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Text Chapter 1085 Reinforcements

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    *** A fierce battle was also going on under the city of Le Havre. Fanlett gathered a total of 3,500 cavalry, ignoring the rebellion in the towns along the Seine River, and wanted to recapture the city of Le Havre from the Qin army.  ¨I After one hundred marines protected Zhang Haoran and his party back to Le Havre, Pang Ning had a total of 200 troops. After holding Fan Lite's army under the city for three days, Pang Ning wanted to launch a night attack with rockets; however, Fan Lite  Te was very vigilant and failed to attack at night. Instead, he was almost besieged outside the city by Fan Lite using the mobility of the cavalry.  The French in the city began to rebel, and it was out of control. The number of rebels numbered as many as six to seven thousand. Fanlett sent people to attack the Qin warships in the harbor with small boats, and the warships were almost destroyed.  Under internal and external difficulties, Pang Ning ordered the destruction of all shore guns and then evacuated them to three scissor warships. Van Lit successfully occupied Le Havre.  Six other French warships rushed to the Gulf of Normandy to launch an attack on Panning.  During the naval battle, Pang Ning used the speed of the clipper ship to suddenly kill the enemy's battleship formation with all his strength, and then used rockets to sink two enemy ships in one fell swoop, damaging one, and scaring the remaining French warships to flee.  At this time, outside Paris, Yun Teng used the artillery cover on the clipper ship to successfully transfer all the belongings and prisoners to the ship. Then he used the clipper ship to clear the way and headed for Le Havre at full speed along the Seine River.  The rebellion of the Fronde once again helped the Qin army.  In the past, almost all the towns along the Seine River were affected by rebellions and basically fell into a state of anarchy. The so-called Fronde were all rioters. After occupying a town, they looted and caused chaos.  Although Baron Conidi sent a message to the rebels in various towns to intercept Yun Teng and the others, the intensity of the interception of these unorganized and disciplined people can be imagined. Some even brought artillery racks to the shore.  But under the fierce bombardment of the flying scissor battleship, even the beasts dispersed.  Yunteng and the others were able to escort several ships of treasures and prisoners and fight down the river to Le Havre. Because the shore batteries were destroyed, Fan Lit could not prevent the Qin army from entering the English Channel.  Yunteng and the others were so rich in harvest that Pang Ning and the others were overjoyed. They captured the King of France, the Queen Mother, the Prime Minister, hundreds of nobles, and almost emptied the Louvre.  No one dared to imagine it before coming here.  After urgently transferring all the treasures and prisoners to the clipper ship, it was basically safe.  Because of the astonishing speed of the clipper ship, no ship in Europe can catch up if it wants to escape.  In a word, if you can win, fight. If you can't, just run away.  When things have reached this point, the policy towards France must be readjusted, and it is no longer possible to blindly continue to seek cooperation with Prince Yadai.  But how to deal with the follow-up matters.  Yunteng and the others don't care. Don't forget that there are a large number of diplomats and think tank scholars from Great Qin on board.  Entering the English Channel, Yunteng and the others could just relax and enjoy the fruits of victory; besides diplomats, there were also scholars on board.  There is also a group of talents of all kinds. The people who appraised the treasures were almost blinded when they saw the treasures stolen from the Louvre. Shouts of surprise came from the cabin from time to time.  It felt like discovering King Solomon's treasure trove.  In the combat command cabin, Zhang Haoran, Zheng Jie and other diplomats pulled Pang Ning over.  Urgent discussion.  Foreign Minister Wu Jingdao: "Now the king, queen mother, and prime minister of France are in our hands, and we must make good use of them. A stronger France will be harmful to our country, Qin, and it will not be easy to implement checks and balances." Zheng Jie said: "  Looking at the whole of Europe, with the gradual decline of Spain, Austria and other countries, the Netherlands, a maritime coachman, is bound to decline rapidly after losing to the Qin Dynasty and losing its eastern trade. Moreover, even if the Netherlands does not lose to the Qin Dynasty, its territory is too large.  Although Britain and France are small and have few soldiers, they are also suffering from internal troubles and chaos, but France has a relatively large territory, a large population, and a potential that is unmatched by other countries. And in recent years, it has grown rapidly.  In foreign wars, there are actually more victories than defeats. It can command Sweden and other countries to become the new overlord of Europe. This is a rare opportunity to dismember France, and it must be taken advantage of. " Under normal circumstances, by virtue of  With the power of the mission, it is simply a fantasy to dismember France; but now it controls people including Louis XIV, Queen Mother Anna, Prime Minister Mazarin, etc., plus under the leadership of Prince Louis de Bourbon of Cond¨¦  , the Fronde has gradually gained momentum, and the conditions for dismembering France are there. As long as they make good use of the chips in their hands and go with the flow, everything is possible.  Zhang Haoran said while thinking: "After Paris became ownerless, the rise of Prince Condai was already unstoppable. What is worrying now is that the forces controlled by Queen Mother Anna and Mazarin will quickly collapse because of their capture.  Then their value will be gone from now on.Judging from the understanding of the situation, Van Lit, Willick, and Froud still control more than 20,000 French troops in total, and these people are relatively loyal to Queen Mother Anna and Mazarin, or in other words  They were relatively loyal to the legitimately succeeded King of France.  Therefore, we should use the hostages in our hands to integrate the forces controlled by Froude, Willick, and Van Livot to check and balance the rise of Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Cond¨¦.  " Zheng Jie said: "If we want to achieve this, we cannot let Queen Mother Anna and Mazarin leave the center of power for too long. We must first send someone to Le Havre to talk to Van Lit.  " *** There is only the English Channel between England and France, and the narrowest point of the English Channel is only 21 miles. What happened in France quickly spread to England. At this time, Pang Ning sent an envoy to ask for help.  Yang Yan had arrived in London for five days, but Cromwell had been waiting for him until the news came that Paris was captured by the Qin army and Louis XIV and others were captured alive by the Qin army. There was an uproar in London, and Cromwell hurriedly arrived.  Meeting with Yang Yan. Yang Yan was just a Marine Corps commander and did not fully estimate the possible consequences of the changes in the situation. He still requested support from Willenwell as Pang Ning explained because Da Qin did not sign a military alliance with Britain.  According to the agreement, Cromwell had every reason to refuse to send troops to support, but now, not only did he not refuse, but he also agreed and sent 30 main warships and 5,000 troops to support Da Qin. With this result, even Yang Yan was stunned.  It feels a bit incredible. Cromwell is so generous. Willenwei suddenly decided to go to war in such a big way. There were very few objections in the British Parliament. Most of the members supported sending troops. Perhaps, all island countries would yearn for the mainland.  Complex, not to mention that there is only a 21-mile strait between England and France. The Hundred Years War between England and France was precisely because Britain was spying on French territory. In November 1337, King Edward III of England took advantage of France's weakness to invade.  In this war that lasted for more than a hundred years, France even occupied the capital Paris, and the occupied area became England's "Second Kingdom". The British army fought all the way to Orleans.  "Girl", that is, the "Joan of Arc" who is considered by the French to have saved France. France may really no longer exist. But this time, more than 200 Qin troops easily broke into the heart of France and captured Louis alive.  14. Prime Minister Mazarin and a large group of nobles. The shock caused by this incident to London was like a Category 12 typhoon. It also made London see the weakness of France at this time. It would be a shame.  , I'm sorry, I'm even more sorry for myself! If by chance, it is even possible to turn the whole of France into the Second Kingdom of England. By then, England's rise will be unstoppable, and its position as the European hegemon will be unshakable.  , things have reached this point, not to mention 30 main battleships and 5,000 land troops. If it were not for the royalist rebellion in the country and the unstable situation, Cromwell would even want to mobilize all his troops to attack France on a large scale. This time he would lead a large army.  It was Cromwell's confidant General Lan Bai who came to support him. His movements were amazing. The day after he promised Yang Yan, he quickly led the fleet to attack Le Havre. Yang Yan was just a general.  Qi was very happy to see this, but what he didn't expect was that it was hard to say whether they were reinforcements or a group of wolves with ulterior motives! *******************  ********* ps: Practice hard in one-finger meditation (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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