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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1415 to 1416, Trap

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    Although this batch of Ba snakes is smaller in number than the previous batch of Ba snakes, with only more than 20,000, their strength is more than 70% stronger than the previous batch of Ba snakes.  This is a qualitative leap. Their parents have already been implanted with a trace of divinity by Cheng Kong.  Although only the dozens of Ba snakes that left seeds inherited a trace of divinity and became somewhat stronger, the remaining Ba snakes were also conceived from the same mother and were tainted with some of the benefits of divinity, thus evolving.  Better than their parents.  But even if those angels got their corpses, it would be impossible to find the divine aura from them.  After Cheng Kong repeatedly cultivated the Ba Snake for several generations, the Ba Snake placed on the first plane of the Stone Tool gave the Archangel a bit of a headache.  In just one month, the angelic legion that His Excellency the Archangel brought into the Stone 1st Plane suffered all casualties, and reinforcements were also added, with the total number of casualties exceeding 10 million.  These snakes are extremely cunning and will never gather in one place. They have recently learned to dig holes and hide themselves deeply.  Their snake sense is extremely keen. If they smell the appearance of a large group of angels, they would rather be burned to death in the ground by the holy flame meteor shower created by the angels than move. This naturally reduces the chance of exposure.  And if a small group of angels passes by, these snakes will not be polite. They only need to quietly stick their heads out of the hole covered by thatch and suck hard. Those angels may not even know how they died.  Your Excellency the Archangel has now completely become a firefighter.  These snakes can be called unlimited combat experts. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Out out of the Bashe, even a new god would be buried under the endless army of angels.  "When any Ba snake's scales are used against a lightsaber, it will be split open by at most two swords.  Of course, Ba Snake can sustain itself for a long time with its huge size.  The daily losses give His Excellency the Archangel a headache.  Fortunately, the reinforcements of several archangels are about to arrive on Stone One.  This made the Archangel both expectant and a little uncomfortable.  In addition to being pious to the Lord of Light, the Archangel level also possesses some emotions.  It is the pursuit of every archangel to become the highest-ranking angel under the Lord of Light.  If the Archangel can deal with these snakes on his own, then this contribution will be enough to elevate the Archangel's rank from fifth to first.  Of course, if you want to maintain it for a long time, you need more credit.  Your Excellency the Archangel does not know that everything on the Stone Plane No. 1 appears on a finger-sized ball of light.  This ball of light is suspended in front of Cheng Kong's true form, which is sitting cross-legged in the belly of the island turtle.  This ball of light is the plane projection that Cheng Kong abducted from the gathering place of consciousness in the multiverse when he was promoted to a powerful god.  Under the temptation of Ba Snake.  The angel army finally entered the trap.  Although if we close the net now, we can catch one archangel and millions of angels, but for Cheng Kong, this is far from enough.  Once this plane projection is used, it is considered useless. Wouldn¡¯t it be too wasteful to just use it to deal with an archangel?  In order to prevent these angels from noticing the danger and escaping, Cheng Kong had to force the snakes to lurk.  Make sneak attacks from time to time, but do not launch a general attack.  Soon, the first archangel appeared in the stone plane No. 1.  "Harvey, I have brought 30 million angels, which is enough to crush all enemies into powder!" "Don't be too optimistic, Iuni!" Until then, Cheng Kong just learned from the conversation between the two archangels.  I learned the name of the archangel.  This is all due to the competition between archangels.  Since spiritual links are usually used for communication between superiors and subordinates, when the archangels talk to each other, they somewhat reject this method of contact. Instead, they use a lower-level and backward method of making sounds through air vibration.  Thirty million angels?  Cheng Kong looked at the plane projection and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The Lord of Light has such a profound background.  An archangel can casually bring 30 million angels into battle. According to the gods' habit of not easily revealing their trump cards, in that bright continent.  The number of angels is probably in the billions.  "Counterattack! Increase the harassment! If you have the chance, try to kill the angel!" Cheng Kong quietly conveyed this meaning to the spiritual clone who was still commanding Ba Snake in the Stone Tool No. 1 plane through plane projection.  ? ?Soon, before the conversation between the two archangels Iuni and Harvey ended, the angel army patrolling the Stone 1 plane was harassed as never before.  Those snakes emerged from the ground and flew towards the angels in the sky. After one breath, there was another burst of fireballs.  Lightning spurted out, and after killing a large number of angels, the snakes burrowed back into the ground before the angels in the distance arrived.  Follow the underground passage that has been opened up and drill deeper and further into the ground. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The number of Ba snakes in the Stone Tool No. 1 plane has exceeded one hundred thousand, and this number of Ba snakes has almost drilled the crust of the No. 1 stone tool plane into a sieve, like a termite nest, with dense passages crisscrossing it.  Of course, if those angels try to pursue the snake through these passages, they will be dead ends.  Any snake can easily eat delicious snacks as long as it stays deep in the passage.  The sharp increase in attacks on angels made the eyes of the two archangels burst into anger.  Especially Archangel Iuni, who has just arrived on the Stone 1st Plane, thinks this is a provocation to himself, and those long reptiles need to be severely punished!  But in the next week, Archangel Yiwuni spent all his strength to kill less than a thousand snakes.  Even if Archangel Iuni rushes into the underground passage, it will be difficult to find the concentration point of those snakes and deal a devastating blow.  As a result, Archangel Iuni had to let go temporarily.  No way, this stone plane No. 1 is not small to begin with. The two archangels alone cannot monitor the entire plane. Although the sky is ruled by angels, the underground is ruled by snakes.  In this case, we can only wait for the other archangels to arrive and join forces to launch a war of destruction on this plane.  Well, this is a general decision made by the Angel Legion for some planes that are difficult to conquer.  A month later, the other three archangels rushed to the Stone Plane One one by one.  A total of 120 million angels were brought, but the last Archangel did not come because he needed to sit in the Light Continent and guard the Lord of Light. ?????????????????????????????????????????? There is also an archangel, everyone knows that he was killed by the natural herder Mixia.  His Majesty Luoshan Tami is promoting a new archangel. In three days at most, a new archangel will appear.  "Then the five archangels gathered together, and millions of angels were busy on the ground. They dug thin trenches on the ground and sprinkled some crystal powder into them.  It seems that they are creating a magic circle to destroy the first plane of stone? ? ? On this point, never doubt the vision of a powerful god.  Although Cheng Kong has never seen such a magic circle, judging from its already constructed part of the structure, it is not difficult to deduce its final effect.  This magic circle should activate the origin of the plane, and then cause the entire plane to collapse by destroying the origin of the plane.  Of course, Cheng Kong had to admit it.  Rosantharmi's efforts are not small.  You must know that if you want to build such a magic circle, the most critical thing is the transparent powder.  Cheng Kong didn¡¯t know its name in the multiverse, but he also knew that this powder contained a large amount of extremely unstable space energy.  In short, this thing is not something that ordinary gods can afford. When the void energy tide occurs, they need to obtain a crystal from the energy tide at the cost of the lives of countless angels, and after grinding it, they can obtain this kind of powder.  It can be calculated from this.  I'm afraid that just a portion of powder the size of a fist would represent more than 20,000 angels.  At this time, the array has just been constructed to cover an area of ??100 square meters, and thousands of powders have been consumed. If the entire array is constructed, the amount of powder consumed may exceed 5,000.  In other words, in order to completely eliminate those snakes, the archangels even did not hesitate to consume the treasures that were exchanged for the lives of hundreds of millions of angels.     Um.  In essence, the intentions of both sides are the same, they both want to use the plane of destruction to destroy the enemy.  But the calculations here are of different levels.     Um?  Cheng Kong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw the higher positions of the archangels.  There was actually a ball of light floating in the air with a faint golden light.  There is no doubt that this is a spiritual clone.  At first, Cheng Kong thought it was his spiritual clone, but after a blink of an eye, Cheng Kong realized that his spiritual clone was currently ten thousand meters underground, so how could it possibly come to such a high altitude.  In this way, the identity of this golden ball of light??Nature appeared.  It is the spiritual avatar of Luoshan Tami, the Lord of Light!  This is a strange thing.  The archangels of Lathander are busy destroying the plane, while his spiritual clone is quietly hiding aside.  Is it a supervisor?  Cheng Kong chuckled and shook his head.  How is this possible? If these angels are natives recruited from a certain plane, maybe Lathander has the possibility of supervision, but the obedience of these angels of light to the Lord of Light is even higher than their own lives.  There is no need for Shanda Mi to send out a spiritual clone to supervise.  With that being said, there is only one possibility left.  The real purpose of Lathander's spiritual clone sneaking into this plane quietly is to find out the mastermind behind this. After all, many times, if you stand aside and watch, you can easily find more clues. ?? Okay, speaking of which, this is actually a bit ridiculous.  You must know that in the remaining memories of Poseidon Les Ambry, the Lord of Light, His Majesty Rosantami, was the mastermind behind many things. It is even said that two powerful gods fell due to the battle between gods.  The Lord has an important involvement.  In fact, Cheng Kong felt that considering the way the Lord of Light did things, it was more appropriate to rename him the Lord of Darkness.  Just when Cheng Kong was staring at the spiritual clone of the Lord of Light, the spiritual clone seemed to feel that there was a pair of well-intentioned eyes looking at him, so the spiritual clone shook his body uneasily.  .  But seeing that this spiritual clone was a little aware, Cheng Kong immediately looked away.  Without Cheng Kong looking directly at it, the golden ball of light returned to calm. Although golden light shone around it, those angels did not realize that the gods they believed in were floating above their heads, and they used their spiritual thoughts to explore the surroundings.  After all, this is just a spiritual clone, and its power is far inferior to the incarnation.     certainly.  If it were an incarnation, I'm afraid it would be a little difficult to sneak into this plane quietly like this.  After all, any plane will have a great repelling force for existences that exceed the limit to enter, and efforts will be made to exclude such existences from the plane.  Even if this being can insist on not exiting the plane, its strength will be reduced due to the repulsive power of the plane.  As for existences such as spiritual clones, most of the time they will not cause rejection from the plane. At most, they will only be limited in their strength.  But that¡¯s exactly what it is.  This spiritual clone did not really notice Cheng Kong's prying eyes. If Luosanda's true body was here, I am afraid that at that moment, Luosanda would have discovered the problem.  But with this spiritual clone of Laosanda, Cheng Kong felt that even if he destroyed the entire plane, it would be worthwhile.  The magic circle is constantly being constructed under the busy work of the angels.  But Cheng Kong did not take action immediately.  If only these angels were present, Cheng Kong would be able to kill them 100% if he took action immediately. However, with the addition of Luoshan Tami's spiritual clone, it would be difficult to kill them 100%.  Therefore, Cheng Kong needs to wait for a while.  Soon, the huge magic circle with a diameter of more than a kilometer was finally completed with the efforts of a large number of angels.  This huge magic circle looks very ordinary, round and five-pointed.  There are no more features other than those extremely fine lines.  In fact, the real effect of this huge magic circle is the transparent powder that the angels sprinkled into the ditch, and the magic circle itself only plays a role in guiding energy.  After opening several space doors, the five archangels stood at the five corners of the magic circle.  And a large number of angels began to gather here.  ?Obviously, these archangels are not willing to lose more angels. Before activating the magic circle of this destruction plane, they plan to send most of the angels back to the Bright Continent to ensure the safety of these angels.     certainly.  Just in case, there are still more than 10 million angels who will stay in this plane until the plane is destroyed.  As for how many of these left-behind angels can escape, it depends on luck.  In the eyes of the archangels, this is a necessary sacrifice.  In order to defend the honor of His Majesty Losanne, any sacrifice is worth it.  But Cheng Kong was not very satisfied with the plans of these archangels.  If most of those angels are allowed to evacuate.  Cheng Kong felt that most of his plans were ruined.  Therefore, just when the archangels began to prepare to activate the magic circle, what was originally just a harassment intensityThe huge number of snakes actually emerged from the ground and rushed towards the direction of the magic circle.  The movement caused by hundreds of thousands of snakes gathering towards the direction of the magic circle from all directions.  It was enough to make the earth shake continuously and make violent roaring sounds.  This movement naturally attracted the attention of the archangels.  However, they were not surprised by this kind of movement. After a while, the angel army, which had already evacuated some, lifted the evacuation order and turned and rushed in the direction of the snakes.  ¡°Obviously, in the eyes of the archangels, the actions of these snakes are seeking death.  Under the front of an army of angels numbering over 100 million, not to mention these 100,000 snakes, even if the number is larger, I am afraid that in the end they will just be dead.  Of course, even so, the archangels did not stop activating the magic circle.  Destroying the entire plane is an oracle from Rosantami, so this goal must be achieved no matter what.  As the archangels raised their weapons one after another, beams of light scattered from their weapons and fell on the magic circle. The lines on the magic circle then flickered, and the transparent powder that was originally scattered in the ditch began to shine.  It began to burn under the guidance of light, releasing traces of transparent fluctuations.  These transparent fluctuations are the space energy contained in them that is gradually guided out.  ?Obviously, it will take a certain amount of time for this magic circle to be fully operational.  And in the outer area more than a thousand kilometers away from here, Ba She has already fought with the angel army.  The hundred thousand snakes were divided into three waves, and those who took turns opened their huge mouths to breathe high into the sky, sucking in the groups of angels that had just arrived and sucking them into their mouths like pulling strings.  In just a few minutes, more than five million angels became the food of the snake.  But this is only the beginning of the battle.  As the number of angels continues to increase, Ba Snake begins to be unable to resist.  After all, after every three breaths of these snakes, they need tens of breaths of rest time before they can inhale and attack again. Although this interval time is somewhat made up by the three-segment wave, due to the difference in quantity, it is very difficult to deal with it anyway.  It¡¯s hard to stick to it perfectly.  Especially after the Angel Legion was divided into several directions and quickly approached the Ba Snake from high altitude, ground, mid-air, etc., some of the Ba Snake had to spray fireballs and lightning to block the Angel's progress.  The angel army pushed forward directly with an absolute numerical advantage. Even if Ba She used all his strength, it was impossible to stop the attack of these angels.  Almost in the blink of an eye, the first Boba snake at the front was covered by a vast expanse of white angels.  The brutal screams formed a wave of sound, and many angels flew away and were directly crushed into meat patties.  Countless angels clung to the snake's body, inserting the lightsabers in their hands into the gaps between the snake's scales.
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