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Text Chapter 457 Counselor

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    Chapter 457 Counselor Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  Sun Zesheng was organizing his words secretly while observing the expression of Chief No. 1, hoping to observe something from him.  It's just that the No. 1 leader was fought out of thousands of troops and went through the ups and downs of the officialdom to get to where he is today. If others could easily observe his psychological activities from him, he would not be where he is today.  .  Sun Zesheng gave up his opportunistic plan, and instead focused on what angle to approach in order to make Chief No. 1 change his mind.  Frankly speaking, it is very difficult to achieve this. After all, the initiative is not in his hands. No matter how high the conditions he gives are, as long as the No. 1 leader grits his teeth and insists that the reasons are not fair enough, he will be wrong.  nothing.  When Sun Zesheng negotiates with others, he likes to seize the initiative. If he cannot seize the initiative, he would rather not negotiate. But in a meeting like today, no matter how passive he is, he cannot back down.  This is not just as simple as fighting for Jin Yuanyuan's rights. It is also the first head-on contest between him and the No. 1 Chief. It can also be seen as a test for him by the No. 1 Chief. If his performance cannot satisfy the No. 1 Chief,  If he is satisfied, Chief No. 1 will inevitably have some bad opinions about him, and it will be extremely difficult to reverse the negative impact of these bad opinions on him in the future.  "Xiao Sun, we have class in a while, and the quarter of an hour is coming soon. If you don't tell me yet, I have to leave." Chief No. 1 said calmly.  Sun Zesheng stirred up his energy and felt blessed in his soul, and said: "Chief, only when a person is in a happy mood can his work efficiency be high. Yuanyuan is my wife, and she cannot be in the right position. If she uses her talents to the best of her ability, I will not be depressed either."  I'm very happy. As a result, our work efficiency will be affected, and it may affect the development of my company. On a larger scale, it may affect the national tax revenue." The No. 1 leader glanced at Sun Zesheng, "  Are you stating a fact, or" "Of course I am stating a fact. Chief. When you are unhappy, your work efficiency will not be high. In fact, you are sitting in the position of Chief No. 1.  When you manage such a large country, you have to take care of all aspects, and you will definitely encounter all kinds of difficulties and all kinds of unhappy things. I also have a deep understanding of this. In a company like mine, the current total number of employees.  There are more than 10,000 people. It is really troublesome to manage them. Fortunately, I have adopted scientific management methods and used a large number of industrial robots to reduce the number of employees. Otherwise, I would still have more troublesome things.  More." Sun Zesheng said calmly.  Director No. 1 nodded, "I heard about the pilot project you co-organized with the Sino-Soviet Province. You used industrial robots to replace labor. The idea of ??upgrading labor-intensive industries to knowledge-intensive industries is very good, but in doing so,  Wouldn¡¯t the laid-off labor force become unemployed?¡± Sun Zesheng said: ¡°Technological progress will inevitably mean a reduction in labor employment. This is an inevitable result of technological development. It will also bring a lot of changes to human life.  Changes, such as space tourism. In the past, we only dreamed of Chang'e flying to the moon. But now, we are building space stations in the sky. One day in the future, we can go to the moon to build a lunar base and collect various resources on the moon that are urgently needed by mankind.  For another example, we can invent some green and pollution-free clean energy that can replace oil, natural gas, and coal, and reduce the impact of the greenhouse effect on the global environment. Another example is that we can use machines to replace a large amount of manpower and put them into high-risk areas.  In the environment, let them go to the front line instead of us, go deep into the mines, perform anti-terrorism tasks, etc. In a word, technological progress will inevitably change human life, make our lives better, and at the same time make our country stronger.  "The No. 1 leader pondered. He knew that Sun Zesheng would not say this for no reason. He must have some reasons. Like other big guys in the Central Political Bureau, he also started to pay attention to Sun Zesheng very early.  .  He has asked his think tanks to analyze Sun Zesheng more than once, and he has asked the National Security Bureau and the General Staff Intelligence Department to collect a large amount of intelligence about Sun Zesheng. Both the intelligence and the think tanks tend to believe that Sun Zesheng must have far more power than  The current level of technology in human society.  It¡¯s just that he doesn¡¯t know the source of these technologies, and there¡¯s no guarantee that he can obtain these technologies without disturbing Sun Zesheng, so Chief No. 1 has always adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards Sun Zesheng.  Later, Director No. 1 discovered that all of Sun Zesheng's investors were domestic and had very few investments abroad, which further deepened his non-interference attitude towards Sun Zesheng.  From the heartGenerally speaking, Chief No. 1 has a good feeling for Sun Zesheng, otherwise, he would not agree to the engagement between Jin Yuanyuan and Sun Zesheng.  Leader No. 1 believes that many of the practical problems China is encountering today can be solved with scientific and technological progress. In this way, a large number of social conflicts can be reduced and the ruling status of the People's Party can be strengthened.  Of course, technology cannot solve all problems, but as long as it can solve even a small half of the problems, that is good.  Just like the few examples Sun Zesheng just cited, if they are all realized, the significance to China will be extraordinary.  Take the energy issue for example. If Sun Zesheng can really provide a brand-new energy solution and solve all the problems caused by this solution, then it will be able to change China's passive situation in the international energy market.  China is an energy-deficient country. Insufficient oil and natural gas reserves make China very dependent on the international supply of oil and natural gas.  At the same time, this has also resulted in a large amount of coal resources being mined in China, which in turn has led to a series of problems, such as groundwater depletion, water and atmospheric pollution, increased carbon dioxide emissions, and so on.  "Xiao Sun, let me ask you a question. If the country gives you a task, I hope you will take the lead and establish a new energy research group to continue in-depth research on the basis of new fuel and No. 3 fuel. You  How confident are you?" Chief No. 1 suddenly asked.  Sun Zesheng smiled faintly, "If the chief can let Yuanyuan choose her whereabouts, then even if the country doesn't give me a penny. If they don't send me a person, I will rely on my own strength and I will be very sure to achieve new results.  On the other hand, if Yuanyuan can only serve as a military representative, then even if the country allocates tens of billions to me and sends me all the academicians of the Academy of Sciences as helpers, I won¡¯t have much confidence.¡±  Sun Zesheng said a little bit, "You little grandson, you are playing this trick with me. Okay, for the sake of the country's tomorrow, I will show favoritism. I will not interfere with Yuanyuan's work arrangements and let her choose freely. Little Sun  "Are you satisfied now?" Sun Zesheng was overjoyed, "Thank you, chief." Sun Zesheng felt much better after solving a big problem. When the quarter-hour break passed, Sun Zesheng finished answering the questions from the political bureau chiefs.  After that, we started talking about another topic.  It¡¯s space tourism.  Sun Zesheng, who was in a good mood, inevitably said a few more words, describing a magnificent scene of space travel to the big guys in the Central Political Bureau.  The big bosses of the Central Political Bureau are not easy to be fooled by people's words. Their moods are all outstanding people to a certain extent, but as Sun Zesheng described.  They still inevitably feel excited.  As Sun Zesheng said, the development of science and technology can solve many practical problems. If in the future space age, China can stand at the forefront of the times.  Then China's rejuvenation will no longer be an empty talk, but will become a reality.  For them, this is an excellent opportunity to leave a mark in history.  Wait until Sun Zesheng finishes speaking.  The big guys started asking questions, and many of the questions they asked were quite professional.  Sun Zesheng answered their questions in as concise and concise language as possible, answering all their doubts.  This class was played until dark, and the big bosses of the Central Political Bureau all showed expressions of unfinished learning.  However, they can't listen to Sun Zesheng's class all the time. They still have a lot of work to deal with. It's already amazing that they can spare almost a whole day to listen to Sun Zesheng's class today.  After Chief No. 1 and others walked out of the conference room, Sun Zeshang breathed a sigh of relief. Teaching these big guys was not easy at all. He couldn't say the wrong thing and there was no reward.  In a word, tired.  Jiang Guopeng patted Sun Zesheng on the shoulder and gave Sun Zesheng a thumbs up, "Xiao Sun, you are awesome. I really didn't expect the level of your lectures to be so high. Even I was fascinated by it." Sun Zesheng smiled and complimented.  Said: "This is all because you teach well, principal." Jiang Guopeng chuckled, "On the one hand, I teach well, but you have the information in your belly, which is your real ability. I" Before Jiang Guopeng could finish speaking, a man in a dress  The man in a suit walked in, "Sun Zesheng, the Prime Minister asked you to go to his place." Sun Zesheng was stunned, and Jiang Guopeng pushed him, "Xiao Sun, what are you doing standing still? Why don't you go quickly?" Sun Zesheng was confused.  Following the suit, I went to the Prime Minister's office in Zhongnanhai and met this national leader who ranked second in the Central Political Bureau.  The No. 2 leader motioned for Sun Zesheng to sit down, and then said: "Xiao Sun, China can be said to be one of the earliest countries in the world to pay attention to space. However, due to historical reasons, we are several times behind Western countries when it comes to truly going into space.  Ten years oftime.  Even now, we have made some great progress in the space field, but compared with developed countries such as the United States and Europe, we still have a technological gap of at least 20 to 30 years.  We are making progress, and so are our competitors.  " Sun Zesheng nodded, "That's what the Prime Minister said.  "The No. 2 leader said: "It is really valuable that you can have such a clear understanding.  Xiao Sun, I didn¡¯t have a very good impression of you before. I thought you were a bit exaggerated, especially since you went to Africa and built two satellite launch sites. I felt you were a little uneasy.  But in the past few days, comrades from the No. 1 Satellite Launch Site and the No. 2 Satellite Launch Site have given me many reports. Only then did I know that the two satellite launch sites you built are a bit small in area.  , in other aspects, it is no worse than satellite launch sites at home and abroad. It is amazing in all aspects.  I think we need to have a good talk.  " "Prime Minister, if you have anything to say, please give me instructions.  " Sun Zesheng said humbly. The No. 2 leader chuckled and said, "Don't use words like instructions. You and Yuanyuan are legally married. When Yuanyuan sees me, she calls me uncle. You can also follow her in calling me like this.  .  "Sun Zesheng smiled. He didn't really call the No. 2 leader "uncle". The No. 2 leader didn't continue on this topic. He continued the topic just now and said: "After listening to your class just now, I feel that our country is in a good position.  There is much to be done in the future competition for space resources.  But we have to admit that we still lag behind Western developed countries in many places.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????We have used the power of the country to do these things, although this can concentrate our efforts on big things, it also brings some inherent shortcomings.  I think the approach you proposed to introduce private capital into this field is very good, and I wholeheartedly support it.  I think that the power of the country and the private sector should unite to face the tide of the space age.  The emergence of Jinan New Space Company is a very good phenomenon.  Xiao Sun.  I have one request for you. The new space company should not just focus on space tourism. This is a bit too petty. I hope you can take a longer-term view and engage in space cargo.  If you can let New Space Company solve the problem of space freight, then you will solve a big problem for our Chinese nation.  " Sun Zesheng nodded, "Prime Minister, I will try my best.  ¡± The space cargo mentioned by Director No. 2 does not simply refer to transporting things into space, but transporting more items with greater quantity, greater mass, and larger volume into space at a low cost. If this question  It can be solved. Then building a space station, a space homeport, a space city, or even a lunar base on the moon in the future will no longer be a problem under the current technical conditions.  The cost will be as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can imagine how much it will cost to transport hundreds or thousands of tons of items into space. This is only to the space outside the atmosphere.  To go to the moon, the cost will increase exponentially. This is a huge bottleneck that plagues the development of space technology. If it can be solved, China can be at the forefront of the world, and maybe be ahead of other countries.  , and build the world's first lunar base. In that case, China can be the first to use the energy produced on the moon. Seeing Sun Zesheng nod, Chief No. 2 smiled and said: "Xiao Sun, I take your words seriously.  By the way, since you took the lead in establishing the first space tourism company in China, I intend to hire you as counselor of the State Council. I wonder if you are interested in taking over this position?  " "Counselor of the State Council?  "Sun Zesheng didn't react for a while. The No. 2 leader smiled and said: "He is just a consultant who advises the State Council on formulating policies.  Since you have established a space tourism base in China, it is inevitable that our country will regularly formulate some relevant policies, long-term plans, etc. in the future.  This requires advice from professionals like you.  How about it, are you interested?  " Sun Zesheng nodded quickly, "Since the Prime Minister thinks highly of me, I would rather obey his orders than be respectful.  Chief No. 2 smiled and said, "I just like young people like you who are energetic and cheerful."  Good job, Xiao Sun.  Our country has a population of 1.3 billion, and they will all be your strong backing.  ¡± Sun Zesheng was still dazed after coming out of the Central |  Hupi, no matter what level of local officials he is, they don¡¯t dare to look down on him, a person who can give advice to the Prime Minister. Back at the Light of the Future Park, Sun Zesheng couldn¡¯t wait to give Jin Yuan.Yuan made a phone call and told Jin Yuanyuan the news that Chief No. 1 agreed not to interfere with Jin Yuanyuan's free choice of career. The latter was also very happy when he learned about it.  Jin Yuanyuan's unwillingness to be a so-called military representative was not only for Sun Zesheng's sake, but also out of interest. It was not like she spent all her youth on such things.  Although Sun Zesheng wanted to celebrate with Jin Yuanyuan, it was not easy for Jin Yuanyuan to leave the National Defense University.  As a result, the two had to postpone the celebration until later.  Of course, Sun Zesheng couldn't celebrate with Jin Yuanyuan, but Song Jiayi was by his side.  After Song Jiayi learned the news about the two numbers brought back by Sun Zesheng, she was also happy for Sun Zesheng.  News that Sun Zesheng was hired by the No. 2 chief as a counselor of the State Council spread quickly.  Soon after, Jiang Nan, secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Yanjing City, came to visit him. Jiang Nan increasingly wanted to treat Sun Zesheng as someone of the same level as him.  It's not like he hasn't been to Sun Zesheng's place before, but every time he always put on airs and airs, but this time it was very different.  He is much more polite and humane in his speech.  Not to mention, not long after he came to Jiangnan, Ren Xuehai, a member of the Central Political Bureau and secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee, who had never had any contact with Sun Zesheng, also sent an invitation to Sun Zesheng, asking Sun Zesheng to come to the Yanjing Party School to give lectures.  Mid-level cadres of Yanjing City who participated in the party school training gave lectures.  Mayor Jiang Hua of Yanjing City also took advantage of the east wind and went to Sun Zesheng's Future Light Company for inspection.  Just having the aura of being a counselor of the State Council, Sun Zesheng becomes different in the eyes of many people.  He has become a worthy target in the eyes of many people.  A few days later, the shareholders of New Space Company and representatives of the General Armament Department took a special plane back to Yanjing after visiting the No. 1 satellite launch site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  The shareholders of New Space Company met Sun Zesheng and expressed their optimism about the profit prospects of New Space Company.  What they saw and heard in Africa had completely conquered them, and their doubts about the new space company had disappeared.  After Sun Zesheng finished the meeting with the shareholders of New Space Company, representatives from the General Armament Department couldn't wait to find Sun Zesheng.  Submitted a long list to Sun Zesheng, "Mr. Sun, these are the items that our General Equipment Department needs to order immediately. In addition, after we go back, we will compile another list. I hope that Mr. Sun can follow it by then."  Prepare another list for us." Sun Zesheng glanced at the list.  "So many things? Their prices combined are not cheap." The representative said unceremoniously: "The amount of money is not a problem, as long as they are really advanced and what we need. No matter how expensive they are, it's fine."  Sun Zesheng shook his head secretly. This guy is probably a technical geek and doesn't know how to do business at all. Doesn't this clearly tell him that he can raise the price?  "Okay, I will take the time to look at the list you gave me, but there is one thing I want to explain. There may be some products on this list that our domestic factories cannot produce. You must have this.  Enough mental preparation." Sun Zesheng said calmly.  "Can't produce it domestically? Why do you have two satellite launch sites in Africa?" the representative asked anxiously.  Sun Zesheng shrugged his shoulders, "Sir, I would like to draw your attention to the existence of the Batum Treaty. China's industrial base still has many weak points, but in Africa, as long as I am willing to spend money, I can solve these problems."  The representative hurriedly asked: "Isn't there a solution?" Sun Zesheng shrugged his shoulders, "It's up to you to find a solution." The representative raised his eyes and said, "Okay, I will take care of you when I go back.  The issues raised were reported to the head of the department. "After sending away the representatives of the General Armament Department, Sun Zesheng called Gong Jiuqing and asked him to come and take the list away, and then communicate with him according to the requirements on the list.  The products on the list will be screened based on the actual situation of the country, and those that can be manufactured will be provided to the General Armament Department.  With this business, Sun Zesheng does not intend to make too much money from the General Armament Department. It is enough to maintain capital and make a slight surplus.  However, Sun Zesheng is not just a Lei Feng. In addition to using this method to support the construction of the army, he also has another very important reason, which is to take this opportunity to give some credit to Jin Yuanyuan.  Lou Yuchen, the director of the General Armament Department, was indeed a wonderful person. After receiving the report from the representative, he immediately called Jin Yuanyuan back from the National Defense University and asked Jin Yuanyuan to temporarily join the negotiations with Sun Zesheng. ? came here on behalf of the General Armament Department, and the person negotiating with Sun Zesheng was He Chenguang, the deputy director of the General Armament Department, with the rank of lieutenant general.  Sun Zesheng had dealt with him before, and he alsoThey are old acquaintances.  He Chenguang already knew the relationship between Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan. During the entire negotiation process, in addition to making some superficial remarks, he handed over the specific negotiation work to Jin Yuanyuan and several other subordinates.  Sun Zesheng was very tough when facing other people, but as soon as Jin Yuanyuan entered the battle, he "retreated step by step." The condition was to give in again and again. The benefits of "ceding" were getting more and more. In the end, even and Chen Guang  They all felt a little embarrassed.  The General Equipment Department regularly purchases some major technical equipment. Chenguang is very clear about the market situation of these equipment in the international market.  He felt that he had bought ginseng with the money he spent to buy radishes.  Of course He and Chenguang knew what was going on, and they represented the General Armament Department.  He happily signed the contract with Sun Zesheng and wrote a special celebration report to Jin Yuanyuan.  Soon after, the General Armament Department announced that Jin Yuanyuan had won the second-class personal merit award, and the General Armament Department released news clarifying that after Jin Yuanyuan completed her training, she would work in the General Armament Department.  In the blink of an eye, time has entered September.  The first batch of medicinal herbs from the agricultural planting base began to be harvested. Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi, Xu Yunjin, Zhang Li and others rushed to Jinan City to prepare to witness the harvesting of medicinal herbs with their own eyes.  After learning the news, Lang Qijun, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Jizhou Province, also rushed over from the provincial capital.  Even the secretary of the provincial party committee came.  How could Jinan City Party Secretary Guo Youwei and Mayor Zhou Tianyu not come over?  It can¡¯t be said that Lang Qijun came here specifically for Sun Zesheng. When he saw Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu, his face was full of joy. When he was with Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu, he patted the back of their hands vigorously.  "In the past few years, the economic development of Jinan City has been witnessed by the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government and the people of the whole province. I think you both have to bear more burdens. Comrade Guo Youwei, I have already reported to the Central Committee |  The Organization Department has made a recommendation and asked them to investigate you. Comrade Zhou Tianyu, the comrades from the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department may come to talk to you soon, and you must be mentally prepared to be more courageous." Guo Youwei,  Zhou Tianyu was overjoyed, especially Guo Youwei, who is actually not young anymore.  If he cannot go further, he will have to stop at the department level in the future.  If he can go to a higher level this time, even if he is promoted to deputy provincial level, it will be for him.  It is also an extremely difficult thing.  But when he thought about the possibility of leaving Jinan City in the future, Guo Youwei felt somewhat melancholy.  He did not have much support in the officialdom, and his original support came at the cost of his naked retreat.  Only then did he help him to the throne of municipal party committee secretary.  His promotion this time was entirely due to Sun Zesheng. If he went to the province and became the deputy governor in the future, he would only be a rootless duckweed with no hope of promotion in this life.  In comparison, Zhou Tianyu's surprises are deeper than Guo Youwei's. Zhou Tianyu has a backing and is more than ten years younger than Guo Youwei. More importantly, if he can go further, there is a high probability that he will inherit what Guo Youwei left.  position, as the municipal party committee secretary of Jinan City, and maybe he will also serve as the mayor of Jinan City for a period of time. In this case, it will be easier for him to share the benefits brought by Sun Zesheng's investment in Jinan City.  The more benefits he shares, the stronger his foundation will be when he is promoted in the future. If coupled with his political backing, it is not impossible to become a feudal official in the future.  Sun Zesheng is somewhat happy for the upcoming promotions of Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu. He is not particularly concerned about who will take over their positions in the future.  Now his foundation is deep, and he and Jin Yuanyuan have become a legal couple. Unless his head is kicked by a donkey, no one will easily cause trouble for him.  Sun Zesheng invited Lang Qijun, Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu to join him in cutting the ribbon for the herb harvesting ceremony. Amid the sound of the salute, a specially manufactured harvester drove into the farmland and began to harvest the lush herbs.  When the first piece of farmland was harvested, Zou Jiashun immediately arranged for someone to weigh the harvested herbs. Soon, Zou Jiashun excitedly reported to Sun Zesheng: "Boss, the results have come out. The acres of the land just now are  The output has reached 2,673 kilograms, which is a veritable ton of grain field." Sun Zesheng did not expect the output to be so high, and was very happy. "Hurry up and send the herbs to the processing factory. After squeezing the raw juice,  Seal it immediately." Zou Jiashun nodded repeatedly, but not long after he was happy, he ran to Sun Zesheng again, "Boss, we underestimated the production in advance. I just calculated that the cold storage capacity we built may not be enough."  Sun Zesheng glared, "Zou Jiashun, what did you do? How could such a big thing go wrong?" The herbs in the agricultural planting base must be harvested when they are at their most luxuriant and have not yet matured.??, otherwise, when autumn comes, they will bear fruit and the plants will wither. As a result, the medicinal juice that can be squeezed out will be much less, which is too wasteful.  The demand of Future Light Company is limited within a certain period of time. It is impossible for it to use up all the concoction produced at the agricultural planting base at once. This requires the agricultural planting base to refrigerate the concoction and herbs.  When Future Light Company needs it, it will extract it from the agricultural planting base.  In this case.  The role of cold storage becomes very important.  ??Zou Jiashun didn¡¯t have much fault. After he took charge of the agricultural planting base, he built three large cold storages according to Sun Zesheng¡¯s instructions, each of which can store 15,000 tons of medicinal herbs.  Three cold storages, that is 45,000 tons, which is a full 90,000 kilograms.  But after all calculations, neither Sun Zesheng nor Zou Jiashun expected that the yield of medicinal herbs in the agricultural planting base would be so high.  The total output is estimated to be almost 100,000 catties.  This is almost 10,000 kilograms more than the cold storage storage of the agricultural planting base.  Ten thousand kilograms doesn¡¯t sound like much, it¡¯s just five tons.  However, five tons is classified as five tons, and it also depends on what the cargo is?  If these five tons of herbs were all produced into the Meiruge brand youth cream series of cosmetics, the profits they would bring to Future Light Company might be billions, or even tens of billions of Chinese dollars.  Even Sun Zesheng would feel a little distressed by such a huge loss.  Precisely for this reason, Zou Jiashun did not dare to talk back when Sun Zesheng scolded him.  He could only let Sun Zesheng scold him.  Song Jiayi knew that Zou Jiashun couldn't be blamed for this, and she quickly said softly: "Xiaosheng, it's useless to say anything now. You'd better find a way quickly." Lang Qijun said: "Mr. Sun, if you need cold storage, I can provide it.  You can find a solution. You can call Caixia, I remember she has several cold storages on hand." Sun Zesheng shook his head when he heard this.  "Secretary Lang. Thank you for your kindness. It's just that after harvesting these herbs, it is best to store them locally. If the distance is too far, it will cause unnecessary losses. I still hope to find a suitable cold storage in Jinan City.  "Sun Zesheng said it politely, but he actually didn't believe Lang Qijun and Liu Caixia.  Sun Zesheng paid close attention to these herbs and did not want any of them to stray outside.  If he asks Liu Caixia to keep some of the herbs for him, who can guarantee that these herbs will not fall out of Liu Caixia's hands?  Liu Caixia is also a businessman. As long as the profit is big enough, she can do anything.  Sun Zesheng didn't want to take risks.  Guo Youwei suddenly said: "I remember that the military division has a combat readiness cold storage. Mr. Sun, why don't you call Commander Tie and ask for support from the Jinan Military Division." Sun Zesheng nodded and immediately called Tie Zhaoming.  Upon hearing the call, Tie Zhaoming immediately agreed. He asked Sun Zesheng to give him a day. After one day, Sun Zesheng could deliver herbs to the combat readiness warehouse of the military division.  As for whether doing so violates discipline, Tie Zhaoming doesn't care.  Jinan City is located inland, and the task of combat readiness is not heavy. The combat readiness cold storage is also in a semi-abandoned state. It is used by Sun Zesheng, which is a good use of waste.  What's more, Sun Zesheng is the son-in-law of his immediate boss.  Sun Zesheng breathed a sigh of relief when the whereabouts of the medicinal herbs were found.  Lang Qijun smiled and said nothing.  After Sun Zesheng accompanied Lang Qijun to watch the harvesting of herbs for a while, he accompanied Lang Qijun to the construction site of the New Space Company on the south bank of the Zhizhang River to inspect.  Now, all residents of the 21 administrative villages involved have signed demolition contracts, but in order to resettle them, these 21 administrative villages have not been razed to the ground for the time being.  Dream City has started construction in advance, and the construction of resettlement housing is also in full swing.  Of course, as the core project of the new space company, the construction of the launch site is the top priority.  Countless engineering vehicles came in and out, and the launch site gradually took shape.  Lang Qijun looked at the construction site that was changing all the time, feeling somewhat emotional in his heart.  He has two more years before it's time to retire.  There is basically no possibility of becoming a deputy national leader in his career, but he can personally promote the world's first space tourism city to be settled in Jizhou Province in his own lifetime. He can be regarded as a father of Jizhou Province.  Folks.  "Mr. Sun, I wonder if an old man like me will have the opportunity to go for a spin in space after your new space company is built?" Lang Qijun asked with emotion.  Thank you lmxy for voting for the evaluation, thank you.  (To be continued
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