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Volume 3 Chapter 57 Heart-to-heart talk

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    The night is dark, the sea breeze is blowing, the waves are rippling, and the masts are like forests.  In front of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club hall on Keli Island, Shen Chong handed the parking ticket to the doorman and motioned for him to drive the car over. Then he stood aside and chatted with a few friends. These people were old and white-haired.  They were all in their prime, some were Chinese, some were white, all of them were smiling, chatting and laughing, and they were very familiar with each other.  "AI, you are too cautious in playing cards, otherwise the harvest tonight will be greater." "There is no harm in being cautious on the card table." "This is not like your style in the investment market Don't forget, you owe me a bottle of champagne  "Don't forget, I'll send it to your office tomorrow." While he was chatting, Ning Ning, who was wearing a white evening gown, was also dealing with a British man in a suit and tie. This guy was visiting Hong Kong and was said to be an aristocrat.  , with the title of Viscount.  "Ms. Ningning, it's a great honor to meet you. I hope tonight's party did not disappoint you." "Mr. Lau, tonight's party is very good. I like it very much. Thank you for your invitation." The doorman quickly left the Porsche  After driving over, Shen Chong waved his hand casually and said goodbye to everyone, then took Ning Ning into the car and left the yacht club.  "Brother Shen, did you win tonight?" "No, you lost a little more than 50,000." "You lost so much? Aren't you the God of Wealth? How could you lose money?" "The God of Wealth and the God of Gamblers are two gods."  Shen Chong laughed and said, "How are you? Did you see Mr. Ruyihuang that you liked at night? That guy just looked good." "Brother Shen, you are talking nonsense again." Ning Ning made a face and said  : "That guy is oily, pretentious, full of arrogance, and has no meaning at all." "I'm not talking nonsense, tonight is a viewing party to sell the eldest daughter of the Ning family to Hong Kong's unscrupulous capitalists." Shen  Chong smiled and joked: "Since you are not satisfied, then I will hold another party in a few days. I must satisfy Miss Ningning." Ningning snorted with some embarrassment and turned her head to look at the night view outside the car.  .  Shen Chong waited for a while, but didn't get a reply, so he took a peek and found that her face was cold and her eyelashes were trembling slightly. He felt that the joke was a bit too much, so he quickly explained: "Don't take it seriously, I saw that after you came back from Beijing  , seems a little unhappy, so I am not betraying you by taking you out to relax tonight. " "Brother Shen, you are so serious." Ning Ning glanced at him and complained: "I am alone in Hong Kong.  It's already pitiful enough, but you always make fun of me and bully me. "Ning Ning's parents are both from the south, but she grew up in the north, and her character has the best of both the north and the south, being both delicate and generous, gentle and gentle.  Firm, as refreshing and clear as a sunny day after a heavy snowfall. When Shen Chong saw her talking like this, he knew that she was not angry. He breathed a sigh of relief, pointed with his finger, and commented: "Your tone and expression are just like Tianbao's.  The H-TV series he acted in are just as artificial, so no wonder it was axed. "Tianbao starred in the annual H-drama "Turn Around", which was originally planned to be a RU episode and premiered on August 4, but it was completely rejected by Li TV's "The Love of the Earth".  , it was hastily cut after 15 episodes. When Tianbao came back from Beijing, he found that the character he played had not even had time to appear, and he cried angrily Ning Ning pursed her lips and smiled, threatening: "Wait a minute.  I'll tell Tianbao when I get home, so you won't have a restful night." "Her sister is at home, and this crazy girl is trying." Shen Chong looked at her smiling face and seemed to be in a good mood, so he held the steering wheel with his left hand and grabbed it with his right hand.  On the back of his head, he said in a confused manner: "Actually you don't have to worry too much about those rumors." Even Taiwanese people know about the rumors in Beijing, not to mention the person involved Ning Ning was silent, and after a while she whispered.  : "I didn't care." Then she raised her head, looked at Shen Chong with bright and clear eyes, and emphasized: "Brother Shen, I really don't care." Although Shen Chong was flirtatious from time to time, in essence, it was not  He is not an expert in picking up girls. Li Kaiyuan was his "childhood sweetheart" and got it with the help of sister Yuan Yuan, so he didn't really understand the little thoughts of girls. When Ning Ning said this, he didn't take it to heart.  Then he asked: "Then why are you always in a daze these days?" "I feel that I am quite useless." Ning Ning sighed softly, hugged her shoulders with her hands, and said, "I have been  I thought I was quite smart and capable, but when I returned to Beijing to work as a translator for the economic and trade delegation, I found out that I knew nothing and didn¡¯t understand anything, and made a lot of jokes. " "You are still young, just practice and practice.  Shen Chong comforted: "The mainland has been closed for decades. The system is rigid, information is poor, and efficiency is low. Problems are inevitable. You have done a good job, and those Americans praised you before leaving."  "Brother Shen, I am 19 years old this year. You are only three years older than me." Ning Ning raised her green fingers and waved them in front of him.He shook his head and said: "You are already a world-famous big entrepreneur, but I am just a yellow-haired girl who can't even translate well." "Am I?" Shen Chong said in shock: "I always thought I was."  Ning Ning smiled at this and reminded with a smile: "Your birthday is in December. Strictly speaking, you haven't reached the age yet. It's just that you have been hanging out with those middle-aged and elderly people in their forties and fifties, and you have forgotten your age.  " Shen Chong only remembered birthdays in his previous life and never paid attention to birthdays in this life. As he turned the steering wheel and drove into the Majixian Gorge Road leading to the mid-levels, he asked casually: "Ning Ning, when is your birthday? " "  "I won't get a birthday gift if I don't tell you." "It's not unusual." Ning Ning said in a childish way, "I also have a birthday in December."  Ah, which day?" "Three days later than you." Shen Chong didn't know much about birthdays or festivals. He just said "oh" and didn't care. He concentrated on driving. Majixian Gorge Road is not far from Baijia Road.  It was only two or three minutes away. Before turning into Baijia Road, Ning Ning suddenly said: "Brother Shen, can you stop by the side of the road for a while?" "What's wrong?" "I want to say a few words to you.  " Shen Chong was slightly surprised, but he still slowed down, stopped on the side of the road, pulled the handbrake, and asked: "What did you say?" "That" Ning Ning lowered her head slightly, not knowing that she was avoiding him.  His eyes were still organizing his words, and he said after a while: "Brother Shen, I am very confused now. I feel that my life has no goal You and Sister Yuanyuan are busy every day, and there is endless work.  Uncle Li and Aunt Liu also go out early and come back late every day to do their own business, and the same goes for Sister Xiaoyue. Every time I call her, she is either busy with class or busy with work. Even even Tianbao has her own  I wanted to be a big star wholeheartedly, and I also learned to play the piano and dance, but I never knew what I wanted to do or what I could do Shen Chong felt pity in his heart. Although this girl is living a life  She has no worries about food and clothing, and has a tough and self-reliant character, but she is only a 19-year-old girl after all. In China in 19RU, let alone a 19-year-old girl, even a one-year-old adult uncle may not know what the future will be like  Ignoring her mood and feelings "Ning Ning, if you want to be more relaxed, do what you like; if you want to be more fulfilling, do something that interests you.  " "Are these two different?  " "It's different. What you like is a hobby, such as literature, music, etc. What you are interested in is work, such as finance, industry, opening a factory, doing foreign trade, etc.  ¡± ¡°I want to do things that interest me.  Ning Ning chose the second one without any hesitation, then hesitated for a moment and said, "I have a cousin who wants to come to Hong Kong to open a foreign trade import and export company. Let me do it with her. Brother Shen, what do you think?"  Should I go?  " After Ningning's mother was also a high-ranking official, her cousins ??were naturally second-generation officials. Nine out of ten foreign trade companies opened by the second-generation officials in the early RU years took advantage of the mainland's policy loopholes to engage in reselling "Are you interested in this?  ?  " "I'm not very interested, it's just that" Ning Ning muttered a little embarrassedly: "The money I earned from working in the past two months is not as much as the chips you lost in one night. Tianbao still has hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings.  .  ¡± The old man of the Ning family has very strict requirements on Ning Ning. He only gives 10UU Hong Kong dollars in living expenses through China Resources every month, and explicitly prohibits Shen Chong from funding, otherwise he will let her move out. Ning Ning pawned Li Kaiyuan in July  I worked as a trainee secretary for 2 months with a monthly salary of 50UU Hong Kong dollars. When I returned to Beijing in August, I worked as a translator for several Americans in the foreign economic and trade delegation and earned US$10,000. Other than that, I had no other income. In the colorful world of Hong Kong, a  A young girl lives in a luxurious villa but only has tens of thousands of yuan in her pocket. The psychological gap is indeed a bit big "A man cannot be without power for a day, and a young woman cannot be without money for a day."  Shen Chong laughed and said: "Ning Ning, if you want to make money, tens of millions a year is not a problem, but before making money, you must first think about a question, is money or career more important?"  "    "How to say?  " "If you just want to make money, money and power trading is easy and fast, but it is easy to fall into someone's trap, and you can only make small fuss and be shameful. If you want to start a business, money and power joint ventures have a solid foundation and broad prospects.  It's just hard work, very tiring and hard.  "Brother Shen, you are here again. Money and power are all illegal. Can't you do some legitimate business?"  " "Nonsense, money and power are a natural pair and can never be separated from each other. Where is the crime?  If you want to do big things, money and power are indispensable.  Shen Chong clenched his fists with both hands, waved them in front of Ning Ning, and said, "When fighting, you have to use both fists together."  " "Brother Shen, you are very weak in fighting, okay?  "NingShe chuckled, teased him, and then asked playfully: "Which industry should I go into so that I can have money and powermarriage?" "With my financial resources and your family's power, any industry will do." Shen  Chong didn't pay attention to Ning Ning's accent. He held the steering wheel and said harshly: "Pick a direction you like and hit wherever you point." "Then let me think about it first." "You think about it slowly and think about it three times."  Five years is fine, I'm young anyway, don't worry." Shen Chong sat upright, dialed the car key, and asked, "Is there anything else?" Ning Ning bit her thin red lips and looked at her with eyes like the bright moon.  He asked softly: "Brother Shen, do you care about those rumors?  " "I'm a man, what do I care about?  I wish all the women in the world would fall in love with me.  Shen Chong laughed loudly. He turned the key, started the car, and said, "Especially for a gentle, beautiful and dewy girl like Ning Ning."  " "Brother Shen, you are such a big pervert"
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