new official residence and never went out to engage in the business of begging for land and housing, so as not to offend Jiang Jingguo. He leaned back on the already yellowed sofa and asked in a deep voice: "Did Shen Chong really say that?"  ?¡± ¡°Yes.¡± ¡°Show me his business card.¡± Huang Renzhong stood up, took out Shen Chong¡¯s business card, held it in both hands, and handed it over. Huang Shaogu took it and looked at it carefully.  He looked at the extremely concise business card for a while, then gently placed it on the coffee table and asked: "What is Li Guoding's reaction to Shen Chong's words?" "Uncle Li thinks that Shen Chong is knocking our Taiwan government and is worried about politics.  Factors will affect future investment and company operations, so I plan to have the president entertain Shen Chong to express his attitude and resolve his doubts. " Huang Shaogu nodded slightly, then looked at Huang Renzhong with bright eyes and asked, "What do you think?  "I don't think Shen Chong is worried about investment being disturbed. He may be telling the truth," Huang Renzhong said contrary to the arguments he made when communicating with Li Guoding in Hong Kong: "First, Shen Chong is in the Mainland, Hong Kong and the United States."  especially the United States, which has great influence and popularity. Every word and deed will be reported and interpreted. Moreover, an investment of US$1 billion is not trivial and attracts worldwide attention. Under the spotlight of the global media, no one in Taiwan dares to do evil things.  , there is no need to worry at all; secondly, Taiwan has a population advantage over Singapore and an infrastructure advantage over the mainland. These advantages can bring at least tens of millions of dollars in benefits to Shen Chong every year, but Shen Chong is so good at making money, ten million or even thousands of dollars.  Ten thousand US dollars is not very attractive to him." He swallowed and said, "I have a few friends who work on Wall Street. They said that several major banks in the United States have analyzed Shen Chong's assets.  He has always believed that his wealth is at least 100 million U.S. dollars. From last year to now, he has been making exactly 100 million U.S. dollars a month. In his eyes, tens of millions is just a small profit. " "Businessmen don't mind having little money.  "Ten million dollars is not a small profit." "Shen Chong is not an ordinary businessman." Huang Renzhong thought of Shen Chong's arrogance when he threw away the sushi, and he frowned, his face like orange peels squeezing.  Tuan explained: "When I was studying in the United States, I once read a paper on human behavioral science. It said that human needs have five levels from low to high. The lowest is physiological needs, followed by safety needs.  , again the need for love and belonging, then the need for respect, and finally the need for self-actualization. Shen Chong¡¯s fame, wealth and status have long surpassed the first four needs. Now the only thing he cares about is the last one, which is self-actualization.  Realize your ideals, ambitions or interests." He pointed to the business card on the coffee table and added: "Media and cultural careers may be his ideals or interests in life.  " Huang Shaogu picked up the business card with his thumb and forefinger, held it in front of his eyes, pondered for a while, and then said: "Wei Jingmeng went to the Presidential Palace last night and submitted a feasibility report on opening a fourth TV station in Taiwan.  sex report.  " "TV station?  " "At the beginning of the year, President Sun proposed to open a private cable TV station to solve the problem of the proliferation of illegal private TV stations. The president asked Wei Jingmeng to do a feasibility analysis. Wei Jingmeng analyzed it for seven or eight months, and there was no movement at all.  No, the report suddenly came out yesterday.  Huang Shaogu touched his chin and continued: "There are several key points in this report. First, the cable TV station is operated by private capital, and the government, military and party organizations are not involved; second, the registered capital must not be less than 5  billion NT dollars; third, it shall not be less thanAmong the ?? shareholders, the shareholding amount of Taiwanese or Taiwanese enterprises must exceed 5%; fourthly, the maximum shareholding amount of a single shareholder shall not exceed 40%; fifthly, the candidate for general manager needs to be reviewed by the Information Bureau" Huang Shaogu is the law  The expert, after a brief introduction, concluded: "Except for the charter that must comply with Taiwan's laws and regulations, the rest of the provisions in this report are almost exactly the same as those of Shen Chong's Jiayi TV Station in Hong Kong.  " "Is Wei Jingmeng trying to pave the way for Shen Chong to come to Taiwan to open a TV station?  " Huang Shaogu didn't say anything. He just weighed the business card and put it back on the coffee table. Jiayi TV has not even established a foothold in Hong Kong, but it wants to reach out to Taiwan? The economy, politics, and culture of Hong Kong and Taiwan  , customs and even the language environment are different, these cannot be solved with money, just come and go? No wonder the boss of Jardine Matheson said he is a lunatic "This plan is very loose for Shen Chong, he can do it as he pleases?"  Holds 39.  If you own the shares and find an ally, you can take full control of the TV station.  Huang Renzhong was surprised by Shen Chong's appetite and asked: "What is the president's attitude?"  "Mr. Jiang didn't say anything. He just left the report in the study room of his official residence."  " Keep it in without publishing it? Are you considering the feasibility of the report itself, or do you want to see the reactions of all parties? Huang Shaogu raised his right hand, rubbed his temples with his thumb, and then said: "Shen Chong went to Singapore this morning. He  As soon as they left Hong Kong, Gu Qiyun and Xiao Zheng followed suit.  ¡± Ku Qiyun is the eldest son of Gu Zhenfu and the heir to the Gu family of Lukang. The Gu family is one of the five major families in Taiwan. In the early years, it started from the opium and salt industry during the Japanese colonial period. In the 1950s, Gu Zhenfu entered the cement industry, just in time to catch up with Taiwan's economic take-off.  , the infrastructure and real estate markets are booming, the demand for cement is large, and profits are huge, which has accumulated a huge amount of wealth. Gu Zhenfu is also recognized as a business leader in Taiwan. Although the main business of the Gu family is cement, Gu Qiyun is very concerned about serious pollution.  I have no interest in traditional industries, but have a strong interest in smoke-free industries such as finance, securities and media. Therefore, after graduating from the famous Wharton Business School in the United States, I did not go to sell cement. Instead, I went to China Trust to do planning, and later went to the mainland of the United States.  He works in a bank and Japan's Mitsubishi Trust. Taipei is such a big circle, and the circle of the second generation is even smaller. Huang Renzhong naturally knows Gu Qiyun and knows that he admires Shen Chong very much and regards him as his idol, especially the knowledge economy concept he advocates. Now Shen  It¡¯s not unusual for him to approach Taiwan because of the urge to come to Taiwan for large-scale investment - the Lukang Ku family has always been known for its diversified operations, whether it¡¯s the electronics industry or the media industry, so Ku Qiyun went to Singapore to represent the Ku family.  When Xiao Zhengzhi went to Singapore, he should represent the Cai family Xiao Zhengzhi has a close relationship with the Chiang family. As early as the 1940s, Chiang Kai-shek appointed him, who was not yet 30 years old, to serve as the county magistrate of Chongming County in Jiangsu and Daishan County in Zhejiang.  After arriving in Taiwan, he was a confidant of Chiang Ching-kuo. He was responsible for the personnel and organizational work of the army. He successively held important positions such as Director of Political Warfare of the Military Police and Director of Political Warfare of the Financial Defense Department. In 1970, Wang was promoted to Lieutenant General.  In preparation for the establishment of China Television, Xiao Zhengzhi was strongly recommended to serve as the deputy general manager, in charge of the operation of the television station. Xiao Zhengzhi lived up to expectations and ran the business very well. In just two or three years, he defeated Taiwan Television and China Television, making China Television the first  The first profitable TV station, but this person often used the TV station to make friends with political and business celebrities to make money, which aroused Chiang Ching-kuo's dissatisfaction, so in 1975, he was promoted and secretly demoted, and he was transferred to the General Political and War Department as a casual post. His term was completed in 1978  After that, Wang Sheng repeatedly recommended him to work in public institutions, but Chiang Ching-kuo rejected him. He had no choice but to retire and serve as the chairman of a printing company in the Cai family, one of the "New Five Families in Taiwan". "Taiwan has two generations, the old and the new."  The "Five Big Families", among which the Old Five Big Families, refers to the five most politically and economically influential local families from the Japanese colonization to the end of World War II. From north to south, they are the Yan Family of Keelung, the Lin Family of Banqiao, the Lin Family of Wufeng,  The five major families, the Lukang Ku family and Kaohsiung Chen family, made their fortunes by accumulating land and government support. Most of their businesses are traditional industries. For example, the Yan family in Keelung operates minerals, the Chen family in Kaohsiung operates the sugar industry, and the Lukang Gu family operates the opium and salt industries.  and moth balls In the 1950s and 1960s, Taiwan's economy took off, and in the process of shifting from an agricultural society to an industrial society, five new families were born, namely the Formosa Wang family, the Far East Xu family, the Cathay Cai family, the Hexin Ku family, and the Shin Kong Wu family.  , these five major families made their fortunes in industry and finance, and their asset scale far exceeds that of the older generation. Among them, the Cai Wanchun family of Cathay Pacific has the most abundant capital.  The Cai family owns more than ten large financial institutions and industrial companies such as Tenth Credit Union, Cathay Life, Cathay Insurance, Cathay Trust, Cathay Construction, Cathay Plastics, etc., with business scope covering finance, insurance, transportation, construction, advertising, plastics,  As early as the mid-1970s, in many industries such as leasing, textiles, food and beverages, electrical appliances and electronics, hotels and department stores, the total assets exceeded US$1 billion.There are more than 70 companies, which are the leaders and giants of private enterprises in Taiwan.  Taiwan has not fully opened its capital market. If Shen Chong comes to Taiwan to invest US$1 billion, he will definitely need the help of financial institutions to handle it. This is a huge business. The Cai family cannot just sit idly by and ignore it. Xiao Zhengzhi was once a confidant of Chiang Ching-kuo.  Wang Sheng's arm is now backed by the Cai family, with rich political and business resources, and the experience and ability to run a TV station. Sending him to Singapore to contact Shen Chong must be a gesture of goodwill from the Cai family¡ª¡ª  Just like Li Ka-shing's investment in Jiayi TV, everyone gets what they need and benefits each other.  "Dad, the capital of the Gu family and the Cai family is not comparable to mine. What should I do now? Should I also go to Singapore?" Huang Shaogu shook his head and asked, "How much money do you have now?"  " "About NT$500,000, but if Shen Chong comes to invest, I will have to leave at least about NT$300,000 to purchase equipment and expand the factory, otherwise I won't be able to meet his needs. " "So it's only NT$ NT$ 0,000?" Huang Shaogu frowned.  After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Go to your brother-in-law and borrow 30UU. I will give you another 5 million or 55 million. You should be able to get 10% of the shares of the TV station." Huang Renzhong has two sisters. The eldest sister is married to Hu  Tong Qing, the second sister is married to Xia Gongquan, who is Taiwan's representative in the United States and does not have much assets. The "brother-in-law" Huang Shaogu refers to is Hu Tongqing, who is the founder and chairman of Far Eastern Airlines, a company  Taiwan's largest private airline has deep pockets and it is not difficult to borrow tens of millions of New Taiwan dollars.  "As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm local snakes. The Gu family and the Cai family have great careers and many branches. The electronics industry is just the icing on the cake. Shen Chong is not sure about controlling them. But you are different. You only work in the electronics industry and have a single financial path. Shen Chong can  It will make you feel more at ease if you decide whether you will live or die. Sometimes it is not a bad thing to give someone a hand." After Huang Shaogu finished giving instructions, he raised his hand and looked at his watch and said, "Shen Chong went to Singapore in the morning, and Zhang Aijia returned to Taipei in the afternoon. They should have arrived by now.  Go to the villa in Yangmingshan. You just need to talk to her. There is no need to go to Singapore." "Tell Zhang Aijia? She is not interested in doing business, and Shen Chong didn't tell her about the investment plan." Huang Renzhong hesitated.  Said: "Why don't I have an interview with Shen Chong after he comes to Taipei at the weekend." "Shen Chong never brought Zhang Aijia to discuss business in the past. Why did he take her to see you and Li Guoding this time? Have you ever thought about it? Zhang Aijia  She is the spokesperson on the table. It is enough for you to make it clear to her. Shen Chong and you are just casual acquaintances, but Zhang Aijia and you are family friends, and their friendship is different." Huang Shaogu used two fingers to touch Shen.  Chong pushed the business card over and said, "Put this away and don't lose it. It might be useful in the future."
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