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Volume 1 Chapter 1042 Greedy Woman

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    In an ordinary cafe, thirty-five-year-old Pu Haitai was looking at Liu Xiaotian in astonishment.  With the permission of Lawyer Hu, Liu Xiaotian has officially made an appointment with Pu Haitai to discuss Liu Fei's divorce and domestic violence issues. The power of attorney stated that Liu Fei agreed to mediate the divorce, but the premise was that Pu Haitai would clean up and leave the house, and also  Compensate her economic losses with two million yuan.  He does not have to pay this amount for the time being and will be deducted from his future salary.  Thinking about it now, this woman is really not an ordinary vicious person. Not only does she want to seize all her husband¡¯s property, but also his future property. This is the first time that Liu Xiaotian has seen such a greedy woman. She is much greedier than those in the God Realm.  "This, how is this possible? I didn't, I never beat her, let alone let her suffer such harm." Pu Haitai looked extremely excited. Fortunately, Liu Xiaotian already understood all this and understood his wishes.  If Lawyer Hu comes, I'm afraid he will suspect that he is acting.  The thing is, when you have a different mentality towards a person, everything they do will also feel different in your heart.  "Mr. Pu, please don't get excited. Can you tell me about your acquaintance, including some things after marriage?" Liu Xiaotian asked in a low voice. After all, Pu Haitai is also the manager of the company, a senior manager, and his mood quickly stabilized.  , slowly told their story.  What he said was no different from what Liu Xiaotian found out through his investigation. He just said that he had not seen Liu Fei in the past few days. Before, Liu Fei said that he would go back to his hometown. He wanted to ask for leave to accompany him but was rejected. Now he found out that she had done it behind his back.  These.  He doesn¡¯t know that his wife has been with someone else, but just knowing this makes him feel chilled.  "I believe what Mr. Pu said and I can understand it, but I am a lawyer, not a policeman, so I can only serve my client. However, we will investigate everything clearly. If we need to go to court, we will adhere to our principles.  Come down and help the client." Liu Xiaotian quickly ended the conversation. He could see that everything Pu Haitai said was true. Although he did not use everything of the god, his powerful sensory abilities still existed, and Pu Haitai was so excited.  It's definitely not disguised.  If that is also a disguise, it can only mean that he is so good at acting that even he, a god, has deceived him.  "Let's have a showdown with Liu Fei" Lawyer Hu said with a headache after receiving the final report handed over by Liu Xiaotian.  She now regrets why she was so impulsive that day and accepted the commission without saying a word. As lawyers, they must serve their clients, but they also have their own bottom line, and they must not exceed this bottom line.  This kind of case is the most troublesome for them, and they can't withdraw directly. Lawyer Hu can only put all this on Liu Fei's head and hate this woman.  Liu Xiaotian went out directly. The matter was basically clear. It was not for him to worry about how to handle this case. He only had to make his own suggestions. He was a trainee lawyer. A trainee lawyer could only handle cases together with a practicing lawyer. He was not yet qualified to handle cases alone.  .  In other words, the person in charge of this case has never been his turn, and he is just doing peripheral work.  "Ms. Liu, I'm sorry that you didn't tell us the truth." Liu Xiaotian said regretfully in the reception room. Lawyer Hu was also there, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to eat the person in front of him alive.  "What do you mean?" Liu Fei was a little flustered, but quickly regained her composure.  "Do you know Zhu Zhiwen?" Liu Xiaotian said casually, but Liu Fei's hand holding the water glass trembled violently, and she looked up at Liu Xiaotian in panic.  Zhu Zhiwen was her boyfriend of ten years, the person she loved most. She married Pu Haitai for money, but she didn't love Pu Haitai, she just wanted his money. Zhu Zhiwen didn't really leave her, and the two secretly  together.  She originally wanted to get enough money from Pu Haitai to divorce him and leave him, but after getting married, she discovered that Pu Haitai didn't have many assets. He bought a house and had a lot of money. He had done good deeds before. He was a real person.  of good people.  This made her very depressed, but good news came soon. Pu Haitai's uncle and his family all passed away, leaving behind an inheritance of about several million and a house, but that was all. She had heard Pu Haitai mention it before.  This uncle is a collector and has many antique treasures at home.  These antique treasures are the truly valuable things. His uncle has collected them all his life. These treasures are worth at least tens of millions. After learning the news, she immediately found her boyfriend and discussed how to collect all these treasures.  For themselves, with this money, they can live a good life, open a small hotel, and be their own bosses.  Both of them have worked in hotels and are most familiar with the hotel model. They also know that hotels are very profitable, so theyYi wanted to do this kind of business, but they didn't have the capital before, and now they were given this opportunity. After discussing it, the two decided to sue Pu Haitai for domestic violence, so that they could get everything Pu Haitai had, and even Pu Haitai's future things.  All belong to them.  "It's a pity that the two of them were too greedy and legally illiterate. They didn't know that their plan was full of loopholes. Their lawyers had already discovered it before the lawsuit started.  "What are you talking about, I don't know." Liu Fei seemed a little flustered, but she was still denying it. Liu Xiaotian could already call out her boyfriend's name, and it was obvious that he knew everything about her. At this time, she was still denying it. All she could say was  madness.  "Ms. Liu, I'm sorry. You didn't tell us the truth. You lied to us. The scars on your body were not caused by your husband's domestic violence. They were disguised by yourself. We can definitely use medical evaluation of your scars.  , it was determined that you were willing and had the scars extracted by standing there. When the time comes, your forensic identification results will not only not be able to help you, but on the contrary, you will be sent to prison for false accusations." Liu Xiaotian shook his head slowly  Shaking her head, Liu Fei's eyes widened and her tone became a little anxious: "What do you mean, I will go to jail for false accusation?" "Of course, you fabricated evidence and framed others, and the false accusation is absolutely established. The purpose of your false accusation is  It is an attempt to seize your husband's property, so the charge will be more serious, and it is estimated that there will be one to three years in prison." One to three years, Liu Xiaotian is not intimidating her, this is a fact, and they will never do such an agent.  Yes, there is a clause in the entrustment contract that the other party is not allowed to lie or conceal facts, otherwise they have the right to refuse the entrustment.  ¡°It¡¯s too late for you to give up the prosecution now, our information has not been submitted to the court yet,¡± Liu Xiaotian said again.  "I give up, I give up the lawsuit, I won't sue him, I just need a divorce, I just need to share half of the property." Liu Fei shook her head hurriedly, she was really frightened by Liu Xiaotian, she didn't understand the law, but at least  She still understood the word false accusation, and she knew very well that her behavior could indeed be linked to this crime, so she gave up immediately out of fear.  "If she didn't sue, it wouldn't be considered a false accusation, and it would be considered able to stop the situation.  "Ms. Liu, there is another very regretful thing to tell you, because your husband inherited the part of his uncle's estate, which was proved by his uncle's will, so it is his personal property and cannot be divided even if you get divorced, and you  A lot of the husband's previous property was personal property. Even if you get divorced, you can't divide it and get half of it. Liu Xiaotian said again that the current laws are more perfect than before. It is impossible for Liu Fei to get married and only think about misappropriating property.  With the support of the court, it is said that this is a losing case. "What do you mean, I can't separate, so I didn't marry him in vain." Liu Fei was startled, and then she shouted excitedly, Liu Xiaotian said this.  You will have completely understood that this Liu Fei did not like Pu Haitai, but married him purely for money. Such a person is very hateful, but also very pitiful. At the same time, Liu Xiaotian has a deeper understanding of mortal desires and mortal desires.  Their desires are no less than those of gods in the divine world, and are even more powerful than those of gods. They will do whatever it takes to achieve their own selfish desires, even at the cost of themselves. "That's not entirely true, because your husband added your name to the property after marriage.  Therefore, this property can be regarded as joint property. However, since your husband's property was purchased with a loan, you can only divide the down payment. We will help you fight for how much can be divided." After Liu Xiaotian finished speaking, he sighed.  Before the exam, I read a lot of cases, including many divorce lawsuits. The most depressing one is the lawsuit that helps people with ulterior motives divide property. Such lawsuits are not only depressing, but also cause guilt.  Feelings, but they are lawyers, lawyers must serve their clients, and this kind of lawsuit must be fought. They cannot do anything within the scope allowed by the law, but they will never do anything beyond the law, just like Liu  Fei's false accusation is beyond the scope of the law and exceeds their bottom line. Liu Xiaotian understands this dilemma and understands that no matter what he does, everything will not be as he imagined, and reality and ideals will not be the same.  , is something he cannot get in the God Realm. Although this case is a sure-to-lose case, his gains are not small, and they are gains that cannot be taught by others and must be understood by himself. "I, how much can I share?  Liu Fei was stunned for a while and asked in a low voice. Liu Xiaotian raised his head, shook his head slightly, and said softly: "According to the information you provided and our investigation, the down payment for this property is 1.5 million, because when we got married,  It¡¯s too short. If you advocate division and want money, you can get up to 700,000, and we will try our best to help you.¡± ¡°Seven hundred thousand, so little.¡± Liu Fei was stunned again, 700,000, minus inflation.Including the impact of currency reform, the purchasing power is roughly equivalent to about 70,000 in Liu Yiyang's era. It is indeed not much, but it is only for this greedy woman.  "But this is only the highest possibility. Because of some of your actions, the court's judgment may be less, or even none." Liu Xiaotian said again. Liu Fei became even more surprised. It is possible that there is no 700,000 yuan. This  It was completely different from what she had imagined before. The huge gap made her unable to accept it for a while.  She never thought that she had nothing before, but it was Pu Haitai who helped her, loved her, and finally married her and gave her a home that was many times better than before. Unfortunately, this woman didn't cherish her at all.  , but only wanted to seize Pu Haitai's property. To say it was vicious is an understatement.  "Is it okay if I don't want a divorce?" Liu Fei suddenly said something, and then quickly said: "I don't want a divorce, I withdraw the lawsuit, I don't want a divorce." Divorce is about wanting property, but she didn't get what she wanted.  Property, which made her panic. After spending time with Pu Haitai, she was no longer willing to go back to the original life where her salary was only enough to eat, she couldn't buy beautiful clothes, and she didn't dare to eat delicious food.  They live in collective dormitories.  After she couldn't get what she expected, she wanted to go back to the past, to the comfortable life before. Although she didn't love Pu Haitai, she didn't deny that this man was really good to her, and she could secretly have sex with the man she liked.  together.  "No need to withdraw the lawsuit. We haven't sued him yet. Are you sure you don't want to sue him?" Liu Xiaotian shook his head helplessly. If the client proposed to withdraw on their own, the entrusted lawsuit would not be regarded as their abandonment. There is no act of withdrawing the lawsuit.  The results are the same, but the different methods have completely different meanings.  If they voluntarily withdraw the lawsuit, they will be regarded as because they are incompetent and do not dare to take such a case. If the client withdraws the lawsuit, if they find another law firm, the result will still be the same for them.  Or worse, it means the client doesn't trust them.  But if the client no longer sues, that is to say, the lawsuit is no longer fought, the meaning is completely different. This is not a problem of their ability or their bad reputation, but of the client giving up on his own. This is not a problem for the company.  Perhaps the best result.  "No, I won't sue." Liu Fei nodded quickly. Liu Xiaotian quickly reported to Lawyer Hu. The two parties once again signed an agreement to invalidate the entrustment contract. After signing this agreement, Lawyer Hu breathed a heavy sigh of relief.  .  This lawsuit is finally over.  She knew that these were all due to Liu Xiaotian, so she praised him again, but it was only verbal praise, and Liu Xiaotian did not receive any substantial reward.  Liu Fei's case was finally solved, but it also gave them a wake-up call. In the future, they should not just rely on subjective consciousness to take on cases, but must inquire clearly. If Liu Xiaotian hadn't taken a serious attitude to investigate this time, they might really have made trouble.  Make a big joke and even get yourself into a lawsuit.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????  Apart from Liu Fei's case, there are other cases, especially Boss Zhao's case. Lawyer Hu attaches great importance to it and has been busy. In addition to collecting various evidences, he also tried to settle out of court. Boss Zhao's case  The bottom line is that if you terminate the contract, you don't have to pay the money you owed before due to various activities.  If the contract is not terminated, Boss Zhao's factory will really go bankrupt. If the contract is not terminated, he will have to continue to supply and lose money. Failure to supply is a breach of contract, and he will not be able to pay the liquidated damages at all.  ¡°Now is not the time before when he could easily become an old man. The improvement of the law makes him dare not do this at all.  Lawyer Hu met with the other party's lawyer several times, but unfortunately the other party never agreed to let him meet the client. The hope of reconciliation was also in a deadlock, leaving her to collect more evidence and think of ways to win the lawsuit in court.  .  Liu Xiaotian was not idle either. He took the initiative to go out many times to collect evidence. In the eyes of many people, it is so easy for a lawyer to just sit in the office, drink tea, and then go to court to fight a lawsuit. In fact, this is not the case. A lawyer has to do a lot of work to fight a lawsuit.  A lot of preparation, sometimes I wish I could break my legs, and business trips are common.  Liu Xiaotian is out of town now. He went to the capital. Binhai is not far from the capital. The witness he needed was in the capital, so he went to look for it.  Now Liu Xiaotian¡¯s actions no longer need to be reported in detail. He just needs to say what he wants to do. Lawyer Hu has given him great freedom and trust.  This also makes other lawyers and paralegals in the company envious. Unfortunately, envy is useless because they are not as eye-catching as Liu Xiaotian. The only one who is not envious is Zhou Qiang. This kid now runs to the hospital every day, and his phone and Internet  The account has been blocked by Chen Bing, and Liu Xiaotian was blamed by Chen Bing for this."Lawyer Liu, someone is looking for you." On the fifth day after Liu Fei's lawsuit was withdrawn, Liu Xiaotian was sorting out the information on the two cases at his desk. Xiao Wang suddenly came over and said to him with a smile.  Usually there are many people coming to the company, most of them want to file a lawsuit and come to see a lawyer, or people who have something to consult, but there has never been a person who came to him by name alone. This is the first time.  He is not a well-known lawyer. He is a trainee lawyer who does not even have an office and cannot take on cases alone. It is very rare for someone to come to him specifically.  As for whether they are friends, it is even more impossible. Liu Xiaotian has no friends in Binhai. Only his colleague Zhou Qiang is a friend. But it is absolutely impossible for Zhou Qiang to ask Xiao Wang to come and notify him. The only ones left are Ouyang Xuan and Chen Bing.  It's even more impossible. Ouyang Xuan will never do this. She only needs the sound transmission from her spiritual consciousness. Chen Bing and the others can see her every day, and she won't come here out of boredom.  "It's you, Mr. Pu." With doubts, Liu Xiaotian has walked out. It seems that the person who came to see him, Liu Xiaotian himself is also a little surprised.  He knew the person who came and had met him once. He was Pu Haitai, Liu Fei's husband, whom he had met during the last investigation. Since knowing the facts about the two of them, Liu Xiaotian still had deep sympathy for Pu Haitai.  For a man, it is indeed a misfortune to encounter such a thing. Not to mention the modern Wu Dalang, it is always an embarrassing thing. If it spreads, it will be even more embarrassing. Fortunately, Liu Xiaotian has been doing the investigation  They all paid attention to confidentiality and did not tell anyone the truth of the matter. This kind of thing should not have spread yet.  Pu Haitai looked very decadent, which was very different from the spirited appearance he saw last time. Liu Xiaotian could understand that anyone who encountered this kind of thing would probably be like him and would definitely not be any better.  "Mr. Pu, please come inside." Liu Xiaotian brought Pu Haitai into the reception room. Xiao Wang quickly brought tea. It was here that Liu Fei told him about domestic violence. Now it is her husband who has suffered a huge injustice.  poor man.  "Lawyer Liu, I want a divorce." After a while, Pu Haitai said in a hoarse voice. This incident really hit him hard. He is not a fool. How can someone who can be a shopping mall manager be stupid?  , he immediately conducted an investigation after Liu Xiaotian came to him, and the result gave him a slap in the face.  His wife, not only was there someone outside, but she was also trying to frame him. This was simply unimaginable. If his wife was more crazy, wouldn't it be that she wanted to kill him? He shuddered when he thought of this, and he couldn't sleep well in the past few days.  Liu Fei hasn¡¯t gone back yet. She said she was going back to her hometown. She couldn¡¯t come back so soon. Now Pu Haitai already knows that she has not gone back, and even knows where she is and with that man.  After persisting for a few days, he could no longer hold on, so he came to see Liu Xiaotian.  The first reason why he came to Liu Xiaotian was that Liu Xiaotian already knew about this matter and he was not afraid of being embarrassed if he told it. The second reason was that he had an inexplicable trust in Liu Xiaotian, so he came to him.  "I can't live with her anymore. She's too terrible, so I want a divorce. Lawyer Liu, please help me." Pu Haitai had a bitter face and his eyes were red. Liu Xiaotian looked at him in shock. As a shopping mall manager,  He couldn't possibly only know himself as a lawyer, and he knew this was his wife's agency, so how could he still approach them?  "Lawyer Liu, I know that she has revoked everything, and it is all your fault. She will come back tomorrow. I can no longer live with her, so I want to entrust you to help me fight this lawsuit. I want to fight her  End it all completely." Pu Haitai looked very painful when he said this. After all, he really loved that woman and really liked her. Otherwise, he would not get married so quickly, let alone take the initiative to add her name to the real estate certificate.  name.  Others can¡¯t understand how painful this blow was to him, but Liu Xiaotian can understand his courage to make such a decision, but it¡¯s just his request that Liu Xiaotian can¡¯t make the decision, let alone agree to him directly.  "Mr. Pu, wait a moment. I am just a trainee lawyer. I am not qualified to take the case myself. I will ask our company's partners to come." Liu Xiaotian went to ask Lawyer Hu. He heard that Pu Haitai was here and wanted to entrust them to handle the case.  Lawyer Hu was also very surprised by this divorce lawsuit and didn't know what to say.  Emotionally speaking, she strongly supports Pu Haitai's actions. Although she is also a woman, what that woman did clearly exceeded the bottom line of a sensible person, or even the bottom line of a human being.  Normally, when she heard about such a thing, she would happily take the case and help the man fight the lawsuit so that the woman would not get a penny and she would get the punishment she deserves. But now, Lawyer Hu  I don¡¯t know how to say it myself.
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