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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The ultimate evolution of bacteria

Volume 1 Chapter 6 Poisonous Jellyfish

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    The bacteria attached to Wang Wei's bacteria were smaller in size and were a little uncomfortable at first.  But as I slowly gained control, I got used to it.  In terms of flexibility, it is almost the same as my own body.  "Now that we have the first daughter cell, for it to evolve, it must move in one direction." Wang Wei thought about it.  The daughter cells exist to evolve in place of Wang Wei.  Although it is not his own bacteria, his every move is controlled by Wang Wei.  Wang Wei can choose the direction of evolution.  Possibly because of the daughter cells, the size of Wang Wei's bacteria has not changed, but his mental power has improved a lot.  The scope of the visit was directly increased ten times, reaching the level of 1 centimeter.  A breakthrough in this area would be of great benefit to subsequent hunting.  "Now the number of daughter cells is still small, and they continue to undergo binary fission. In a few days, they can reach a satisfactory level." In addition to evolution, Wang Wei's bacteria also undergo binary fission in normal times.  However, this kind of division is useless for evolution and consumes energy, so it was restrained by Wang Wei.  But at this moment, in order to be able to produce enough daughter cells.  Wang Wei couldn't care less and started to perform a rapid two-part split.  ??Each two-splitting process takes half an hour.  Now Wang Wei's bacterial cell has a total of two cells. After a binary fission, it turns into four cells.  In this way, Wang Wei continued to split into two, and this split lasted for three hours.  Three hours may only allow the cell to divide six times, but these six times create 127 daughter cells.  According to the size of a daughter cell of 30 microns, Wang Wei's bacterial complex at this time has a total of 3840 microns.  To put it more intuitively, Wang Wei¡¯s bacterial complex can now be seen by the naked eye.  "Although my bacterial body has not changed, the size of the complex has not been found to be four millimeters. The next time it divides, it can reach eight millimeters. If this continues, after a few more binary fission, it will become a giant. Moreover, the complex  All the mental power of the body is added to my mental power. My current mental power detection range is 128 centimeters, which is a range of one meter. "Wang Wei said very excitedly, with a radius of more than one meter.  Inside, every move of any creature cannot escape Wang Wei's observation.  But then, Wang Wei started to worry again.  Binary fission can indeed quickly increase the number of daughter cells, but it is a very energy-consuming process.  Since Wang Wei was reborn as a bacterium, he has been devouring it and reserving energy.  Even so, all the energy only split Wang Weier six times.  Furthermore, the next split consumes twice as much energy as the sixth one.  For the sixth division, Wang Wei needs to provide energy to sixty-four bacteria.  Now, one hundred and twenty-eight bacteria need to be provided with energy.  Now that enough energy has been reserved for a second split, it will take a month or even longer for Wang Wei to have a 'bacteria'.  "My current body is enough to hunt larger creatures. But the only flaw is that the body has not evolved into a powerful enough part." At this time, although Wang Wei's body has reached about four millimeters, he can see that  At that time, it was like a bunch of bacteria crowded together.  There is almost no difference in length, height or width, and there are no weapons capable of hunting other creatures.  But the most important thing is that after six binary splits, Wang Wei felt very 'hungry'.  Thinking of this, Wang Wei looked at the goby before.  At this time, the goby has been completely decomposed by bacteria. If there is anything left, it is the fish scales.  But this thing is so hard that ordinary bacteria cannot break it down.  Even Wang Wei's super phagocytes would have difficulty breaking down these fish scales.  "Fish scales are rich in protein, fat, and many trace elements. Although it cannot replenish much energy, it is better than nothing." Wang Wei said, and swam towards the tiny fish scales.  Then let the daughter cells turn into long filaments, slowly wrapping the fish scales.  Relying on the phagocytosis ability of super phagocytes, these fish scales are quickly broken down.  As for the genes in it, because the goby has been dead for too long, it has long lost its activity and cannot be extracted by daughter cells.  After replenishing some energy, Wang Wei began to move his body and kept swimming in one direction.  In order to make it easier to move, Wang Wei specially controlled the sub-cells to change his body shape.  Similar to a jellyfish, it has several long tentacles.  Several tentacles kept sliding, and the speed was barely okay.  And these long tentacles are also responsible for hunting down bacteria, viruses and acquiring organic matter.  Each wave can move a large number of single cells.Devoured by animals.  Among them, useful genes are obtained, and those that have no use are directly decomposed.  Whether it is the energy obtained or the beneficial gene fragments, they will eventually be sent to the gene bank in Wang Wei's bacteria.  I don¡¯t know how long it has been swimming. Although it has swallowed a large number of single-celled organisms, it can only barely supply the energy of 128 bacteria.  There is not much energy left, which is far from enough for Wang Wei to split into two again.  "The current field of vision is much larger, and the individuals are also much larger. The demand for energy is also much greater. Unless we hunt large multi-cellular organisms, it will be difficult to replenish energy in time." Wang Wei at this time is  I really hope to encounter a larger multi-celled creature, but there is no such creature within the field of vision of more than one meter.  There were a few fish nearly one meter in size swimming by, but with Wang Wei's current strength, he couldn't hunt them down.  "Jellyfish?" Within the scope of Wang Wei's mental inspection, a jellyfish only a few millimeters in size was swimming slowly, with a faint light emitting from its whole body, and microorganisms were constantly approaching.  As for the big fish, they all fled when they saw this jellyfish approaching.  "Jellyfish are lower creatures, but they have the most poisonous venom in the world. The strongest jellyfish venom can kill a person within thirty seconds. But jellyfish have no brains, everything is done instinctively." Thinking,  Wang Wei then planned how to swallow the jellyfish.  As long as you can possess the highly toxic DNA of jellyfish, you can produce the most poisonous venom in the world, hunt large creatures, replenish energy, and continue to undergo binary fission.  Thinking of this, Wang Wei slid his body and swam towards the jellyfish.  When he was almost close, Wang Wei suddenly increased his speed.  The tentacles composed of daughter cells wrap around the jellyfish, and almost at the same time all the daughter cells begin to devour it.  "But this jellyfish is not a good one. When Wang Wei's body just touched it, thousands of thorns on its tentacles attacked.  In 0.3 seconds, Wang Wei was stung all over his body.  These venoms may have an effect on other organisms, but they are of no use to Wang Wei and those daughter cells.  Super phagocytes can even swallow venom, no matter how strong the venom is.
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