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Text Chapter 442 You have no power

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    Chapter 442: You have no power. Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  While the whole world was discussing the business prospects of space companies in full swing, and the American media and the media from other countries were squabbling in lawsuits, Sun Zesheng was uncharacteristically not only not allowing the two satellite launch sites in Africa to launch spacecraft frequently, but also  All launches have been temporarily halted.  Sun Zesheng instructed the person in charge of the satellite launch site to reject all requests from all over the world for cooperation with the satellite launch site.  For a long period of time, Sun Zesheng does not intend to allow the satellite launch site to cooperate in any form with any organization or individual.  Of course, this does not mean that Sun Zesheng does not plan to use the satellite launch site to make money, but the time to make money has to be postponed, and the method of making money also needs to be carefully considered.  The reason why Sun Zesheng gave this instruction is that on the one hand, due to insufficient manpower, it will take some time before the training courses held by the New Culture Training Center can provide qualified graduates.  However, it is difficult to meet the needs of satellite launch sites solely through external recruitment.  On the other hand, Sun Zesheng needs to make necessary adjustments to the satellite launch site again.  Sun Zesheng first named the two satellite launch sites in Africa. The satellite launch site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the No. 1 launch site, and the satellite launch site in South Sudan is the No. 2 launch site.  Secondly, Sun Zesheng diverted the technical staff headed by Gong Jiuqing who were stranded in Africa.  After consulting Gong Jiuqing and others, he decided to transfer Gong Jiuqing back to China. A large number of technical staff such as Xiong Zhili and Zhang Lifu were sent to Africa for a long time. Among them, Zhang Lifu was the technical director and No. 1 in Africa.  The chief engineer of the base, Xiong Zhili is the deputy director and chief engineer of the second base.  The first thing that Zhang Lifu and Xiong Zhili did after taking office was to systematically strengthen the defense systems of the two satellite launch sites.  With the drawings provided by Sun Zesheng, two technical experts, Zhang Lifu and Xiong Zhili, led their team and gradually turned the drawings into finished products. Subsequently, a large number of advanced weapons and equipment appeared outside the satellite launch site.  Domestically, after a month of consideration and mutual coordination, Lang Qijun decided to accept the proposal of Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu and apply to the State Council for interpretation of relevant provisions.  Lang Qijun also had selfish motives for doing this. Including him, many provincial and ministerial-level and deputy-provincial-ministerial officials in Jizhou Province hope that people who are close to them can gain benefits in this new economic wave of space development.  corresponding interests.  Only by allowing more investors to appear can we be able to fish in troubled waters.  If a company has only two shareholders, it is either/or and it will be much more difficult to penetrate it.  However, Lang Qijun did not expect that he was not the first provincial party secretary to ask the State Council to clarify relevant provisions. Before him, Ganzhou Province had already submitted an application to the State Council.  After Lang Qijun, several provinces successively submitted corresponding applications to the State Council.  Soon after, the State Council officially gave a detailed explanation of the regulations issued not long ago, which clarified how the state-owned capital and non-state-owned non-foreign capital involved in the establishment of the space company should allocate equity in the company.  instruction of.  State-owned capital is allowed to be composed of multiple state-owned capitals, and the total equity of state-owned capital cannot be less than 50%.  Non-state-owned capital can also be composed of multiple investors. In theory, it is not recommended for non-national capital to participate in the establishment of a space company, unless foreign capital invests in technology and commits to technology transfer.  The State Council¡¯s explanation suddenly removed the biggest obstacle in Sun Zesheng¡¯s mind. When Guo Youwei called him again and invited him to form a space company, Sun Zesheng relaxed this time and agreed to go to Jinan City to negotiate related matters.  Just when Sun Zesheng was about to leave for Jinan City, he received news that Jin Yuanyuan was returning to China.  Counting on a few fingers, Jin Yuanyuan lasted almost exactly one year from accepting the mission to going to Africa to perform a peacekeeping mission.  According to their agreement, the two will get married after Jin Yuanyuan returns to China.  Sun Zesheng asked Jin Yuanyuan when he would return to China. When he found out, it happened to be the day Sun Zesheng had agreed to meet with many municipal party committee secretaries and mayors in Jizhou Province.  Sun Zesheng suddenly had a headache. Jin Yuanyuan was his fianc¨¦e and she had returned from Africa. He should pick her up at the airport anyway.  However, several deputy provincial and ministerial level and more than 20 department level cadres from Jizhou Province gathered in Jinan City, just waiting for him. It seemed unreasonable for him to leave them alone.  Fortunately, the matter is not without a solution. After Song Jiayi reminded him, Sun Zesheng decided to go to the airport to pick him up that day. Song Jiayi took many company executives to Jinan City and met with officials from Jizhou Province first.  Make contact.  In order to make Song JiayiThey were able to cope with the negotiations better. Sun Zesheng used the remaining few days to conduct surprise training for Song Jiayi and the others.  In order to better master the corresponding professional knowledge, Song Jiayi could not forget to ask a few questions even when Sun Zesheng was riding on her soft body.  In the blink of an eye, it was time for Jin Yuanyuan to return to China, and Sun Zesheng rushed to the Capital Airport.  He stood at the exit, staring at the flowing crowd.  After waiting for a while, a group of soldiers wearing olive green uniforms and carrying suitcases walked out of the airport.  Sun Zesheng found Jin Yuanyuan the moment they appeared.  "Yuanyuan" Sun Zesheng waved his hand and shouted.  Several soldiers around Jin Yuanyuan laughed and joked.  When this group of soldiers came out of the station, they roared and surrounded Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan.  Without exception, these soldiers are all female officers. The lowest rank is a second lieutenant, and the highest rank is a colonel.  The colonel was a woman, and she looked at Sun Zesheng with a critical look, "Are you Sun Zesheng? Our Yuanyuan family has mentioned you a lot. I heard that you are Yuanyuan's fianc¨¦, but you don't seem to want to. There is no time like you.  Are you here to pick her up? Why don¡¯t you even buy a bouquet of flowers? Comrades, do you think we can let Sun Zesheng take Yuanyuan away?¡± The female officers said softly, ¡°No,¡± Jin Yuanyuan looked at her with a smile.  Her colleague "embarrassed" her fianc¨¦ and had no intention of helping Sun Zesheng out.  Although she didn't care whether Sun Zesheng sent her flowers, she would be happier if Sun Zesheng came with flowers.  Sun Zesheng really never thought about sending a bouquet of flowers to Jin Yuanyuan, but he was not unprepared at all.  He took out a bunch of gift certificates and gave one to each female officer. "Yuanyuan is in Africa. Thank you for taking care of me. I have nothing to say. With this gift certificate, you can go to the Light of the Future Company to set up shop."  "You can pick up a set of cosmetics at any one of the 100 specialty stores in Yanjing." The female officers all exclaimed. The most expensive products from the Light of the Future Company already cost more than 10,000 yuan. Sun Zesheng said that they could pick them up at will.  It doesn't mean that each of them can get one set, but this is really a big deal.  However, the female college student conveniently collected the gift certificates and said, "Don't think that just by bribing us, we can be raped by you. If you can't make a move that satisfies Yuanyuan, we won't let Yuanyuan follow you."  You're leaving." Sun Zesheng did something no one expected. He took out an envelope from his pocket and poured some things out. There was Sun Zesheng's ID card, a one-inch bareheaded photo, and nine yuan.  money.  "Yuanyuan, let's go get the marriage certificate. Look, I have everything ready. There is also nine yuan for the certificate, no change required." Jin Yuanyuan nodded heavily, and then jumped into Sun Zesheng's arms.  , "Husband, this is the best gift I received when I returned to China." In fact, although Jin Yuanyuan was already engaged to Sun Zesheng, Jin Yuanyuan was worried deep down in her heart. If Sun Zesheng did not marry her, she would not be able to do anything to Sun Zesheng.  She really didn't expect that Sun Zesheng would use this method to greet her.  The female officers clapped their hands.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s household registration has been settled in Yanjing. From the perspective of household registration, he is already a Yanjing native.  Jin Yuanyuan's household registration had been transferred to Yanjing a long time ago. It was very simple for the two of them to get their marriage certificate.  After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan both had a red book in their hands. They were already a couple in the legal sense.  But before the two of them could romance for a while, Sun Zesheng received a call from Song Jiayi. The negotiations in Jinan City were not going well, and Song Jiayi couldn't hold on anymore.  Jin Yuanyuan saw that Sun Zesheng was a little unhappy and quickly asked what was going on.  As soon as Sun Zesheng explained the situation, Jin Yuanyuan asked Sun Zesheng to rush to Jinan City without saying a word.  She could not accompany Sun Zesheng back to Jinan City because she had to report to her work unit. However, she said that if Sun Zesheng had not returned after settling in, she would go to Jinan City to accompany him.  Sun Zesheng hugged Jin Yuanyuan, kissed her on her smooth forehead, then said goodbye to Jin Yuanyuan, took the bus to Yanjing West Station, then changed to the high-speed train, and rushed back to Jinan City in the shortest time.  On the way, Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi called again to inquire about the details.  After he understood the situation, Sun Zesheng cursed the country.  The matter is actually very simple, because after the State Council's explanation came out, the heads of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of several prefecture-level cities in Jizhou Province asked Sun Zesheng to follow the State Council's explanation, take out the corresponding technology, and share or transfer it to  Partners.  Their reasons are also very good. Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. is not domestic capital, but foreign capital.Appropriate regulations must be followed.  Strictly speaking, Light of the Future International Industrial Co., Ltd. is a Hong Kong-funded enterprise. Although Sun Zesheng has never been to Hong Kong for a day, he originally coveted the benefits brought by foreign-funded enterprises and also wanted to control the company conveniently.  , chose to acquire a shell Hong Kong company.  In the past two years, Sun Zesheng has indeed received a lot of benefits by relying on the shell of a Hong Kong-funded enterprise. Among other things, there are many tax reductions and exemptions.  But this time, the State Council¡¯s explanation specifically pointed out that non-domestic capital must participate in the formation of space companies in the form of technology shares.  Although Hong Kong is part of China, Hong Kong capital has never been regarded as domestic capital, but used and managed as foreign capital.  The nature of the company of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. violates this rule.  ¡°This is definitely an extraneous issue for Sun Zesheng.  When Sun Zesheng arrived at Jinan City, it was getting dark soon.  Sun Zesheng didn't even bother to take a bite of the food, so he called Song Jiayi and others together and asked for details.  Song Jiayi videotaped the entire negotiation process, and she directly showed the video to Sun Zesheng.  Through the video, Sun Zesheng discovered that the so-called representatives of state-owned capital negotiating with him were divided into two parts.  Led by Jinan City, they just want to reach a cooperation agreement with Sun Zesheng as soon as possible, while several prefecture-level cities in the northern part of Jizhou Province, led by Zhang_kou City, hope that Sun Zesheng can transfer technology. The number of these prefecture-level cities is basically the same as that of supporting Sun Zesheng.  The attitude of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is quite ambiguous, which is actually a statement. If it were not for their connivance, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhangkou City and other cities would not be able to cause trouble.  "Boss, I suggest that during negotiations, we should get rid of Zhang_kou City and other cities that are making trouble. We are not short of money now. There is no need to let so many opponents come to us just for a mere few billions.  Let's add more trouble," Wuhanyang said.  "Yes, boss, we must not condone the spread of this trend of thought." Several senior executives of the company agreed.  Sun Zesheng waved his hand, "Zhangkou City is not causing trouble for us, but they are taking advantage of it. If we expel them, it will be untenable in theory." Song Jiayi asked: "Xiaosheng, are you  Do you plan to share the technology with them? Whether it is sharing or transferring, there will definitely be no good results. What the Chinese are best at is duplicative construction, fighting among themselves, and vicious competition.  They will definitely not be able to help but start a new space company. When the time comes, we will have to bear great competitive pressure." Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "I can't control other places, but within the scope of Jizhou Province.  "The only one that can survive is our space company." "But once the technology is transferred, it will be difficult for us to control it," Wuhan Yang said with concern.  Wuhan Yang has no shares in the head office, but he is one of the deputy general managers of the head office. He is also very loyal to Sun Zesheng. When considering issues outside of Future Light Company, he is accustomed to starting from Sun Zesheng's perspective.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said: "We just have to prevent technology transfer. Sister Song, you immediately start to acquire a small company in Jinan City in my name. Tomorrow, we will use this small company's name to go to Jizhou Province  The heads of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission at the provincial and municipal levels met. "Okay." Song Jiayi agreed without hesitation.  Song Jiayi has the phone numbers of all the heads of administrative departments in Jinan City. She first asked her assistant to get in touch with the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Jinan City and asked him to arrange for some of his subordinates to be on duty.  Then, she asked him to find a small company near the hotel where they were staying. After finding out the home address of the small company, Song Jiayi immediately arranged for someone to contact the other party.  For only five hundred thousand, the other party agreed to transfer all the equity of the barely supported company to Sun Zesheng.  Subsequently, Sun Zesheng and the other party rushed to the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau and completed part of the procedures for enterprise change.  The name of this company is quite good, it¡¯s called New Spacetime Decoration.  When Sun Zesheng went through the corporate change procedures, he retained the three words "New Time and Space" and deleted the two words "Decoration".  The next day, Sun Zesheng took Song Jiayi, Wu Hanyang and others to the Jinan Hotel and met many officials who came to participate in the establishment of the space company.  What is slightly different from yesterday is that there are almost half fewer officials than yesterday. It is impossible for the municipal party committee secretaries and mayors of prefecture-level cities to stay in Jinan City forever. There are many things in their jurisdiction.  It's okay to leave for a day or two, but if it lasts longer, there will be a backlog of things, and it will be extra troublesome to deal with it when you go back.  They have returned one after another, and those who stay in Jinan Hotel are usually a??The mayor plus the director of the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.  What remains in the province is a deputy governor plus the director, deputy director and first-level officials of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.  Sun Zesheng's appearance did not wake up the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhangkou City and other prefecture-level cities. In their view, Sun Zesheng's appearance itself meant that their demands poked Sun Zesheng's weakness. Otherwise, Sun Zesheng would not have been able to do it overnight.  Rush over.  Like yesterday, the director of Zhangkou City¡¯s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission once again proposed that Sun Zesheng transfer the technology he owns.  What is different from yesterday is that there is one more prefecture-level city that agrees with Zhang_kou City's request.  As a result, there are only four prefecture-level cities left that support or remain neutral.  There are as many as seven prefecture-level cities that require Sun Zesheng to transfer or share technology.  At first glance, the situation is quite unfavorable for Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng waited patiently for all the heads of the state-owned assets supervision and administration committees of prefecture-level cities to finish their speeches, and then said: "Every leader went on a business trip to Jinan City. I wonder if anyone will reimburse the round-trip travel expenses? If not, you can leave the round-trip tickets.  Come down, I will reimburse you personally." Xing Wantong, director of Zhangkou Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, changed his face, "Mr. Sun, what do you mean by this?  If you cooperate with me, you can continue to stay and talk. If you don't want to stay, I won't force you to stay and you can leave now." Sun Zesheng said calmly.  Xing Wantong said: "Mr. Sun, our demands are not excessive at all. Technology transfer is clearly stipulated by the State Council. We are just acting in accordance with the decrees of the State Council." Sun Zesheng nodded, "Yes, Director Xing,  Your request is not wrong at all, but I would like to draw your attention to the fact that only my partners have the right to ask me to transfer technology, and as of now, Zhang_kou Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is not my partner.  So, you have no right to say this.¡± Thank you ¡°bule©áÌìÓ°¡± for your monthly vote. Thank you.
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