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Text Chapter 1086 Changes in the situation

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In addition, the empire's treasury has been very poor since the death of his grandfather. By 1621 AD, he inherited Spain  When he took the throne, although the Spanish Empire still had a vast territory, it was gradually declining.  At this time, Spain was involved in the European war. In order to win this thirty-year war (1618-1648), Philip IV had to continue to expand his army despite financial constraints.  In 1625, Spain¡¯s total military strength expanded to an unprecedented 300,000 men.  In 1627, the Spanish government declared bankruptcy again.  1628.  Dutch captain Piet Pieterszoonhein captured the Spanish treasure ship.  While Spain's economy suffered a further severe recession, the Netherlands's was thriving.  Spain found that it could not cope with the growing naval threat from various countries, not only the Netherlands, but also France and Britain.  Since 1623, Spain¡¯s monopoly on the Americas has been broken by them, and parts of Brazil, St. Kitts, Jamaica and other places have been occupied.  But at this time, they still had a strong naval strength in the Mediterranean, resisting the Ottoman navy and Muslim pirates.  In 1640, Philip IV attempted to make the Catalans bear some military expenses, coupled with French incitement, which resulted in a rebellion among the local citizens.  In December of the same year, the independence movement broke out in Portugal, and Jo?o IV established a new dynasty: the Braganza Dynasty of Portugal, ending Spain's 60-year rule; 1642.  The Spanish were defeated by the Dutch and forced to withdraw from Taiwan.  In 1648, because almost all of Europe was against the Habsburg family, the Thirty Years' War ended with the defeat of the Habsburg family, and Spain's land advantage was also lost.  Philip IV and all of Europe recognized Dutch independence.  However, the war between Spain and France, which had become a European power at this time, continued.  Although the civil war broke out in France in 1648, Spain's economic situation was already in dire straits and it was unable to handle several wars at the same time.  However, in this era.  Spain's decline has often been exaggerated.  Spain was not always defeated. They conquered Naples in 1648 and had just recovered Catalonia.  It was just that Viscount Turenne led the French army to defeat the Spanish army in the Netherlands at the Battle of the Dunes, and Spain was forced to sign the Pyrenees Peace Treaty with France.  Ceded the northern Roussillon, Foix, Artois and most of Lorraine to France.  If Spain¡¯s loss of sea power was due to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, then the loss of land power was mainly due to France.  The shame of ceding territory for peace has always been grudged by Philip IV, the "King of the Earth".  Think about it, even Spain itself was ceded.  Isn't this a slap in the face of the "King of Earth", and it looks like he was beaten into a pig's head.  Now, Louis XIV, plus his sister Anna.  Prime Minister Mazarin was captured by the Qin people, Paris was occupied by the rebels, and the whole of France was in chaos. Viscount Turenne, who was leading his army to fight on the French-Spanish border, also hurriedly withdrew his troops and retreated to the upper reaches of the Garonne River.  North Shore.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Spain to regain the land it was forced to cede What is this?  The King of Earth wants to go on a personal expedition, not just to recapture Lorraine and other areas, he is planning to fight as far as Paris.  Now, France, with its fertile land and dense population, is like a piece of plump fresh meat. Whether it is a vulture, a hungry wolf, or a wild dog, everyone wants to take advantage of it.Go up and take a bite.  *** The Great Qin Mission was like a huge boulder flying from the sky, suddenly piercing into Europe. For a moment, the whole of Europe became turbulent. Faced with this unpredictable change, Zhang Haoran and others were quite overwhelmed.  Negotiations with Van Rite, who occupied Le Havre, were still in a fierce dispute. Van Rite insisted that the Qin army first release King Louis XIV before he would cooperate with the Qin army.  "Fan Lit is a very talented general. He is loyal to the French royal family and orthodoxy, rather than loyal to Mazarin and Anna of Austria.  At the same time, he had his own little calculation. Although Louis XIV was only a half-grown child, he was the officially crowned King of France.  If he could control Louis XIV, he could give orders to the whole of France, at least in name, so he insisted that the Qin army release Louis XIV first.  From his point of view, this request is indeed not excessive.  But from the perspective of Zhang Haoran and others, after releasing Louis XIV, will Fan Lit, Willick and others still listen to themselves?  The answer is definitely not to listen.  In this case, Zhang Haoran and the others naturally cannot agree to release Louis XIV immediately.  The two sides were deadlocked on this point. At this time, as many as 18 French ships rushed to the Seine Bay from the northern port of Dunkirk, and Barak, who led this fleet, quickly reached an agreement with Van Lit;  However, because the king was on the Qin army's warship, Barak did not dare to launch a brazen attack on the Qin army. The two sides faced off in the Seine Bay, which belongs to the English Channel.  Reactions from various countries came one after another, giving Zhang Haoran and others a headache. Everyone gathered again in the flagship command cabin to discuss.  Guerrilla general Pang Ning smiled nonchalantly and said: "France is in trouble, not Daqin. Fan Lite is not in a hurry and dares to bargain with us. We are in a hurry!" Zhang Haoran shook his head and said: "That being said, the situation will further develop.  If we lose control, the hostages we have will be useless, and it will be difficult to influence the situation in France. And don¡¯t forget, we have another important mission in Europe, which is to persuade the Holy See and integrate the European countries.  France is the heart of Europe. If there is chaos here, the whole of Europe will also be in chaos, and various forces will compete with each other. How can we attack the Ottoman Empire together? "Zheng Jie said hesitantly: "Master Zhang, attack from the other side?  The Ottoman affairs are related to Qin's Central Asia strategy. This is indeed very important. However, as the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes. We cannot fully control the changes in Europe. All we can do is to go with the flow and make the best of the situation. Now the situation has become.  In this way, it may be unrealistic to talk about persuading the Christian Church to integrate the forces of all European countries to attack the Ottoman Empire. As long as we maximize Qin's interests in Europe, even if we fail to complete the task of attacking the Ottoman Empire, Your Majesty is wise. I believe that after we return,  Your Majesty will not blame us. " Zhang Haoran said: "It is not impossible. According to what we have learned, Spain's naval power is not weak. It is just because the expansion of the Ottoman Empire directly threatens the Spanish mainland.  Spain must maintain a strong naval strength in the Mediterranean to resist the Ottoman navy and Muslim pirates. This makes the British and Dutch navies seem to have the upper hand. Although China and Spain have had a war, in terms of attacking the Ottoman Empire,  Da Qin has every chance to reach a cooperation agreement with Spain. The Habsburg dynasty is the largest royal family in Europe. It has ruled many countries such as the Netherlands, Portugal, and Austria. Even if it is now in decline, it still has huge influence in Southern and Eastern Europe.  Influence; And the Habsburg dynasty is also the royal family that has the closest relationship with the Holy See. In the Thirty Years War between the old Christian countries and the Protestant countries, Spain was the main force on the side of the Holy See, and we can let the Holy See lobby.  Spain, then integrate the power of all countries and attack the Ottoman Empire together with Great Qin,¡± *****(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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