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Volume 1 Chapter 1043 Feeling Father

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    They are Liu Fei's clients. Although Liu Fei has revoked the commission, there has been such a period of time after all. Now they are asked to take over Liu Fei's husband's commission. If word spreads, it means that they betrayed the original agent and chose her.  Enemies, if this spreads out, they will be completely ruined.  This is the reason why Lawyer Hu is hesitant and embarrassed.  Lawyers fighting lawsuits are like fighting a war. No one likes them, and they will not use capricious villains. Betrayal has always been a capital crime and an object of contempt.  "Xiaotian, we can't take this case," Lawyer Hu said in a very embarrassed tone. She sympathized with this man and wanted to make the decision for him, but the matter was special and they could only avoid this case.  "Mr. Hu, I understand your worries, but I don't think we can take this case." Liu Xiaotian shook his head slightly and whispered. Lawyer Hu looked up at him with surprise in his eyes.  After accepting the plaintiff and accepting the defendant, they can still accept such a case. This is a big taboo in the entire legal profession. If such a thing spreads, no one will dare to file a lawsuit with them in the future, let alone talk about development.  , she didn¡¯t expect that Liu Xiaotian, who was always shrewd, would actually say this.  "Xiaotian, you are a trainee lawyer after all, you don't understand." Lawyer Hu sighed slightly. She did not blame Liu Xiaotian. Liu Xiaotian was still young and had only been working here for a short time. During this period, his performance was already very good. He  I still don't understand the seriousness of this matter.  "Mr. Hu, I understand. What I mean is that you absolutely cannot take this case, but it does not mean that our company cannot take it." Liu Xiaotian smiled again, and Lawyer Hu's eyes widened. She slowly understood what Liu Xiaotian meant.  No matter what kind of person Liu Fei is, it is impossible for Lawyer Hu to take this case again. If she takes it, she will be a capricious villain.  Lawyer Hu doesn¡¯t take the case, but that doesn¡¯t mean his company can¡¯t take it. Other lawyers can take the case.  Let other lawyers pick it up, and lawyer Hu avoids it. Their explanations can also change a lot. The most important thing is that this case is a special case. Pu Haitai is worthy of sympathy. He was not wrong in the whole matter. If there is any  The mistake was that he misjudged the wrong person and shouldn't be so kind to a femme fatale woman.  Although lawyers are not a completely just profession, upholding justice and clearing grievances is also one of their responsibilities. What they have to do is to let others truly understand all this and get justice for this man.  By doing this, not only will the reputation of the law firm not be damaged, but it will be improved. A law firm with a positive image will more easily gain the trust of others and can receive more cases.  ¡°Perhaps some people with ulterior motives and insidious intentions will not come to them again, but such a case itself is not easy to litigate, and no one is willing to do more things that go against one¡¯s conscience, as that will completely change a person.  If you think about it this way, it is indeed feasible, but you still have to take a certain risk.  "Xiaotian, can you go and accompany Mr. Pu first and let me think about it?" Lawyer Hu said again, he is not only a lawyer, but also a partner of this law firm. She wants to start from a professional  Think about it from the perspective of a lawyer, and also think about the impact of doing so on the entire law firm. This is what the boss must do.  After half an hour, Lawyer Hu asked Liu Xiaotian to go over and told him to take the case and let another partner of the company take it.  Knowing Lawyer Hu's final decision, Liu Xiaotian also smiled. Although Lawyer Hu was young, he still had a strong sense of justice in his heart. Otherwise, he would not have been deceived before and accepted Liu Fei's commission. Now, he is taking a certain risk.  The case of Pu Haitai was settled.  With risks comes rewards. Lawyers who advocate justice believe that it is easier to capture people's hearts.  Huaming Hospital, an ambulance quickly drove in.  There is an emergency patient inside, and several doctors in the emergency department are ready to treat this patient.  This is not an ordinary patient. He has a lot of fame and is an athlete. After hundreds of years of development, the Olympic Games have not stopped, but have become more and more popular. This patient is an Olympic champion. There is a training company nearby.  On the field, he suddenly fell ill during training. Due to time constraints, he was sent to Huaming Hospital for treatment.  Huaming Hospital is not large in scale. It is a private hospital. Huaming Hospital belongs to Huatian Group. Huatian Group is headquartered in Guide City. There are also some industries outside, and this hospital is one of them. However, Huaming Hospital is in Binhai.  There are not many industries in the country, and the scale of this hospital is not large.  "Doctor Chen, are you sure?" A male doctor in his fifties asked slightly nervously. The patient has a special status. If the illness is not too urgent and he needs immediate treatment, he will not be sent to their hospital. This is  It is a test for their hospital, and it is also a test for them.  "Dr. Wang, please don't worry, I'm sure." Chen Bing nodded heavily. Huaming Hospital was where she worked. She was urgently transferred to the emergency department. The main reason was that the patient had severe internal bleeding symptoms. The entire hospital was the most confident and most confident about internal bleeding.  The one who has the ability is Chen Bing. Her previous performance has amazed every doctor. The hospital has already made a lot of determination to allow Chen Bing to come out to help with the surgery. If it weren't for several veteran doctors.  There is no certainty about the champion, and the special status of this champion is not only a good opportunity for their hospital to become famous, but also a crisis to deal with. Only with more certainty can Chen Bing come out.  When she came out, she also appeared as an assistant physician. The director still didn't dare to take too many risks. This was a complete exception. Chen Bing didn't care about this. Although she was not Liu Yiyang's biological daughter, she was very concerned about her work.  In terms of attitude, he inherited Liu Yiyang's attitude and paid great attention to patients. This champion practices gymnastics. The Olympics will be held next year. He wants to win the championship again and win another Olympic championship. He trains very hard and works hard.  , because of his overtraining, he suffered a ruptured cerebral blood vessel. Not only was he unable to continue training, but his life was in danger. The patient was carried directly into the operating room, and the operation began immediately. All the doctors had already known this before the patient was sent.  They had a simple understanding, so they were fully prepared, but they were not sure about the operation. They had no choice but to let Chen Bing, who had performed very well recently and was recognized by everyone, join. Outside the operation, the champion coach was anxiously going back and forth.  As he walked around, he didn't expect such a thing to happen. No matter what the outcome of this accident, his career would probably come to an end. As a coach, he must be responsible for his athletes and must always understand the physical condition of his athletes.  He was also fascinated by the glory of winning two championships in a row. Not only did he not stop the athletes from super-physical training, he even encouraged them. More importantly, he delayed the athletes' regular physical examinations, which ultimately led to this incident.  Tragedy. He already knew his mistake. At this moment, he only wanted to save the athlete so that he could continue training and continue to participate in the Olympics. He no longer thought about whether he could win the championship. More than two hours later, the operating room opened.  An old doctor walked out of the door and exhaled heavily. "The operation was successful and the patient has been rescued." He said slowly. The people waiting anxiously outside finally heard the good news, and some people cheered.  When he got up, the coach also breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. After finishing speaking, the old doctor looked back, with deep shock in his eyes. He only talked about the result, but not the process. In fact, this time.  The process is very dangerous, and one mistake will bring regrettable consequences to everyone. The patient's condition is really serious, not only intracranial hemorrhage, but also compression of several major nerves, especially the blockage of cerebral blood vessels, which makes them  The doctors were all at a loss. Chen Bing, who went in as an assistant doctor, took decisive action at this time. Instead of the attending physician, she personally removed the congestion and unblocked the blood vessels. She did it very carefully. Her hands did not waver in the slightest. Even if there was a slight movement at that time,  The slightest movement may cause irreparable consequences.  Chen Bing succeeded. She rescued the athlete. This operation can no longer be described as a success. It was a perfect operation.  Indeed, it is very perfect, so perfect that even these old doctors, who have been practicing medicine for decades, admire them immensely.  It was the old doctor who went outside to notify the patient. The remaining doctors were taking care of the patient. The patient would soon be sent out of the operating room and into the intensive care unit for observation. However, according to the operation, he would recover quickly and would not stay.  What sequelae.  Chen Bing was the last one to go out. She walked out of the hospital directly and looked up at the sky.  She did not use her divine power. If she used her divine power, it would be a violation of the agreement. During this operation, she finally understood Liu Yiyang's mood when he opened the small clinic in Fearless City, and understood Liu Yiyang's efforts to save his father.  This is the joy that comes from curing diseases and saving lives. It makes her even happier than the increase in divine power during her cultivation. This is an indescribable happiness and a special sense of accomplishment.  Although she only saved a mortal, an ordinary mortal, this feeling does exist.  "Father, I finally understand you and everything you did back then." Looking at the sky, Chen Bing whispered in her own mouth. Her eyes suddenly widened a lot. She felt that there was someone in the sky talking to her.  She smiled happily and brightly.  "Father, is it you? Are you out of confinement? Are you here to find us?" Chen Bing shouted loudly and kept looking at the sky. She resisted the urge to stretch her consciousness and just looked up at the sky.  .  She also knew very well that if Liu Yiyang was unwilling to come forward, she wouldIt was impossible to find Liu Yiyang's existence even if her spiritual consciousness was completely released. She didn't understand now. She clearly felt Liu Yiyang's existence, but why didn't Liu Yiyang come out to see her?  Liu Yiyang was indeed looking at her, but unfortunately he was speechless and unable to communicate with her.  Liu Yiyang's consciousness is only here at this time, not his body at all. The consciousness of this consciousness is still expanding, but it is much slower than the original speed. Almost most of the secular world is already within the scope of his consciousness.  The secular world is really big. There are countless galaxies, so many stars and planets. There are many planets with life and human beings, and there are also more lonely and uninhabited Death Stars.  Among the human planets, there are many technological planets that exist like the earth, there are also many planets in ancient societies, and there are even some cultivator planets. There are many cultivators on the entire planet, and the cultivators there are aboveboard existences.  It's like reclusiveness.  There are also some planets where people from the Five Realms are hidden. They somehow avoid the laws of nature and live in seclusion in the secular world. However, their number is not large, very small, and they cannot bring any influence to other secular worlds.  What harm.  This information was automatically introduced into Liu Yiyang's consciousness. Even if he didn't want to understand it at all, he still fully accepted it and gained a deeper understanding of the entire secular world.  Chen Bing still couldn't find Liu Yiyang in the end. She just sensed it, which disappointed her.  She is not needed for the patient's follow-up treatment. The old doctor is in charge. His reputation and fame have been greatly improved, and the reputation of the hospital has also improved a lot. These have nothing to do with Chen Bing and no outsiders.  Know her role in this operation.  Chen Bing didn't pay any attention to these things. He went home directly after get off work and didn't even mention it.  "Mom, I sensed my father's presence today." As soon as he got home, Chen Bing asked quickly. Ouyang Xuan, who was sitting in front of the TV, suddenly turned around, with a flash of light in her eyes.  During this period, Chen Bing and Liu Xiaotian went out to work every day, while Ouyang Xuan stayed at home. In addition to instructing Li Xiaoran to practice, the rest was to watch TV. Modern TV can now be three-dimensional and have a stronger sense of immersion, but she still  I like those antique TVs and watch old TV series.  In fact, Ouyang Xuan was very interested in TV dramas in the past and would watch some when she had nothing to do. Unfortunately, her status was different. In addition to studying, she also worked as a demon slayer, so she did not have that much time. Now she seems to want to make up for all these regrets.  Come back and watch the TV.  "Why didn't he come to me?" Ouyang Xuan's consciousness has been dispersed, and the God King Grizzly and the old couple have sensed it. Unfortunately, Ouyang Xuan did not find Liu Yiyang's existence, which made her very disappointed.  "I don't know, I just sensed that my father is here, but I'm not sure. I have a strange feeling, as if he is not here, but appears in front of us in a special way. Maybe he  He's looking at us now." Chen Bing said slowly, and Liu Yiyang's consciousness, which had no form, seemed to smile again.  This child is really smart and he guessed it right. Now Liu Yiyang just can't appear in front of them and can only watch them silently.  "What are you talking about?" Liu Xiaotian has also returned home. He is now more and more valued in the company, and both siblings are beginning to shine in their own fields.  "Your sister said that she felt your father." Ouyang Xuan said directly. Liu Xiaotian immediately appeared in front of Ouyang Xuan, raised his head, nodded heavily and said, "Actually, I also felt like this a few days ago. It seems like  It seemed that my father had been watching us silently, but I couldn't confirm it, so I didn't say it out loud. " "If you feel the same way, then it must be right. My father must be watching us." Chen Bing shouted in surprise.  Ouyang Xuan thought for a moment, and finally nodded secretly. He believed in his daughter and son. They were both divine generals. Even if they did not use divine power, this kind of induction would not be wrong, and it was unlike mortals.  illusion.  Since they all said this, it means that Liu Yiyang really pays attention to them, paying attention to them in a way they don't know.  This kind of thing may not be possible for others, but they have no doubt about Liu Yiyang. Who is Liu Yiyang? He is the most powerful God King in the God Realm, the closest to the Supreme God, and can compete with the Supreme God.  As a person, it is not surprising that he has such ability.  However, Ouyang Xuan's temperament is not very good. She is still a little depressed. Both her son and daughter have felt it. Why doesn't she feel anything? Could it be that Liu Yiyang has never paid attention to her? They are husband and wife, and they are the closest.  people.  "Mom, maybe your father has been looking at you, but you just didn't notice it. I also sensed it suddenly, and now I don't""That feeling" "Me too, maybe my father is practicing a very powerful skill. He can release his spiritual consciousness into the secular world, but the power here is very weak, so we only sensed it by chance." Chen Bing  , Liu Xiaotian noticed that Ouyang Xuan was in a bad mood, and immediately understood what was going on, and came together to comfort her. Liu Yiyang was a little bit dumbfounded. His son's imagination is really rich. He is not practicing any powerful skills. He is obviously practicing.  Something went wrong and he was now unable to control himself, which led to the situation in front of him. Strictly speaking, his summary of the situation was very similar to being possessed. Ouyang Xuan, who was comforted by her children, was in a significantly better mood: "I understand.  But since your father can sense this, he must be out of quarantine soon, and then we can reunite as a family." Ouyang Xuan's words were immediately approved by Chen Bing and Liu Xiaotian, but Li Xiaoran looked at them curiously and said nothing.  She didn't dare to say that the family was talking about their own family affairs, and she couldn't interrupt. As for Ma Tou, he was currently practicing. Previously, Ma Tou suddenly felt that his power could be improved. After explaining the situation, he chose to practice in seclusion. Liu Xiaotian was very supportive.  He has been driving to work by himself these past few days. He parked his car in a parking lot further away so that he could avoid being with people from the company. Early the next morning, Liu Xiaotian rushed to the company to prepare to appear in court with Lawyer Hu.  This court appearance was an insurance lawsuit. Their client had purchased medical insurance before, but now he was diagnosed with a serious illness, but the insurance company used various excuses to evade it, so their client found them and took the insurance company to court.  There are many cases like this. Lawyer Hu has read the cases carefully before, and after thinking about it, he took it. The client¡¯s insurance contract has come into effect, and the client¡¯s illness is within the scope of the insurance contract. Why is the insurance company refusing to pay compensation now?  It was a dishonest act, and it was not tenable in theory. However, the lawsuit did not go smoothly. The insurance company¡¯s lawyers were very well prepared. They presented evidence that the client knew that he had the disease before he purchased the insurance.  Lawyer Hu was caught off guard by deliberately cheating. None of these clients told him that they were at a disadvantage in the first trial. This also made Lawyer Hu very angry. He even got angry when he returned to the company.  Liu Xiaotian just shrugged helplessly and didn't care much. He just came to experience life. Life needs variety to be more passionate. If he just follows the script, every day will be ordinary things that cannot be ordinary. He is here  Lawyer Hu was still angry, so Liu Xiaotian quietly went out to look for other evidence. Today's insurance contracts are much more standardized than before, and it is almost impossible to hide things like this from insurance companies.  It's hard to happen. Their client doesn't seem to be a particularly smart person, and no one else can help him. How did he avoid the insurance company's physical examination and buy such an insurance? They don't know this now, either.  Things that need to be clarified, rather than just getting angry and angry.  The first thing Liu Xiaotian found was his client. He was a lawyer and knew his client. The client was still in the hospital and did not attend this court appearance. They had full power to entrust them. They heard that the lawsuit was not easy to fight and the current situation was not favorable to them.  When there was no benefit, he lowered his head sadly.  "Mr. Chu, did you buy the insurance knowing that you were seriously ill?" Liu Xiaotian found the client in the hospital. After being polite, he asked straight to the point. In fact, they had already asked this when they accepted the commission.  However, the client denied it at that time.  The client¡¯s name is Chu Ming, a fifty-five-year-old small businessman who runs a dumpling restaurant by himself, with a small business scale.  Chu Ming lowered his head and said slowly: "Yes, I did know that I had the disease before I bought the insurance, but it was a misdiagnosis and it was not true. But I didn't expect that I would actually get this disease later." "  "Misdiagnosis, Mr. Chu, can you explain it in detail?" Liu Xiaotian looked a little surprised and asked hurriedly. Now every point is of great use to this case. Only by collecting all the evidence that is beneficial to him can he better fight back.  opponent.  Lawyers going to court are like fighting a war. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. This kind of insurance lawsuit will not go to court many times. Maybe the next time the verdict will be announced on the spot, or after the trial.  "Okay, that's it" Chu Ming told his situation in detail. His experience was like a story, but it was a tragic story. It was a serious blow to Chu Ming. When he told this,  Chu Ming also shed tears himself. His daughter also came to the hospital at this moment. She was stunned for a moment when she saw Liu Xiaotian, and then she shed tears together.
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