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Text Chapter 467 Economic Alliance

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    Chapter 467 Economic Alliance Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  Sun Zesheng has no intention of directly becoming the chairman of Jinan Bank. Not to mention that he does not know a lot about the financial field. Even if he is an expert in this field, he does not intend to personally take charge of the work of Jinan Bank.  After all, Jinan Bank only accounts for a small part of his business territory.  Sun Zesheng takes into account the actual situation. In the future, he will have more and more surplus funds in his hands, and there may be fewer opportunities to use big money. In this way, a large amount of funds will be backlogged in his hands.  Just like the large amount of U.S. Treasury bonds held by China, they may become a pile of waste paper at some point.  Sun Zesheng needed to find some way out for these funds. He decided to set up several companies specifically for external investment, instead of taking out 10 billion and leaving it to Mendelsohn to operate as before.  There is another reason why Sun Zesheng decided to set up an investment company, which is not a heretic.  From his rebirth to now, he has brought out a lot of advanced technologies, and it has been difficult for him to justify himself and explain the source of these advanced technologies to the outside world.  Although he set up a research team, with a little common sense one can tell that most of the advanced technologies he developed could not have been developed by this team.  Since the amount of advanced technology currently available is relatively small, he can still hide it. After all, his identity means that ordinary people are not likely to question him.  But if he comes up with more advanced technology and explains it to the outside world, maybe even Jin Yuanyuan's family will be suspicious of him. By then, he will be superfluous and asking for trouble.  Of course, this does not mean that Sun Zesheng will give up the advantages he has.  After careful consideration, he decided to adjust his future investment and business strategies.  In the fields he has already set foot in, he will naturally want to become bigger and stronger and strengthen his leading position in the same industry around the world.  In areas he had not yet set foot in, he decided to use another method to control them.  This method is venture capital.  Of course, the so-called risk can basically be said to be "zero" for him.  There are a large number of patents in Tianjixing 3000, and these patents without exception are marked with the detailed information of the patent inventor or organization.  Sun Zesheng can completely follow the diagram and find individuals or units that are conducting research before these patents are invented and make venture capital.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s soul comes from later generations. He fully understands what the development trend of the history of science and technology is. He knows exactly what can make money and what is just a flash in the pan.  This determines that he can select the ones with the most investment value from the numerous patents stored in Tianjixing 3000 and invest in them.  Sun Zesheng does not need to hold a controlling stake in these patents, let alone purchase them entirely. He only needs to hold a small part of the equity to enjoy the huge profits that these patents will bring after they are listed on the market.  To put it bluntly, each of these patents can only bring him a million in revenue. Ten thousand patents, that is 10 billion.  And the number of patents in Tianjixing 3000 exceeds tens of millions, which is simply a vast ocean, countless.  What's more, the income brought by some patents may need to be measured in hundreds of millions of yuan.  There is endless money in the world. Sun Zesheng himself does not have the energy or ability to control all the areas where money can be made. However, in this way, he can extend his tentacles to all areas in the world where money can be made.  Divide a large bowl of meat among them.  Of course, it is not easy to do this, and it is definitely not possible without enough cash in hand.  Sun Zesheng decided to take stock of all the companies under his name and prepare for dividends.  The profits obtained from the dividends are then used to establish venture capital companies.  Sun Zesheng now has a big family and a big business. As soon as the inventory was started, it attracted the attention of many interested people.  Soon, many people called him and asked him why he was conducting the inventory. After learning that he did not want to withdraw investment from China, the political leaders all stopped.  Sun Zesheng's company is basically still in the preferential tax period, and corporate income tax is reduced or reduced. Therefore, after calculation, the dividends that Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., with Sun Zesheng as the sole shareholder, can obtain is astonishing, reaching  More than 30 billion.  This is because Sun Zesheng has already given Baolong Company, Wood Harrier Seiko, Galaxy No. 1 Fuel Co., Ltd., and New Culture Training Center to Xu Yunjin, Rong Jingying, Song Jiayi, and Zhang Li respectively. Otherwise, Light of the Future International Industrial  Limited companies can get more dividends.  Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Zhang Li and Xu Yunjin, who hold shares in Future Light Company, also received a lot of dividends. Although not as much as Sun Zesheng, they still amounted to hundreds of millions.  After discussing with Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Zhang Li, Xu Yunjin, Mendelssohn and others, Sun Zesheng absolutely decided that Mendelssohn was in charge of the project.?'s investment fund became independent from the parent company and established a Centennial Investment Holding Co., Ltd. Sun Zesheng invested all the dividends he had just received into it. Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Zhang Li and Xu Yunjin naturally followed closely.  The dividends received, as well as the pocket money given to them by Sun Zesheng, were also invested in a century-old investment.  In the century-old investment, Sun Zesheng held more than 85% of the shares in the name of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., and Song Jiayi and others jointly held less than 15% of the shares.  Less than one percent is held by Mendelssohn.  In addition, Sun Zesheng promised that 3% of the annual net profits from the century-old investment would belong to Mendelssohn, and the remaining 2% would be at Mendelssohn's disposal.  Mendelssohn was very satisfied with this.  Subsequently, Sun Zesheng gave Mendelsohn a list and asked Mendelsohn to send someone to contact the people or companies on the list to discuss investing in supporting their research.  Mendelsohn doesn¡¯t care at all how Sun Zesheng obtained this list. He only cares about one thing, which is how much benefit this list can bring him.  As long as the income is high enough, even if the boss cracks the Pentagon's internal network and steals all the confidential information of the U.S. Department of Defense, he will not hesitate to follow Sun Zesheng.  The funds raised by Centenary Investment exceed 40 billion, and Sun Zesheng plans to continue to increase capital in the future.  Of course, this will have to wait until the company pays dividends in the future.  Before and after the establishment of Centennial Investment, Sun Zesheng stayed in Jinan City and did not return to Yanjing. He still had some unfinished business in Jinan City.  Sun Zesheng first placed the ownership of Jinan Bank under Centennial Investment, and Mendelsohn, who was well versed in finance, was responsible for the leadership.  Then, he kept his promise and allowed Huang Yinhua to continue to serve as chairman of Jinan Bank. The other management basically retained the original team.  After all this work, Sun Zesheng still had a lot of money on hand. He did not invest the money from selling the shares of Mexiang Electric Appliances into Centennial Investment. It was not that he did not want to invest, it seemed that he had other plans.  The most important thing here is to prepare for the establishment of overseas space companies.  But this matter won't cost much, two to three billion Chinese coins should be enough.  Sun Zesheng has important uses for the remaining money.  Since he started doing business, Sun Zesheng has attached great importance to winning over allies.  However, in the past, he focused on winning over political allies, but now it can be said that he has achieved initial results. Yanjing City, Jizhou Province, Zhongsu Province, and Southern Guangdong Province, as well as central ministries and commissions, all have relatively reliable friends.  Continuing to win over more allies in the political arena cannot be rushed and can only be done slowly. However, the matter of winning over allies in the military needs to be accelerated.  In addition to the political and military circles, if Sun Zesheng wants to remain standing, there are two other circles of friends that are absolutely indispensable.  One of these two circles is the press and the other is the business world.  The importance of the press is self-evident. The press can basically be equated with the control of public opinion.  If all the news media say that a company's product is bad and has quality defects, then it is almost certain that no consumer will choose to buy it.  On the other hand, if all the news media say that a certain company's products are good, even brass can be sold at the price of gold.  Sun Zesheng has always had a deep understanding of this. In his previous life, he suffered a big loss in this regard. The prince's party family that annexed his company had control over public opinion and had access to all the joints of the public prosecutor and the law.  , so much so that he had no place to cry out even if he wanted to.  The extreme method of breaking jade was adopted as a last resort.  In this life, Sun Zesheng also wanted to start in the journalism world, but he never had a good opportunity.  This time, Sun Zesheng decided to spend one billion from the remaining funds to conduct public relations for the press.  He handed over this matter to Zhang Li and Xu Yunjin. Xu Yunjin is now well-known in the entertainment industry, and Zhang Li is not well-known in the education industry. Both the entertainment industry and the education industry are somewhat related to the press.  I know many friends in the press, and I take advantage of them to infiltrate and control the press.  In addition, Sun Zesheng also followed Wuhan Yang's suggestion and acquired two public relations companies that specialize in posting on the Internet, and asked them to use every opportunity to promote Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., Xinxingkong Company and other companies under his name online.  company.  If any information that is detrimental to the company under his name is discovered, it must be dealt with in a timely manner.  It is simply impossible to achieve immediate results in the press.  The products provided by all the companies under his name have undergone strict quality inspection, and the quality is absolutely excellent. Moreover, all companies attach great importance to environmental protection at the beginning of their construction, and the raw materials used are also pollution-free.  , it is basically impossible for negative news to break out.?? As for him himself, because of his engagement with Jin Yuanyuan, domestic public opinion will basically not involve exposing anything about him.  In view of this, Sun Zesheng is not in a hurry to make too many achievements in the journalism world. He can take his time in this area, work hard and lay a solid foundation.  Sun Zesheng focused on another thing, which is to find more allies in the business community.  In developed countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan, there is a very common phenomenon, which is the phenomenon of well-known multinational companies joining together to keep warm. With their strong strength, they form allies, form consortiums, divide work and cooperate, and act unanimously to the outside world.  For example, Japan's Mitsui Consortium includes many world-famous multinational companies such as Sony Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, Toyota Motor Corporation, and Sanyo Corporation.  The organizational structure within these consortiums may not be particularly strict and somewhat loose, but it is undeniable that they have a close relationship that is difficult for outsiders to get involved. When member companies encounter difficulties, other member companies will be more capable than companies outside the consortium.  may help.  In daily life, they also support each other and promote each other's growth.  Sun Zesheng is not yet capable of forming a consortium, mainly because his current strength is insufficient.  Its development time is too short and there is no way to compare with these established multinational companies.  ¡° However, Sun Zesheng intends to follow suit and form a loose alliance.  Then, on the basis of this alliance, he will gradually strengthen his penetration into the business district, and finally seize the leadership of the business community. In the future, he can raise his arms within the alliance and respond to the call, thus forming a powerful economic force.  .  Sun Zesheng took out all the more than 8 billion remaining from the sale of Meixiang Electric Co., Ltd., and then gave it to George?  Smith, shareholders of several private enterprise legal persons of Jinan Bank, as well as H Private Equity Fund, American Time Foundation, etc. all sent invitations to invite them to gather in Jinan City.  After receiving the invitation letter from Sun Zesheng, no one dared to neglect, and they all arrived at the Jinan Hotel on time at the agreed time.  In the business conference room of Jinan Hotel, Sun Zesheng, George?  Smith, Li Zifeng, Yin Chendi and others gathered together to discuss important matters.  Sun Zesheng got straight to the point and said: "I invite you all for one purpose, which is to make good friends with you. I intend to set up a venture capital company. Let's inject capital into this company together and then invest externally. I don't know what you think.  How about the next one?" Li Zifeng asked first, "Mr. Sun, can I take your words to mean that you allow this venture capital company to invest in your company?" Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "I want to make something clear.  The investment company I intend to establish does not set any threshold for external investment. If other companies under my name have financial needs, it is not impossible to borrow money from this investment company. Of course, the specific method is debt-for-equity swap.  , or high loan interest, we need to analyze the specific situation. " Li Zifeng pondered for a while, "Okay, Mr. Sun, our American Time Foundation is willing to invest in this venture capital company established by you. " Sun Zesheng smiled.  He said: "Okay, if Mr. Li agrees, then this venture capital company can be established. I plan to name it Friendship Alliance Venture Capital Company, or Friendship Venture Capital for short. What do you think?" "Mr. Sun,  The name thing is a trivial matter. I want to confirm a question. When you establish a new company in the future, can you give priority to attracting funds from Umeng Venture Capital? For example, I heard that you intend to establish a new space company overseas.  Is it possible to allow Umeng Venture Capital to invest? Going one step further, are you willing to let Umeng Venture Capital hold a controlling stake?" Yin Chendi then asked.  George?  Smith's face couldn't help but change. He had long been eyeing the piece of fat in Sun Zesheng's hands. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway. Not only did Sun Zesheng want to set up Youmeng Venture Capital, but also those who had not yet invested in Youmeng Venture Capital.  Yin Chendi has set her sights on controlling shares in overseas space companies.  Sun Zesheng smiled faintly, "I'm not afraid to tell you all. I do intend to establish a new space company overseas. As for whose hands the controlling rights of this company will fall, we will do everything in accordance with market rules. Who will take the initiative?  Whoever provides the most technology will hold the controlling stake. "So, Mr. Sun, are you allowing Umeng Ventures to hold equity in overseas space companies?"  Li Zifeng asked.  Sun Zesheng nodded, "Yes. In fact, not only overseas space companies, but also companies invested by Umeng Ventures can obtain controlling shares. Even if you have confidence in Umeng Ventures, you can hold shares of Umeng Ventures  I have no objection to the controlling stake," Sun Zesheng said in a calm and honest tone.  "Everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised. They all knew Sun Zesheng to some extent. Sun Zesheng's companyEither he doesn't cooperate with others, or when he cooperates with others, he will try his best to obtain a controlling stake in the company.  To this day, all the companies under Sun Zesheng's name are either controlled by him or controlled by his confidante, with almost no exceptions.  Sun Zesheng summoned so many people today, and his intention is obvious. He obviously wants to bring together the enterprises and companies represented by them. If successful, this will definitely be a force that cannot be ignored. No matter who it is, they will want to control this force.  How could Sun Zesheng, who was strong and accustomed to controlling everything, tolerate the loss of power?  "Everyone, I still have some vision for the development of science and technology, and I also have some unique views on business. I can promise that if I cannot obtain the controlling stake of Umeng Venture Capital, I will also be willing to provide suggestions for the development of Umeng Venture Capital. I will definitely  Don't hide your secrets," Sun Zesheng said again.  Everyone was moved again. On this occasion, it was impossible for Sun Zesheng to lie to them, otherwise, his reputation would be ruined.  "Everyone, I established Umeng Venture Capital in the hope that everyone can help each other. If one person is in trouble, everyone will help, and everyone can contribute to the flames. As long as this goal can be achieved, I will give up the controlling stake of Umeng Venture Capital.  That¡¯s not allowed. Of course, this has a premise, that is, my investment in Umeng Venture Capital is not the highest, otherwise, I will still have a controlling stake in Umeng Venture Capital,¡± Sun Zesheng said.  "Whoever pays more will control the controlling stake. This is a matter of course. Mr. Sun, our h private equity fund is also willing to participate in Umeng Venture Capital. We Umeng Venture Capital will invest 2 billion Huaxia coins." Yin Chendi shouted  .  Thanks for the monthly ticket for "non -pool", thank you.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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