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Text Chapter 497 Generous

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    Chapter 497: Generous. Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  Although the selling price has been announced, Sun Zesheng has never sold the spacecraft due to various considerations.  Sun Zesheng asked Rong Jingying to reject all requests for orders from non-Chinese companies on the grounds that there were too many orders, the construction schedule was too tight, and they couldn't be arranged.  In other words, except for the few controlled by Sun Zesheng's own company, the current Hope-level spaceships are all within the territory of China.  Among them, the National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology each have one, and the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site in Qiongzhou Province has one.  This means that the spacecraft is nominally for sale to the outside world, but in fact, New Starry Sky Company has been secretly implementing a policy of banning external sales.  The so-called lifting of the foreign ban is to lift this secretly implemented policy and truly start selling to the outside world.  Soon, with Sun Zesheng's acquiescence and Rong Jingying's instruction, a large advertisement appeared on the official website of New Starry Sky Company. In addition to the provocative slogan - Come if you have the money, the advertisements are more affordable.  There are two contents, one is a buy ten get one free activity, and the other is the right to prioritize ordering the Moon-class spaceship.  ?Buy ten get one free means that if you buy ten hope-level spaceships at full price, you can get a spaceship of the same level for free.  Whether purchased at full price or received as a gift, there are no restrictions on the type.  The right to order first is not linked to the buy ten and get one free offer.  It only clearly stipulates that whoever purchases a Hope-class spacecraft at full price will have the right to give priority to the Moon-class spacecraft.  Of course, the premise is that New Starry Sky Company successfully develops the Moon-class spacecraft and sells it to the public.  Because of the special nature of New Starry Sky Company, New Starry Sky Company does not need to advertise in the mass media at all. It only needs to publish it on the official website, which immediately caused a huge sensation around the world.  Some space fans even took screenshots of the official website of New Starry Sky Company and sent them to the public network, which caused an even greater sensation.  Currently, the whole world is engaged in the space industry in full swing.  Everyone is rushing to launch spaceships into space, but this kind of thing cannot be done just by talking about it.  Currently, there are only a few countries that have the ability to launch spacecraft, and there is no guarantee of a 100% success rate.  Just like South Korea's rocket launch, it was a failure after repeated defeats. It launched many times and failed to launch even a single rocket, let alone a spacecraft.  It is undeniable that there are definitely not a few countries like South Korea that have strong economic strength and strong ambitions for space.  However, the price of up to 10 billion US dollars still makes countries such as South Korea feel a bit overwhelmed.  "If you can't bear it, you can't bear it."  There are still many countries and organizations that have expressed strong interest in purchasing Hope-level spacecraft from New Star Company.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s actions caused a huge sensation internationally, but also caused an uproar domestically.  In the past, no matter how expensive the spaceships produced by New Star Company were, at least it had not sold a single spaceship to the outside world. It can be said that the production and sales of spaceships were still controlled by the Chinese government.  But this time New Starry Sky Company released an advertisement to the outside world, which undoubtedly announced that the Chinese government's control over New Starry Sky Company has dropped to the weakest point.  Many people publicly criticized Sun Zesheng, saying that Sun Zesheng was blackmailing and coercing the central government. This kind of person thinks he has some ability, so he just slaps his nose on his face.  The frivolous behavior of not knowing how much he weighs must not be allowed, let alone indulged. Sun Zesheng must be severely punished and punished.  These people use various channels.  Spread the news to the outside world and mobilize all available forces with the intention of knocking Sun Zesheng to the ground.  Most of the reasons why they do this are selfish.  Who wouldn't be jealous of Sun Zesheng's company's strong profitability?  It¡¯s just that no one could touch Sun Zesheng due to various reasons.  This time is different. Sun Zesheng is openly selling high-tech products that can threaten national security. This is simply a God-given opportunity.  If we don't take the opportunity to bring down Sun Zesheng at this time, it will be difficult to find similar opportunities in the future.  "However, these people are jumping up and down, catering to very few political bigwigs. There are many reasons for this.  On the one hand, Sun Zesheng is a well-known entrepreneur in China. Once measures are taken against Sun Zesheng, public opinion at home and abroad will most likely be extremely unfavorable to the central government.  On the other hand, the No. 1 leader has a special relationship with Sun Zesheng. It doesn¡¯t matter if he criticizes Sun Zesheng now and puts pressure on him through public opinion. But once practical measures are taken against Sun Zesheng, who can guarantee that the No. 1 leader will stand by and watch?  Even if Chief No. 1 ignores it in order to avoid suspicion, Chief No. 1 is very likely to take retaliatory measures in order to maintain his dignity and for the sake of his daughter.?For the No. 1 leader who holds the highest position and holds the power of the party, government, and military, no one can bear it if he targets anyone.  Third, although the company developing the spacecraft is a subsidiary of New Star Company, its registration place, production base, etc. are either in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or South Sudan, and the production and external sales of the spacecraft have already achieved  Obtained the consent of the local government.  Strictly speaking, Sun Zesheng's sales of spacecraft to foreign countries have sufficient reasons, are reasonable and legal, so why should China interfere?  Once you reach out, a big label of interfering in other countries' internal affairs will definitely be slapped on your head. At that time, the basic national policy that the Chinese government has adhered to for decades will be shaken. Who can bear the responsibility for such losses?  Fourth, since Sun Zesheng established the company, although the product prices are high, he is suspected of engaging in monopoly operations.  However, according to market rules, the products and services provided by Sun Zesheng are all high-tech, with high intellectual property content and the value of the intellectual property. This is a question that no one can say clearly.  What's more, Sun Zesheng's products basically have no competitors in the market. With such good results, it is reasonable for them to be more expensive.  Fifth, from Sun Zesheng¡¯s own perspective, Sun Zesheng firstly did not evade taxes, secondly, he did not trade power for money, thirdly, he did not break any law, and fourthly, he did not resist the government. Except for the possible problems with his male and female style, there was almost no fault in other aspects.  If something goes wrong, how can we check him?  Should Sun Zesheng be charged with bigamy?  Where will this put the face of Chief No. 1?  "Besides, the style of men and women is a big or small issue. If someone dares to hold on to this issue of Sun Zesheng, then everyone will be in trouble. No one wants to be in trouble.  After all, in the officialdom, how many saints can be found who have not betrayed their significant other?  For a time, domestic public opinion was quite unfavorable to Sun Zesheng, but the relevant departments took no action. At most, the Quality Supervision Bureau and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau went to Sun Zesheng's company, and the national and local tax authorities went to check the accounts, and nothing else.  There is no real action left.  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t bother to pay attention to these flies. He didn¡¯t even bother to issue a statement to defend himself.  However, he was invited by several world-renowned media in the United States and Europe to accept an exclusive interview with them.  Before the interview, Sun Zesheng made it clear that apart from the domestic turmoil against him and his personal life, anything else could be discussed.  Sun Zesheng rarely accepts exclusive interviews from the media. These media finally seized the opportunity and agreed to Sun Zesheng's request.  However, during the exclusive interview, some reporters still tried to make a surprise attack, asking Sun Zesheng his views on the current domestic situation in China, and asked Sun Zesheng if he had any thoughts of living in the United States or other countries.  Sun Zesheng always explained these questions as "it is inconvenient to answer." As for the inconvenience, I left it to these reporters who are good at catching rumors to guess.  The media in the United States, Europe and other countries and regions quickly released the interview process.  This exclusive interview mainly focused on New Star Company, but what caught some people's attention the most was the deeper meaning of Sun Zesheng's words "it is inconvenient to answer."  Some people interpreted it to mean that Sun Zesheng was politically persecuted or was under house arrest by the Chinese government. Others interpreted it to mean that Sun Zesheng was completely disappointed with China and intended to immigrate abroad.  At a press conference held by the U.S. Department of State, it also paid serious attention to this matter.  Regarding Sun Zesheng¡¯s interview, the ones who were most anxious and angry and jumping up and down were several national media outlets in China.  They also sent an invitation to Sun Zesheng for an interview, but so far they have not received permission from Sun Zesheng to agree to the interview.  During this period, these national media have contributed a lot to the public pressure on Sun Zesheng, and many doubts were released through them.  It's good that Sun Zesheng didn't settle accounts with them. How could he accept an interview with them at this juncture?  The main purpose of Sun Zesheng¡¯s interview this time is to promote spacecraft to the outside world.  A ship worth ten billion dollars, such an expensive toy, was worthy of him personally promoting it to the outside world.  Sun Zesheng originally thought that the first order to him would be from a country with ambitious space ambitions, such as South Korea. However, Sun Zesheng did not expect that the first order received by New Starry Sky Company was not from South Korea, but from a very wealthy man.  The country of oil - Saudi Arabia.  Prince Muqlin, a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family and deputy prime minister, came to China specifically to visit Sun Zesheng, and then went to Jinan City to sign a contract with Rong Jingying.  Saudi Arabia made a huge move this time, directly ordering ten Hope-level spaceships. At the same time, Prince Mughlin also signed a memorandum on behalf of the Saudi royal family, the Saudi government and New Star Company, in which it was agreed that if the spacecraft flew to the moon,  spaceship going outIf it is sold, Saudi Arabia must be the first customer of New Starry Sky Company.  (To be continued)
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