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Text Chapter 496 Come if you have money

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    Chapter 496 If you have money, come and ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets.  Thanks.  In addition to the above-mentioned people, Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying also received invitations to attend the enlarged meeting of the Central Political Bureau.  The meeting was chaired by Chief No. 1. He first gave a brief speech, which mainly explained the turbulent international situation today. All powerful countries are launching an unprecedented competition for space. The intensity far exceeds that of the United States and the Soviet Union during the hegemony period. China  We cannot lag behind in this regard, we must catch up, so the Central Political Bureau decided to establish the Space Development Administration and mobilized elite troops and generals to join it.  After the No. 1 director, Lu Huiwen was assigned by the Central Political Bureau to introduce the basic situation of the Space Development Administration to all participants attending the enlarged meeting, focusing on the scene when he met Sun Zesheng.  .  Before Lu Huiwen had finished introducing the situation, the auditorium was buzzing like a pot was exploding, and everyone was talking in low voices.  ???Every one of the seven members of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau sitting on the rostrum was silent, and no one stopped the people below from discussing.  Sun Zesheng and others were also silent and did not speak. Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying sandwiched Sun Zesheng in the middle. The former had a calm demeanor, but the latter's eyes were a little angry.  The two women had the same idea. Sun Zesheng's request was not excessive. To get something, you must give up something. Just getting something without paying for it simply does not exist.  After Lu Huiwen finished introducing the situation, the No. 1 leader who presided over the meeting said that if you have any opinions, you can raise your hands to speak.  Today is a democratic discussion. Speakers are not guilty and can say whatever they think.  This enlarged meeting was attended by several senior officials from the Central Military Commission.  Lou Yuchen, Minister of the General Armament Department, was the first to raise his hand. He was the first to express his opinion, as long as the space capabilities of the country and the military can be quickly improved.  What if Sun Zesheng's company is exempted from regulatory authority?  Anyway, the company is settled in China. Are you worried that the company will run away?  Looking back at the current international situation, countries have accelerated the pace of competing for space resources. Everyone is racing against time.  If you take the first step, you may be ahead of everyone else and race to the moon or even Mars. How much economic benefit will you gain by doing so?  The military significance and strategic significance are immeasurable.  In comparison.  The concessions made by the state to Sun Zesheng's enterprises in terms of supervision and taxation are simply negligible.  Before Lou Yuchen could sit down, a big boss from the General Political Department stood up and fired directly at Lou Yuchen, questioning Lou Yuchen's lack of party spirit and forgetting his basic responsibilities as a senior military general.  He emphasized that there were no outsiders in China. If Sun Zesheng was allowed to be under supervision, wouldn't it mean that the country would not be able to obtain economic benefits?  Is it impossible for the army to win the battle?  Seeing that several big guys from the Central Military Commission were getting into a fight, Chief No. 1 quickly stopped them.  Let them all sit down and listen to what their other comrades have to say.  Chief No. 1 has a military background, but he does not want people from the Central Military Commission to put their hands into the specific affairs of the government. This kind of military intervention in politics.  Can't open.  Lou Yuchen and others were forcibly suppressed by Chief No. 1, and the rest was a matter for the civil servants.  One after another, Politburo members and alternate members raised their hands to speak. They were basically divided into two groups, either agreeing with Sun Zesheng's move.  Either that or opposition, with few centrists.  However, both the opposition and those in favor have reached a consensus on one point.  Even if Sun Zesheng decides to move the spacecraft production base to China, then a significant extension of the tax preferential period for New Starry Sky Company is not something that cannot be discussed.  The main focus of debate between the two groups is the issue of regulatory power.  The most fierce opposition even gave Sun Zesheng¡¯s demands an outline, saying that Sun Zesheng was an anarchist and wanted to build an independent kingdom and did not obey the party¡¯s management.  The enlarged meeting lasted for three days, and Sun Zesheng did not get a chance to speak from beginning to end. He could only watch.  He always pursed his lips, his expression was calm, neither happy nor sad, as if everyone was talking about someone else.  Sun Zesheng was fully prepared for his appearance at the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.  He did not hesitate to judge people with the greatest malice, in order to prevent someone from finding an excuse to launch a "coup" and control him while attending this meeting.  He even mobilized several space armed spaceships to stay over China, ready to launch a raid at any time to "rescue" him.  In addition, Sun Zesheng also asked Ling Feilu and Cullen to mobilize elite soldiers and generals from the mercenary group and the security group, and secretly deployed them in the capital. At the critical moment, they cooperated with the space armed spacecraft to rob people.  Of course, these are the worst preparations, Sun Zesheng?It is very certain that the authorities will not take any action against other people's personal freedom.  He just did it out of a preparedness mentality.  Sun Zesheng basically held an indifferent attitude as to what outcome the enlarged meeting would discuss. If the enlarged meeting could get a result that was biased towards him, it would be best if he could not get it. It would not matter anyway. He would not lose anything anyway.  .  Sun Zesheng originally thought that he could at least reach a compromise plan based on his demands, but the development of things was somewhat beyond his expectation. On the last day of the enlarged meeting, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the people who opposed him became more and more popular.  More and more, many people directly pointed the finger at him, listing all the illegal things he had done since the establishment of the company, such as forced buying and selling, monopoly operations, collusion between government and businessmen, etc.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s expressionless face suddenly became ugly. He was almost certain that there must be a powerful force behind his back.  Sun Zesheng glanced at Chief No. 1 sitting at the head of the rostrum, hoping to see some clues from his face, but to his disappointment, nothing could be seen on Chief No. 1's face. His old man  His father-in-law didn't even look at him.  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Director No. 1 announced a vote on the conditions for cooperation with the Space Development Administration proposed by Sun Zesheng. All members and alternate members of the Central Political Bureau had one vote, and other participants had no voting rights.  .  Based on the number of supporters and opponents, it will be determined whether the Space Development Administration will cooperate with Sun Zesheng.  There are twenty-five people in the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC, including members of the Standing Committee, and two alternate members, a total of twenty-seven people. They vote by show of hands, and the final result is clear at a glance.  Only eleven people were in favor, two abstained, and as many as fourteen were opposed, with more than half of the opponents. In other words, the result of the enlarged meeting was that they disagreed with the Space Development Administration and Sun Zesheng based on the conditions proposed by Sun Zesheng.  cooperate.  Such a result was somewhat unexpected by Sun Zesheng. Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying were both a little surprised. Neither of them expected such a result.  After coming out of the hotel, Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying and others walked towards the parking lot.  Lou Yuchen strode out from behind and stopped Sun Zesheng.  Lou Yuchen came to question Sun Zesheng. Lou Yuchen said that he should not have brought the space armed spacecraft over China. This was called soldiers pressing down on the country. Once the agreement was signed, it would be called an alliance under the city.  The most annoying thing for strong politicians is to be threatened. It is precisely because someone seized on this and made a big noise behind their back that this result came out.  Lou Yuchen also told Sun Zesheng that he himself did not appreciate the decision made by Sun Zesheng. This decision could be described as stupid. It was the worst, most irresponsible and cowardly decision that Sun Zesheng had ever made. Because of this decision, he  The opinion of Sun Zesheng has been completely downgraded.  Lou Yuchen just pointed at Sun Zesheng's nose and said that he looked down on Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng listened patiently to Lou Yuchen's words, and then he did not explain anything to Lou Yuchen. He just said one sentence lightly - I am a legal businessman.  After saying this, he, Rong Jingying and Song Jiayi got into the car together and left.  In the car, Rong Jingying couldn¡¯t help but complain a few words about Chief No. 1. On such a critical matter, how could Chief No. 1 not clearly express his support for one of his own people?  Watching so many people attack Sun Zesheng, is this something that my father-in-law can do?  Song Jiayi also complained a few words.  Sun Zesheng waved his hand and told Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying not to complain about the No. 1 leader, let alone have any opinions about Jin Yuanyuan because of this.  In the view of Chief No. 1, the fact that Chief No. 1 does not express his position is actually the greatest support for him.  No matter what the outcome of this enlarged meeting is, the losses suffered by Sun Zesheng will be minimal. Therefore, if the No. 1 leader does not express his position, the losses suffered by Sun Zesheng will not increase.  Moreover, in order to avoid suspicion and to avoid letting political opponents seize the opportunity, once the No. 1 leader clearly expresses his position, he must oppose it, and not expressing a position is just a form of support.  After listening to Sun Zesheng's analysis, Rong Jingying stopped complaining about the No. 1 leader. Instead, she started to cry out for Sun Zesheng. She sat on the chair of the enlarged meeting and could not speak. She had to listen attentively to those harsh words against Sun Zesheng, which made her depressed.  Just want to kill people.  Sun Zesheng smiled. He patted Rong Jingying's hand and told Rong Jingying not to be depressed. He had many ways to relieve Rong Jingying's boredom.  The solution to relieve boredom is very simple, that is, let New Starry Sky Company lift the ban.  Rong Jingying immediately understood. She couldn't wait to call the technicians and asked them to immediately add a new advertisement on the official website of New Starry Sky Company. The advertisement slogan was already thought out - Come if you have money.  Sun Zesheng started his life?When the first spaceship was manufactured, the price of a Hope-level spaceship was announced.  The basic price is US$10 billion per vessel, which may increase or decrease based on different configurations.  (To be continued)
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