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Text Chapter 441 Moving the World

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    Chapter 441: Moving the World Please subscribe and vote monthly.  //Welcome to reading//Thank you.  Of course, the idea is beautiful, but in order to turn the idea into reality, a lot of hard work is needed.  After Sun Zesheng realized the benefits that Zhou Tianyu's proposal might bring to him, he changed his original negative attitude and became active and active.  He deliberately postponed his return to Yanjing and stayed in Jinan City for another two days, specifically studying and discussing some relevant details with Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu.  Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu also felt Sun Zesheng's support for Zhou Tianyu's plan from Sun Zesheng's changes, and their confidence grew unconsciously.  When Sun Zesheng boarded the high-speed train back to Beijing, Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu also rushed to the provincial capital, preparing to meet with the provincial party secretary Lang Qijun to explain to him the establishment of a joint venture with Sun Zesheng.  Getting Lang Qijun to agree to Zhou Tianyu's plan is probably not an easy task. As a feudal official, Lang Qijun has his own considerations. Even if he thinks Zhou Tianyu's plan is reasonable, he may not agree immediately.  What's more, Zhou Tianyu's plan is not without loopholes. His plan is to invest in prefecture-level cities such as Jinan City and Dachengshan City to jointly establish a space company with Sun Zesheng. However, if the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the prefecture-level city is replaced with a provincial state-owned assets  |Committee, then there will be no problem of shortage of funds.  After all, Jizhou Province is one of the top five provinces in China in terms of comprehensive strength. It may not be able to spend too much money, but there is still one to two billion.  This depends on how courageous Lang Qijun can be, and whether he is willing to give this opportunity that can greatly promote local economic development to his subordinate prefecture-level cities.  Sun Zesheng has no intention of interfering with whatever decision Lang Qijun will make.  If Lang Qijun is willing to agree to Zhou Tianyu's plan, that would be the best. If he doesn't agree, Sun Zesheng will have nothing to lose. The worst thing is to delay the establishment of a space company in the country.  After Sun Zesheng returned to Beijing, he didn't have time to sort out Zhou Tianyu's plan again.  Mendelssohn found him and submitted several reports to him.  These reports have been submitted to Song Jiayi for review and sent to Sun Zesheng for Sun Zesheng to make the final decision.  Among these reports, there are three most important ones. One is that the listing of Bonhams has been put on the agenda, and Mendelsohn's studio has joined forces with Bonhams.  In accordance with the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, all the materials were compiled and submitted to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The stock exchange is in the process of approval. If there are no accidents, Baolong Company will be listed soon.  Another report is that Mendelsohn once again suggested to Sun Zesheng to establish a financial institution affiliated with the head office.  Compared with the last report submitted to Sun Zesheng.  This time Mendelsohn went a step further. In addition to proposing to build his own bank, Mendelsohn also proposed to establish insurance companies, foundations and other institutions to form a complete financial system.  In this case, on the one hand, the idle funds of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. can be effectively utilized, and on the other hand, dependence on the outside world can be minimized.  At the same time, financial risks are avoided to the greatest extent.  The last report is the first half performance report submitted by Mendelsohn to Sun Zesheng.  The 10 billion that Sun Zesheng gave him has increased in value by more than 60% after several months of operation. When all kinds of securities, equity, etc. are added together and converted into Chinese currency, the value reaches 100.  A little over 6.3 billion.  Sun Zesheng had already made some mental preparations in advance, but he was not convinced of Mendelssohn¡¯s financial talent.  Still a little stunned.  Later in this report, Mendelsohn also stated two points to Sun Zesheng. One was that he hoped that Sun Zesheng would not rush to withdraw funds from the funds he managed, and the other was that he hoped that Sun Zesheng would allow him to extend his tentacles abroad and not  Restricted within the country.  After Sun Zesheng pondered for a long time, he agreed to Mendelssohn's request and allowed the team headed by Mendelssohn.  Take the target of financial speculation globally.  On Sun Zesheng¡¯s desk, there is not only Mendelssohn¡¯s first half performance report, but also various subsidiaries of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. have submitted first half performance reports before Sun Zesheng, Song Jiayi and others.  Among them, the most noteworthy thing is Qingshui Water Affairs.  Zheng Kunming led his people to continuously develop business.  In the first half of this year, three sets of 100,000-ton seawater desalination equipment were sold in succession, and there were also multiple sets of 50,000-ton, 30,000-ton and 10,000-ton seawater desalination equipment.  The total weight of these equipment is more than fifty tons.  In the future, the sales of their supporting permeable membranes will bring a steady stream of cash to Qingshui Water.  The people who were sent to Southeast Asia to purchase rubber plantations have returned a long time ago. Following Sun Zesheng¡¯s instructions, they only purchased one output, which is not special.It is a large rubber plantation, but the output of natural rubber has reached more than 1,500 tons, which is enough to meet the needs of Qingshui Water to manufacture chemical filter membranes.  Several other companies have also developed smoothly in the first half of the year, and each company's performance has achieved very good growth.  Unconsciously, half of the year has passed, and Sun Zesheng officially announced the end of his college career.  Invited by Jiang Guopeng, Sun Zesheng, as a representative of the graduates, sat on the rostrum of this year's student graduation conference.  Looking at the crowd of students in the audience, and then looking at the school leaders and teachers sitting on the rostrum mostly doing errands, Sun Zesheng didn't know what it felt like.  But one thing is for sure, after he graduates, he will no longer have anything to do with his student career. Now that he has reached this day, he no longer needs to be a college student as a disguise.  Although Sun Zesheng declined repeatedly, he still could not defeat Jiang Guopeng in the end. He could only agree to Principal Jiang's request and made a speech as a student representative.  When he stood in front of the speaking stage, thousands of students on the stage who were about to walk out of the school let out bursts of cheers. For them, Sun Zesheng's deeds were a miracle that happened around them.  Sun Zesheng is their idol, but this idol has not stepped into the school for a long time. Before the graduation meeting, many students even speculated whether they could see Sun Zesheng at the meeting.  Sun Zesheng did not deliberately seek excellence in his speech. He just told his fellow students in the same class not to be too ambitious and eager to embark on the road of entrepreneurship. They should take classes for a few years and gain some experience before starting a business.  It's not too late either.  Of course, whether the brothers will listen is beyond Sun Zesheng¡¯s control.  And Sun Zesheng felt that what he said was a bit unconvincing. After all, in the eyes of everyone, he started his business before he graduated from college.  It was also very successful. Many of his classmates were influenced by him and are now doing well.  After the graduation ceremony, Sun Zesheng came out of the auditorium. His classmates were waiting at the door of the auditorium, waiting to take photos with him.  There are also many classmates who hope that he can have a farewell meal with them.  Sun Zesheng did not refuse. He simply dragged the principal Jiang Guopeng over and had a meal together at the Golden Horse Hotel.  Coming out of the Golden Horse Hotel, Sun Zesheng and Jiang Guopeng were talking. Zhang Xinglong patted him and said, "Sun Zesheng, look. Who is that?" Sun Zesheng looked up and saw a pretty person standing at the door of the hotel.  Dressed like a school girl, she exudes purity and maturity.  Jiang Guopeng smiled and patted Sun Zesheng on the shoulder, "Xiao Sun, you have to take it easy. If Lieutenant Colonel Jin asks me for confirmation, I can keep it a secret for you. But you also have to be restrained." Sun Zesheng smiled bitterly, not yet.  By the time he explained, Jiang Guopeng had already waved his hand, "Students, please leave. If you need help in the future, you can come to me. I will help you as much as possible." Zhang Xinglong took a few classmates who were unwilling to leave.  , and Jiang Guopeng broke up.  Sun Zesheng once again glanced at the beauty standing quietly at the door of the hotel, then nodded towards the beauty, and then took steps forward.  He walked past the beauty.  "Sun Zesheng, is there really no possibility between us?" the beauty said.  "There has never been a possibility between us." Sun Zesheng didn't even stop, but just said something faintly.  "It didn't happen in the past, it doesn't happen now, and it won't happen in the future. Yin Xian'er, maybe before college, I had a crush on you for a long time, which caused you considerable trouble, but that was just the ignorance of my boyhood.  , It doesn¡¯t mean anything.¡± Yin Xianer stood there, staring at Sun Zesheng who left without caring, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.   Sun Zesheng no longer wants to have any ambiguous feelings with girls other than Jin Yuanyuan, Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin and Zhang Li. Yin Xianer has never been his cup of tea, and he will not accept Yin Xianer because of her current performance.  .  Sun Zesheng returned to the rental house, packed up the things inside, called the landlord, settled the expenses with the landlord, and returned the key to the rental house to the landlord. Then Sun Zesheng left the rental house and went to the community where the rental house was located.  Various arrangements were also evacuated.  Then the residents of the community discovered that the security of the community had become much worse seemingly overnight, and petty theft and other things that had disappeared for a long time reappeared in the community.  Another month later, Gong Jiuqing, who was far away in Africa, reported to Sun Zesheng that the construction of the second satellite launch site in Africa was completed and could be put into use.  Gong Jiuqing asked Sun Zesheng for instructions, should they continue to stay in Africa or return to China?  Those who asked Sun Zesheng for instructions together with Gong Jiuqing alsoCullen, the leader of the security group, Ling Feilu, the leader of the mercenary group, and the heads of the two satellite launch sites.  What these people asked Sun Zesheng for instructions was how to defend the satellite launch site in the future and how to operate it.  There are many people keeping an eye on these two satellite launch sites. The high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and artificial satellites that fly over the satellite launch sites every day are chasing one after another and never stop.  In addition, some so-called companies and organizations have found the satellite launch site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, saying that they want to cooperate with the satellite launch site, and ask the Satellite Launch Site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to help them launch artificial satellites. Even the European Space Agency  They all sent people over and said they wanted to invite the satellite launch site to participate in the construction of the International Space Station.  The directors of the two satellite launch sites sent by Sun Zesheng to Africa had no relevant experience. They just instinctively felt that they were looking for people to come, and they probably had no good intentions. However, they were not sure whether they could refuse these people.  They don¡¯t know why Sun Zesheng built two satellite launch sites?  Is it a quirk of billionaires, or do they run them as companies first and make profits?  Sun Zesheng knew that it was necessary to tell his subordinates something clearly, so Sun Zesheng decided to hold a cross-border video conference.  This video conference included all senior executives of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., as well as Gong Jiuqing, Ling Feilu, Cullen and others from Africa. Sun Zesheng elaborated on his  Regarding the future space industry, he pointed out that human beings' future activities cannot be limited to the earth. The earth is already overwhelmed. In order to relieve the pressure on the earth.  People can only develop towards space.  Many planets around the earth are uninhabited planets with large tracts of land and ownerless mineral resources. If developed, the benefits to the company's development will undoubtedly be huge. Going further, it can alleviate population pressure.  , to control environmental pollution on the earth and so on.  All have a great promoting effect.  Sun Zesheng clearly positioned the two satellite launch sites in Africa as cutting-edge base stations for the employees of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. to enter space. They are not a symbol of comprehensive national power, and they are not used by that country to conduct a space arms race.  products, but just ordinary products that kick off the commercial development of space.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s words shocked even Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Zhang Li and other people who had a very close relationship with him.  Song Jiayi and the others had heard Sun Zesheng explain it to them before.  It was said that the main reason for the construction of the satellite launch site was to provide them with more security, but they did not expect that there was such a deeper meaning in it.  While everyone was shocked, they were also beguiled by Sun Zesheng's statement.  The slogan of human commercial development of space has been shouted for many years, but human use of space still remains at a very superficial level. Among other things, the moon contains extremely rich deuterium resources, if they can be exploited all.  If it is transported back to the earth, the earth's energy crisis will be fundamentally improved immediately.  But so far, very little has been transported back to the earth from the moon. Only Americans have landed on the moon once, and the rest of the time, lunar exploration vehicles have been orbiting the moon.  If space can really be developed commercially, just one moon can turn Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. into a global giant.  As an employee of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., you can imagine the benefits you enjoy.  Of course, everyone still has sense.  Going to heaven and earth has always been a very difficult goal to achieve. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the launch of the first rocket and the first artificial satellite.  When it comes to manned spacecraft, after decades of progress, the space industry is still being developed with the power of one country. Sun Zesheng dreams of doing this with the power of a company.  One can imagine how difficult it is.  But then again, so many miracles have happened to Sun Zesheng, maybe he can do things that others can't do.  Besides, even if they object, what's the use?  You know, Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. basically belongs to Sun Zesheng alone and has basically nothing to do with them.  For most people, they have more expectations for the future than worries about the future. There are two sources of their confidence in Sun Zesheng. One is the various achievements Sun Zesheng has made since he founded Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., and the other is  They are two satellite launch sites built in Africa.  Before Sun Zesheng, no private company in the world had such great courage. It built two satellite launch sites and successfully conducted many launches. This at least shows that Sun Zesheng has the technology for commercial development.  , as for how these technologies came about, it is not their concern.  Regarding the content of this video conference?Sun Zesheng did not ask for deliberate confidentiality. Soon, the contents of the meeting were leaked to the outside, causing an uproar around the world.  Even the United Nations held a special meeting, and the Security Council passed a non-binding statement, calling on all mankind to use space peacefully, and to develop space in an appropriate manner, and not to make the earth miserable like mining the earth.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s speech also caused quite a stir in the country. No one thought that Sun Zesheng was targeting the commercial development of space.  The space industry is a high-investment industry, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford.  Suddenly, more and more people came to Sun Zesheng for cooperation negotiations. Some organizations and individuals who disliked Sun Zesheng began to communicate privately. At the same time, they were looking for domestic units capable of conducting space business, hoping to get ahead of Sun Zesheng.  Ahead, take the first step towards commercial development.  Abroad, in countries and regions with mature rocket launch technologies such as the United States, Russia, Europe, and Japan, the topic of commercial development of space has also become a national issue. Some powerful companies have joined forces to form space companies.  It can be said that no company wants to lag behind Sun Zesheng.  Here, the Americans did not forget to mention that a citizen of their country once claimed to own the entire moon. This citizen even divided the moon into many small pieces and sold them to many people around the world. Now who wants to do business on the moon?  For development, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the citizens of their country first, otherwise it will violate US laws.  The American report stirred up a hornet's nest, and immediately politicians from many countries around the world stood up and publicly criticized the matter.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m to read.
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