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Text Chapter 1058 Double-edged Sword

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    Shortly after the bank was established, under Qin Mu's instructions, Xu Yingjie identified some professionals to specialize in financial research.  In the future world, if you control food, you control everyone; if you control currency, you control the entire world.  Naturally, Qin Mu will not relax his research on the financial industry. The department in the bank that specializes in financial research has gathered many elite talents in the financial industry of this era, such as how to control the finance of Japan and North Korea.  People are in charge of specific planning, formulating implementation details and steps.  Now they are studying the feasibility of controlling European finance. Qin Mu is quite satisfied with this.  When it comes to launching stocks, he has a higher level of foresight than anyone else in this era, and he knows many dark secrets that most people don¡¯t know about when stocks are still in their infancy.  Qin Mu feels that it is a very good choice to control European finance through the stock market, or to plunder Western financial markets in this way, or to simply destroy the economy.  Qin Mu wants to establish Daqin's stock trading market as soon as possible, and also hopes that through this move, Western stock trading will be scaled up and open as soon as possible. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to participate in the European financial scene.  money.  The most positive and original purpose of the emergence of the stock market is to provide companies with a platform for financing and to share risks.  However, as Marx said, if there is 10% profit, capital will be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100%  With profits above 300%, capital dares to trample all human laws; with profits above 300%, capital dares to commit any crime and even risk hanging.  Driven by huge interests, the two most positive elements of the stock market are financing and risk sharing.  Often taken advantage of.  Financing turned into a frenzy of capital stripping.  Risk sharing becomes naked risk transfer.  Someone will create some very attractive bubbles that look like golden eggs, and then hold a handful of stocks and shout: Come on, these are golden eggs. Eggs can make chickens, chickens can make eggs, and eggs can never stop  When investors couldn't resist the temptation and threw money crazily into it, the bubble burst, and underneath the bubble was a black hole with no bottom And those companies with better profitability.  It is necessary to issue additional shares due to the strategic development of the people, so this can generally be regarded as a real golden egg.  However, in this kind of company, the main managers generally control most of the shares, and they are usually not allowed to buy or sell their own shares within a certain period of time.  Only a small part raises funds from society through the issuance of shares.  ??This so-called golden egg, to put it bluntly, is that people use your money to make their own money; and you bear other people's risks.  As for dividends, haha, that requires a shareholders' meeting to decide whether to distribute dividends or not, whether to distribute more or less.  Use this company's money to sell at low prices and buy at high prices to transfer funds, you know?  If you describe it vividly, the stock market is probably like some golden eggs and many colored bubbles placed together. The golden eggs are real.  But it's very heavy and you can't move it.  As for the bubbles, they're not pits, they're black holes, okay?  Newton¡¯s genius mind.  It can calculate the trajectory of celestial bodies, but there is nothing you can do about the black hole that swallows everything!  From a certain perspective, the stock market.  It's really like a financial black hole that swallows up the dreams of countless people. Newton's genius was turned into an idiot after entering the stock market. ?? Crazy stock investors and talented classmate Newton have only been in the market for less than a year, and they even lost all their underwear.  "He worked for the Royal Mint of England for 10 years in vain, and he still didn't eat or drink to save the money he lost. He was even worse than Yang Bailao.  From this point of view, Qin Mu knows very well that stocks are a double-edged sword. If there is no legislation in advance to prevent it, it can easily lead to catastrophic consequences.  In particular, economic bubbles will form quickly. Once the bubble bursts, the economy will regress, production will stagnate, and society will be depressed Therefore, what Xu Yongshun is looking forward to is the rapid establishment of a stock exchange and allowing factories and trading companies to issue stocks.  Unlikely.  It will take at least half a year, but no more than a year. Qin Mu doesn't want to delay this matter any longer. He also wants to go to Europe to make money, right?  Xu Yongshun said with some stubbornness: "Your Majesty, it is better to do some pilot projects first. Especially in the operation of the stock market, there is no one before and there is no experience to learn from. Wei Chen feels that it is better to allow some factories and trading companies with good performance to issue stocks first; this is  It should be regarded as a pilot; any problems can only be seen more clearly through actual pilots. As long as the number of factories or trading companies that issue stocks in the first batch is not large, problems will not have much impact. This is better than having no basis and groping at the moment. "    Obviously, the first batch of factories and trading companies to be listed will be the first to benefit from this. People like Xu Yongshun have always been representatives of the "capital class" that Qin Mu focuses on supporting. There is no doubt that they will be allowed to be the first to issue stocks.  He is the biggest, that's why he is so enthusiastic.  But objectively speaking, Xu Yongshun¡¯s words are not unreasonable. It is debatable whether Qin Mu¡¯s knowledge about the stock market in later generations is in line with the current economic model.  In later generations, there was a lot of hot money in the stock market, but it could not flow to the real economy, forming a deformed phenomenon. The stock market was very hot, but the real economy was in a severe winter. Enterprises wanted to develop, but they could not raise the funds urgently needed for development.  .  The hot money in the stock market is turbulent, but it has nothing to do with the real economy.  Originally, the original intention of the stock market was to provide a platform for the real economy to raise gold medals that were urgently needed for development.  With the current economic model and the speed of information exchange, even if there is hot money, it may not be able to make dramatic changes in the stock market like that of later generations. People's financial manipulation methods now are far from reaching the monstrous level of later generations.  In other words, some laws and regulations of later generations may not necessarily be suitable for the current economic model and stock market, so it is still necessary to do some pilot projects first.  Xu Yingjie also said: "Your Majesty, I agree to do some pilot projects first. Temporarily select ten or eight factories and trading companies to allow them to issue stocks and trade freely on the exchange. Let's observe them first to see what risks there are.  Improve the corresponding regulations. What needs to be done now is to conduct necessary financial audits and supervision on these selected factories and trading companies, and formulate some temporary punishment measures for violations. " "Yes," Qin Mu nodded.  : "This matter can be considered." Xu Yongshun was secretly happy and said with a smile: "This Your Majesty" "What is this, what is that?" "Your Majesty, look, Ocean Trading Company  The performance is good, and it is a joint-stock trading company; the Longjiang Shipyard is also one of the top shipyards in Daqin, with abundant talents and strong technology, and is very suitable for listing; I believe that the people must be optimistic about these factories and trading companies, and the people will buy the stocks of these companies  , low risk, easy to make profits, and can play a good supporting role in the newly established stock market; Your Majesty, as the saying goes, a good start is an important guarantee for success if Daqin's stock market wants to take off quickly.  On the right track and prospering, the companies chosen for the pilot project will naturally be the best. The two companies Chen mentioned are ranked first in the same industry in Daqin, like Longjiang Shipyard's orders.  It has been scheduled for two years, and funds are urgently needed to expand the scale; In addition, technological research and development such as iron pot ships have also entered the final bottleneck stage, and a large amount of research and development funds are required. Your Majesty, you know all this, but I dare not  There is a lie. "The so-called ocean trading company is an ocean trading company that Qin Mu asked Xu Yongshun to organize in order to open up the east-west trade route that was blocked by the war.  In addition to trade with Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, the East-West trade is mainly carried out with Portugal and the British East India Company. This ocean-going trading company now has as many as 232 merchant ships, and its development rate is astonishing.  Trade routes have expanded to the west coast of Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, etc.  Among them, Qin Mu, in the name of Yun Qiaoer, holds 31% of the shares and is considered the largest shareholder.  Xu Yongshun, Liu Changzuo and others each hold different shares. In addition, military generals such as Liu Meng and Meng Ke also have some shares.  ps: To be honest, I am a person who can¡¯t manage even 100 yuan. When it comes to financial stocks, writing is very hard and I am walking on thin ice. If there is anything wrong, you are welcome to correct me. Experts can post it in the book review area.  Please share your opinions with us.  There are only a few days left, and it¡¯s the end of the month. In previous years, starting from the 29th, monthly tickets are doubled. Well, let¡¯s ask for some subscriptions and recommended tickets today.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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