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Text Chapter 235: If you climb high, you must fall heavy

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    On a new day, the weather in Shandong is also good, especially in Qingdao. The sky is clear and the sea breeze is blowing, which makes people feel comfortable even if the war is still going on.  Li Zongren was in a great mood. He had high hopes for Wang Jiexiu's heavy artillery, and Wang Jiexiu lived up to his expectations.  In fact, armor-piercing projectiles with a caliber exceeding 150mm are enough to cause damage to Japanese fortifications, while the effect of heavy artillery above 200mm is basically destruction.  Through the telescope, I saw the Japanese army's third bunker. It was a bunker built on a nearby hill. The concrete was almost one meter thick. It was backed by the bay and faced the port. It was the most threatening bunker on the last line of the Japanese army's position.  This bunker not only has a dome structure and thick walls, but is also equipped with three heavy cannons and more than a dozen machine gun perforations.  If it were yesterday, Li Zongren did not think that this bunker could be defeated with manpower. Even his most courageous general Xia Wei expressed pessimism. Li Zongren respected Xia Wei's opinion because he was the only one in the army.  When we were in western Guangdong, we attacked this kind of reinforced concrete fortifications.  It was that experience that taught Xia Wei a lesson and made him feel that using people to work on reinforced concrete fortifications was the biggest mistake.  But today, Li Zongren no longer cares about the Japanese defense.  In anticipation, there was a roaring sound in the distance behind him. It was Wang Jiexiu's heavy artillery, which was set up five kilometers away.  Of course, this distance is not far, and it is not far at all compared to the range of more than ten or twenty kilometers of heavy artillery. However, artillery is a kinetic energy weapon after all. It is an indisputable fact that the closer it is, the more powerful it is. Small-caliber artillery can shoot at a low level at close range.  It is so powerful that even heavy tanks cannot withstand it.  But Wang Jiexiu still placed the artillery position at the rear. The reason is very simple. The top of the Japanese circular bunker has a very good bulletproof effect. If the angle is not enough, it can be easily bounced away.  Even if it is equipped with armor-piercing projectiles, it is of no use if it cannot hit the target.  Therefore, Wang Jiexiu measured and selected a distance of five kilometers so that the shells could have a large angle and hit the Japanese bunkers almost vertically from the air.  Seeing that the Japanese bunker was instantly submerged in smoke and dust, Li Zongren thought to himself, it's over, this battle is over.  The first few positions were broken through in this way, and the Japanese army had no power to resist.  Spears and shields are always developing in this way, in the cold weapon era.  The Chinese built the Great Wall, and the Westerners built castles. The arrival of gunpowder weapons made the old city walls and castles lose their defensive power, but then bastions were built. When modern weapons appeared, bastions were no longer safe, but reinforced concrete  The half-buried bunker appeared again.  Then humans invented armor-piercing bombs, and the bunker was captured.  The human race may continue to advance in this cycle.  What follows is the most brutal fighting. Who can have the last laugh? In addition to considering the endurance and cohesion of a nation.  In addition to the organizational strength of the nation, it also depends on who is better able to take the lead in this kind of advance and retreat.  The Portuguese were the first to move towards a small maritime country that could rule a land larger than the entire Europe. The Spanish followed suit and divided the world with the Portuguese.  The Dutch, the sea coachmen, maximized the interests of the sea and gathered into their own hands all the wealth plundered by Portugal and Spain.  The British took the lead in the Industrial Revolution and opened a new chapter in the era.  Defeated Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands, not only occupied the ocean, but also became the world's hegemon.  The Germans and Americans took advantage of the second technological revolution and became world powers in a short period of time, and could compete with the British.  In the East, the Japanese seized the opportunity in the past and defeated China and Russia successively, becoming the overlord of the East.  Now it seems that it has been replaced by a federal province. Zhao Zeyong has always been able to seize the latest opportunities, using machine guns and cannons to defeat the warlords' millet and rifles, using aircraft to defeat British warships, and using aircraft carriers to destroy Japanese ports.  Li Zongren didn¡¯t know whether this was just a coincidence or the result of the turn of fate. He hoped it was the latter.  As for what Zhao Zeyong will become after seizing this opportunity, he doesn't care. Even if Zhao Zeyong wants to be the emperor, as long as he can make China a world pole, a world power, and the Chinese nation a powerful nation in the world, he will support it.  Sincerely support it.  There was a loud bang.  After more than ten minutes of covering blows, Li Zongren heard a huge noise.  Based on today's combat experience, he clearly realized that the Japanese bunker was blown up.  Sure enough, a collapsed ruin loomed in the gap between the smoke and dust in the telescope.  Li Zongren could even imagine that when heavy cannons repeatedly landed on the bunker, one finally got into the bunker and exploded in the small space, making a huge noise.  Li Zongren could not imagine how the Japanese soldiers inside would feel. Such a violent explosion might not kill them, but the sound would probably shock them to death. It was a cruel way to die.  But that situation can't happen, after an explosionIt was impossible for anyone to survive. They were so dead that even their bones could not be found. They all turned into mud and were mixed with reinforced concrete, as if they had been polished.  The bunker was blown up, but the bombardment was not over. There were still Japanese soldiers in the tunnel connected under the bunker. The secret tunnel was also connected to the bunker. Only a very small area of ??the bunker was exposed on the ground, and a machine gun muzzle protruded from it.  , if these are not destroyed, the attack will still cause great damage.  Bombardment may not be able to completely destroy such bunkers, but if they are connected to the main bunker, bombardment may suffocate the soldiers inside by draining the oxygen, at least making them lose their combat effectiveness.  If the bunker is relatively independent or has good ventilation, it can maintain combat effectiveness.  Even so, Li Zongren didn't want to risk the lives of his soldiers because he still had tanks in his hands.  Not counting Liu Guodong¡¯s new armored units, the old tanks in his own hands are enough.  Those tanks couldn't deal with the Japanese artillery, but they still had no problem with the Japanese machine guns. The armor on the front, which was more than ten millimeters thick, was enough to withstand the Japanese light and heavy machine guns.  Therefore, Li Zongren was not very interested in the new tanks brought by Liu Guodong, which made Liu Guodong very hurt. This time he took the initiative to ask for help. He was full of confidence in his tanks and believed that he would not be afraid even if they faced the Japanese artillery force, because he  The tank is very powerful. In World War II, this tank was numbered T34.  Using the famous tanks of World War II against the Japanese machine guns before World War II, it can be said that the weapons and equipment of the United Provinces are overflowing, and there will be no suspense in this battle.  The last Japanese position was wiped out, and all were killed except for the infantry who had fled to the ship early when they saw the situation was not good.  Wang Jiexiu¡¯s artillery was not afraid of the Japanese naval guns at all. After a few rounds of fire, the Japanese were defeated and left Qingdao Port, sailing far away from the Chinese waters.  Perhaps without the failure at home, the Japanese navy would not have been able to leave so easily. They would not give up until they caused chaos in the port. The failure of the army was the time to show the power of the navy.  However, the war situation reported in the country made the navy afraid to fight. Who knows whether the Chinese navy is rushing towards Qingdao.  The domestic defeat made the Japanese officers and soldiers feel pessimistic and unwilling to fight.  After the news of the Battle of Hiroshima and the Battle of Qingdao came out, there was no surprise. The whole country was unanimously full of praise for the two provinces.  The level of praise has almost reached crazy levels, and the public sentiment is raging. The people in the parade have begun to play the banner of "Long Live Zhao Zeyong," and the national spirit has been swelled to the extreme.  It has been nearly a hundred years since the Opium War, or hundreds of years since the Manchus entered Lushen, China, and national sentiment has never been so high.  Newspapers are full of radical remarks, such as the theory of annihilating Japan, the theory of asserting power in the world, and the theory of dominating Asia. They dare to say anything and dream about anything. This is the atmosphere that a big country should have.  It's just that this phenomenon may be an illusion. To be honest, China is not powerful enough to dominate the world and wipe out Japan, let alone dominate Asia.  When our country still had a large number of colonies and troops stationed in more than a dozen countries, and when the country was still divided and divided by warlords, there was nothing to talk about.  In addition to these crazy arguments, there are also calm arguments. A newspaper commentary analyzed what benefits this victory can bring to China. Needless to say, canceling Japan¡¯s privileges and taking back the Japanese concession is not difficult. The key is to regain the lost territory. There is no need for Lushun and Dalian.  It is said that it must be taken back, but what about Taiwan? Can it take back from the Japanese the lost land of Taiwan that was lost in the hands of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?  In addition, can we use this opportunity to avenge our shame? Can we repay all the humiliation that Japan once imposed on China? Can we double the Sino-Japanese War indemnity and the Gengzi indemnity?  I have to say that this editorial is very strict and constructive, and the author is an anonymous person.  Zhao Zeyong was amazed when he saw this editorial and lamented that it was an amazing pen.  And this editorial was quickly reprinted by major newspapers, and the magazine New Youth that published this editorial became famous all over the country.  The magazine then published several editorials.  Each article is more in-depth and more inspiring.  And he no longer carried the banner of China, and began to promote the joint provinces directly, publishing articles and asking questions continuously.  When will the Allied Provincial Army land at Luda?  When will the Allied Provincial Army land in Taiwan?  When did the Allied Provincial Army land in Japan?  Zhao Zeyong was very happy to see it and found it very interesting.  This person put forward many constructive suggestions. Luda must send troops to recover, but there is no need to send troops to the Japanese mainland. They can coerce the Japanese to peacefully hand over Taiwan by sending troops to the Japanese mainland, just like when the Japanese occupied Liaodong and threatened Beijing, and then forced the Qing Dynasty  It's the same as the government ceding Taiwan.  But in a small village near Kunming, Yunnan, an old master was worried and lamented: If you climb high, you must fall heavy!  (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!   ps: I¡¯m so stressed that I almost don¡¯t want to write today.
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