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Text Chapter 236 Yamamoto Isoroku (Part 2)

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    Li Zongren had already enjoyed the treatment of a hero in advance. His troops lined up and entered Qingdao city. The people on both sides of the street actively welcomed them, carrying water, food, and flowers, as if they were eating pots of pulp to welcome the king's division.  Li Zongren rode a white horse and walked in the front, waving to the people frequently. Although he was not handsome, he looked so charming.  There is no cavalry establishment in the United Provinces, and the army has never been equipped with war horses. Li Zongren's level is equipped with cars, but Li Zongren can and likes riding horses. The white horse under his crotch was captured by the Japanese army.  Although Qingdao had just been recovered at this time, no one could guarantee whether there were Japanese spies or Japanese killers hiding. It was quite dangerous to ride a horse through the city in full view of the public.  But the huge victory made Li Zongren couldn't help but show off, and even felt like a small world. He was afraid that his men would lose, and did not dare to show up and enjoy his victory. Is this the attitude that a winner should have?  The other winner, Chen Ce and his soldiers, are still bumping on the sea. There are storms and waves on the sea, but no one cares. Now they are no longer afraid of anything in their hearts, and the sea under their feet is just nothing in their eyes.  Just another object to be conquered.  At this time, Chen Ce and the others did not know how much honor they would receive and how much respect they would enjoy after returning to China. They were just enjoying their victory and not sharing it with anyone. It only belonged to them, to the soldiers, and to the honor of the warriors.  .  But Japan, the loser, has not unified its thinking at this time.  Just when Chen Ce rushed to the waters of Hiroshima to rescue Wang Huan in trouble, the Japanese army split.  The split was very complete and decisive, leaving no room for reconciliation.  The divided side is the traditional forces of the Japanese army, those officers with old-fashioned ideas. They are in high positions and most of them have experienced naval battles in the past.  It fought in the Russo-Japanese naval war, fought in World War I, fought against German submarines in Europe, and hunted German destroyers in Asia.  On the other side are representatives of the new military officers, rising stars, the backbone of the younger generation, Yamamoto Isoroku and others.  When the Battle of Hiroshima was ongoing, Yamamoto, who had the support of many veterans, took control of the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet, and together with other naval officers, commanded the Hiroshima ambush. At first they went smoothly, but the Chinese fell into their arrangement.  in the trap.  If it weren't for Chen Ce's sudden appearance, they would have completely wiped out Wang Huan's fleet and avenged their shame.  But Chen Ce appeared. At this time, two voices emerged in the Japanese army. One was the young force headed by Yamamoto. They asked the fleet to ignore the obstruction of Chinese reinforcements and use the navy at all costs before the two Chinese fleets had yet to turn around.  The fleet attacked Wang Huan's fleet, which was close at hand, and completely wiped out Wang Huan's fleet.  But the other side believed that the fighter plane had been lost, and the Chinese rescue fleet arrived.  The opportunity to annihilate the first Chinese fleet has been lost. Forced combat will only cause the Japanese navy to lose money in vain.  As a result, Yamamoto was furious, saying that the Japanese navy would be destroyed sooner or later in the hands of these short-sighted people, and there was insufficient strategy and strategy.  He immediately left the table and immediately moved his aircraft carrier fleet away from the waters of Hiroshima. Apparently he had expected that China would join the two fleets.  The offensive against Hiroshima will continue.  After Yamamoto left, there were still quarrels within the Japanese army, and various forces fought on their own.  So there was a situation that Chen Ce was puzzled about. On the battlefield, there were some who rushed forward, some who hesitated, and some who strode back.  Without unified command, they can only be sunk to the bottom of the sea one by one by the federal navy.  After Yamamoto led his fleet to leave, Hiroshima soon suffered a second attack, causing heavy losses.  Yamamoto believed that Japan's only chance was to seize the opportunity at that time and annihilate one of the Chinese fleets. However, he failed to seize it and failure was inevitable. He tried his best to rescue the Japanese aircraft carrier. He had done his best and had a clear conscience.  .  But some people don't think so. The opposing party puts the responsibility entirely on Yamamoto, believing that if Yamamoto hadn't suddenly taken away the aircraft carrier fleet during the battle, they would have been able to resist the second time the Chinese attacked.  Yamamoto fought back hard, believing that the conservatives were all responsible. If they had not blocked the initiative, half of the Chinese fleet would have been wiped out long ago, and they would be unable to attack Hiroshima again.  And Yamamoto transferred the aircraft carrier fleet to save the vitality of the Japanese fleet, which should be a meritorious service.  Yamamoto didn¡¯t want to continue to blame each other so pointlessly. After installing the aircraft carrier fleet, he submitted a resignation letter to the Navy Ministry, and then returned to his hometown in Nagaoka to study behind closed doors.  Yamamoto left the Japanese military, but his forces did not withdraw. Instead, he tried every possible means to lobby, trying to create an opportunity for Yamamoto to come out again.  Yamamoto does not represent a person, but a force.  He comes from the formal military education system and represents a large group of forces. He can be said to be a representative figure of the academic school, while the old forcesOn the other side, most of them are warlord factions, such as the former Southwest Strong Marine Faction, the disciples and former officials of Togo Heihachiro, etc.  He also worked within the civil service system of the Navy Ministry, and the civil service system also supported Yamamoto.  Moreover, Yamamoto participated in the naval negotiations in Washington and was a representative of the treaty faction. At the same time, Yamamoto also had very complicated local forces.  Historically, it was due to the combined effect of these forces that Yamamoto finally entered the highest level of the Japanese Navy, and then completed the stunning performance of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.  To understand the power behind Yamamoto, we must start with his identity.  Isoroku Yamamoto, whose surname is Yamamoto, is a very prominent surname in his hometown of Nagaoka Prefecture.  ??During the Meiji Restoration, some Japanese factions led by Western powerful factions supported the emperor and hoped that the shogunate would hand over power, while some factions sided with the shogunate to maintain traditional forces. Nagaoka sided with the shogunate. As a result, the reformers won.  At that time, Nagaoka Castle was almost destroyed, and half of Nagaoka's samurai were killed in the battle.  After the reformers came to power, because Nagaoka was against the emperor and was a rebel, they suppressed him a lot. For a long time, the people of Nagaoka lived in poverty and lacked clothing, and the wandering samurai wandered around without a fixed abode.  But the people of Nagaoka are very admirable. They were very brave when they fought against the reformers. Now that the situation is stable, they are still uncompromising. They are poor, but they do not give up.  Nagaoka people believe that the main reason why Nagaoka is poor is the lack of talents.  They started building schools.  Nagaoka was very poor, and the funds to build the school were squeezed out from Linban aid and private donations. Nagaoka Yo Junior High School where Yamamoto Isoroku studied was built under such circumstances, probably around the time of the Meiji Restoration.  Two years later, more than two years after Nagaoka Castle was destroyed.  When the Meiji government wanted to abolish a large number of schools due to financial constraints, the teachers of Nagaoka Yo Middle School continued to maintain the school at the cost of giving up all their salaries and provided relief to some needy students.  To enable them to complete their studies.  Yamamoto Isoroku relied on relief to complete his studies and was admitted to the Naval Academy.  Yamamoto Isoroku¡¯s family is also a samurai family in Nagaoka, and it is a very prominent family called the Takano family.  His great-grandfather was once a senior aide to the feudal lord. When the Restoration Army attacked Nagaoka Castle, his great-grandfather and great-grandmother were both defending the city, and both died in the end.  After the Meiji Restoration, they were the same as other samurai classes in Nagaoka.  The Yamamoto family also disappeared.  But as a huge family, it will not make Yamamoto unable to go to school.  But Yamamoto¡¯s father was not a direct descendant of the Nagano family, but an adopted son. The original family was the Hasegawa family.  First, it was adopted to the Takano family.  He also married the eldest daughter of the Takano family, which means he married his legal sister (or older sister).  Yamamoto was not the child of his father's first wife, but his second wife.  Takano's second wife is also interesting. He himself is from the Hasegawa family.  As a result, after being adopted into the Takano family, he adopted his sister and his original wife died.  He also married a wife from the Hasegawa family. Although she was not a biological sister, she was also a cousin.  In other words, Yamamoto's father, Takano, first married his legal sister, and later married his biological sister. This girl is definitely a sister-controller.  Therefore, Yamamoto¡¯s status in the Takano family is not high. After the Restoration, the Takano family lived in poverty. His eldest brother went out to open up and run a farm in Hokkaido. It was almost successful, but it was burned down in a fire. His father Takano was very responsible.  The family property was sold to pay off debts, resulting in greater hardship for the family.  The hardships in his childhood left Yamamoto with a valuable asset. Physically, he was poor, but in terms of family, he was glorious. A glorious family background, coupled with the current situation of poverty, is often a kind of strength.  Ordinary people may sink like this, but once a strong person defeats it, he will turn into a butterfly and fly into the sky.  Yamamoto is obviously a strong person. When he was in middle school, he only wore one set of clothes, the school uniform, for several years. When he returned home, he immediately put on homespun clothes and put away the school uniform in order to wear it for a few more years.  What was even more difficult was that Yamamoto could not even afford textbooks. For several years, he relied on copying books to complete his studies.  Yamamoto, who has been struggling with poverty, slowly stood out, entered the military academy, entered the navy, slowly climbed up the ranks, and finally attracted the attention of his hometown.  The reason why the Nagaoka clan opened the school was that they had no talents, especially no high-level figures who could represent their clan.  Therefore, Yamamoto's appearance gave them hope, and this led to the adoption of Yamamoto from the Takano family to the Yamamoto family.  Let¡¯s talk about Yamamoto. Yamamoto is a prominent surname because during the war with the Reformers, he was the samurai leader of the Nagaoka Domain. He led the Nagaoka samurai to fight tenaciously against the Reform samurai and refused to surrender in the end. In the end, he was defeated by the Reformers.  Beheaded.  The reformers were very afraid of the surname Yamamoto, fearing that someone in Nagaoka would use this surname to cause trouble.  So after destroying Nagaoka Castle, it was announced that no one could inherit it.With this surname, Yamamoto's widow was also forcibly remarried by the Meiji government.  By the time of Yamamoto Isoroku, the surname Yamamoto had no successors, and the originally generous wealth had long since disappeared.  "But the surname Yamamoto is a valuable asset. He is a symbol of the spirit of the Nagaoka people, and he has a bit of the shadow of Wen Tianxiang and Yue Fei in the hearts of the Chinese.  So with the help of various forces in Nagaoka, they began to persuade Yamamoto Isoroku to inherit the surname Yamamoto.  After careful consideration, Yamamoto agreed. After careful consideration, Yamamoto announced that he would accept the Yamamoto surname and adopt the Yamamoto family.  Apart from inheriting a surname, he didn't have a dime of benefits, but he received strong support from the forces in Nagaoka County.  In fact, Yamamoto inherited not only the support of his hometown forces, but also the high expectations of his hometown elders.  The expectations of all the people in a county are a spiritual force that cannot be ignored.  Just like having honor but being poor was a kind of motivation back then, this is also a kind of motivation, even a greater motivation, which will definitely inspire Yamamoto to keep moving forward.  The terrifying thing about Yamamoto Isoroku is that any of his enemies deserves to have a thorough study of his background.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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