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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 24 Trap

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    After crawling several hundred meters on the seabed, Zhang Wei dared to look behind him.  Fortunately, the octopuses didn't chase him, which made him relieved.  One or two octopuses are not scary, but a group of octopuses is very scary.  After relaxing, Zhang Wei found that the octopus in the jar was still squirming.  "No way, this octopus is not dead yet?" Zhang Wei thought in surprise.  His two thin legs almost penetrated his body. If he still didn't die, then his vitality was too strong.  With strong curiosity, he wanted to get this octopus out.  When he took the octopus out of the jar, Zhang Wei found that the octopus was already dead.  It's just that the muscles of this octopus are still squirming, which should be the same as the gecko's tail still beating after falling off.  Although octopus is considered a delicacy, he lost his appetite when he saw its tentacles squirming.  This thing looks disgusting, not to mention eating it raw!  In addition, Zhang Wei had recently bought a lot of delicious things through Hayata Saburo, so he naturally looked down upon this octopus.  So he threw away the dead octopus and swam toward the beach with the jar.  On the way back, Zhang Wei caught and killed several conchs.  With his current size, he would need to eat two or three conchs at each meal to be full.  Normally, he would adjust his taste appropriately. Sometimes he would hunt conchs, and sometimes he would hunt fish, and the types of fish were also different.  Through this method of adjusting taste, his appetite has been maintained well.  Recently he felt that he had grown a little taller, maybe a centimeter or two.  After eating to his satisfaction, he returned to the beach.  He and Saburo Hayata have made an appointment to deliver the goods at six o'clock in the evening.  Zhang Wei has taken a closer look at the jar in his hand. It is a large blue and white character jar.  It's a pity that there is no mark on the bottom. It is probably a folk kiln porcelain from the Ming Dynasty at that time.  Zhang Wei was very disappointed when he saw that it was not an official kiln.  The price difference between official kilns and private kilns is really huge, sometimes even dozens or hundreds of times.  Soon after, he gave the big blue and white character can to Saburo Hayata.  This guy went to the market to inquire. Although this thing is not from an official kiln, it is also a fine product from a folk kiln in the Ming Dynasty. It is also a large figure jar and is worth more than two million yen.  As soon as he heard that this thing was quite valuable, Zhang Wei became interested.  Recently, he hoped that Saburo Hayata could buy the beach where they met. He consulted - buying this beach would cost about 90 million yen, which is equivalent to almost 900,000 US dollars.  According to Zhang Wei¡¯s idea - after buying this beach, he can surround the entire beach with a wall.  In Japan, private land is off-limits.  In this way, the security of their transactions can be effectively guaranteed.  And more importantly - Zhang Wei already misses human life a little bit.  He wants to watch TV, listen to songs, play on the computer, and eat all kinds of delicious food.  After turning into a killer crab, he lived a life worse than a pig or a dog.  They eat raw animals and fear for their lives every day.  He has had enough of this kind of life, and he hopes to make this beach his own secret base.  After this secret base is completed, this will be his bridgehead in the human world.  He can freely travel between the land and the sea. As long as he does not go out of the scope of this beach, everything he needs can be bought with money.  And since Saburo Hayata is his spokesperson, he has the obligation to do this for him.  In the end, the large blue and white jar was sold for US$23,000, a price that still made Zhang Wei quite satisfied.  But consider that the price of this beach alone is $900,000.  A larger amount of construction fees will be needed in the future, plus Saburo Hayata's labor fees, the gap will still be huge.  In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, Zhang Weixian had a good talk with Saburo Hayata.  The guy had made hundreds of thousands of dollars by bartering a few times in the past.  But there won't be such a good thing in the future. Zhang Wei is not a fool, so naturally he can't keep selling his treasures at cabbage prices!  After negotiations, Zhang Wei and Saburo Hayata agreed that Zhang Wei would be responsible for salvaging the treasures from the seabed, while Saburo Hayata would be responsible for taking action.  After the matter was completed, the two divided the sum 50-50.  Although Saburo Hayata may make some small moves during the transaction, such an agreement is meant to guard against gentlemen rather than villains.  If Saburo Hayata is too black-hearted, once Zhang Wei finds out, he may break off this contact at any time.  I believe he should be able to tell which one is more important!  "Hayata-kun, I believe you also know a saying - only thin water can flow! Since I trust you so much, I hope you won't let me down!" Zhang Wei gestured with his feet on the beach.  "Mr. Crab, don't worry. I, Saburo Hayata, am not such a person. For this reason, IStill understand.  "Saburo Hayata said seriously. He also knew that the demand for the goods of the big crab in front of him was limited after all, so the barter business would definitely not last long. Therefore, he thought that the method proposed by the killer crab was actually very good.  Well, he can guarantee the interests of both parties for a long time. As long as he is not blinded by the little profit in front of him, he will definitely become a famous businessman in Japan. Thinking of this, Saburo Hayata's eyes became more determined.  If the killer crab does nothing to harm the human world, then you should be his spokesperson faithfully. After all, this kind of good thing only happens once among the seven billion people in the world. After negotiating the terms, Zhang Wei started to do it frequently!  After going in and out of the Octopus Demon Cave, he soon took out more than 20 pieces of exquisite porcelain from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.  It was a popular item smuggled into Japan at that time. Because these porcelains were smuggled goods, they were not exported, and they were fine products from private kilns, so the price was quite good. A total of more than 20 pieces of porcelain were sold for more than 640,000 yuan.  According to their agreement, Zhang Wei can get half of it, which is 320,000 U.S. dollars. Just as Zhang Wei's wallet is getting fuller, the octopus on the sunken ship has already hated him.  This nasty big crab visits the shipwreck almost every day, takes away a piece of porcelain, and kills an octopus at the same time. This makes the group of octopuses very angry. You know, octopuses are very smart in the ocean.  Animals. In general, octopuses are unique animals. It is rare for a large group of octopuses to live in a sunken ship like this. This requires a special environment for the young octopuses to pass through themselves.  They learn to adapt to complex environments. And scientific research shows that octopuses have very developed brains. If their lifespan is only four or five years, this terrible thing may threaten us humans.  They actually have the ability to think and learn, which is almost the specialty of humans. So when many scientists knew this, they were shocked. There were some old guys among the octopus on the sunken ship.  The leader is a big octopus with a body length of three meters. It has lived for decades. Although its intelligence is not as intelligent as that of a human being of several decades, it is still as intelligent as a 16-year-old child. Targeting Zhang Wei.  The octopus leader was very angry about the daily attacks, so he planned a trap and waited for Zhang Wei to come again. This was a very cunning old octopus, but Zhang Wei didn't realize it yet!  There was a trap waiting for him to fall into it.
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