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1. Where did Liu Xiaofei go?

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    The moment Liu Xiaofei's car rolled down the cliff, Liu Xiaofei secretly thought: "It's over, this time my brother will give a full account." Although he was thinking this, but soon, a thought came into Liu Xiaofei's mind: "  No, I must not die! Absolutely not! My wife is not married, and my mother is still looking forward to bringing him a daughter-in-law to have a grandson. " Thinking of his mother, Liu Xiaofei's desire to survive suddenly became extremely strong.  The car went down faster and faster, and in addition to the howling wind, there was also the crackling sound of bullets hitting the car body.  Liu Xiaofei knew that the person who wanted to assassinate him this time was no ordinary person.  Because it is impossible for ordinary people to have guns in their hands.  You know, the country's current management of guns is very strict, and it is impossible for ordinary people to have the right in their hands, and it is such a high-speed automatic rifle!  Judging from the sound, it should be M4A1, and it also has a silencer. If you can hold this weapon in your hands and dare to use it in China, the identity of the opponent is not simple.  At this moment, Liu Xiaofei could no longer think too much. Before the car fell apart, he tried to press the window glass button. To Liu Xiaofei's surprise, the car window glass could be opened.  Liu Xiaofei immediately opened the car window to the maximum limit. Although Liu Xiaofei was almost weightless at this moment, his strong desire to survive made him stick his head out of the car window first, hold on to the car body with both hands, and retreat quickly while keeping his body steady.  out, and then kicked the car body violently. The car body moved forward, Liu Xiaofei's body separated backwards, and continued to fall downward.  At this moment, two bullets flew over, one hit Liu Xiaofei's shoulder and one hit Liu Xiaofei's thigh. Blood flew instantly and scattered downward.  This is when a gust of wind blows, and the blood is blown away from the direction, and Liu Xiaofei continues to fall.  Directly below is a deep and wide river.  There are towering trees growing diagonally along the river bank!  When Liu Xiaofei fell from the cliff, there were two big trees sticking out diagonally on the cliff opposite the place where he fell. The big branches were lush and leafy. Liu Xiaofei fell from the sky like a cannonball. He didn't know it along the way.  After breaking many branches, it fell into the book with a thud.  Originally, if Liu Xiaofei fell directly into the water, he would definitely fall to death!  Because no matter how deep the river is, it is only about seven or eight meters. Liu Xiaofei will definitely plunge directly into the bottom of the river if he falls from such a high altitude.  "However, because the branches of the two big trees greatly alleviated the huge kinetic energy brought by Liu Xiaofei's descent, when Liu Xiaofei fell into the water, the kinetic energy had been greatly reduced.  Although Liu Xiaofei felt pain all over his body at this moment, as if his thigh was broken, his strong survival instinct kept him clear-headed. The moment he fell into the water, he held his breath. At the same time, he heard  There was a loud noise seven or eight meters away from him. It was the sound of a car falling into the water!  Liu Xiaofei¡¯s whole body suddenly dived into the water, and the huge momentum caused him to rush straight down for more than six meters, almost reaching the bottom of the river immediately.  Liu Xiaofei did not move.  After the downward trend disappeared, Liu Xiaofei closed his eyes and remained motionless. Soon, due to the buoyancy of the water, his whole body automatically surfaced.  Only then did Liu Xiaofei raise his head and take a breath of fresh air. He glanced towards the top of the cliff and found that there was no way to see directly below the cliff because there was a section of cliff protruding in the middle.  , blocking the view above. If Liu Xiaofei's car hadn't been faster and flew a certain distance when it rushed out of the cliff, his car would have definitely hit the protruding cliff when it fell.  Liu Xiaofei knew that the people above might not let him go, so in order to ensure that he could survive, he did not dare to hesitate at all and barely controlled his body, using his unbroken leg and uninjured arm,  Swim forward with the current.  Liu Xiaofei is lucky.  After swimming less than 300 meters away, he saw a floating door panel on a slightly gentle river bank that formed a bend similar to a river.  Seeing this door panel, Liu Xiaofei's eyes showed a hint of joy, and he gathered all his strength to climb up the door panel.  At this moment, his physical strength was basically exhausted, and because the blood at the muzzle of the gun was still flowing, he already felt a little dizzy.  Climbing up to the door panel, trying hard to control the direction and balance, I didn't drift far forward when a wave of dizziness struck me again.  Liu Xiaofei knew that he might no longer be able to control the balance.  Because he lost too much blood.  This time??, he could only reluctantly take off his shirt, tear it into strips, tie himself to the door panel, and then passed out.  ??Leave it to God.  ¡°Perhaps Liu Xiaofei should not have died. At this time, a small boat from a scientific expedition team passed by the river and saw the dying Liu Xiaofei tied to a wooden board.  This is a returning research ship, and their final destination is Qiaoshan Town, 60 kilometers away.  That¡¯s their base camp.  The leader of the inspection team, Zhao Rupeng, is the deputy director of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  This time he took the team to inspect various plants along the river.  The reason why he chose this river was because he heard that there are many rare plants along the river, but due to terrain, geography and other factors, it is inaccessible. Therefore, this time he brought a team doctor, a guide, and two  A group of five staff members took a boat upstream to conduct an inspection.  Zhao Rupeng was the first to discover Liu Xiaofei and immediately ordered his men to fish him out.  The team doctor checked Liu Xiaofei and found that he was still alive. Without saying anything, he immediately carried out emergency rescue.  Subsequently, Liu Xiaofei was sent to Qiaoshan Town, 60 kilometers away.  "It is very unfortunate that Liu Xiaofei's wound was already infected at the time and the town hospital was not strong enough. Therefore, the hospital recommended that Liu Xiaofei be sent to the nearest city hospital for further treatment.  " And Qiaoshan Town no longer belongs to Jiangnan Province, but to the neighboring province. This is why Liu Qingyu and the others couldn't find Liu Xiaofei after searching for a long time.  Liu Xiaofei was in a coma for three days and three nights due to wound infection. Fortunately, Zhao Rupeng was a good man. He couldn't bear to see something happen to a living person like Liu Xiaofei, so he paid for Liu Xiaofei's treatment. On the fourth day, Liu Xiaofei's condition became worse.  Only then did he get control.  "However, due to the wound infection and the impact on Liu Xiaofei's brain when he fell from the cliff, Liu Xiaofei was almost in a daze for nearly two months.  Later, Zhao Rupeng felt that the medical conditions in the city hospital were not good, so he gritted his teeth and took Liu Xiaofei to Yanjing City and to the Union Medical College Hospital. After comprehensive interventional treatment by the Union Medical College Hospital, Liu Xiaofei finally regained consciousness two weeks later.  During this period, Zhao Rupeng often came to visit Liu Xiaofei.  Although Liu Xiaofei was unconscious at the time, he often heard Zhao Rupeng's name in his daze, because Zhao Rupeng did not know Liu Xiaofei's name at the time, and all the items registered on Liu Xiaofei's mobile phone were lost during the fall. Therefore, Zhao Rupeng  When Liu Xiaofei was sent to the hospital, his name was used directly, but a 2 was added at the end to distinguish him.  Therefore, the hospital doctors call Liu Xiaofei Zhao Rupeng2.  Liu Xiaofei woke up and asked the doctor about his situation. He was also shocked.  Especially after reading the case, I discovered that I had been in a coma for nearly three months.  Just at this time, Zhao Rupeng came to visit Liu Xiaofei again. When he saw Liu Xiaofei waking up, he was very happy. This was the greatest comfort to him.  Although Zhao Rupeng is a botanist, he is proficient in Chinese classics and agrees with the principle of being a good person.  Now that Liu Xiaofei is awake, he sees this as a great act of kindness.  Zhao Rupeng didn¡¯t know how important his good deed was to him, to Liu Qingyu, and even to the whole of China.  Liu Xiaofei expressed his gratitude to Zhao Rupeng at that time, and Zhao Rupeng just smiled and nodded, letting Liu Xiaofei rest in peace and recuperate without worrying about money, he could still afford it.  In fact, this amount of money is also a big burden for Zhao Rupeng.  In order to treat Liu Xiaofei, a stranger, he spent almost all his savings over the years, and his wife was about to divorce him because she objected to the matter.  Three days later, Liu Xiaofei¡¯s body basically returned to normal.  After being discharged from the hospital, the first thing Liu Xiaofei did was to find Zhao Rupeng, gave him a bank card, and said that the money in the card was the medical expenses advanced by Zhao Rupeng that he returned.  Zhao Rupeng was not polite, because the money was his life savings, but he had no idea at the time how much money Liu Xiaofei had in this card.  The two chatted for a while, and Zhao Rupeng left because he was busy with work.  Then, that afternoon, the institute received news that shocked the entire institute.  Huaan Group, a well-known domestic private enterprise, has decided to donate 100 million to the institute every year for botanical research, and this fund clearly shows that it can only be used by Zhao Rupeng to conduct scientific research.  When the director knew the news, he was so depressed that he almost cried.?.  One hundred million.  This is such a huge amount of money, and it was donated by companies.  When he learned that a company was going to donate 100 million, he was extremely excited. But when he learned that the money could only be used by Zhao Rupeng, he was so angry that his nose became crooked.  "When Zhao Rupeng got the news, he was confused. He couldn't understand why such a good thing would happen to him.  Until the donation ceremony, Liu Xiaofei appeared on the rostrum and handed a check representing 100 million yuan into Zhao Rupeng's hands.  It was only then that Zhao Rupeng suddenly realized.  It turns out that the man he rescued turned out to be the president of Huaan Group!  At this donation ceremony, Liu Xiaofei told the whole process of being rescued by Zhao Rupeng, and said that in the future, Huaan Group will form a strategic alliance with the Institute of Botany, and Huaan Group will focus on helping the institute to industrialize their research results!  Yanjing City, in front of a bank¡¯s ATM.  Zhao Rupeng's wife took the bank card in her hand and inserted it into the ATM. She gritted her teeth and said, "Zhao Rupeng, you'd better pray that you didn't deceive me. The stinky liar you rescued really returned the money to you. If  If there is no 300,000 yuan in this card, I will divorce you tomorrow!¡± ¡°No! If there is no 300,000 yuan, I will divorce you today!¡± After inserting the bank card, entering the password, and checking the balance, Zhao Rupeng¡¯s wife¡¯s eyes suddenly widened.  of.  She could hardly believe her eyes. How much is this?  300000?  impossible!  If it¡¯s 300,000, why are there so many zeros after the three?     3000000?  That¡¯s not right either!  If it¡¯s 3 million, there are 6 zeros after the 3!  And now, the balance in the card shows that there are seven zeros after the three!  She counted it carefully again, and there were seven zeros after three! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? It¡¯s really 7 zeros!  This is 30000000!  Are you dreaming if you change yourself?  Participated in the donation ceremony.  Liu Xiaofei had just returned to the car when he received a call: "Brother Fei, the Carlos mercenary group has found out your true identity in China. They are still jealous of the hatred from back then and plan to kill you at all costs to avenge you."  , several brothers and I have already left for China. We will never let these people hurt you in our Chinese land. You must be careful, they are all cruel people!¡± ps  : The extra story is on Mengmeng¡¯s WeChat public account ¡°Meng enters the prehistoric world¡±!  You only need to follow Meng Meng¡¯s WeChat public account Meng Rui Honghuang to see Liu Xiaofei¡¯s solo story and all the extra stories.  Open WeChat, click the plus sign in the upper right corner, add friends, click on the official account, search for "Dream into the Ancient World", follow it, enter the WeChat official account, enter Liu Xiaofei in the dialog box, and you can see all the chapters of Liu Xiaofei's solo story and the extra story.  .  You can also view all chapters by viewing historical messages.
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