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Side Story Chapter 571 - The crazier the more savage. (2)

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    Half of the shock wave tank's body was exposed from behind the remains of a wall. Through the sight of the observation hole, Jiang Cai'er, who was fifteen kilometers away, looked at the deep crater behind the smoke and shouted in an exaggerated manner.  : "Oh, this is really amazing!" All the kids around were stunned. Only Alexander, who was staring at the aerial images, shouted in time: "Your Excellency, the power armor behind has caught up." Jiang Cai'er turned to the side.  I glanced at the monitor next to me. I saw that the fifty powered armors commanded by Xue Su and Meng Hui were already close to one kilometer away, and their speed was no slower than that of trucks.  The suicide squad commanded by Susan has already rushed into the city. The seven explosive trucks have completed their missions, blowing to pieces the enemy's hard-fought positions. The gasoline trucks that followed were running around inside the enemy, throwing away  Gasoline barrels were set on fire one after another.  Each exploding gasoline barrel is enough to create a sea of ??heat and fire of hundreds of square meters. Ordinary soldiers can't even get close, and even powered armor has to pass quickly. When Trishman deployed the defense line, he concentrated most of his troops in the city.  In the center, a raging fire started, forcing people to flee, and the position suddenly became a cloud.  In order to gain a foothold in the underground bunker city, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce has spent a lot of money. The scars from the last expedition to Ed Town have not yet healed, so this time they gritted their teeth and gathered together a strong occupying force.  This was the source of Trishman's confidence, but the scene in front of him made him feel powerless. The enemy was so unconventional.  You compete with the enemy for skills, and the enemy competes with you for barbarism!  No larger organization in the wasteland will use suicide attacks. This is completely a despicable trick of a small rogue society.  Thick smoke was billowing from the line to the east of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. As soon as a truck came out of the corner, its tires were blown out by several shooters who had been waiting. The truck, which had not slowed down in momentum, hit it crookedly.  A wall, and the driver in the car would have been dead.  But the gasoline barrels in the carriage were still rolling down. Several brave soldiers rushed forward to try to control the trouble, but they were soaked by the bursting gasoline.  "Help me, help me, I'm covered in gasoline, what should I do? What should I do?" A soldier who rushed forward quickly ran back, and his comrades around him were trying to take off all his clothes.  .  In the command tent of Lizard City, this scene was clearly displayed on the projector screen. Mei Xiang looked at Susan next to her, wondering what on earth this nun would do?  "Aren't you going to detonate it?" Mei Xiang asked.  "I'm waiting." Susan said simply.  "What are you waiting for?" "Let the gasoline flow to a wider area." Sure enough, when the gasoline on the truck was drained, Susan pressed the detonation remote control in her hand without hesitation, and the gas was covered with gasoline.  Several houses and the ground were burned.  Looking at the people running and jumping in the flames, Mei Xiang couldn't bear to lower her head, and Susan said calmly: "Okay, all the suicide squad members have been sacrificed, and now the rest is up to Victor and the others."  "I thought you would let them go." Mei Xiang whispered.  "Do you think it's cruel? That's because you haven't experienced a life of slowly waiting to die. Whether it's starvation, illness, or despair, it's a hundred times more painful than dying in war. I did this to end the war as soon as possible.  "Susan put down the detonator in her hand, covered her chest and said, "Actually, I feel a little uncomfortable. I'm going to pray to God." Seeing Susan put on her hood and slowly left the combat command tent, Mei Xiang shook her head and got rid of her heart.  With distracting thoughts, he concentrated on the picture sent back by the 'bird of prey'.  Through the wireless data link, Zhou Qingfeng saw the battle situation assessment sent by Mei Xiang. He said to Makarova in the front seat: "It seems to be relatively smooth ahead!" Makarova was not so optimistic and said with some worry: "  The death squads still haven't broken through to their space-time gate. I'm worried that those guys from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce will drag anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles from the space-time gate again. "This worry is not unreasonable. Now Xue Su and Meng Hui are commanding them.  The armored soldiers were taking a detour to avoid the eastern part of the city that was lit by gasoline. It would take about ten minutes before they could launch an attack. The shock wave tank controlled by Jiang Cai'er would be able to play a role.  "Meixiang, let Cai'er rush in, and we must not let the other party use the space-time gate to transport people and supplies." Zhou Qingfeng hoped that the 'Tibbers' could hinder the other party for at least ten to twenty minutes.  After receiving the order, Jiang Cai'er shouted excitedly, "GO! GO! GO! Alexander, find a route for me. We are going to cause trouble near the enemy's time and space gate." A group of children around him immediately came up with ideas.  , the little kid named Alexander was even more nervous.? Khan, holding a light pen in his hand, marked on the monitor screen, "Run to the left for about five hundred meters. There are two super death claws hiding in the trees on an avenue. There are no other troops except that. Let's rush there."  Go over." The shock wave tank in the city immediately twisted its body, and its tracks rumbled to the left. The electric-driven body made almost no loud noise, and was very quiet.  The two super death claws were transferred from the headquarters again by Trishman. They were originally used as an assault force, but now the city was in a panic, and the grassroots officers were almost unable to control the troops. The two death claws were forgotten.  .  It's just that these two super beasts are natural hunters. The nearby explosions were loud, but they still patiently lay down and hid under a few big trees. They didn't move at all without orders, but the ground suddenly vibrated slightly, and they could feel the vibrations.  Getting closer.  The heads of the two super death claws are facing to the right. One even changed from a crawling state to a half-crouch, with two sharp front claws ready to attack.  When the shock wave tank turned up from the roadside, it was already moving forward at a slow speed, and the turret had already been rotated in place, just waiting for the moment it showed up to attack.  When the two deathclaws saw a tank, they were still confused about whether it was the enemy or the enemy. Suddenly, the other side opened fire.  The distance is less than two hundred meters, the firing of the 'Shock Wave' main gun is almost silent, and the infrasound waves carrying high-energy shocks have leapt out.  I saw the chest of the super Deathclaw in front deflated. The steel vest did not play any protective role. The infrasound wave directly shattered it. A large number of fragments even penetrated into the body of the Deathclaw, and the energy of high-energy sound waves was still there.  In order to completely offset it, the Death Claw's spine suddenly twisted, and then the skin on its back broke, and blood and flesh spurted out.  The hit super death claw didn¡¯t even whine and fell straight to the ground. The other end let out a scream, its ears and nose bleed at the same time, and then turned around and ran away.  Infrasound waves that humans cannot hear are like high-decibel bells and drums ringing in the ears of a super deathclaw. Even if it is not hit directly, a few reflected ripples are enough to disrupt its nervous system.  The Super Death Claw that turned around and ran away couldn't even walk steadily. After two runs, it was filled with feces and urine. It fell to its knees on the ground and was easily blown off its head by Jiang Cai'er.  "Eh, how dirty! This beast is so useless, so disgusting!" Jiang Cai'er controlled the shock wave tank to pass by the corpses of the two big beasts. The characteristics of the 'Shock Wave' main gun determined that the entire battle process was almost nothing serious.  movement.  Trishman was directing his men to extinguish the fire and repair the defense line. The attack by the suicide squad just now was too terrifying. In an instant, Trishman lost a quarter of his strength. If he had known this, it would be better to risk being attacked by an air raid.  Attack the opponent.  The fire was getting bigger and bigger. Cui Ximan did not have special fire-fighting equipment, so he could only direct soldiers to push to the house to build an isolation zone to prevent the spread of the fire.  During the process of restoring order, the wall of the administrative district, which was already riddled with holes, suddenly collapsed, and a tank rushed in from the outside.  "What's going on? Where did it come from" Trishman's question was stopped. Several power armors standing next to him guarding suddenly exploded, and the high-speed parts flying everywhere almost smashed Trishman into sieves.  "Ah!" Trishman, who had no armor protection, was covered in blood. He had already had a leg broken by being trampled on, and this would only add to the injury.  The shock wave tank has rushed near the space-time gate, crushing its tracks, and firing its main gun randomly. Powered by a powerful small energy battery, the 'shock wave' has an extremely high rate of fire, almost every three seconds. It circles the administrative district.  All the enemies around him fled and all the buildings were turned into ruins.  Seeing that the enemy's counterattack was ineffective, the soldiers of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce did not even interrupt the tracks of the car body in the panic. This gave Jiang Caier, who had originally thought of staying in place as a turret, a sudden idea - to enter the opponent's time and space.  How about going over there?  The destructive ability of naughty children is often directly proportional to their imagination. Last time Zhou Qingfeng went to the metal square at the headquarters of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce and blew up the square into rubble. This time Jiang Caier came for a second visit and also  Stop by for a violent parade and turn it upside down!  With this thought in mind, the shock wave tank rumbled into the space-time gate, but as soon as it entered, Jiang Caier, who was happy and cheerful a second ago, suddenly found that she had lost contact with the shock wave tank.     what happened?     Well?     Crap!  Jiang Cai'er broke out in a cold sweat, and suddenly remembered that because she was so excited about playing, she forgot that the opposite side of the space-time gate was only a few thousand kilometers away from her console, and according to the memo sent by Zhou Qingfeng in the last battle, that headquarters  It is still an underground building, so the remote control signal will definitely not be received.  Now that earthquakeThe Dangbo Tank will definitely not be able to come back!     Oops!  Ruined!  Jiang Cai'er held her head in her hands and was already imagining the scene of her being spanked hard by Zhou Qingfeng. She wailed in her heart: "It's over! Brother will never let me go. My 'Tibbers', you died so miserably."  ah!"
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