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Volume 3 Chapter 18 Television

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    Shen Chong was not lying when he said he would hold eight meetings a day. As soon as the film production department left, a group of people from the television department walked in under the leadership of Gu Liwei.  The person walking at the front was a woman in her thirties. She was wearing a white shirt and a brown skirt. She had short hair, thin lips, and no jewelry. She looked very smart. Shen Chong stood up and greeted, "Hello 11u  "This woman is none other than Sandra Chow, the number one strongwoman in the Hong Kong television industry. She was born into a wealthy family. After graduating from the University of Hong Kong, she went to study in the UK. She worked as a teacher and actress at the Royal Conservatory of Music and Drama Theater, and later returned to Hong Kong to join the  H started from the bottom and was promoted to Assistant General Manager H in just a few years - the HR management copied the Shaw Brothers Film Company and implemented a management structure with low status and high responsibilities. Assistant General Manager is the highest position that non-board employees can get.  .  When Sylvia Chow served as the assistant general manager of H, she pioneered the production of long-form TV series in Hong Kong. Classic TV series such as "Family Change" and "Frenzy" made celebrities such as Chow Yun-fat and Cheng Shaoqiu popular, and helped H become popular among Chinese circles around the world in the future.  Laying the foundation, she also established a film team, invested in the filming of TV short films, and vigorously promoted newcomers. Tan Jiaming, Xu Anhua, Johnnie To and others were all supported by her. During her tenure, the HR ratings once exceeded 95.  TV and Jiayi TV cannot hold their heads high.  At the beginning of 1978, Sister Chow felt that she lacked challenges, so she took a group of her proud subordinates and switched jobs from TVH to Jiayi TV. She ambitiously wanted to create another H. After several months of preparation, in July 1978, she launched the so-called  The "July Offensive" has successively launched many major TV series, including "Celebrity Love" starring Zheng Yuling and Michelle, "The Golden Sword Lover" directed by Tsui Hark, etc., while spending huge sums of money on large-scale publicity activities.  Full-page advertisements were published in many newspapers and audio tapes were distributed at Tsim Sha Tsui Pier to promote new programs, hoping to challenge the dominance of HR.  It's a pity that the gongs and drums of the publicity are noisy, but the effect is not satisfactory, and the ratings have not improved much. Jiayi is originally a "disabled child" with congenital deficiencies and acquired disorders. He has a shallow foundation and a weak foundation. He cannot withstand the hardships. He is only one month old.  Before then, the shareholders behind the scenes could not sit still and cut off the TV station's cash flow, forcing Zhou Liangshuyi to resign on August 4. She resigned at the same time as five confidants who had quit H.  "The Six Gentlemen of Good Vision".  A month later, on September 7, Jiayi TV was taken over by a bankruptcy judge appointed by the government and liquidation began. Faced with questions from employees and interviews from the media, several shareholders blamed Zhou Liangshuyi, saying that she ignored  In reality, the TV station was forced to go bankrupt after spending so much money that it ran out of money.  Shen Chong sneered at this statement. Everyone knew that television was a money-burning industry. If a TV station could not even afford a month's money, it meant that it was terminally ill. Even if there was no "July Offensive", the TV station would lose money in three to five months.  In the end, it will still go bankrupt. It is too unkind to put the blame on a woman who has only been in office for a few months.  According to Shen Chong¡¯s memory, Sandra Chow took the blame more than once. In the early 1990s, she went to ATV to become the general manager, becoming the only person in Hong Kong who had served as a supervisor in three TV stations. When she was in power at ATV,  It produced many classic programs, such as "Undefended Tonight" and "Wu Yaohan Stir Up", which boosted the ratings of ATV that had been stagnant for many years. It could occasionally compete with H, but the good times did not last long. Before long, shareholders  He thought she was burning too much money, so he kicked her out again Shen Chong was afraid of everything except burning money. When the TV station restarted, it was in great need of capable, experienced and well-connected senior managers like Zhou Liang Shuyi. Therefore,  As soon as the TV license was approved, he immediately came to her door and invited her to be the general manager of Jiayi TV again.  Liang Shuyi and Zhang Aijia have a very good relationship. When she was still in HR, the two of them had jointly opened a company to invest in the theater business. With this relationship, she also wanted to avenge her shame and guaranteed her annual salary in Shen Chong.  After the investment budget was no less than 100 million and it would not interfere with daily operations, he immediately agreed to go out.  Zhou Liang Shuyi is energetic and resolute. It only took less than half a month to reunite the old department before the Academy Awards ceremony and set up the basic administrative structure of Jiayi TV. Shen Chong was very satisfied with this.  , so I went to the United States with confidence and stayed for two months.  After everyone sat down, Zhou Liang Shuyi immediately said: "Mr. Shen, may I first introduce the preparations of the TV station?" "Okay, please trouble you." Zhou Liang Shuyi stood up, took the slide projector remote control from Gu Liwei's hand, and waited for the electric curtains  After closing, she pressed the switch, showed a photo of a building, and said: "This is the Jiayi TV Building at No. 1 Broadcasting Road. After the TV station closed down in 1978, this building was rented to H as a production branch.  After the restart of Jiayi in March, H was very cooperative and moved the production branch to Shaw Brothers Cinemas in Clear Water Bay in early April. Now most of the rooms have been renovated. According to the plan, in the next few years, there will be  It is the headquarters of Jiayi TV." She pressed the switch again, switching to a room full of instruments, and introduced: "This is a new generation of TV recording and playback equipment ordered from the American PCA company, and is used by the three major television stations in the United States.  ofIn this way, it is at least three years more advanced than TVH's existing equipment.  " "This is the No. 1 studio that is being renovated. Various large-scale variety shows will be held here in the future.  "This is the second studio that has been renovated and is prepared for various interview programs." After introducing the hardware, Zhou Liang Shuyi began to introduce human resources: "This is the administrative structure of the TV station. There is a general manager, led by myself.  Responsible for overall business, with four assistant general managers responsible for drama production, advertising development, music variety shows and human resources. Liu Tianci is responsible for drama production, Zhu Jiading is responsible for advertising development, and Yu Yu is responsible for variety shows and music programs.  Lin Xuhua is responsible for human resources. Under the assistant general manager, there are heads of various departments, including logistics services, equipment management, stage design, props and makeup" Shen Chong looked at the list on the slide and listened to Zhou Liang Shuyi's introduction.  , calmly.  Liu Tianci and Lin Xuhua are both one of the "Six Gentlemen of Good Vision" and are close confidants of Suk-yee Chow. Yu is a senior executive of Hong Kong Commercial Radio and a strong woman like Suk-yee Chow. They have a good relationship. Although Shen Chong said that  Although he intervened in the daily management of the TV station, he could not let Zhou Liang Shuyi cover the sky with one hand, so he transferred Zhu Jiading to be responsible for the very important advertising business.  "I am a layman in the TV industry. Jiayi is restarting, and everything depends on you professionals." After Zhou Liang Shuyi finished the introduction, Shen Chong said with a satisfied look: "I can do everything well in two months.  Well-organized, very impressive, better than I expected. 11u is indeed the number one strong woman in Hong Kong, which makes me more confident in the future of Jiayi TV." "Mr. Shen is overrated. She is a veteran in the workplace.  He smiled lightly and said: "These are the results of everyone's joint efforts. I just did my part." "According to the requirements of the Hong Kong government, Jiayi will open a channel within six months. It has been three months now.  " Shen Chong twirled his fingers and asked: "I think the preparations are almost done. Will it be launched soon? " "Now the hardware has been debugged and the key technical personnel have been recruited. If  If it is just a movie channel, it can be broadcast at any time. It has the support of Oriental Charm's film library, there is no shortage of film sources, and it can be broadcast 24 hours a day." After Zhou Liang Shuyi answered, she said hesitantly: "Mr. Shen, it is really only a professional channel.  , not a comprehensive channel? We are a free wireless station, not a paid cable station. Without a comprehensive channel, it is like a stall without a facade. It will be of low quality in the eyes of the audience. Moreover, it does not have its own popular TV series and cannot be retained.  Audience." "Take your time, eat one bite at a time, start the professional channel first, and then make the comprehensive channel." Shen Chong laughed and said, "The comprehensive channel is too expensive, and we will fight for it in a while.  But in fact, I don¡¯t care about money in TVH. It doesn¡¯t matter how much we burn. But Jiayi doesn¡¯t have the final say alone. I¡¯m just one of the board members. If the other directors don¡¯t agree to burn money, there¡¯s nothing I can do about it. Who is Mr. Lin?  Virtue, you know better than me." Zhou Liang Shuyi was silent.  Mr. Lin refers to Mr. Lin Xiufeng, the third shareholder of Jiayi TV. He is the son of Hang Seng Bank founder Lin Bingyan. He is also considered one of the few rich men in Hong Kong. However, this man is very unreliable. He is a typical tiger father and dog son. He claims to be a graduate.  At a certain university in the United States, but no one knows which university it is, he invested in Jiayi TV in 1976 and became the largest shareholder.  According to the information Shen Chong got from Zhang Aijia, when Lin Xiufeng recruited Suk-yee Chow to change jobs in 1978, he vowed to give her full support and there would be no shortage of funds. Suk-yee Chow was dazzled by his title of successor of Hang Seng Bank and believed it.  She changed jobs, but only burned a month's money and lost millions. She panicked and cut off her future Shen Chong knew that this person was unreliable, mainly because of the memories from his previous life - this guy  In 19RU, he claimed to have purchased the Golden Gate Building from the Carnegie Group at a super high price, but did not actually pay. This was part of the "Carneon Scam." In 2019, he was sentenced for forging a bank guarantee of HKD 4.6 billion.  He was imprisoned for several months, causing a sensation in Hong Kong and being widely reported by the media.  But the more unreliable it is, the more Shen Chong likes it. Having this kind of bear bag on the board of directors makes it easier for him to control the entire Jiayi TV.  "Since it can be broadcast at any time, let's not delay it any longer." Shen Chong knocked on the table and said: "The logo of Jiayi TV is a hexagon. When Jiayi went bankrupt, 11u Liu Tianci, and  Lin Xuhua, you guys are called the Six Gentlemen of Jiashi by the media, so we will start broadcasting on June 6th. The Six Sixth Festival is both auspicious and meaningful. I also wish you the Six Gentlemen to make a comeback and create greater glory."  They looked at each other and expressed their gratitude. After saying some polite words, Yu asked: "Mr. Shen, according to the usual practice, when the broadcast starts, there will be a celebration party, firstly to get good luck, and secondly to do publicity.  , but today is the May issue, and there are only a few days before U-Day, so time is too tight, I'm afraid there won't be enough time to do the party. " "I won't do the party, keep everything simple," Shen Chong gestured to Gu Liwei and said:  "I brought a video tape back from the United States, play it when the movie channel starts broadcasting, and consider it a celebration.  " Gu Liwei turned on the TV and VCR in the corner of the conference room and pressed the play button. "Hi Hong Kong movie viewers, hello, I am George Lucas. Congratulations on the launch of Jiayi TV Movie Channel, watch movies, watch  Jiayi.  " "Congratulations on the launch of Jiayi TV, I love Hong Kong, I am UU Sean Connery.  " "Hello everyone, I am Jane Fonda" "11 I am Stallone from "Rocky"" This kind of publicity method can be described as a vulgar method in later generations, but in 19RU, it was very novel.  Especially at this time, Hong Kong's economy is booming, people are excited, and self-confidence is inflated. Seeing dozens of world-famous Hollywood stars and directors appearing one after another to congratulate the launch of Jiayi TV, my heart immediately lit up. "This video is better than ten."  The Taiwan party is even better.  Zhou Liang Shuyi stared at the picture on the TV and said, "We should use this for publicity, Mr. Shen, why not make it into a video tape and distribute it for free to let the audience know the strong strength of Jiayi TV."  " Shen Chong glanced at Zhu Jiading and said, "Nh, you are an advertising expert, what do you think?  " "This is indeed a good subject for publicity.  As a confidant of Shen Chong, Zhu Jiading had known about the existence of this video tape for a long time. He thought for a while and said: "It is okay to distribute the video tape for free, but the speed of dissemination is too slow to cause a sensation. I think these celebrities' congratulatory messages should be cut."  Divide it into several segments, then go to H and Li¡¯s to buy ads and put them directly on their TV stations.  " "Is this impossible?  "Liu Tianci was very surprised and said, "H and Li TV are both competitors, how could they let us advertise in them? If you are handing out KFC flyers in McDonald's, you will be beaten.  " "Being a TV station is not a one-time deal, it is a protracted battle. A few days of advertising will not harm the overall situation. We are friends of the station, and harmony will make money.  Shen Chong supported Zhu Jiading and said: "I think this is a good idea. NI, you are familiar with the advertising departments of those two TV stations. Go and ask first. If it doesn't work, we will find a way."  "    "good.  " "Liu Tianci, you are the head of the production department. The movie channel not only shows movies from major film companies, but also produces self-produced short dramas to lay the foundation for future feature-length TV series. You have to worry more about this aspect.  " "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will do a good job.  " "Mr. Shen.  "Yu raised his hand and asked, "The movie station will start broadcasting on U in July, and when will the music station start broadcasting? "The music station will wait a moment. I have seen the program list, but I am not prepared enough." Shen Chong pondered for a moment and said, "The radio station will start broadcasting on U."  Just listen. You have to watch and listen to TV. A song is only a few minutes long, and a movie is at least UU minutes long. Therefore, we need to reserve more programs, especially the works of local singers. The ones I collected in the United States may not be liked by Hong Kong audiences.  Besides, no one likes to listen to music all the time. The music station also needs to produce some interactive interview programs. Speaking of which, having a stylish host is also a headache. Being a D on a radio station only requires a good voice, but being a V on a TV station is not only  The appearance and sound are both good, but they also need to be charming. " "Speaking of music programs, I think we should imitate Radio Hong Kong and make a ranking list similar to the top ten Chinese hits." Yu suggested: "We, the listeners of Hong Kong Commercial Radio.  A lot of it can provide data support, and the sound and picture of the music station are synchronized, which attracts more attention than the simple radio station selection." "This can be done," Shen Chong immediately agreed, saying: "But you don't need to learn from Radio Hong Kong, you have to learn from the better ones.  , learn from the Grammy Awards.¡± Yu became excited and said, ¡°Mr. Shen¡¯s intention is to create a music award that is not inferior to the Academy Awards. ¡°Yes, as long as you can do it, I will fully support it.¡±
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