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Side Story Chapter 570 - The crazier the more savage. (1)

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    Sixty small suicide drones flew into the sky together. This sudden scene gave people a sense of oppression. The drones had already flown to a height of only fifty meters above the ground. Due to their slow speed, they could be used with rifles.  Knock them off.  An ordinary anti-aircraft artillery shooter desperately turned the muzzle, trying to aim at a drone flying thirty meters in front of him, but the rotation of the gun mount was still too slow, so he directly grabbed a drone beside him.  A submachine gun shoots towards the target in the sky.  The drone was hit, but the one kilogram of explosives on it was also detonated. There was a bang, followed by a scream. The power of the air explosion was no less powerful than the ground explosion. Some small steel balls were attached to the explosive.  Cause considerable damage to unprotected ground personnel.  "Hey, their headquarters is already smoking, do they want to blow it up again?" Chunlan girl asked Mei Xiang, who was in charge of the air raid command.  The image returned by the 'Predator' was obscured by smoke. After a long time of identification, Mei Xiang could not figure out whether the police station building that was considered the headquarters had been destroyed. "Just in case, let's blow it up again." So four  A suicide drone broke away from the formation and swooped down from the sky.  Seeing this scene, Trishman, who had just escaped from the explosion, was so frightened that he got up and ran out. A group of power armor soldiers were about to return for reinforcements. The machine guns in their hands were intercepting these scary little things in the air.  , unexpectedly collided with Tracy Man who suddenly jumped out.  "Ah! My legs!" Hearing a 'click' sound, Trishman screamed and fell to the ground. The leading armored soldier saw the officer's clothes in front of him and knew that he was in big trouble, "Trishman  Chief Man, Chief Trishman, I didn¡¯t mean to do it. I didn¡¯t see you.¡± The four suicide drones flew in from the door of the police station building again without any obstruction. Several staff officers and communications personnel narrowly escaped.  The officer was knocked upside down and several radio stations were destroyed.  "Divide people into two groups. One group will go to the police building to rescue people, and the other group will take me away quickly to the space-time gate! No, no, no, go to the air defense position. I can't just leave." Cui Ximan was  The soldier set up and ran towards the anti-aircraft position. Before leaving, he glanced at the police station building with smoke coming out of the windows. When he just came out, Chairman Pattinson was still inside. There was no movement there now, and he was afraid that he had been killed.  Using anti-aircraft guns and medium-range anti-aircraft missiles to deal with small drones is like using cannons to fight mosquitoes. The hit rate is too poor. On the contrary, the machine guns in the hands of soldiers are more effective, but the people of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce are prepared for everything.  Defense, life or death, I didn't expect that my enemy had so many tricks. The big helicopters are not coming, so a group of small ones will come first.  Of the sixty suicide drones, less than ten were shot down, and the rest all landed on their intended targets.  Seeing the billowing smoke rising from the city, Zhou Qingfeng picked up the microphone and reported to all his own personnel on the battlefield: "The enemy's command headquarters has been paralyzed, communications have been paralyzed, and three radar vehicles have been destroyed. Air power can cooperate with ground armor.  Let's fight together." After that, Zhou Qingfeng threw the microphone to Mei Xiang and said, "I'll leave it to you." "Me?" Mei Xiang was shocked, "Who will take charge?"  "It's you!" Zhou Qingfeng laughed and grabbed a flying hat next to him and trotted towards the temporary airport.  Due to the rush, there is an open space over there at the airport. Two 'Cannonbirds' are now pulling up the fuselage. Antonina Makarova has already sat in the shooter cabin of the 'Hind' and saw Zhou Qingfeng.  He came over and asked jokingly: "Who are we going to fight now?" "Those 'walkers' and howitzer positions, I hate those cannon tubes." Zhou Qingfeng jumped onto the cockpit and began to combine with Makarova  Memories and training on Bruno 171, piloting this second Hind.  On the ground, the distance of fifteen kilometers was only a matter of ten or twenty minutes for the 'Vibration Wave' tank. Jiang Cai'er now took the reins and drove the tank to the highest speed like a joy, and a group of little kids around her also followed.  Excited and shouting.  Now the control interface of the 'Vibration Wave' tank is divided into two parts, one is Jiang Cai'er's tank vision, and the other is the aerial vision from the 'Predator'. Jiang Cai'er asked loudly: "Alexander, how far is it from the target?  " Alexander was now concentrating on the scene he was responsible for, and immediately replied: "There are still two thousand meters." "Those suicide squads are not left behind, right?" "No, they are following closely, they are five hundred meters behind you.  "Are there any obstacles ahead?" "Except for a few skirmishers, there are no targets of note."Weak, suitable for surprise entry.  When they were one thousand meters away, they could clearly see the five- to six-meter-high wall of the underground bunker city. Jiang Cai'er could already see several powered armors and a dozen skirmishers appearing on the wall from the viewing system.  The soldiers on the wall were all anxious now. In front of them, a tank unexpectedly rushed towards them. Normally, they would have called for support, but now they could only rely on themselves.  More than a dozen rifles and machine guns opened fire at the same time, but the firepower hitting the tank was no different than scratching an itch. A small-caliber armor-piercing bullet fired from the power armor hit the front of the vehicle, but it just bounced off with a 'dang' sound.  .  Even several large-caliber grenades flew over and landed behind the tank, exploding several craters.  When the 'vibration wave' was within three hundred meters, Jiang Cai'er moved the mouse and entered multiple commands on the keyboard. The turret began to point at a powered armor equipped with a shoulder-mounted artillery. It was he who fired the shell just now.  .  "Go to hell!" Jiang Cai'er just clicked the mouse, and the shutter bolt on the turret opened and closed quickly. A ripple-shaped channel of distorted light appeared in the air, and the armored vehicle opposite that wanted to fire another round 'bang'  It exploded and turned into parts on the ground.  ¡®Wow¡¯, the soldiers on the wall suddenly dispersed, and the ¡®vibration wave¡¯ ran directly towards the wall several times, opening a large hole of about ten meters in a section of the wall.  "OK! OK! Let's run away! Five hundred kilograms of TNT are coming!" Jiang Cai'er screamed and controlled the tank to reverse and leave quickly.  As soon as the ¡®vibration wave¡¯ left the wall less than 200 meters away, the No. 1 bomb truck entered through the gap in the wall like a whirlwind.  The driver of the car would shout enthusiastically, "Oh God! Oh God! Jehovah, my Lord!" Then Susan's voice came from a loudspeaker in the car, "Car No. 1, turn left, where?"  "There are several enemy anti-aircraft guns." As soon as the driver turned the steering wheel, the high-speed truck turned to the left, but as soon as he emerged from the intersection, at least four anti-aircraft guns on the opposite side opened fire violently, and several rounds of shells destroyed the truck in an instant.  destroy.  Susan in the back saw this scene clearly on the computer screen. She whispered: "God, please forgive my sins!" Then without hesitation, she pressed a button marked No. 1 in her hand.  Before the anti-aircraft gunners who had just destroyed the truck had time to take a breath, they saw the truck a hundred meters away exploded violently, and a shock wave like a wave suddenly surged in front of them. They almost did not react.  He was blown into the sky together with the anti-aircraft gun, and then lost consciousness.  Five hundred kilograms of TNT explosive has a killing range of two hundred meters. Along with the huge vibration, the plume of smoke billowing on the ground was hundreds of meters high, which instantly attracted the attention of the whole city.  Trishman was still on the way to escape, looking at the rising smoke column in horror, speechless in his heart. He originally thought that the howitzer battery in his hand was very powerful, but looking at what they are using now, it is simply called barbaric!  After the No. 1 truck completed its mission, the No. 2 truck parked outside the wall immediately rushed in, bypassed the huge crater on the ground, rushed directly towards another anti-aircraft gun position, and then created an equally scary smoke column again.  Without target indication, Trishman, who rushed to the space-time gate, found that he had an empty howitzer battery and it was useless. He immediately ordered: "'Walker', hurry up, let the 'Walker' go around, over there  There must be enemy troops! "Three huge 'Walker' combat platforms started to move, and they walked around the gap in the open wall on four strong legs. Compared with the previous anti-aircraft 'Walker' commanded by Brigadier General Bombardier,  , these firepower-type 'walkers' are equipped with 120 mm caliber howitzers.  Although these big guys are heavy and heavy, they are extremely fast. After a minute, they directly hit the wall and appeared a thousand meters away from the bomb truck.  And all the truck convoys that had been warned had already hid in the city, and the 'vibration wave' tanks were even farther away.  The commander of a Walker was looking for a target in the sight glass. Suddenly, a wall beside it came down. A truck crashed into the wall and rushed towards it desperately.  "What the hell! What does this car want to do?" The commander did not realize the danger of the truck at all. The turret on the "Walker" quickly rotated, accurately put the truck into the aiming frame, and a grenade flew out.  The commander was still thinking of exchanging a grenade for a truck, which might be a bit wasteful, but the subsequent shocking explosion blew away the dozens of tons of 'walkers' and the commander, who reacted quickly, quickly let go  The walker's four legs knelt down to increase stability, and those who reacted slowly were directly overturned by the air waves.  But before the crew of the 'Walker' could be thankful for the weapon they were drivingThe armor was thick, and another truck emerged from the smoke, now less than twenty meters away from them.  "No!" The No. 5 bomb truck drove directly into the middle of the three 'Walkers'. The driver in the cab shouted: "I want to go to heaven!" The 500 kilograms of TNT once again showed its power, killing more than 30 tons of TNT.  The 'walkers' were lifted into the sky!
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