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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 25 Sun Wukong in the Belly of the Rakshasa Girl

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    This morning, Zhang Wei was preparing to go to the sunken ship to retrieve the treasure as usual.  This octopus cave is no longer unfamiliar to him, because he has been there more than twenty times.  Every time he goes there, he learns something.  After killing an octopus and removing a piece of china, everything seems to be going well.  Although many octopuses have attacked him, he has always been able to turn the corner with his hard shell and agility.  So he seemed quite relaxed when he came this time. After all, his more than twenty successful experiences in the past had told him a wrong message - this place might be an octopus cave to others, but to him it was only a somewhat dangerous place.  Just a hunting ground.  But as the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts!  This time Zhang Wei was not as lucky as before.  After more than twenty painful lessons, these octopuses have basically figured out Zhang Wei's action time.  Every day he would visit this sunken ship between nine and ten in the morning, and before Zhang Wei arrived today, the group of octopuses had already set up a trap in advance.  Under the arrangement of the octopus leader, two large octopuses with a height of more than two meters each led fifty or sixty octopuses to ambush outside the sunken ship. After Zhang Wei entered the sunken ship, they were responsible for cutting off his escape route.  The octopus leader himself led the remaining more than a hundred octopuses to wait inside the sunken ship, waiting for the big crab to fall into the trap.  In fact, there used to be about three hundred octopuses in this sunken ship, and they were basically the descendants of this octopus leader.  After Zhang Wei killed more than 20 octopuses, their number had shrunk to more than 200.  Therefore, they naturally hate Zhang Wei to death.  The octopus leader of the octopus group had an adventure in the sea before, so he broke through the octopus's life limit and has lived for thirty or forty years.  Given the species of this octopus, they would not have been able to grow to more than one meter.  After all, these octopuses are not the superstar octopuses found in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, but a very common type of octopus found in Japanese waters.  But it is precisely because the octopus leader had an adventure when he was a child that many octopuses in this octopus group are over one meter tall.  There are five octopuses that are more than two meters tall, and they look very scary.  As for the octopus leader himself, he is more than three meters long, which is comparable to the giant Pacific Ocean.  When these monsters want to deal with a killer crab, even if an adult killer crab breaks into the trap, the result will basically be life or death.  Zhang Wei broke into the cabin of the sunken ship as usual. As soon as he entered, he felt something strange.  There seemed to be a particularly solemn atmosphere in the water of the sunken ship, and Zhang Wei felt something was wrong.  "No, there is an ambush!" At this time, Zhang Wei already knew that something was wrong. Many octopuses poured out of the cabin of the sunken ship. It seemed that there were hundreds of them.  In fact, the number of octopuses that came out was only more than a hundred, not as many as he thought.  But even the sight of more than a hundred octopuses appearing together is already very shocking, not to mention the leader of the octopus who is more than three meters tall.  As soon as he saw an ambush, Zhang Wei immediately wanted to run away.  This was not the time to show off as a hero. He dared to fight with three or five octopuses.  But so many octopuses came together and it was enough to tear him into pieces.  But when he looked back, he was immediately dumbfounded.  The hole in the sunken ship was filled with octopus at some point, and Zhang Wei almost cried.  "Damn it, no way. Is it necessary to be so excited! I'm just taking a few pieces of your porcelain and killing a few small octopuses! Is it necessary to do it with so much force? There is an ambush in front and an interception in the back. This is not for me.  Damn it!" Zhang Wei couldn't help but secretly groaned when he saw that the situation was so unfavorable to him.  "Hmph, you disgusting stinky crab. Let's see where you run away this time!" The octopus leader laughed coldly in his heart, and then issued the order to attack.  You must know that Zhang Wei has killed more than twenty octopuses in their group. These octopuses are not only his subordinates, but also his descendants.  I wonder how much people would hate Zhang Wei if there was such a blood feud!  Seeing the octopuses attacking him so densely, Zhang Wei's legs became a little weak.  Good guy, this is really the first time he has encountered this scene.  In the sea, he had encountered many kinds of swarms of marine life, but this was the first time he had seen a large group of octopuses attacking together.  But at this time, he no longer had the heart to think about this. Saving his life was more important.  "You bastards, get out of my way!" Zhang Wei knew that he had to fight hard at this time, and he couldn't beat him.  This is no longer a matter of two fists being difficult to defeat with four hands, but a human sea tactic.  No, it should be a group chapter tactic!  Zhang Wei waved his two big claws vigorously and smashed out the octopuses one by one.  Under the fear, his attack power was particularly fierce.  combat effectiveness index?It has risen straight up, and its attack power is at least twice as high as usual.  As long as an octopus is hit by his big claws, it will immediately fall several meters and lose its combat effectiveness.  The octopus leader saw that the attack power of these small octopuses was too weak, so he attacked them himself.  Following a huge stream of water, the octopus leader rushed forward and entangled Zhang Wei.  "Ah, it hurts so much!" The octopus leader used strangulation tactics, using eight huge tentacles to kill Zhang Wei.  When the octopus leader attacks, the rest of the octopuses are watching from the side, which can be regarded as arranging for their leader.  If their leader is no match for the enemy, they will attack in groups.  But now it seemed that their leader was more than enough to deal with this big crab, so they did not intervene.  "Ah!" Zhang Wei roared fiercely, using all his strength to suck milk.  It is estimated that the strength bursting out of him at this time is far more than a hundred kilograms, and it is estimated that he has even exceeded the strength of two hundred kilograms.  After all, this is his dying struggle, and it is normal for his potential to explode at this time.  Because of Zhang Wei¡¯s fierce struggle, the eight tentacles of the octopus leader were bounced away by his strength.  But before he could escape, eight tentacles wrapped around his body again.  "Damn it, I'll fight you!" Zhang Wei was a little desperate.  He twisted his ten crab legs vigorously, trying to give the octopus a little kick.  But the octopus leader entangled him tightly, not even giving him a chance to attack.  Gradually, Zhang Wei felt a little suffocated.  The strength in my body seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and my body seems to be getting weaker and weaker.  "No, I'm really going to die if this goes on! I have to find a way." Faced with the approach of death, Zhang Wei couldn't calm down at all.  At the critical moment, Zhang Wei thought of a way to cheat his death.  He immediately gathered up his body's strength and acted as if Yifu was suffocating to death.  The octopus leader did not let go of him right away, but held him tightly for almost another minute.  At this time, Zhang Wei was really dying. Fortunately, the big octopus finally released its terrifying tentacles.  "Damn, it's trying to eat me!" Zhang Wei tried hard to resist the urge to do something, because he was no match for this big octopus.  Moreover, there were hundreds of large and small octopuses around him, and Zhang Wei had to calm down at this time.  He had to find the right moment to hit the target.  The octopus leader rolled up Zhang Wei and pushed him into his mouth. The huge mouthparts were fully opened and looked very scary.  Even though Zhang Wei's body length is more than 70 centimeters, if his leg length is not included, the width of his body is actually only about 16 centimeters.  The body of this big octopus is more than three meters long, and the size of its head is about seventy or eighty centimeters. When the huge mouthparts are fully opened, it is estimated to be more than twenty centimeters. It is simply terrifying.  When the octopus leader wanted to eat Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei exploded.  He shrunk his body sharply, and then suddenly penetrated into the octopus leader's mouth, and ten powerful crab legs suddenly opened.  "Roar!" The octopus leader suddenly let out a fierce cry, and its eight powerful tentacles swung around like whips.  Several octopuses next to him were beaten to death by it in one fell swoop.  Zhang Wei continued to make waves in the octopus leader's mouth, thrusting his crab legs into its body again and again.  The octopus leader tried hard to spit out Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei wouldn't come out.  Ten crab legs were stuck tightly inside, so the octopus leader wanted to bite the hateful big crab to death with the teeth in his mouth, but he was able to hold on.  "Hmph, I am the Sun Wukong hiding in the Rakshasa girl's belly now - I can do whatever I want!" Zhang Wei thought proudly.  The injured octopus leader went crazy. He waved his tentacles and killed dozens of octopuses, and then swam away like crazy.  Only a boatload of octopus descendants were left standing there stupidly.  They couldn't understand - how could the situation be reversed?  Originally, my leader had already secured victory, so how could this happen?
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