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Text Chapter 481 I feel at ease when you stay inside

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    Chapter 481: Only when you stay inside can I feel at ease. Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  What Sun Zesheng wants is to dominate the coming space age and firmly grasp the initiative. As for how much profit he can make, that is secondary.  However, the emergence of a veto power has seriously threatened his strategic intentions.  ¡°This is not only Zheng Yizhuo¡¯s attempt to compete with him for dominance, but also sets a bad precedent of administrative orders interfering with the normal operations of his company.  If Sun Zesheng allows this situation to continue, then his interests will be gradually eroded.  In the future, Sun Zesheng's industries will develop more and more and be distributed more and more widely. If the feudal officials from various provinces think Zheng Yizhuo's method is feasible and want to kill him, how can he develop his company?  It¡¯s not that Sun Zesheng doesn¡¯t accept alliances, and it¡¯s not that he won¡¯t share the profits with others, but the premise is that he must choose the partner of the alliance voluntarily.  Instead of being like Zheng Yizhuo, he used his power to overwhelm others as soon as he came up.  In the beginning, the reason why Sun Zesheng chose to compromise was just to make peace and make money.  But after dealing with Zheng Yizhuo's secretary twice in a row, Sun Zesheng knew that Zheng Yizhuo was someone he couldn't deal with.  It is said that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.  No matter how humble Zheng Yizhuo's secretary is to his boss, Zheng Yizhuo choosing him as his secretary shows that Zheng Yizhuo is at least subconsciously this type of person.  It¡¯s dangerous to cooperate with this kind of person.  Sun Zesheng simply rejected the olive branch extended by Zheng Yizhuo. Under his instructions, New Starry Sky Company began to take inventory and was waiting to leave Jinan City after the liquidation was completed.  At the same time, Jin Yuanyuan, Rong Jingying and others also mobilized their own connections. Many central enterprises, including China Petrochemical Corporation, went to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to complain. Their complaints were very consistent.  Jizhou Province's approach seriously threatens the interests of central enterprises.  For a time, a huge tide of pressure generally pressed on the Jizhou Provincial Committee and Provincial Government. Zheng Yizhuo was miserable.  However, Zheng Yizhuo still supports it. His big boss behind the scenes has not made a public statement so far. The relevant ministries and commissions of the Central Committee and the leaders of the Central Committee have also remained silent about the reputation of the former head of the Central Committee.  The matter came to a stalemate for a while. During this period, Pan Haichen asked to see Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi, and Rong Jingying several times, but without exception they were rejected.  Zheng Yizhuo also realized something was wrong and called Sun Zesheng himself.  Sun Zesheng avoided seeing him every time.  Sun Zesheng had no intention of letting it end like this. There was a life-and-death struggle between him and Zheng Yizhuo. This was no longer a matter of forcing Zheng Yizhuo to bow his head, but to teach Zheng Yizhuo and all those who wanted to imitate Zheng Yizhuo an unforgettable lesson.  .  After many days of careful consideration and changing the plan again and again, Sun Zesheng decided to take action.  First, Sun Zesheng instructed Ling Feilu, who was far away in Africa, to take the initiative to break the news to several media with great influence around the world.  The mysterious veil shrouding the New Starry Sky Mercenary Corps and the New Starry Sky Security Group was revealed to the world for the first time.  At present, the total number of these two private armed forces affiliated to Sun Zesheng has exceeded 10,000.  Among them, there are more than 7,000 mercenaries and nearly 5,000 security guards.  ??Here, the security group is more elite and equipped with powerful weapons and equipment including spaceships. The quality of individual soldier equipment can be said to be the best in the world.  Not even the most elite armed forces in the United States can compare.  The mercenaries are also equipped with a large number of advanced weapons, such as unmanned armed helicopters, drones, remote-controlled combat robots, tanks, armored vehicles, laser weapons, etc., which are scary to look at.  Ling Feilu broke the news this time.  But not just talking, he also invited media reporters to visit two satellite launch sites in Africa.  At the same time, government troops from the Democratic Republic of the Congo were invited to conduct military exercises together.  ??The Congolese government and military officials did not take advantage of Sun Zesheng's benefits, and turned a blind eye to Sun Zesheng's development of such a fierce private armed force in their territory.  They got a lot of benefits from this military exercise. Sun Zesheng promised to let them purchase a batch of weapons and equipment at a price lower than the market price, and they were even more happy to cooperate.  Images of military exercises were spread around the world through various media.  Zheng Yizhuo looked at the scene on the TV screen and remained silent for a long time.  He knew that this was Sun Zesheng's way of sending a strong warning to him.  But what Zheng Yizhuo didn't know was that Sun Zesheng's counterattack was not that simple.  Ling Feilu selected elite soldiers and generals and quietly returned to the country. They divided their forces and invited the secretary who had followed Zheng Yizhuo for many years, as well as several of Zheng Yizhuo's drivers, and took them all hostage.  These fierce mercenaries all showed their fangs, and they drove Zheng YiThe private information of Secretary Zhuo, the driver, and other close relatives were all revealed, and even Secretary Zheng Yizhuo¡¯s illegitimate child was not spared.  Facing the death threats issued by the mercenaries, Zheng Yizhuo¡¯s secretary and driver all succumbed.  He told the mercenaries some of Zheng Yizhuo's bad deeds in the past few years since he entered politics. Zheng Yizhuo has done many things such as corruption and bribery, keeping mistresses, personal gain, nepotism, and empty pay.  Generally speaking, Zheng Yizhuo didn¡¯t talk much, but as the secretary of the provincial party committee, embezzling even a penny is a serious crime, not to mention he has so many problems and has offended Sun Zesheng.  After Sun Zesheng obtained this information, he immediately broke the news to the New York Times in the United States.  Soon, the New York Times published everything about Zheng Yizhuo.  Immediately, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that it would send an investigation team to Jizhou Province to investigate Zheng Yizhuo's problems.  Head No. 1 personally told the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that he must strictly enforce party discipline and state laws and show no mercy to black sheep like Zheng Yizhuo.  The former head of the Communist Party of China also wrote a letter to the Central Committee, demanding severe punishment for Zheng Yizhuo.  Zheng Yizhuo's political future is completely over, and what awaits him is an inevitable prison sentence.  After Zheng Yizhuo, the Jizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection also sent an investigation team to Jinan City and took Pan Haichen away.  When Zheng Yizhuo explained the problem, he also explained Pan Haichen.  Pan Haichen sat on the throne of the mayor of Jinan City and became a prisoner before his buttocks got hot.  Soon after, the leadership teams of Jizhou Province and Jinan City were adjusted.  Wang Liansheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of Southern Guangdong Province and Secretary of the Special Zone Municipal Committee, was transferred to Jizhou Province and served as Secretary of Jizhou Province.  Sheng Qinghua, Vice Minister of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, was transferred to Jizhou Province and served as Acting Governor of Jizhou Province and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.  Here in Jinan City, Jiang Nan, who had just been working as the deputy mayor of Jinan City for a few days, was appointed as the acting mayor of Jinan City.  The first thing Wang Liansheng did after taking office was to announce the cancellation of the wrong decisions of his predecessor Zheng Yizhuo, stop sending representatives to joint ventures with state-owned capital, and stop exercising his veto power.  Those who have been deployed must be taken back.  Wang Liansheng also repeatedly emphasized that things should be done in accordance with the laws of market economy.  The government must not reach out or interfere with things that should be left to the market. We must believe that entrepreneurs across the province are determined to build a better hometown.  Wang Liansheng chaired the enlarged meeting of the Provincial Party Committee and specially invited Sun Zesheng from Yanjing to attend the meeting.  After the meeting, Wang Liansheng also held discussions with a number of entrepreneurs who have major investments in Jizhou Province, including Sun Zesheng, to let them relax and do business in Jizhou Province with peace of mind.  Don't be affected by the small twists and turns some time ago.  Wang Liansheng has soared to the sky this time. According to common sense, he wants to be qualified as the secretary of the provincial party committee from the position of secretary of the municipal party committee of the special zone.  It would take at least a few jumps before he could become a powerful frontier official, but this time the central government chose him as a deputy provincial and ministerial official who was familiar with Sun Zesheng entirely to appease Sun Zesheng.  Go to Jizhou Province to fight fires.  In a word, no matter what, Sun Zesheng must be kept.  Leave Xinxingkong Company in Jinan City.  You must know that Sun Zesheng had no intention of setting up a space company in China at the beginning. Later, the State Council issued relevant policies. Lang Qijun, Guo Youwei, Zhou Tianyu and many others worked hard to establish the space company.  Encouraged, Sun Zesheng agreed to make related investments in Jinan City.  Once Sun Zesheng withdraws his capital from Jinan City, no one is sure whether Sun Zesheng will engage in similar industries in China. After all, Sun Zesheng has already established a new space (American) company in the United States, and there are two companies in Africa led by Sun Zesheng.  With two satellite launch sites that he fully controls, Sun Zesheng has every reason to stop making similar investments in China.  Wang Liansheng had a sense of awe for Sun Ze.  On the one hand, he did not have as deep a background as Zheng Yizhuo and did not dare to confront the son-in-law of the current number one leader. On the other hand, Zheng Yizhuo's experience also reminded him that Sun Zesheng was not a person who acted according to common sense sometimes.  With tens of thousands of troops at his disposal and such ultra-modern advanced weapons, it would be very easy for his family to be inhumanely destroyed.  When dealing with Sun Zesheng, it is better to negotiate honestly and in accordance with the framework of party discipline and laws. This is the safest way to get along.  Anyway, as long as Sun Zesheng keeps his investment in Jinan City, he will be indispensable for all his political achievements.  If he wants to obtain private benefits, he can use other channels. Jizhou Province is so big that there are too many companies willing to provide him with benefits.  After receiving Wang Liansheng¡¯s guarantee, Sun Zesheng immediately asked Rong Jingying to announce that she would continue to stay in Jinan City and do her best to build her hometown.  However, things cannot be restored to the way they were before. In order to prevent similar things from happening, Sun Zesheng still asked Rong Jingying to make some changes.??The interests of Star Company, New Star United Investment Company and New Space Company were further clarified, and their respective responsibilities and obligations were agreed upon in documents.  The most important thing here is that New Starry Sky Company will no longer provide technology and equipment to New Starry Sky United Investment Company for free, and everything must be based on money.  Without money, New Starry Sky will refuse to provide any technology and equipment to New Starry Sky United Investment Company.  Doing so will inevitably incur more expenses and taxes, but in order to have another Zheng Yizhuo appear, the price is worth it.  Zhou Tianyu, who pretended to be ill in Yanjing, was discharged from the hospital. He immediately rushed to the Light of the Future Park to see Sun Zesheng.  Zhou Tianyu praised Sun Zesheng for being sharp, powerful and interesting in his counterattack, but Sun Zesheng denied from beginning to end that Zheng Yizhuo's resignation was under his control.  There are some things that can be done and said, and there are some things that can be done but cannot be said.  Zhou Tianyu said that he would help Rong Jingying to do a good job in the new space company as the secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee.  Sun Zesheng seemed to have inadvertently mentioned Zhao Jingshu. Sun Zesheng did not intend to show his generosity towards Pan Haichen's pawn. He wanted to give Zhao Jingshu and others a warning not to think that they could not take responsibility for their words and deeds.  Jiang Nan probably did not come to Yanjing to visit Sun Zesheng because he was newly appointed, but he still showed that he valued Sun Zesheng in Jinan City.  He first visited Rong Jingying, and also went to Sun's house specifically to visit Sun Zesheng's grandparents and grandparents in the name of visiting the elderly.  During the conversation with Rong Jingying, Jiang Nan emphasized that he would implement the relevant policies when Zhou Tianyu was mayor and provide strong support to Sun Zesheng¡¯s industries such as New Space Company and agricultural planting bases.  In this way, the turmoil caused by Zheng Yizhuo has settled after two months of delay.  Zheng Yizhuo also became the shortest-lived provincial and ministerial-level cadre in Chinese history, breaking relevant records.  Soon after, Zheng Yizhuo was handed over to the judicial department, the court tried him, and he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison.  Zheng Yizhuo's secretary was also found guilty of many problems and sentenced to life imprisonment.  Seeing this news, Sun Zesheng was filled with emotion, "I feel at ease when you stay inside."  This confrontation between Sun Zesheng and Zheng Yizhuo also made many people begin to face the existence of Sun Zesheng.  Countless people unanimously believe that Sun Zesheng is no longer a pure businessman, but has become a very important force influencing China's political arena. All this is because Sun Zesheng did not take the ordinary path, raised private soldiers, and started a conspiracy. I don't know whether it is good or bad.  precedent.  Some people hate this, some are gnashing their teeth, and some are eager to try and imitate it.  But how can it be so easy to form a private armed force? Not to mention how to ensure the loyalty of personnel, even military expenditures are a heavy burden for those billionaires.  This is no longer the era of Xiaomi and rifles. Everything is high-tech, even mercenaries are no exception.  Not everyone can play it well.  Sun Zesheng raised private soldiers just to protect himself, but he didn¡¯t want to do too many earth-shattering things with the help of mercenaries.  At this stage, he has no plans to continue to expand the number of mercenaries.  However, in the future, Sun Zesheng still needs to reconsider whether to expand the size of the mercenary group.  (To be continued)
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