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Side Story Chapter 646 - The Mormon Church

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    The Mormon Church is a very special church. Its origins are ordinary. It is a mutual aid organization established by ordinary human beings after the nuclear war. However, in the process of its transformation into a regional political power, the leader of this organization suddenly implemented a plan that has always been the same as the entire abolition.  A unique policy in Tudu - the polygamous marriage system.  ¡°Oh, that sounds like a good idea, right?  Do you feel that it is simply a man¡¯s paradise?  Imagine a man with a lot of wives and concubines behind him, right?  Reality will make your fantasies come to nothing!  The Mormon Church implements strict hierarchical differentiation. In this semi-military organization, only those at the officer level are eligible to have multiple wives. If you are only a soldier, your wife and daughter will be deprived of them and distributed to other officers.  In response to the great changes in the wasteland in the past year or two, the Mormon Church, which lives near Salt Lake City, has some thoughts of closing its doors and becoming emperor of the wasteland. They have shrunk their external defenses and strengthened internal control, hoping to wait for the new wasteland.  After the overlord is born, just go and bow down and look familiar.  But today, the new overlord himself came directly to the door without saying hello!  Dozens of ¡®Shock Riders¡¯ suddenly appeared over Salt Lake City with huge roars and conspicuous wake spray trails in the sky.  Everyone in the city was stunned by these murderous modern war machines.  In the past, they would scream in surprise when they saw a piece of powered armor. Now, when they see an aircraft hovering above their heads, constantly creating huge airflow, they can only look up in horror, not daring to move.  The entire sky seemed to be obscured by the 'Shock Riders'. The residents of Salt Lake City looked at these menacing big guys and felt that disaster would be imminent in the next moment, but there was no way to escape.  "In full view of everyone, several 'Shock Riders' slowly descended and landed smoothly on the ground. Several armored puppet soldiers jumped out of the cockpit and spread out the cordon with Gauss rifles.  When the senior leaders of the Mormon Church saw this scene, they felt that the matter had not reached the worst point. After they briefly met and discussed for a few times, the church leader Joseph Smith came out and tried to calmly talk to those who were not good at first sight.  Negotiate with the armored soldiers.  "Hello! I am Joseph Smith, the leader of the Mormon Church. I want to know why you are here? And talk to your leader." Joseph Smith looked at the metallic luster of Tigada in front of him.  , my heart went crazy, and I kept praying in my heart that I could meet someone who could make sense and have a conversation.  "Church leader, then you need to turn around. I just want to talk to someone." A deep voice came from behind Joseph Smith. The ruler of the Mormon Church only felt the chills on his back.  Standing upright, a feeling of extreme danger hit his heart. He slowly turned around, only to see a more ferocious and powerful armor suddenly revealed on the originally empty ground.  "Hello! I'm Joseph Smith, who are you?" Joseph Smith subconsciously stretched out his hand to say hello, but found that the other person's fingers were almost as big as his own palm. It was really difficult to hold them.  Too funny.  Zhou Qingfeng, who was wearing energy armor, relied on his invisibility to sneak into Salt Lake City. He turned his head and looked at the ruler of the Mormon Church in front of him. It was said that this guy had married more than 20 wives and had hundreds of children.  , if it continues like this, one person can completely create a nation.  Using dozens of ¡®Shock Wave Riders¡¯ to display such an imposing manner, Zhou Qingfeng was actually too lazy to use his brains to intimidate and induce, and directly used his power to overwhelm others.  Now that the atmosphere was brewing, he asked directly: "I want to ask you about someone. Many years ago, a guy named Sauron Berg defected from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. The last place he appeared was Salt Lake City.  Wayne Rooney, the general chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, believes that he can successfully escape the pursuit with the help of the Mormon Church. But now I want to know, where is that guy now? "Joseph Smith heard Solon Bo.  When he heard the name Ge, his heart started to beat wildly. He didn't expect that after so many years, someone would actually come to track down that weird guy. He opened his lips and murmured, "I, we are indeed." "You know such a person?  , right? I also helped him, and even thought he was the incarnation of God, but in the end I found out that I was being tricked, right?" Zhou Qingfeng asked one sentence after another.  Joseph Smith nodded dully. He had the illusion that his mind was being extracted. He was horrified to find that as long as he thought of something, what would the person opposite say?  "Where did he go in the end?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.  "We didn't know. His health was very poor. We made great efforts to treat him, but one day he suddenly disappeared after his condition improved slightly." Joseph Smith stammered.    "But he won't disappear for no reason, right?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.  "He left some things, and we have kept them properly. You guys, take them if you want." Mr. Joseph Smith was already frightened. He intuitively felt that some things were very hot and he should hand them over quickly.  Better.  "Take me there." Zhou Qingfeng said concisely and to the point.  The leader of a dignified organization was being escorted to lead the way. Occasionally, when he saw soldiers on guard with guns on the roadside, he would immediately throw the weapons in their hands to the ground.  The urban construction of Salt Lake City is quite primitive, not as good as the more remote Northwest Union. Most of the houses are brick and wood structures, which look quite old-fashioned.  Joseph Smith led Zhou Qingfeng to a military camp in the city. All the soldiers inside had already escaped. Finally, the two of them came to a semi-buried cellar. Joseph Smith pointed to the locked cellar.  The iron door said: "This is the core warehouse of our church. Some important things are stored in it." Zhou Qingfeng stretched out his hand and pushed. The huge power of the energy armor caused the iron door to be pushed open, and Mr. Joseph Smith was  He picked it up with his hand and took it into the cellar.  There are three lines of defense in the cellar, and there are even people stationed there, but facing the energy armor, they are all difficult to stop. Coupled with Joseph Smith, who waved his hands hard to persuade him to surrender, Zhou Qingfeng successfully entered the innermost storage warehouse.  The most conspicuous thing inside was a large pile of gold nuggets and rows of locked safes, but Zhou Qingfeng only glanced at those things and stopped looking at them, turning to search for other items, "Solon Berg left  "Where is the stuff you dropped?" "There is a secret room inside, and the wall needs to be broken open." Joseph Smith wanted to call for help, but Zhou Qingfeng kicked out and a solid wall of the warehouse was opened.  A big hole.  After making the wall bigger, Zhou Qingfeng pushed aside the bricks and got in. There was only a small space inside, and there was a strange thing on an iron shelf inside, which looked very heavy.  Zhou Qingfeng immediately connected the vision system on the energy armor to the Pioneer and transmitted back the images he saw.  After a while, the slightly mechanical voice of the 'Auto Doctor' came over, "Congratulations, 'The Chosen One' Victor Hugo, you have found a component of the 'Energy Wave Amplifier'." "A  Parts? That means it's not complete yet." Zhou Qingfeng felt a little disappointed, "What is this thing used for?" "It is the signal processor on the 'Energy Wave Amplifier'. By the way, you still lack the signal acquisition part.  Let me remind you that the signal acquisition component can work alone, which is equivalent to a weakened version of the 'energy wave amplifier'. " "That means this is not over yet." Zhou Qingfeng reached out and touched the signal processor in front of him.  of storage space.  Joseph Smith, who was peeking outside, felt his eyes blurred. The thing he regarded as a treasure had just disappeared!  "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Joseph Smith felt that he had never been so pious as he was today. At this time, if God said to take him away, he would definitely nod in agreement.  Seeing Zhou Qingfeng walking out, Joseph Smith quickly said: "I, I suddenly remembered something. Sauron Berg should have an accomplice. We once found that he had contact with a man and a woman." "Then.  Who are the man and the woman?" Zhou Qingfeng asked quickly.  "Well, I'm really sorry. We didn't pay much attention to that man and woman at that time. Later, they also disappeared with Solon Berg. I only remember that the woman was quite beautiful." Joseph Smith said this  Without saying anything, Zhou Qingfeng made a determined effort to directly use the ability of 'thought perception' to violently search. His powerful mental power immediately caused the church leader's brain to fall out of control.  It is not easy to go through memories from many years ago. In the end, Zhou Qingfeng only found a profound memory in the mind of Joseph Smith, an image of a mature and capable woman who was indeed very beautiful.  After determining that there was nothing valuable to obtain, Zhou Qingfeng led the team away neatly. However, when returning to the Pioneer, Alonso Geddy sent him another warning: "Victor  , Three of our reconnaissance satellites were destroyed today. The weapons used by the enemy were long-range rockets suddenly launched from the water. We discovered them too late and failed to stop them all. " "Fuck!" Zhou Qingfeng cursed angrily, "  Are we just being beaten passively? " "Of course not. Today, the micro-unmanned submarine discovered five undersea factories and mineral deposits. We destroyed one of them, and the other four were occupied by us. I am trying to figure out how to study them. These undersea factories.  The level of intelligence is very high, I hope it can be helpful to us.¡±"Can you tell whether the enemy's technical level is improving?" This is what Zhou Qingfeng is most worried about.  "There has been a big improvement. I am ready to use part of the nuclear weapons inventory to carry out a devastating strike to a certain area at any time." "I am just worried that nuclear weapons are not the solution to the problem." Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help but sigh at this time,  This Zentraedi man named Gao Nehra Mukmasu is really a cockroach that cannot be killed!
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