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Volume 3 Chapter 15 Information

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    In terms of time zone, Hong Kong is 16 hours ahead of Los Angeles, so Shen Chong set off early in the morning on May and arrived in Hong Kong at around 4 p.m.  At the airport, when he saw Gu Liwei, Shen Chong immediately asked: "Have you contacted Luo Fu?" "We have, Xiaoyu made a special trip to Shenzhen and used the dedicated phone number of General Manager Li's office to call Beijing." Gu Liwei handed in  He gave him a document bag and said: "I have put the content of the phone call and preliminary background analysis here." Shen Chong handed the suitcase to the driver Dai Aijun, took the document bag, motioned for her to follow, and said: "You  Let me tell you briefly first. "Chief Editor Luo got the news from Section Chief Wei, saying that after the Academy Awards ceremony, the Film Research Institute submitted an investigation report on the Hong Kong film industry model to the Ministry of Culture in early May.  , the superiors gave instructions to use Hong Kong as a reference and Shenzhen as a test site to study and explore relevant policies for film market-oriented reform. "It turned out that they got the news from Wei Baoguo. The Film Research Institute is under the Ministry of Culture.  One of the think tanks, Wei Baoguo, does not have a high position, but his work is very important. Therefore, Shen Chong attaches great importance to him and repeatedly draws him in to "corrupt" him into his eyes and ears in Beijing.  ShenzhenØ­Although Shenzhen is developing very fast, its foundation is too weak. It has only a population of more than 300,000, a per capita GDP of 600 to 700 yuan, and not even a decent movie theater. The steps taken to experiment here are too small and there will be no big results in one or two years.  .  It would be great if Guangzhou could be added. Shen Chong frowned slightly and asked, "Where are the policy details?" "The institute is still formulating the specific details. The general framework is to establish a local film distribution and projection company in Shenzhen."  Shen Chong walked away quickly, and Gu Liwei followed him almost at a trot, saying: "This company has a high degree of freedom. It can set its own movie ticket prices, cooperate with foreign capital to build cinemas, and has the right to import movies from Hong Kong."  "How are the interests distributed between the screening company and the studio?" "According to Editor-in-Chief Luo, this issue will be determined in the next few days." Gu Liwei explained: "The May issue, which is today,  It is the day when the Hundred Flowers Awards are presented. The directors of all film studios across the country are in Beijing. After the Hundred Flowers Awards, the Ministry of Culture and the Film Bureau will hold a symposium to study this issue. " "Today is the day when the Hundred Flowers Awards are presented.  ?" Shen Chong slowed down and said in annoyance: "I actually forgot. Although the Hundred Flowers Award is as luxurious as the Academy Awards, it is a semi-official award and is still very important in the mainland. All the people participating in the award are high-ranking officials.  , is a very important occasion for industry communication and exchange. It would be a pity to miss it. However, after weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Shen Chong gave up the idea of ??rushing to Beijing immediately. He still watched the development of this kind of national policy from afar and maintained a detached position.  Well, on the one hand, he is not in his position and does not seek to govern, and bureaucrats especially don't like outsiders to dictate; on the other hand, after the Hong Kong Film Awards, he has become one of the leading figures in the Hong Kong film industry, and there is a potential conflict of interest.  Shangyou had just secured three planes for the Mainland. At this time, he was easily criticized for running to Beijing. Whether he was ignorant of the world or asking for repayment, he got into the car and opened the door.  After reading the document bag, Luo Fu had obviously read the draft from Wei Baoguo. He said in detail on the phone that the Film Research Institute had learned from the reform measures of various provinces to break away from China Resources and operate their own foreign trade, and planned to transfer China Film Distribution and Exhibition Company to Guangdong.  The branch split off part of its assets and employees, and formed a joint venture with China Film Import and Export Corporation to form a local company with self-determined ticket prices, joint venture cinemas, and Hong Kong film import rights Just looking at the big picture, it is not a big step.  Small, some content is more radical than the reform of the mainland film system in 1993, but whether the policy is good or not depends on whether the distribution of interests in various aspects is reasonable or not. If it is reasonable, everything will go smoothly, if not, it will be difficult, so there is no box office distribution plan.  Before, the prospects of this draft were unknown. After putting down the phone record, Shen Chong looked at the background analysis prepared by Gu Liwei. In addition to the information mentioned on the phone yesterday, Shen Chong quickly noticed something.  The key information - "Spirit Rain in the Sky" was first released in Beijing on April 10, and began to be screened nationwide five days later. After the release, it was an unprecedented event, and it was hard to get a ticket. Some people even queued up all night to buy tickets. According to Rover's understanding  According to the data, as of May 10, within one month, the number of moviegoers in Beijing exceeded UU million, and based on 30 cents per ticket, the box office reached UU00,000.  Seeing this data, Shen Chong was not surprised why the new company in the draft would form a joint venture with China Import and Export Corporation and have the right to import movies from Hong Kong.  That day in Chen Bo's office, although Shen Chong complained bitterly and refused to let go, it was actually just a gesture. How could he really care about the mere 1 million yuan spent on the film, so the next day he paid 1 yuan for the film.  Price, he sold the mainland screening rights of "Song of the Sky" to the China Film Import and Export Corporation. Afterward, he heard that,The Film Import and Export Company transferred the screening rights to China Film Company for a price of 10,000 yuan.  I bought it for 1 yuan and sold it for 10,000 yuan. It seemed like I had made a lot of money, but behind the 1 yuan, there was a favor of 1 million yuan. However, China Film Company only used 10,000 yuan and just sat back and reaped the profits and enjoyed the huge fortune.  Box office, how can the input-output company not be jealous Although in essence, the China Film Import-Output Corporation is a government monopoly, it is branded as a "company" and, like all major film studios, is profit-making.  The public institutions are all being squeezed by China Film Company. Even if the top leaders only want to be official and don't care about profits, the employees below will rebel. You must know that in the RU era, the salary system in the mainland was very rigid. Whether employees lived well or not mainly depended on the unit.  Welfare, profit is high, welfare is high, profit is low, welfare is low, everyone belongs to the film system, China Film Company distributes welfare every three days, and all the partners are robbed, while the input and output company has a small budget, and it belongs to Qingshui Yamen among Qingshui Yamen.  , it would be fine if the imported movies were not popular, but "Lingyu in the Sky" is so popular, of course the employees are not. Who wants to hold a golden rice bowl and eat simple meals "I guess Manager Zhang of the Input and Output Company, in the Ministry of Culture  I cried a lot of tears." Shen Chong smiled to himself and continued to read the clues from Hong Kong.  Among several Chinese-funded film companies in Hong Kong, Great Wall Film Company and Phoenix Film Company are undergoing asset restructuring before merger. Fu Qi and Chen Jingbo are both very busy. They know nothing about Beijing's actions. Xia Meng is very low-key and very  Not to get involved in politics, the only one who made any move was Liao Yiyuan, the manager of Xinlian Film Company. He went to Beijing a week ago. This old fox could talk to Premier Zhou in the 1950s. His hands and eyes were all over the sky. He must have heard the news in advance.  Big bosses like Li Ka-shing and Fok Ying-tung have no interest in the film industry, so naturally they cannot be relied upon to provide information. The only valuable information comes from Jiang Zhiqiang.  The Jiang family and Liao Chengzhi have a deep connection. After Liao Chengzhi returned from the United States, Jiang Zhiqiang's father went to Guangzhou to visit him. According to him, during the visit, Liao Chengzhi suggested several times that he go to Shenzhen to invest in the construction of a movie theater. However, Shenzhen's  !Although the movie market is booming, ticket prices are strictly limited, so you can't make much money, and the Jiang family has a weak foundation. If the mainland's policies change and the investment is in vain, the family will be seriously injured. Therefore,  After Jiang Zhiqiang's father came back, he had been indecisive and unable to make a decision.  "Is Jiang Zhiqiang in the company?" Gu Liwei glanced at him in surprise and reminded: "Manager Jiang went to France to attend the Cannes Film Festival." "Oh" Shen Chong patted his forehead and said, "I have been in the United States for two years.  "Yue, I have been away from the film industry for so long that I have completely forgotten everything. Going to the Cannes Film Festival was a plan I made last year." He thought about it and said, "Please help me make an appointment with Mr. Jiang to have a meal."  Jiang Zhiwen is fine, choose a quiet place." "Okay." The news from Luo Fu was too sudden and the time was too short. Gu Liwei had no time to sort and analyze it in detail, so she could only put all the information together for a while.  It was difficult to judge the meaning behind it. Shen Chong flipped through it and saw another interesting information.  Luo Weiming went to Guangzhou on a business trip last week and had a drink and chat with a deputy director of the Pearl River Film Studio. He once mentioned that after the Academy Awards ceremony, the main leaders of several major film studios headed by Wang Yang  , while resting in Guangzhou, I visited the modern printing workshop donated by Shen Chong and newly built by Pearl Film Factory. After the visit, several factory directors held a briefing meeting. The main topic was to use Hong Kong's Shaw Brothers Film Company as a model to explore "  A one-stop vertical business model of production, distribution and screening.  "Mr. Wang is very ambitious. He actually wants to completely abandon Shan Yu of China Film Company." Shen Chong flicked the document in his hand and asked, "Is this news true?" Gu Liwei took a look and said, "That deputy director  Although he said this as a joke, Editor-in-Chief Luo also thought that this matter was a fantasy. The mainland would never agree to film studios working on their own affairs, so he didn¡¯t take it seriously. ¡°I don¡¯t think it is necessarily a fantasy.  "Although the vertical business model has been eliminated in Hollywood for decades, and Shaw Brothers is still in the wind in Hong Kong, no matter how outdated it is, it is still much better than the unified purchase and distribution of China Film. In addition, the Chinese people have a deep desire to "make it big and do it"  Therefore, this model has unparalleled appeal to mainland studios. China is now in the transition stage from "agricultural society" to "industrial society", just like Toffler in "The Third Wave"  As mentioned in "The Wave", in industrial society, people pursue perfect order. Whether it is the previous humming or the current various monopoly policies, no matter what the purpose is, they all have the purge branch subconsciously and pursue  Neat intention. China Film Company¡¯s exclusive monopoly on film distribution and screening nationwide is based on this awareness. ¡°The whole country is a game of chess¡±, how beautiful and aesthetic But if this draft is implemented, Shenzhen HLØ­ will make an exception, China  Film Input and Output Corporation was taken advantage of?,Will those movie studios also come up with a crab?
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