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Text Chapter 483 Loss-loss Trading

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    Chapter 483 Loss-Loss Trading Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  Sun Zesheng has also gone through different stages in his vision of the future space industry.  In the past, he only wanted to seize the initiative to develop the space industry, and did not think about controlling it, dominating it, and leading it.  He is still willing to let his country seize the opportunity in this field.  For this reason, Sun Zesheng knew that developing such industries in China might encounter trouble, but he still set up the New Space (Jinan) Company in China without looking back, and introduced state-owned capital, which made the state-owned capital in the country to a certain extent.  In New Space (Jinan) Company, a substantial controlling stake has been formed.  Sun Zesheng is not afraid of such a situation.  He used an uncomplicated but legal method to obtain a controlling stake in New Space (Jinan) Company, without letting state-owned capital weigh on him.  If everyone abided by the laws of the market economy, there would be no such turmoil.  But the appearance of Zheng Yizhuo made Sun Zesheng realize that he had some wishful thinking.  Greed is human nature, especially when a certain group of people does not have any person, system, or law to restrain them, their greed will be unbridled.  Sun Zesheng couldn¡¯t imagine what the situation would be like now if he hadn¡¯t raised a private army in Africa.  Will Zheng Yizhuo be dismissed so soon?  Can he find evidence to bring down Zheng Yizhuo in such a short period of time?  Taizu¡¯s words are indeed right.  "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun."  Sun Zesheng thought about it and decided to change his thinking.  He will be more proactive in safeguarding his interests in the development of the space industry, and he will also try to dominate, control and lead this industry.  For this reason, in the future, military expansion may be the path he has to take.     in addition.  Even leaving aside the impact of the Zheng Yizhuo incident, if Sun Zesheng insists on developing the space industry, then further strengthening his personal armed forces will have to continue.  Sun Zesheng just seized the opportunity of space tourism, but it does not mean that he can dominate this industry.  Before him, Americans had landed on the moon, Russians, Americans, and Europeans had all built space stations. The United States, Europe, Japan, Russia, India and other countries and regions had launched probes around the moon and Mars.  If they realize the imminence of the development of the space industry, as long as they invest regardless of cost, they can still catch up with Sun Zesheng to a certain extent.  Although Sun Zesheng has mastered mature space vehicle technology.  But after all, he is only gathering his own strength to do this, which is far from being comparable to the comprehensive strength of the United States, Europe, Japan, Russia and other countries and regions.  Once these countries join the competition for space resources, Sun Zesheng is likely to be at a disadvantage.  This is like a small company competing with a large company. No matter how advanced the technology and innovation capabilities of the small company are, they cannot withstand the squeeze and imitation of the large companies.  It's easy to get squeezed out by big companies.  In order to win, these countries may use various means. If there is no private armed force as a guarantee, Sun Zesheng will easily be swallowed up and no bones and dregs will be left.     in addition.  The space industry is very risky. If there is not a strong and disciplined team as a guarantee, various unexpected accidents will easily occur.  This also requires that he cannot relax the construction of private armed forces.  After some thinking.  Sun Zesheng decided that in addition to maintaining the strength of the mercenaries and security groups on the surface, it was also necessary to do some tricks in secret.  For the time being, it is unrealistic to expand the military base at the two satellite launch sites in Africa.  The whole world knows that he has a private army of more than 10,000 people in Africa.  Every move he makes here will be watched.  Sun Zesheng planned to come secretly, so he asked Ling Feilu to select loyal and reliable people.  Secretly sent to other countries to secretly form new mercenary legions.  When the time is right in the future, they will merge with the private armed forces at the satellite launch site.  In addition, Sun Zesheng also sent secret envoys to the governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan to discuss with them the establishment of space armed reclamation companies in their countries, and prepare to send this company into space when conditions permit in the future.  army.  ¡° However, this matter must be carried out secretly. Once leaked, the consequences will be beyond Sun Zesheng¡¯s control.  At this time, the second batch of crops in the agricultural planting base has matured, and the average yield per mu is one hundred pounds higher than that of the first season, and the quality is also one level higher.  This is closely related to Zou Jiashun leading all employees in the agricultural planting base to implement scientific planting and scientific management. Sun Zesheng issued an order to reward all employees in the agricultural planting base and receive two more months of salary this year.  At the same time, Sun Zesheng asked Zou Jiashun to go to the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site and take a free ride.This time the Hope spacecraft made a circle in space.  After the Zou family came down from the sky, their feet were weak, but their spirits were very high.  He immediately posted the space scenery he shot on the Hope spacecraft to the Internet, which immediately caused a sensation.  Zou Jiashun was the first employee to ride on the Hope spaceship for free after the company implemented the new welfare reward and punishment system. Like Nikolai Rocuk and others, they all went with a mission, which was different from Zou Jiashun.  Moreover, Nikolai Rocuk and the others signed a confidentiality agreement before they went to heaven, and they were not allowed to take pictures, video and other activities.  Zou Jiashun is different. He is not subject to any restrictions. He is allowed to post photos online.  His move suddenly ignited the passion of employees of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. and New Star Company, and they all vowed to be the second person to ride on the Hope spaceship for free.  Zou Jiashun has also received many personal invitations to give lectures in universities and middle schools to talk about the experience of riding on the Hope spacecraft.  Sun Zesheng laughed off the courtesy Zou Jiashun enjoyed. He would never deprive his employees of the honor they deserved.  He was worried about one thing at the moment. The harvest at the agricultural planting base exceeded his expectations.  The essence produced in the first season of the agricultural planting base has not been used up yet.  The output of the second season is even greater than that of the first season, and because the quality is better, more essence will be squeezed out.  As a result, we are faced with a huge problem, which is how to consume these essences.  During the first harvest, the cold storage capacity was not enough.  Zou Jiashun took this matter as a big deal, and when the second season crops were growing, he started building several large-capacity cold storages. For the time being, he didn't have to worry about having no place to store them.  It¡¯s not a good thing just to keep it in the cold storage.  After all, the agricultural planting base is already arranging to sow crops for the third season.  Judging from current trends, a bumper harvest in the third quarter is almost certain.  By then, the crops collected will not be a small amount.  Right now, the only place where these essences can be consumed is Future Light Company.  Two other overseas subsidiaries, such as Future Light Thailand and Future Light Brazil, do not have the ability to directly process these essences. They import semi-finished products from Future Light and then package and market them locally.  The consumption of essence by these three companies is still a bit slow, and Sun Zesheng feels that they should continue to expand the number of overseas subsidiaries.  Just trying to do this is not easy.  Thai companies have almost monopolized the Southeast Asian market, Brazilian companies have basically monopolized the South American market, and the main market of Future Light Company is in the mainland of China.  Looking at the map, we can see that the markets that have not been occupied for the time being, except for Africa, are basically the territory of developed countries.  These countries all have one thing in common, which is that the access system is relatively strict.  In the United States, Sun Zesheng applied for access to the US Food and Drug Administration through George Smith as early as the year before last.  But until now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved it.  Similar situations also exist in markets in Europe, Japan and other places.  This means that it is simply impossible for Sun Zesheng to open these markets in a short time.  In other words, if he cannot open up these markets, if he continues to plant existing crops, it will inevitably cause an accumulation of mature crops.  As time goes by, the medicinal efficacy of the piled crops will gradually decrease, and by then, they can only be used to feed pigs.  Sun Zesheng called together Jin Yuanyuan, Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin, Zhang Li, Wuhan Yang, Zou Jiashun and others to seek their opinions.  Jin Yuanyuan didn¡¯t know much about business, so she wisely kept silent. In this regard, she still respected the wisdom of Song Jiayi and others, and did not interfere indiscriminately just because she was Sun Zesheng¡¯s legitimate wife.  Song Jiayi and the others didn¡¯t have any good ideas.  In addition to suggesting that they join forces with George Smith and others to seize the time to open up overseas markets, their other idea is to reduce the planting area of ??crops and use the excess cultivated land to grow other things, such as Cordyceps sinensis.  After all the noise, Sun Zesheng still didn¡¯t hear what he wanted to hear. He disagreed with the idea of ??dividing a part of the agricultural planting base to plant Cordyceps sinensis.  The cost of artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis in Jinan City is several percent higher than that of artificial cultivation in the origin of Cordyceps sinensis.  He also thought about moving the planting base here to the Tibetan area when the time is right.  How is it possible to expand the planting area in Jinan City?  Of course, instead of growing cordyceps, you can also grow other crops. Vegetables, grains, ginseng, etc. are not a problem. Even if Sun Zesheng does not have the corresponding technology, he can still ask Jiang Guopeng.Support.  Jiang Guopeng must be responsive to his favorite disciple's requests.  But if he really does this, Sun Zesheng will suffer a big loss.  He had spent billions of Chinese dollars renovating agricultural planting bases. If he could not plant high value-added crops, he would lose money on everything he planted.  Sun Zesheng has never done business at a loss.  (To be continued)
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