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Chapter 87 Before the war [Liu Xiaofei¡¯s solo story]

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    If the b7 project has attracted the attention of various media because it is different from the traditional commercial land auction scoring standards, then the c8 project has attracted media attention because of its return to the traditional bidding method of the highest bidder.  focus on.  The core reason that really attracts public attention to the c8 project bidding is that the Yip Group has recently been promoting the c8 project as an urban village reconstruction project that their Yip Group has long negotiated with the Qiaozhong District Government, and it is actively promoted by them.  .  Therefore, Yu Qingyuli should win the bid for this project.  However, Nanping City Deputy Mayor Wang Zihao has made it clear that there is no private give-and-take of any land bidding projects in Nanping City. Although it is true that the c8 project was initially promoted by the Ye Group, the two parties are only negotiating.  It¡¯s just cooperation, nothing more.  Therefore, the Nanping Municipal Government of the c8 project will adhere to the principle of fair and impartial bidding to ensure that the project is fair to every bidder.  After Wang Zihao spoke out, although the Ye Group did not come out to fight with Wang Zihao, the Ye Group still expressed its dissatisfaction with the arrangement of the Nanping City Government through various channels.  Whether they know the inside information or not, everyone is aroused by the suspense caused by the c8 project.  Some people think that Yip's Group has done so much work a long time ago, so they must have won the bid. However, some people think that since the highest bidder wins, Yip's Group may not be able to win the bid, because the c8 project is close to the b7 project, so there is still room for profit.  Not small, so no large real estate company will give up on this project, so a fierce bidding war is inevitable.  For a whole month, reporters from various media outlets in Nanping City gathered.  Reporters from all over the country have gathered in Nanping City, preparing to report on the grand bidding of the c8 project.  As a very open-minded mayor of Nanping City, Gao Shengkai continues to adhere to the principles of fairness, justice and openness for the c8 project and the b7 project, allowing reporters from various media to conduct live video broadcasts of the entire bidding process.  Therefore, in order to get the best live broadcast position during the live broadcast, reporters from various media began to hire people to wait in line outside the Hexi Provincial Bidding Center three days before the official opening of the entire project.  You can rush in immediately after the bidding is opened.  As a result, dozens of people lined up outside the entire bidding center 24 hours a day, seriously affecting the work of the bidding center.  In order to solve this problem, after the Bidding Center reported it to Gao Shengkai, Gao Shengkai pointed out that 21 live broadcast positions will be set up on site. At that time, all media reporters will draw lots to determine the positions. In this way, people queuing up outside the Bidding Center will soon  Dispersed.  In the past nearly a month, contrary to the expectations of all the directors of Ye's Group, the newly appointed president Liu Xiaofei did not make any earth-shattering moves. He went to get off work on time every day and listened to Ye Chengqian and Ye Chengkun. And Wang Hao¡¯s work report.  What makes the Ye Group board of directors most dissatisfied is that Liu Xiaofei seems to have fallen in love with fishing. Almost every weekend, or when the weather is suitable for fishing, Liu Xiaofei will drive a car configured for him by the company.  He carried professional fishing gear on his back and left the company blatantly, leaving only his secretary sitting in the office to help contact all parties and report to him through his mobile phone.  The person most dissatisfied with Liu Xiaofei's behavior is Ye Chengkun.  On the one hand, Ye Chengkun, as a director of the company, has to report to Liu Xiaofei every two or three days, and every time he listens to his report, Liu Xiaofei will criticize him, thinking that his progress in raising funds is too slow and he is constantly  He was asked to speed up financing. On the other hand, Liu Xiaofei, a wage earner, did not have the consciousness of a wage earner. While the bosses were busy looking for funds, Liu Xiaofei often traveled around and went fishing.  Intolerable!  Ye Chengkun went directly to his father Ye Mingxuan and asked for a board meeting to discuss Liu Xiaofei¡¯s recent careless behavior.  Ye Mingxuan agreed.  In the board of directors, all directors are present.  Ye Chengkun did not hesitate to list Liu Xiaofei's recent behavior one by one, and then said with an angry voice: "Dear directors, think about it, Liu Xiaofei, as the president of the company, will make the c8 project public in a few days.  Bid, he did not think carefully about how to help the company win this bid, but instead went fishing every day, even during working hours. I think Liu Xiaofei has determined the rhythm of our Ye Group, he  I think that since my dad recognizes him and supports him, he can do whatever he wants. I think it is very necessary for us to give him a reminder and let him pay attention to restrain his current behavior. Otherwise, if we fail again in the c8 project this time  , I¡¯m afraid this year our Yip Group will have toNothing has been found. It is now late autumn and the weather is getting colder day by day. Is it possible that our Ye Group will also survive a cold winter in terms of performance?  " Having said this, Ye Chengkun looked at Ye Mingxuan and said, "Dad, I think you trust Liu Xiaofei too much. I think this is not good.  Now there are many doubting voices in the group.  If things continue like this, I'm afraid Liu Xiaofei will no longer have any prestige in the group.  This is also not conducive to the development of the entire group.  "After Ye Chengkun finished speaking, two directors immediately echoed Ye Chengkun's statement. Ye Chengqian hesitated for a moment, but stood up and said, "I don't agree with Chengkun's view.  I think everyone has their own way of doing things.  If nothing else, let¡¯s talk about Vanke¡¯s Lao Wang. As the chairman of a listed company, he spends nearly one-third of his time outdoors mountain climbing, skydiving, and playing extreme sports. Some people criticize him for not doing his job properly. However, Vanke  Isn¡¯t his performance also impressive?  I think that as directors, we should not care about what Liu Xiaofei, the president, is doing?  Because Liu Xiaofei is not a child, he is a very mature man. He was hired by the chairman himself with high salary and sincerity, which is enough to show that the chairman recognizes his ability.  So, we just have to wait and see the results.  If this project succeeds, it means that Liu Xiaofei is very capable and that he has his own unique vision and ability. From now on, no matter what he does, we have no reason to object. However, if this project fails, then regardless of what he does,  What to say, I'm afraid he himself should also know that we can no longer trust him, and then he himself will be embarrassed to continue to stay in our Ye Group.  The choice is two-way. For senior professional managers like Liu Xiaofei, what we need to give him is trust!  " "We have given him complete autonomy to form a team. Doesn't this count as trust?  "Ye Chengkun immediately retorted. "True trust is not to interfere in the other party's decision-making at will!  What's more, so far, I haven't seen Liu Xiaofei make any mistakes in any decision-making.  "Ye Chengqian refused to give in at all. The other directors were silent. Now, the views of the two future heirs of the Ye Group are conflicting. They are not suitable to intervene because none of them are sure who Ye Mingxuan will ultimately succeed as chairman.  At this time, it was better to just watch. Ye Mingxuan glanced at the crowd and then said calmly: "Both of you are right. Let's do this. We will not interfere with Liu Xiaofei's current behavior for the time being. We will judge the hero based on his success or failure.  Well, if the c8 project is successful, whatever Liu Xiaofei does in the future, as long as it is not too excessive, we will let him do it according to his own ideas. If the c8 project fails, most of Liu Xiaofei's permissions will be taken back.  " Listening to what Ye Mingxuan said, Ye Chengkun and Ye Chengqian both nodded in approval. As bosses, they are more concerned about the results, and the process can sometimes be ignored. They still have this courage. Time passes day by day. Tomorrow morning 9  At half past one, the c8 project bidding meeting will be officially held. The air in the entire Nanping City seems to be a little solemn. In the Xinyuan Hotel in Nanping City, the lights in many rooms are on, and most of the bidding companies live here.  , because it is relatively close to the Hexi Provincial Tendering Office, and it is a five-star hotel. The accommodation is relatively comfortable and the supporting facilities are relatively complete. The heads of each company are studying and analyzing the intelligence collected from various opponents.  How to quote tomorrow. In the presidential suite, Song Maofeng, Zhang Zhenhua, Xiao Zhantian, Wang Tianqiang, Song Jingtai, Zhang Zenghui and others were sitting around the coffee table, and they were constantly collecting information from them through various channels.  After they all finished speaking, Xiao Zhantian frowned and said: "Judging from the current situation, there are two main opponents. One is the real estate giant Dako Group in Yanjing City.  , they have strong financial strength, and it is not a problem to spend tens of billions, but their work style has always been prudent, all projects are planned in secret, and they will not make loss-making transactions.  The other one is the Ye Group. They have raised about 15 billion in funds on the surface. However, I estimate that the old fox Ye Mingxuan will definitely have some mobile funds to cope with the fierce competition. However, I estimate that they will not have more than 19 billion at most.  funds.  However, this also shows that the Yip Group is determined to win this project.  " At this time, Wang Tianqiang suddenly said: "I heard that Liu Xiaofei often goes fishing in the suburbs recently. He has been to almost all the fishing places in the suburbs near Nanping City. Mr. Xiao, Liu Xiaofei once worked in your Xiao Group.Time, you analyze it, what kind of medicine is Liu Xiaofei selling in this gourd?  Is there something ghostly going on here?  ¡± Liu Xiaofei¡¯s solo story is currently being serialized on the Mengmeng WeChat public account, and it has been serialized to Chapter 88. Click the plus sign in the upper right corner of WeChat to add friends, click on the public account, search for Meng into the Great Wilderness, follow it and enter the public account to have a conversation  You can see all chapters by replying to Liu Xiaofei in the box.
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