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Volume 3 Chapter 19 Classification

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    Movies, TV, and print media are the troika in Shen Chong's media landscape. Therefore, after Zhou Liang Shuyi and others, the editors of several magazines came in for the meeting, including Qiu Liben, the editor-in-chief of "Prosperity Oriental Weekly", and "Far Eastern Economic Review"  Philip Pauling, Lin Xingzhi, editor-in-chief of "Economic News", Luo Weiming, editor-in-chief of "Movie Times", and Lin Niantong, editor-in-chief of "First Film Review".  The rapid economic development of Hong Kong and Taiwan has given birth to a large number of local middle class. They know etiquette when they are practical, and they know honor and disgrace when they have enough food and clothing. After meeting their material needs, these people will naturally pursue spiritual satisfaction. Gossip entertainment magazines are too vulgar and boring.  , English magazines also have a sense of cultural isolation, so Shen Chong used the method of "occupying the magpie's nest and giving birth to children in the nest", based on "Asia Weekly" and using the hottest exclusive news as a selling point, he founded "Prosperity Oriental Weekly"  It immediately attracted great attention. In just a few months, it became the number one political and economic magazine in Chinese. It was a hot seller not only in Hong Kong, but also in the Chinese areas of Southeast Asia. On every plane taking off from Kai Tak Airport,  They all have this magazine.  " The sales volume of each issue of "Shengshi Oriental Weekly" is about 300,000, of which 180,000 are in Hong Kong, 80,000 in the Chinese area of ??Southeast Asia, and 10,000 in North America and Australia combined Taiwan does not allow our magazine to be distributed in Taiwan, but according to statistics,  About 50 UU copies of each issue of the magazine were packaged and bought by a Taiwan-funded trading company. I think it was officially purchased for internal distribution." After Qiu Liben introduced Taiwan, he also introduced the situation in the mainland: "The situation in the mainland is relatively optimistic.  , although the Ministry of Culture and the Hong Kong and Macao Office have not yet approved our application for distribution in Guangdong, the magazine is allowed to be sold on the trains of the Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway. In this way, each issue can sell more than 12,000 copies. I want to wait until the opening  After its release, sales will soar. ""Asia Weekly" has been established for many years, and has no shortage of channels and reputation. It originally had a sales volume of more than 100,000. The "Shengshi Oriental Weekly" that was born from its corpse has only a few years.  It is not surprising to have a sales volume of 300,000 per month, but Shen Chong does not value sales, he values ??influence, so he is not happy, but warned: "Chief Editor Qiu, don't take it lightly, walk steadily, don't  If you are in a hurry to open up the market, especially in order to boost sales, you should not engage in eye-catching controversial topics. Taiwan and the Mainland are both in a period of transformation now. Just like a young girl who has just started to have an affair, her thoughts are unpredictable and cannot be provoked. If you are not careful, you will be  He will be treated as a scoundrel and will be imprisoned for the rest of his life. " Qiu Liben felt a little depressed after his trip to Beijing. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I know what to do." "Far Eastern Economic Review"  and "Xinbao Financial News" are both high-quality media with good reputation, stable revenue, and smart management. They have not done anything wrong. Therefore, Shen Chong has never interfered in the daily operations of these two media. This time he summoned two  The editor-in-chief came to the meeting not to report on the business, but for other things.  "Chief Editor Qiu is doing political news, Mr. Philip and Mr. Lin are doing financial news, Chief Editor Luo and Chief Editor Lin are doing movie news, we are all completely unrelated to each other, so I have called you all here today.  I want everyone to work together to report a piece of news in depth. " Shen Chong asked Gu Liwei to send everyone a document, and then said: "In early April, I held an Academy Award, and Mr. Zhao Dan made some remarks at the award ceremony.  To be more serious, in the past month or so, the mainland media has launched a nationwide discussion around his words. Everyone is well-informed and must have heard about it. Among them, there is one point of view that aroused my attention.  Pay attention. "This point of view is the film classification system. The United States and the United Kingdom have classification systems, but Hong Kong is known as the Hollywood of the East and the second largest film production place in the world. It only has a film censorship office but no classification system. This situation makes me very sad.  I was curious, so I went to check it out. I wouldn¡¯t know if I didn¡¯t check it. I was shocked when I found out that Hong Kong¡¯s film censorship system is an illegal governance behavior with no legal basis. It has been going on for almost 30 years. As a place governed by law,  This kind of thing happened and no one noticed it, which shocked me. "Although in 19RU, the H line "We are legal in Hong Kong" was not popular, the British Hong Kong government often promoted Hong Kong's complete laws and public security.  It was good to create a sense of colonial superiority, so several people were surprised by this and picked up the documents in front of them and read them.  Shen Chong has known for a long time that there are legal loopholes in Hong Kong's film censorship system. In 1987, after this loophole was revealed on the front page of the Far Eastern Economic Review, the Hong Kong government spent more than a year re-formulating the rules for electric chair censorship.  Laws were passed and a classification system was introduced. From then on, the term "Category III film" was added to the Chinese vocabulary.  Shen Chong was not a lawyer and knew the origin, but he didn't know what the legal loophole was. So when he got rich, he found a law firm and commissioned them to study the film censorship system and quickly figured out what was illegal.  .  The legal basis for Hong Kong's current film censorship system comes from the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance 1953. In accordance with its provisions, the Governor, together with the Executive Council, formulated the "Film Censorship Regulations" in November 1953 and established the Film, Television and Entertainment Management Office.  , Hong Kong¡¯s film censorship system has since been formally formed.  In the following years, television?Inspections were carried out without clear standards. In order to improve this situation, in 1973, the Film, Television and Entertainment Management Office published film censorship standards, namely the "Film Censorship Guidelines", which listed eight censorship standards, but  This is not a law, but an administrative code, which is equivalent to the departmental regulations in the mainland.  According to Article 7(1) of the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance 1953, the government should conduct film censorship in accordance with the methods and principles prescribed in the Film Censorship Regulations. However, there is no provision for censorship in the Film Censorship Regulations.  principles and standards.  According to the principles of common law in the United Kingdom and the United States, all powers conferred by law are limited. The Film Censorship Regulations do not stipulate principles and standards to limit the government's power to censor films. This violates the principles of common law and is not consistent with the 1953 Film Censorship Regulations.  The provisions of the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance are therefore ultra vires, and it is illegal to do so.  British and American laws have always paid attention to correct procedures. The Film Censorship Regulations are illegal. The Film, Television and Entertainment Management Office established in accordance with them and the Film Censorship Guidelines formulated and published by them have naturally lost their legality. Therefore, the government follows the "Regulations"  All film censorship activities conducted in connection with the Guide are illegal.  Although in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of illegal behavior is boring and irrelevant, and can even be called nitpicking, the law is reasonable and rigorous. Therefore, this information has a great impact on Hong Kong's legal system and film industry.  Big, it's a big bomb.  However, when the bomb will detonate is very particular. After Shen Chong got the report, he kept it silent, just to find a suitable opportunity, and now, he felt that the time was ripe - the mainland is currently discussing film legislation in full swing, but  I just know how to legislate, but I don¡¯t know how to legislate. Hong Kong can be used as a reference to let mainland filmmakers know how to legislate.  According to Shen Chong's memory, in 1987, the Far Eastern Economic Review exposed the legal loopholes in Hong Kong's film censorship system. The Hong Kong government immediately abolished the 1953 Film Censorship Regulations and formulated the transitional "1987 Film Censorship Regulations"  ", and then began to legislate. After more than a year of discussions, the legally effective "Film Censorship Regulations" were promulgated in January 19RR. At the same time, a new film censorship agency was established and a film classification system was introduced.  At the same time, after years of discussion and deliberation, the mainland also formulated a film classification system with reference to Hong Kong's film legislation process. It was promulgated on March 1, 1989 and implemented nationwide on May 1. But unfortunately, a month later,  , a turmoil wiped out 10 years of hard work by mainland filmmakers.  The authoritative official magazine "Lookout" once specifically reported on the mainland's classification system. Its name is "Notice on Implementing a Censorship and Screening Grading System for Some Films". It is nominally "some films", but in fact it covers almost all films except military and  All types of movies other than the main theme, which clearly stipulates four standards that are "not suitable for children to watch": movies with rape, theft, drug abuse, drug trafficking, prostitution, etc.; movies with violence, murder,  Films with fighting scenes; films showing sex and sexual behavior; films showing social deformities.  These four items may not seem problematic at first glance. Every country's film rating system has similar provisions. However, there is a very important message hidden in it - this is the standard of "not suitable for children to watch". In other words, the mainland can  Producing and showing the movies mentioned in these four articles only requires that minors are not allowed to enter when selling tickets.  It is conceivable how important this classification system is to the mainland film industry. Without the June trend, Chinese films in the 1990s would have survived very well Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day, 1989  It has been too long, and he has no idea whether he can stop the turmoil. Therefore, he plans to take advantage of the reform in the mainland and the public sentiment to fluctuate, to start a wave of film classification in advance - he plans to use the "Far Eastern Economic Review"  and "Oriental Weekly" as arrows to open up loopholes in Hong Kong's film censorship system with great fanfare, and then use "Movie Times" and "First Film Review" as wings to guide mainland filmmakers to pay attention and learn from it, and so on, like dominoes  Likewise, we will promote the establishment of a film rating system in the Mainland.  "Cases that can change the development rules of an industry don't happen every day. I want you to do a good job with this news." Shen Chong knocked on the table habitually and reminded: "Philip, you and Chief Editor Qiu, wait.  After the report comes out, you should contact more members of the Legislative Council. When legislation is passed in the future, I will know the specific content of every discussion they have. Mr. Luo and Editor-in-Chief Lin, this case is related to the future of the Hong Kong film industry.  Go and interview the big guys in the industry, especially Shaw Brothers. Shaw Brothers has produced so many pornographic films. If the movies are rated, it will have the greatest impact on his company. " "Okay, no problem." Luo Weiming nodded repeatedly and said.  I have been involved in film news for more than ten years, and this is the first time I know that censorship is illegal. Once this news was reported, all Hong Kong filmmakers were probably unable to sit still."
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