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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The ultimate evolution of bacteria

Volume 1 Chapter 5 Evolution into multi-cells

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    This is a very small fish. Even so, the entire fish cannot be completely covered within the viewing range. Within the viewing range of mental power, only half of the fish scales can be covered.  However, judging from the scales on the fish, the size of this fish should only be about eight millimeters.  "Eight millimeters? You can tell from the scales and structure of the fish that this should be a goby. But it is different from the gobies that lived in the original world. This kind of fish is lower." Goby, World  The smallest fish in the world.  They are not big and their lifespan is not long.  Compared with bacterial genes, they are only slightly superior.  "As long as I swallow the gene of this goby, after genetic recombination, I can transform into a multi-celled animal. At that time, I will capture stronger creatures and get" As he spoke, Wang Wei suddenly stopped  down.  "No, I can't devour it." Wang Wei suddenly thought of a very serious problem, and it was also the most terrifying problem.  At this time, Wang Wei is just a bacterium, possessing the ability of super phagocytes.  And this ability allows Wang Wei to evolve quickly.  As long as it is swallowed, it can continue to evolve.  However, all this is based on the premise that Wang Wei is a single-cell bacterium.  Every time a gene is recombined, the body undergoes a binary fission.  Binary fission was originally a means of reproduction for single-celled organisms, but for Wang Wei, it was a means of evolution.  After binary fission, the previous genes are recombined to form a new bacterial cell.  And this is undoubtedly an evolution for the bacteria.  At this time, the problem arises.  If Wang Wei swallows the goby gene, will he become a goby?  After all, compared with the genes of bacteria, the genes of gobies are much more advanced and can completely dominate.  And if this happens, Wang Wei will no longer be a single-celled organism, and will not be able to undergo binary fission.  "The inability to perform two splits means that Wang Wei will not evolve again."  Although the bacteria can continue to absorb genes from other organisms, the recombinant genes at this time can only be passed on to the next generation through inheritance.  As for Wang Wei, he will never change in his life.  "Can't swallow. In order to continue to evolve, I must not swallow the goby's genes. I must maintain the state of bacteria." Devouring the goby may bring great benefits for a while, but Wang Wei does not intend to be a goby for the rest of his life.  Continuous evolution and having the strongest genes are the last words.  "There are always many limitations to the evolution of bacteria. If you want to continue, you must find a way." The largest bacteria are less than one millimeter in size.  And this is the law of nature.  How could Wang Wei, who is very knowledgeable about biological evolution, not understand this truth?  "But there is no need to think so much now. The carcass of this goby has attracted a large number of bacteria. Some of them will definitely be helpful to me. I will use the goby as bait to devour other bacteria." Wang Wei thought  , and began to devour it.  This goby is not that big, but with mental inspection, you can only see the tip of the iceberg.  But even within the range of mental inspection, there are many bacteria attached to it.  A large number of phagocytic bacteria allow Wang Wei's bacteria to continuously evolve.  The pili around the body have not changed much, but two additional flagella have been added.  Three flagella, each 125 microns long.  The scope of mental exploration has also reached a range of 1000 microns.  Converted to millimeters, it's one millimeter.  The carcass of the goby was not too big, and Wang Wei was not very fast at cleaning up the bacteria.  So it didn't take long for the body to be completely decomposed.  Without the corpse, the number of bacteria gradually decreased.  "The bacteria have almost reached the critical line now. If they want to evolve again, they need to evolve towards multicellular organisms. Multicellular organisms are very stable, but it is impossible for cells to evolve again." Single-celled organisms can undergo binary fission  reproduction.  But multicellular organisms are not. Compared with single-celled organisms, multicellular organisms are much more advanced, but at the same time they are advanced, they have lost the ability of cells to evolve.  Generally, no matter how many generations it takes, it won't evolve even a little bit.  This is just like bacteria. Humans are constantly taking medicines, injections, and antibiotics.  Slowly, these bacteria became immune to these drugs, and gradually evolved into super bacteria that even drugs cannot kill.  So in terms of evolution, single-cell organisms are easier to evolve than multi-cell organisms.  Wang Wei has always wanted to keep his bacterial appearance in order to evolve better.  From the ocean to the land, from the land to the sky, all this is not a dream for Wang Wei.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ In the dark ocean, Wang??still suspended.  All bacteria that come close will be swallowed up by Wang Wei.  But at this moment, there was a group of smaller creatures that kept approaching Wang Wei's bacteria.  All bacteria in the process were swallowed up by this group of even tinier creatures.  But before this group of creatures was completely close, it was discovered by Wang Wei's spiritual power.  Seeing this group of tiny creatures, Wang Wei couldn't help but said in shock: "Virus?" Viruses are organisms that are even tinier than bacteria.  If bacteria are measured in microns, then viruses are measured in nanometers.  One micron can be converted into one thousand nanometers, which shows how tiny the virus is.  Mental energy scanned back and forth on the virus body, constantly understanding the structure of the virus.  This is not one virus, but thousands of viruses.  Viruses that can be measured with nanometers can actually be compared with Wang Wei's bacteria when a large number of virions are gathered together.  "That's it, that's it." Seeing the closely arranged virions, Wang Wei, instead of being afraid, laughed.  "Multicellular organisms are composed of fertilized eggs that undergo continuous division. Different cells have different functions. But relatively speaking, these cells do not have independent vitality. All energy is provided by the main body. If I can  When single-celled organisms gather together, everything is under my control, but the energy is obtained by the individual, so it becomes a different kind of multi-celled organism." Wang Wei thought, without hesitation, paddling the bacteria towards this.  Swarms of viruses swam past.  This group of viruses may be extremely lethal to other bacteria, but to Wang Wei himself, they are not harmful at all.  It should be noted that super phagocytes are born to swallow these viruses.  The virus seemed to feel Wang Wei's presence, and in an instant, it wrapped Wang Wei in it.  A large number of viruses continued to pour into Wang Wei's bacteria, trying to kill Wang Wei.  But once these virus bodies come into contact with Wang Wei, they will be eaten by Wang Wei.  This huge collection of viruses was swallowed up in a short time.  Then, Wang Wei¡¯s bacteria entered binary fission again.  A large number of viral genes were absorbed and fused with Wang Wei's genes.  After Wang Wei evolved this time, some sticky substances appeared on the bacteria.  These substances firmly bound Wang Wei's former bacteria.  At this moment, Wang Wei evolved from a single-cell organism to a two-cell organism.  The other bacterium also has the ability of a super phagocyte and is controlled by Wang Wei.  PS: The first volume is completed, and the evolution of the second volume will begin. 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