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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The ultimate evolution of bacteria

Volume 1 Chapter 2 Swallowing, Evolution

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    "Where is this place? Am I dead?" In the dark ocean, Wang Wei suddenly woke up.  Although he was in the water, Wang Wei did not feel any suffocation.  What's even more strange is that Wang Wei doesn't seem to even need to breathe.  "I should be dead. The battle between super phagocytes and cancer cells destroyed almost all the organs in my body." Wang Wei understood his own situation very well.  In that case, Wang Wei would definitely die.  "Bacteria, I turned into a bacteria!" Suddenly, Wang Wei discovered his current problem.  When he was a human being, Wang Wei had eyes, and everything was received through his eyes.  But just now, Wang Wei finally discovered his current problem. All the scenery was not received through his eyes, but appeared directly in his mind.  (If bacteria have a brain) In the image in his mind, Wang Wei is now a very small bacterium.  "The size is only 0.2 microns, which is the smallest among bacteria." Wang Wei was speechless. His bacteria at this moment were a bit big in microns, let alone in centimeters.  As a master of biology, Wang Wei certainly understands how insignificant he is at this time.  Even under a high-power microscope, you can only just see it.  "Cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes. God, I am still the simplest bacterium." Wang Wei roared, but because there was no sound-producing structure, no sound was made.  ¡°But the skin color of my bacteria is so strange, it¡¯s actually blue.¡± According to Wang Wei¡¯s knowledge, very few bacteria are blue.  At this time, Wang Wei was the blue bacteria.  He tried his best to twist his bacteria, but Wang Wei, who had turned into a bacteria at this time, could not move at all.  Even a small stream of water caused Wang Wei to completely lose his ability to move.  "Hungry, so hungry!" After working hard for a long time, Wang Wei finally gave up.  At this moment, a feeling of hunger came over him.  Although he didn't understand why he was hungry, this feeling made Wang Wei very unhappy.  "Bacteria are divided into four types: producers, consumers, and decomposers. Even consumers are decomposers. I feel hungry at this time. It seems that I am no longer a producer." Wang Wei said very unhappy.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:  As for himself, he turned into a bacterium, and he was also the smallest among the bacteria.  Fortunately, the main food of bacteria is organic matter.  Undoubtedly, the ocean contains the most organic matter.  Driven by the sea water, Wang Wei came to a huge organic molecule.  At this time, everything Wang Wei looked at was huge.  The organic molecules that used to look so small now look like a huge hill with no end in sight.  "Although I have no eyes, I have a perception ability similar to mental power. However, this ability is still very weak at this time. I can only see a range of 1 micron around me." Wang Wei tried it, but found that mental power can only  Penetrates 1 micron into the periphery.  Attached to organic molecules, Wang Wei kept eating according to the way bacteria eat.  But among the entire organic molecules, Wang Wei is not the only bacterium.  There are all kinds of bacteria, and there are three or four bacteria that are eating within the range of mental power.  "Eat them!" Suddenly, a strange idea flashed in Wang Wei's mind.  And all this is like instinct. When I see other bacteria, I feel like I want to devour them.  This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.  Wang Wei didn¡¯t know what these three bacteria were.  The only thing that is certain is that the current ocean is not the ocean that Wang Wei knows.  "These three bacteria are all the same type of bacteria. With a large number of pili, they should be harmful bacteria." Bacterial pili generally grow to better attach to other bacteria and cells.  Most bacteria with pili are not good things.  "But compared with these bacteria, my only advantage is my intelligence. In terms of size, it is really incomparable." Each of the three bacteria is 0.5 to 0.7 microns in size.  In other words, the smallest among them is more than twice as big as Wang Dawei.  But the only good thing is that these three bacteria don't have any thoughts.  After working hard to move the bacterial cells, Wang Wei was finally able to control the bacterial cells slightly over the organic molecules.  Approaching one of the smallest bacteria, Wang Wei's bacteria became inexplicably excited.  Just like bacteria swallowing food, the bacteria wriggle as much as possible.  As it squirmed, Wang Wei's bacteria slowly wrapped the bacteria.  But it¡¯s also strange that Wang Wei¡¯s bacterial digestion ability is very strong.  This bacterium wasWhere it is swallowed, it will be decomposed immediately as soon as it enters the bacterial body.  After a while, Wang Wei didn¡¯t feel hungry anymore.  The entire bacteria was swallowed up by Wang Wei.  The swallowed bacteria are completely decomposed.  But at this time, the DNA in the mitochondria was extracted by Wang Wei's bacteria.  Immediately afterwards, a scene that surprised Wang Wei appeared.  The two strands of DNA slowly separated, and the identical parts of the DNA of the swallowed bacteria and Wang Wei were directly decomposed.  Those DNA fragments that Wang Wei did not have were absorbed into his own DNA chain.  In this way, Wang Wei¡¯s entire DNA fragment changed.  But even so, it seems that everything is not over yet.  After the new DNA fragments were formed, Wang Wei's cell membrane began to slowly stretch.  The DNA molecule fragments are copied.  "Binary fission?" As the cell membrane stretched more and more, Wang Wei's bacteria transformed from one into two, becoming two bacteria.  The newly changed bacteria are different from the previous ones.  Before Wang Wei, bacterial cells only had cell membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes, which were considered the simplest bacteria.  But at this time, Wang Wei, after the second fission, was actually different from the previous bacteria. His whole body was covered with pili.  The previous bacterial cells seemed to have lost consciousness and turned into ordinary bacteria.  "What's going on? The second fission is to split into two identical bacteria. But after I went through the second fission, I changed into something else." Although he was surprised, Wang Wei quickly calmed down.  ¡°The battle between super phagocytes and cancer cells caused my death, but it also gave me the ability to super phagocytose.¡± Super phagocytes have the ability to devour some substances.  And this is exactly the reason why Wang Wei created super phagocytes.  Eat away the cancer cells in your body so you can continue to live.  " However, super phagocytes also have another ability that Wang Wei does not pay attention to, and that is genetic recombination.  Genetic recombination is to break down and recombine the good genes of other organisms.  And this process has no use for itself. It is only useful when producing offspring.  "But what I didn't expect was that Wang Wei at this time was actually a bacteria.  The way bacteria reproduce is binary fission.  In other words, the second division that was supposed to be used for procreation became the basis for Wang Wei's evolution.  "Continuously devouring, constantly dividing, one day, I will have the strongest genes." At this time, Wang Wei finally had a clear goal.  Devour, evolve!  !
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