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Side Story Chapter 645 - Trapped Beast

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    After the Pioneer was successfully refitted, Alonso Guedi conducted an assessment of the enemy's and enemy's strength, as well as several offensive and defensive drills.  The results were all one-sided victories. The Zenith Chamber of Commerce was completely unable to fight against the space battleships that transcended the times.  And the facts have proved this. Zhou Qingfeng has been diligently pursuing the "Pioneer" and has received huge rewards. The Zenith Chamber of Commerce is almost on the verge of collapse and has no ability to resist at all.  But what the time-traveling group didn't expect was that the alien spacecraft that had been judged to be in a destroyed state would become the trump card for Gao Nehra Mukesu's comeback.  Zhou Qingfeng has been unable to win the final victory.  The delay of time is unacceptable, and there are even some strange mood swings within the time travel team. Everyone is no longer as confident in winning as they were at the beginning, and even Zhou Qingfeng himself feels a little anxious.  "Your Excellency Wayne Rooney, I need to get some information from you." Zhou Qingfeng's face was gloomy, and he looked seriously at the newly revived former Prime Minister, and his ability of 'thought perception' began to slowly activate.  Wayne Rooney sat up from a suspended tablet and looked down. It was an ice coffin used to store him. It was still slightly cold. He looked at Zhou Qingfeng in front of him again.  There was also Alonso Geddy, who was in a translucent state, and asked in a hoarse voice: "'The Chosen One,' what do you want to know?" "Tell me about Sauron Berg and that 'brain'  Wave Amplifier." "Soren?" Wayne Rooney recalled and retrieved the memory stored in the depths of his brain. "What happened to Soren Berg?" "I want it?  Do you know where he went?" Zhou Qingfeng was carefully checking Wayne Rooney's memory. He didn't dare to be violent, for fear that the person who finally knew Sauron Berg's information would be driven crazy by him.  "No one knows where he went? The guy disappeared without a trace." Wayne Rooney asked pretending to be indifferent: "What happened to the Zenith Chamber of Commerce? Has my organization been destroyed?" "Yes.  Yes, the once-prominent Zenith Chamber of Commerce has become a historical term. It no longer exists. ¡°You have defeated that Zenith star?  "    "No.  "Zhou Qingfeng didn't intend to hide anything. He needed some information to stimulate Wayne Rooney's thinking in order for him to use his brain desperately. "I'm looking for that 'brainwave amplifier'. It is said that that thing was brought by Sauron Berg.  gone.  " "Yes, that is an important property of the Chamber of Commerce. It is a magical item. Owning it will make you feel like you have become a god!  "Wayne Rooney stretched out his hand and waved it, turning into an exaggerated performance like God. But after three or five times, he stopped and asked: "Why should I tell you Soren Berg's information?  " "I have a machine called the 'Auto Doctor'. It is not difficult to copy the data in your brain, and it doesn't take much time.  If you make me happy, I may let you live after victory, but if I am unhappy, there will be many incredible ways to make you miserable.  "Zhou Qingfeng's expression was arrogant and rude, but his condescending attitude made Wayne Rooney unable to resist. Wayne Rooney's eyelids drooped and he said expressionlessly: "We only traced  An organization called the Mormon Church cannot be traced.  "    "Why?  "Zhou Qingfeng asked. "All the investigators have become idiots. No one knows how to resist the attack of that 'brain wave amplifier'. It can directly act on the human brain and cause people to be brain-dead without defense.  .  " "When you handed that machine to Sauron Berg, didn't you think that this would happen?  " "Our alien leader said it has a way to control Sauron Berg.  But it turns out that no matter how powerful a person is, there will be times when he fails. Sauron Berg took advantage of the Zentraedi people's negligence and got rid of its control.  But Soren Berg has disappeared since then, and we have never collected any information about him. There is no clue at all, as if he never existed.  " Zhou Qingfeng pondered for a while and asked: "If I want to find him, do you have any suggestions?  " "Go to the top leaders of the Mormon Church. I have reason to believe that Soren Berg's escape should have been protected by those guys. The problem is that we don't dare to pursue it any further.  However, Soren Berg was not in good health before escaping. There has been no news for so many years. I think he is dead.  "And if he is still alive, it will be difficult for you to subdue him. That 'brain wave amplifier' is too difficult to resist.  " After Zhou Qingfeng finished listening, he stood still. He continued to check Wayne Rooney's memory. When he found no clues, he waved his hand and Wayne Rooney immediately fainted. Turning around and leaving the medical freezing area, Zhou Qingfeng  The pace of his feet is extremely fast, Alonso GuediHe followed closely and asked: "Where are you going?" "To the Mormon Church." "Are you alone?" "What's the use if the others go? I can just bring some ordinary army soldiers with me."  Got it." Zhou Qingfeng got on the float vehicle and drove directly to the hangar where the 'Flying Armor' was parked.  At this time, Alonso Gaydi's figure was mottled and swaying, and Zhou Qingfeng felt his feet were unstable. It seemed that the spacecraft had tilted. He quickly asked: "What happened?" Alonso Gaydi  Di's figure stabilized again, "Two huge ships suddenly appeared in the Indian Ocean, and they seemed to have the intention of attacking us." "Attack us? We are outside the atmosphere a hundred kilometers above the ground!" Zhou Qingfeng went to the hangar.  I planned to cancel immediately and rush to the control tower instead.  At this time, an alarm sounded inside the spacecraft, "Attention, the spacecraft will begin to maneuver rapidly. Please stay stable. Please stay stable." When Zhou Qingfeng rushed to the control tower, he saw the huge display screen switching to satellite images.  , two surface warships with huge gun barrels were adjusting their direction, "What the hell! Where did this come from?" "It came out of the water. The radar on it is working, trying to lock on to us. The weapon should be  A certain kind of rail gun with a caliber of 1,200 millimeters can indeed threaten us." Alonso Guedi mastered the basic information of his opponent in a short period of time.  "Sink it!" Zhou Qingfeng shouted without hesitation.  "The Pioneer" slightly deflected the bow, aiming in the direction of the target, and the magnetic field main gun quickly charged up.  "Seven, six, five, four." The fire control system began to count down the launch time, but before the count reached zero, the two huge warships below opened fire at the same time.  Driven by the electromagnetic force, the huge kinetic energy projectiles roared out of the gun barrel and headed straight for the Pioneer at a speed of over Mach 30. Alonso Geddie immediately drove the Pioneer into a side slide.  While maneuvering, several auxiliary weapons on the spacecraft fired continuously, trying to intercept the high-speed incoming projectiles.  Zhou Qingfeng stood in the control tower, his face ashen, and his feet seemed to have roots. No matter how the spacecraft swayed, it did not move at all. He just looked coldly at the two deadly projectiles that were red and hot due to high-speed friction with the air.  All interceptions failed, but the two projectiles only hit the Pioneer's original orbit position, and Alonso Guedi escaped by simply changing orbit.  Next, the charged magnetic field main gun aimed at the target. After the first hit, a battleship appeared on the display screen as if it had been stabbed hard from below. It was broken directly from the middle position, and a large number of metal parts  Under the influence of gravity, they broke away from control and flew into the sky. The sea quickly swallowed their wreckage.  The second warship actually took advantage of the short period of time for the second recharging to complete the reloading and fired another projectile at the Pioneer. Although this second projectile did not hit, it was approaching the Pioneer.  When the Zhe'er was approaching, it exploded violently, and the fragments suddenly turned into a huge amount of space junk.  After destroying the second battleship, Alonso Gedi could only change the track of the Pioneer again to avoid the dangerous area.  A few hours later, Alonso Guedi reported to Zhou Qingfeng: "Our reconnaissance submarine conducted a careful reconnaissance of the sea area and found an undersea factory and several mined mineral deposits. Obviously it was us  That Zenith star did a good job." Zhou Qingfeng shouted angrily: "The displacement of those two battleships is at least 50,000 tons. How did that guy build it in just a few days?  Is the technology gap so big? " "We found the wreckage of the two ships. It can be said that the technology of the ships itself is very average, at most the level of World War II, but the technology of the electromagnetic rail gun is basically better than  The main space and time are about twenty years higher, and its ability to mine underwater and build quickly are worthy of our vigilance. More importantly, I think this attack is just a test, used to develop technology.  Exploring the capabilities of our spaceship." Regarding Alonso Gedi's report, Zhou Qingfeng was more concerned about the following paragraph, "I don't want the Zenith star's technology to develop rapidly, otherwise it will not be possible in a few days.  , our technological advantage will be gone, and it will be the turn of the Zenith star to chase us in a spaceship. " "We are launching a large number of micro underwater submarines, and have arranged for some of the people in the time-travel team to return to the main time and space.  "At this time, we need the help of the main space and time." "I know, you can arrange these things." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the location where the two giant battleships sank on the screen and said, "That day.The fact that the Top Stars can freely test those two warships only shows that they have something better in their hands.  I cannot place all my hopes on the main time and space.  " "You still want to find that 'brainwave amplifier'?  " Zhou Qingfeng nodded seriously and said: "I'm going to find that Sauron Berg.  "
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