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Text Chapter 1059: It is advisable to take a broad view of the scenery.

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    Qin Mu thought for a while and said: "Longjiang Shipyard can be considered for selection. Ocean Trading Company has no shortage of funds, so there is no need to go public for the time being. Xu Qing, for the first batch of listed companies, it is best to select some small-scale companies.  But enterprises with development potential can be used as pilot projects, such as Longjiang Shipyard, and only three or two companies can be selected as the backbone. " "Yes, Your Majesty," Qin Mu is a little worried.  The Dutch East India Company is a behemoth. Now it actually has no shortage of funds, and it has background support that others do not have.  If we continue to let it seize the first batch of listings, it will just be a money trap.  Its development speed and excessive monopoly advantage may eclipse all competitors in the same industry, which is not conducive to the overall development of Daqin's maritime trade.  Xu Yongshun was a little disappointed, but he didn¡¯t dare to say anything more. For Longjiang Shipyard to be one of the first companies to go public, this could be regarded as Qin Mu¡¯s care for him.  If he continues to be dissatisfied, I am afraid it will make Qin Mu feel disgusted.  Qin Mu took out some ideas about stock trading and supervision that he had written down in the past few days and gave them to Xu Yingjie, asking him to take them back for financial researchers to study and improve. He planned to take a look at this matter first.  look.  In his mind, no matter what happens in the future, he will try not to do it himself. He will come up with an idea and then give it to his subordinates to study and improve. In this process, he can ¡Ï¡Ì, ww¡ôw.  Better cultivate some professional talents.  Otherwise, if you continue to push back the seedlings and encourage them to grow, problems will arise sooner or later.  After Xu Yingjie left, Qin Mu seemed more relaxed and asked casually: "Xiao Shunzi, do you have any new ideas?" Xu Yongshun looked confused and said quickly: "Your Majesty, what you are referring to is" "One year plan"  It's spring. It's spring. You don't have any plans?" "Hehe. Yes, you do. It's just that your majesty has many things to do. How dare you bother your majesty with such a small plan?" Qin Mu said disdainfully.  Said: "If you don't like it, I don't want to hear it anymore. Just hide it." "No, no, no, your majesty, Wei Chen knows his mistake. Well, Wei Chen's plan is actually very simple. The main goal this year is  To enter the European market. Our Da Qin mission should have arrived in Europe. Although no news has been sent back, Wei Chen believes that with the support of the great victory in the Indian Ocean, the mission will definitely achieve good diplomatic results, Wei Chen pondered.  , the opportunity to enter the European market should have arrived. " "Hahaha, yes, Xiao Shunzi. I really saw you right, but I want to warn you, don't go too far in this regard.  You have to leave some soup for others. Also, don't bother with South China. If you have the ability, go to America. It's a huge piece of cake, and you can't let the Europeans share it.  Let¡¯s go and have a look first. If others can go, why can¡¯t we go?¡± Qin Mu didn¡¯t know much about the current situation in America.  What is known is that after Columbus discovered the New World in 1492 AD, Portugal, the Netherlands, France, Britain, etc. came one after another, and various countries successively established some invasion strongholds in the Americas.  ??The famous British Empire of later generations fell behind almost all Western European countries in this massive colonization of America.  Before Britain established its first colonies on the Atlantic coast, explorers from six European countries had explored the coast of America.  First there were sailors from Portugal, Denmark, Italy, England, and Spain; then the armed Spanish conquistadors drove north from Mexico in the mid-16th century and explored the Southwest; in the late 16th century, the Spanish monk Franciscan in Florida and Georgia  , missionary societies were established in two Carolinas.  But it was Britain that was the first to establish permanent colonies.  In the first half of the 16th century, after Spain conquered Mexico and Peru, it first established colonial strongholds in the Gulf of Mexico on the Atlantic coast of North America in what is now Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Texas.  After that, the New Spanish colony was established in North America, including the area adjacent to today's southwest and Mexico, as well as Central America, South America, and Spanish territories.  In the first half of the seventeenth century, Dutch colonists established New Amsterdam (i.e. New York) in North America, which was later expanded into the colony of New Netherland.  In the 16th century, France established the Nofascian colony in North America, including what is now eastern Canada and the vast area along the Mississippi River in the United States.  The British also began to conduct exploration activities in southeastern America in the sixteenth century, but the large-scale invasion did not occur until the seventeenth century.  In 1606, the King of England authorized two joint-stock companies, the London Company (also known as the Virginia Company) and the Plymouth Company (later merged with the Massachusetts Bay Company), composed of large merchants and landed aristocrats, to grant them charters.  The development of the North American colonies?right.  This is a comprehensive institution integrating overseas commerce, smuggling, piracy and slave trading.  In May 1607, the London Company sent the first batch of immigrants to North America and established Jamestown.  The immigrants included 105 speculators, bankrupt gentlemen, white indentured servants, etc.  The first Jamestown was just a wilderness overgrown with grass. The immigrants built a church, a fort and a few huts here, and started their new life in North America.  Mortality rates among immigrants were extremely high due to plague, smallpox, yellow fever, and Indian vengeance.  Only 32 of the first batch of immigrants survived.  In 1607, the Plymouth Company established unsuccessful settlements.  At this time, the bourgeois revolution in England was becoming increasingly fierce. The Secessionists were the most radical group in English Puritanism. Due to the brutal persecution of the Church of England, they left England and went to the Netherlands in August 1608.  Some of the believers decided to immigrate to North America and signed immigration contracts with the Virginia Company.  On September 16, 1620, on Alliance Day, they headed for North America on the Mayflower under the leadership of Pastor Brest.  The "Mayflower" has a carrying capacity of about 180 tons and a length of 90 feet. There are 102 passengers on board, including 35 Secessionists, and the rest are craftsmen, fishermen, poor farmers and 14 indentured servants.  On November 21st, we arrived at Cape Cod and landed in Plymouth on the first day after Christmas.  Before the landing, on November 21, the separatist leaders presided over the formulation of a joint "Mayflower Convention" in the cabin, and 41 free adult men signed it. The content is: Organize civil groups  This convention laid the foundation for the self-government of the New England states and was of great significance to the subsequent development of the Virginia colony.  Many royalists and landed aristocrats also moved to Virginia, and most of them became local new aristocrats and large planters, including the Washington family, the Madison family, and the Monroe family, which were famous in later generations.  In other words, most of the European colonization of the Americas is still predatory rather than constructive. Especially for countries like Spain, the process of colonizing the Americas is almost always destructive and predatory.  After it was empty, they left it alone. The so-called colonies were more of a place for them to plunder resources. Now that Qin Mu's power has not expanded to Europe, Qin Mu has set his sights on America, which made Xu Yongshun said casually.  : "The fragmented pattern of Europe as a whole has been finalized and it is difficult to unify. In other words, as long as we, the Qin Dynasty, continue to develop forward, it will be difficult for Europe to become the real enemy of the Qin Dynasty.  The Americas are different. Its geographical location is very advantageous, its resources are rich, and its climate is suitable. More importantly, its overall pattern is in the process of being shaped and has not yet been finalized.  The Renaissance in Europe is in full swing, and the speed of its technological development cannot be ignored. Under the fragmented structure of Europe, it cannot pose a threat to the Qin Dynasty, and it is likely to form in the Americas. This is something I do not want to see.  What¡¯s more, the American continent is so rich in resources. When I, Great Qin, have the ability to get a share of the pie, or even take the lead, why not go there.  People without thought, he must worry about.  It's never wrong to take a long-term view.  ¡±?¡­
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