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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The ultimate evolution of bacteria

Volume 1 Chapter 3 Flagella

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    At this time, Wang Wei's bacterial body had significantly increased in size after swallowing a bacterium.  It has changed from the original 0.2 micron to 0.5 micron. Although it is still small and cannot be seen by the naked eye, it at least gives a sense of accomplishment.  In addition, after the devouring process, Wang Wei¡¯s bacteria were covered with pili.  These pili can be used to firmly grasp other bacteria.  What's more important is that the bacteria at this time are much more powerful than before.  Hundreds of fimbriae slide together. Although the speed is slow, they will not drift with the waves!  But what makes Wang Wei most happy is not the changes in the bacteria, but the mental power.  At this time, the range of mental power exploration has evolved from 0.2 microns to 1 micron.  Although the range is still not very large, it has been improved by five times.  "If the range of each mental visit is increased five times, given time, the entire planet can even be covered." Wang Wei said excitedly.  Next, Wang Wei relied on his pili to attack the other two bacteria.  The length of the pili is much longer than the bacterial body. It is very easy to tie up a bacterium and Wang Wei will swallow it up again.  Compared with the first swallowing, this swallowing is much simpler.  After a while, the two bacteria were completely swallowed by Wang Wei.  But it may be because these three bacteria are the same bacteria, so after phagocytosis, the bacteria did not divide again.  The only thing that has changed is that the body has grown bigger again.  From the original 0.5 micron, it has evolved to 0.6 micron.  The length of the pili has also reached 6 microns, which is ten times longer than Wang Wei's body.  "It seems that the genes of an organism can only evolve the body once, and this bacteria is very low-level, and it only has more pili than my previous bacteria. So after swallowing it again, the bacteria did not change." Three.  The bacteria eventually caused Wang Wei's body to triple in size and acquire pili.  However, in Wang Wei's view, the other abilities of this bacterium cannot be revealed at this time.  Over the next three days, Wang Wei kept looking for other bacteria to devour.  For Wang Wei, dealing with these mindless bacteria is a piece of cake.  After the pili are entangled, they begin to engulf.  During this period, Wang Wei swallowed more than 20 bacteria.  But among the more than twenty bacteria, they are all relatively low-level bacteria.  Therefore, as a result of the devouring, Wang Wei's genes were only recombined three times.  But even these three genetic Zerg races made Wang Wei extremely happy.  The original bacteria were only 0.6 microns, but after three genetic recombinations, they grew to 3 microns.  Overall, it has increased five times.  As for the pili, they have also reached an unprecedented 15 microns.  Among the known pili, 15 microns has reached the limit.  At this time, every time Wang Wei's mental power improved, the visiting range almost increased five times.  Therefore, the mental inspection range at this time is 125 microns.  "The range of mental power has increased a lot, and the fimbriae and bacterial cells have also changed a lot. But the only shortcoming is that there is no too favorable evolution." Wang Wei complained, although the bacterial cells, mental power, and fimbriae all have  evolved.  But this made Wang Wei very dissatisfied. After all, his bacteria now only have more pili than at the beginning.  And the maximum length of pili is only 15 microns.  At this time, Wang Wei has reached the maximum value, and it is impossible to evolve pili again.  "We must look for bacteria with flagella to engulf. In comparison, flagella are longer and have a larger attack range." Although Wang Wei can now swim on his own, the speed is really slow.  It takes a lot of time to cover a one centimeter range.  If you see bacteria that allow you to evolve, by the time you get close to them, the bacteria will have already left.  "It is because of this that Wang Wei only swallowed more than 20 bacteria in three days."  If he has enough movement speed or long enough attack methods, Wang Wei will evolve faster.  God loves Wang Wei. Just when he was thinking about how to continue evolving, a bacterium slowly swam past his eyes.  This is a tadpole-like bacterium with a snow-white body.  There is a long flagellum trailing behind it, which looks harmless from any angle.  The long flagella are constantly waving, generating powerful thrust.  "Yes, that's it. But the only thing that needs to be solved now is that this bacterium is too big." At this time, Wang Wei's bacteria were only 3 microns, but this bacterium with flagella was obviously larger than before.  The bacteria I saw were powerful and much more advanced.  In terms of size, this bacterium has reached a terrifying 30 microns.  "Can it be swallowed up by something so big? But no matter what, the gene of this bacterium must be obtained." Wang Wei said with certainty in his heart.  In this strange seaAmong them, Wang Wei¡¯s current viewing range is only 125 microns, which can be described as small.  You know, one centimeter is equivalent to 10,000 microns.  The current visiting range is only one hundredth of a centimeter.  It is not easy to encounter bacteria all the time in such a small area.  It is even more difficult to encounter the bacteria that allow Wang Wei to evolve.  Thinking of this, Wang Wei did not hesitate, twisted his body very hard, and slowly swam towards the bacteria.  The speed is so slow that it makes people feel irritable while writing.  ¡°Just imagine how it feels to swim within a hundredth of a centimeter for half an hour.  Fortunately, this bacteria also swam in the direction of Wang Wei.  It took almost ten minutes for the two bacteria to meet together.  ?Bacteria that originally looked harmless suddenly changed.  The body twisted and the flagellum attacked Wang Wei.  If this blow hits Wang Wei, his body will be shattered in an instant.  Wang Wei didn¡¯t think much, all the pili suddenly waved downward, and with the help of the reaction force, the bacteria suddenly lifted up.  "It seems that what I said is true. This bacterium is much more advanced than the bacteria I encountered before. The previous bacteria all instinctively swallowed organic molecules, but this bacterium obviously knows that other bacteria will have more nutrients. Although this  It can¡¯t be considered intelligent, but instinctively, this bacterium is superior.¡± This bacterium missed the target and slowly retracted its flagellum.  At this moment, all the pili on Wang Wei's body grabbed the flagellum at the same time.  Like a leech, it is firmly attached to the flagellum.  Although this bacterium hunts other bacteria for food, it still does not have enough intelligence on its own.  After not being able to sense Wang Wei, he continued to swim slowly.  And taking advantage of this gap, Wang Wei struggled to climb onto the body of the bacteria.  The body kept squirming and began to swallow it up.  This huge bacterium is superior to the bacteria encountered before in terms of its cell structure and other aspects.  After a lot of effort, Wang Wei finally swallowed the whole bacteria cleanly.  What followed was another split between Wang Wei and Wang Wei.  This evolution time is Wang Wei¡¯s longest.  It took about half an hour before the two split.  The bacteria after division are much larger than before.  The entire bacterial body reaches a size of 25 microns, and the pili surrounding the bacterial body are each 15 microns long.  What is different from before is that the tail of the bacterial cell, a flagellum of nearly 100 microns, is constantly shaking.  "The mental power has also been increased to 500 microns, and the surrounding situation has become clearer." Wang Wei couldn't help cheering.
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