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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1413 to 1414, Chase

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    So another wave of tragedy struck the Angels of Light.  A continuous and extremely strong suction force was generated after a moment. Except for a few light angels, most of the light angels were sucked into the belly of the snake again.  Some Ba snakes were very dissatisfied, so they devoured many less angels of light than their own kind.  No way, after the first wave of suction, the number of light angels was reduced to 30%, and there was simply no way to satisfy all the snakes.  What makes people speechless is that some full-fed snakes actually coiled themselves directly on the ground and began to fall asleep.  Living without natural enemies makes them lose some vigilance towards the outside world.  Of course, if it were not for encountering war weapons such as the Light Angels, Ba Snake would really not have many natural enemies.  After the two waves of suction passed, there were no more than one hundred thousand angels left.  "Evil sinners, please accept my Lord's salvation quietly." The remaining dozens of four-winged angels flew high into the sky one after another. After flying to a height where they thought there was no danger, they murmured one after another.  .  As they murmur, countless rays of light gather from all directions, a bit of golden light emerges from the tips of their swords, and a trace of coercion naturally forms between the heaven and the earth.  After suffering heavy losses, these four-winged angels resolutely began to summon the power of Lathander, the Lord of Light, and prepared to wipe out all these monsters who did not know where they came from.  Seeing a trace of golden light coming from the four-winged angel's lightsaber, these snakes are not fools. They can clearly detect the coming danger with their beast instincts.     Whirring whirring.  The snakes immediately opened their huge mouths again and inhaled hard. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Inhale three times in a row in a short period of time.  It can be considered a relatively large burden.  Therefore, some of the Ba snakes simply opened their mouths and sprayed a series of magic attacks high into the sky.  Ba Snake's spells are faster and more powerful than those of the heavy artillery angels. Just using Ba Snake's huge size as a guide can condense its magic power a hundred times more than that of the heavy artillery angels.  Just between inhaling and releasing the spell, the remaining angels suffered another disaster, and most of them were removed.  But in the end, there were less than thirty four-winged angels.  Finally released the ultimate move.  More than twenty golden rays of light gathered together, like a golden sun floating high in the sky, sweeping out.  In the blink of an eye, bottomless slender ditches were carved out on the ground.  Any snake on the path where the golden light passes through will not be able to be blocked by its extremely hard scales, just like lard cut open by a hot beef knife.  A moment later.  Thousands of snakes turned into several sections struggling on the ground.  Because the golden light carries extremely high temperatures.  The extremely smooth incision was instantly scorched, and no blood flowed out. In addition, the snake's vitality was extremely tenacious.  This allows those snakes that have been cut into several pieces to still survive tenaciously.  But this only prolongs their pain. Ba snakes are not divine creatures yet. Besides, their recovery ability has not evolved to the point of regenerating their tails.  Therefore, even if you are not dead now, you will be dead after staying for two days and three nights at most.  Seeing similar injuries, the violent factor in those snakes seemed to be ignited.  Some snakes rushed straight into the sky and pounced on the remaining angels.  And some other snakes concentrated their spells to cover the sky where the angels were.  As for breathing in with a huge mouth.  After three times in a row, the Pakistani snakes seemed a little tired. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of 1000 blowjobs  But even so, they can also spit lightning, fireballs, venom and other spell attacks.  This is completely a life-and-death battle. It is impossible for this battle to stop until one side is completely wiped out.  Golden light streaked down from the sky towards the ground. There was no splash of blood, no screams, only the scorched smell silently drifting around, and angels falling from the sky from time to time.  Just when the second ray of golden light cut through the air from the tip of the lightsaber and shot to the ground, the faces of the four-winged angels turned pale, and an illusory figure appeared behind them, which looked as if it would break with the slightest touch.  generally.  For these four-winged angels, borrowing the power of the Lord of Light can certainly kill everyone, but fundamentally speaking, the soul core of the four-winged angels cannot withstand the crushing power of that kind of power.  While borrowing power, as aThe soul core that guides power needs to directly bear the aftermath of the release of power.  It¡¯s like installing a fuse that can only withstand two hundred milliamps of current in a one-hundred-amp fuse box. If the current is slightly larger, the fuse will be blown directly.  This is completely a method of killing three thousand enemies and annihilating them all.  Therefore, the four-winged angel will not use this move when attacking many planes.  But at this critical juncture, not to mention releasing it three times will cause the core of the soul to collapse directly. Even if it is released once, it will lead to collapse. I am afraid these four-winged angels will release their power without hesitation.  Of course, in this case, even if their soul cores are recycled, there is no possibility of resurrection.  The last ten golden rays of light disappeared completely less than a hundred meters away from the ground, and the remaining ten four-winged angels closed their eyes on their own and fell from the sky.  The borrowed power of the Lord of Light directly destroyed the soul cores of the four-winged angels for the third time. Although their bodies appeared to be intact, they had actually completely lost their vitality.  The snakes hissed in victory, vying for the four-winged angels that fell from the sky.  "Compared to their own heavy losses, these snakes prefer these small desserts.  In their previous devouring, they have discovered that these bird-men with two pairs of wings are more nutritious than those with one pair of wings, and even after devouring them, their spirits will become more vigorous.  It's as refreshing as staying up late watching football and drinking beer.  Near these snakes, a faint golden figure slowly emerged.  This pale golden figure is not the incarnation of Cheng Kong, because he is worried about exposing himself too early.  What Cheng Kong sent was a spiritual clone. Although it did not carry much divine power, it was more concealed than the incarnation. As long as Laosanda was not looking directly at it, even Laosanda's spiritual clone was not easy to detect.  Cheng Kong, the spiritual clone.  And this spiritual clone has been observing the surroundings and counting the battle between the snake and the angel.  Assessing the combat effectiveness of these snakes.  Although this was only the first battle, Ba Snake still performed well, which made Cheng Kong quite satisfied.  You must know that in Cheng Kong's eyes, these snakes are just eliminated products.     certainly.  Since it is a eliminated product, it naturally has some flaws.  Its biggest flaw is its poor mobility, inability to avoid deadly threats, and its limited means of attack.  There is also a very poor tactical awareness.  Don't know how to cooperate at all. ???????????????? Well, if you use the standards of angels to measure Ba Snake, it would really make people a little speechless. ?????????????? But Bashe¡¯s mindless air-inhalation flow play is quite good.  ¡°At least those angels suffered heavy losses due to their lack of precautions. Although the four-winged angels later used their skills to kill more than two thousand snakes, they still could not hide the difference between the two sides.  If there was a melee between the two sides, I am afraid that the loss of the snake would be heavier than that of the angel. After all, the angel's lightsaber can easily cut through the scales of the snake.  ??If the two sides distance themselves, and the four-winged angels are not willing to die together.  Then it is the victory of the Pakistani snake.  Of course, Cheng Kong felt that this was enough.  After all, these snakes can be considered waste.  Being able to achieve a battle loss ratio of three million to two thousand under the conditions of a surprise attack is enough to be proud of.  You should be ready to change positions.  Chengkong¡¯s spiritual clone looked into the distance. In his induction, another space gate opened, and a large number of light angels poured out from it.  Quietly, the coordinates of this space gate were memorized. Although the spiritual clone only memorized 30% of the space coordinates, it was enough, and there would be another chance in the future.  After the spiritual clone opened a space gate, a large group of snakes filed in and disappeared into the forest plane.  Not long after, a long white stream of light flew from a distance. When the white stream of light stopped, an archangel whose whole body was shrouded in milky white flames emerged.  After the archangel emerged, he looked at the messy battlefield and couldn't help but change his expression. He stretched out his hand to grab a white feather that was floating in the sky and sniffed it gently, with a trace of anger appearing on his face.  Although the archangel doesn¡¯t know exactly what is going on here, it can clearly know that all the more than three million angels who invaded this forest plane have suffered casualties!  And there are abnormal spatial fluctuations here.  This means that the space gate has been opened here before.  The archangel knelt down high in the sky and began to pray devoutly.  After a few interest rates, an incomparableA huge amount of power descended from the sky, scanning the place several times before receding.  The Archangel does not have the ability to track the direction of space fluctuations, but the Lord of Light does. Therefore, after a ray of power from the Lord of Light came, and after searching, the Archangel immediately obtained the previously opened space coordinates.  At this point, it is no longer difficult for the archangel.  A burst of invisible fluctuations spread out, and soon countless angels gathered densely. After the archangel waited for most of the angels to arrive, he immediately tore open the cracks in space to form a space gate.  After giving the order, the angel army filed in immediately.  In another dimension, tens of thousands of snakes coiled into snake formations, raising their thick necks and stretching into the air. The snakes stretched out continuously and made a hissing sound.  The sound from one Ba snake was only slightly louder, but the sound of more Ba snakes gathered together was like thunder and lightning, making the surrounding area completely empty. Whether it was a monster or an ordinary beast, they were all frightened and fled hundreds of miles away.  , as for some creatures that could not escape, they could only hide in the ground and tremble, not daring to make any move.  They seem to be waiting for something.  More than ten minutes passed, and suddenly a black spot formed in the air, then expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a golden shining door.  After the gate was formed, a group of angels soon appeared from inside.  But wait until they look around.  There was a suction force, and the angels were sucked into the mouth of a snake without even uttering a scream.     after.  As the angels continued to pour out, a snake with a head opened its huge mouth and sucked the angels into its mouth.  But the speed of the angels pouring out was too fast, and in the blink of an eye there were more than hundreds of thousands.  But this was exactly what the Ba Snake meant, and more Ba Snakes opened their huge mouths.  Well, the angel¡¯s fueling tactics made the angel completely fill the snake¡¯s belly.  However, the archangel on the other side of the space gate seemed to have noticed something was wrong.  But wait until it crosses the space door and appears.  Those snakes had already fled.  In this way, the archangel and the snake chased and escaped, chasing for several planes continuously.  Every time you catch up to a plane.  The anger in the archangel's heart will rise a little.  This kind of chasing battle is really not what the Archangel is good at.  ¡°If it weren¡¯t for the fact that an archangel had already died before, I¡¯m afraid that this archangel would have taken the lead and rushed to the front instead of lagging behind.  There is no way, His Majesty Luoshan Tami has issued a strict order.  An archangel must not take risks alone.  For the Lord of Light.  Each archangel has spent a lot of divine power to improve itself. Although it is not as good as the consumption of the incarnation, it cannot be consumed at will.  To be honest, this order from the Lord of Light was just right. If it were not like this, I am afraid that the archangel may not be able to escape the suction of tens of thousands of snakes.  Although the Archangel's combat power is strong, if it gets into the belly of the Bas snake, hehe.  It will also be melted and absorbed.  Of course, in this chase.  It's not just the angels who are losing, the snakes are also losing a lot.  After suffering heavy losses several times, those angels also changed their tactics. Once they broke out of the space gate, they would quickly increase their altitude. If they were closer to the ground, they would dive directly to get close to the ground.  After losing its suction effect, the snake's lethality against angels will be greatly weakened.  The archangel didn¡¯t know how long this chase would last, and it was almost losing its cool.  Fortunately, after chasing five planes in a row, those damn reptiles finally stopped escaping, and instead parted and returned to fight the angels.  As for more Ba snakes, they spread towards this plane. They seemed to be preparing to use this plane as a temporary nest.  This is a plane with a relatively ordinary environment, with mountains, water, rivers and seas, and intelligent species are still in the most primitive Stone Age.  Cheng Kong previously named this plane Stone Plane No. 1.  For the stubborn resistance of the snakes, His Excellency the Archangel expressed his great welcome.  For the Angel Legion, they are not afraid of powerful enemies, nor are they afraid of enemies like the tide, but they are afraid of enemies that keep running away.  To destroy such an enemy, the price to pay is higher than dealing with other enemies.  Your Majesty the Archangel supervised the formation, and the angel legion surrounded and suppressed the more than 3,000 snakes who had stayed behind to snipe with overwhelming force, and then divided into several torrents and chased the escaped snakes.  According to the Archangel, as long as these reptiles stop running aroundIf so, elimination is only a short-term problem.  No matter how many angels you lose, as long as you can destroy the enemy, it will be worth it.  What¡¯s more, His Excellency the Archangel seemed to have discovered something during the chase.  After contacting the Lord of Light, His Majesty Losander showed great concern and authorized the Archangel to dig out the backstage of these snakes!  Yes, what the Archangel discovered is exactly related to Cheng Kong.  But the Archangel didn¡¯t seem to know that the memories it searched from the mind of the dead snake were just bait deliberately left by Cheng Kong.  No matter how hard it was, Cheng Kong could not carelessly leave things related to him to the enemy.  You must know that even some weak gods have the ability to look back for information.  ¡° If Cheng Kong left a trace of his own aura, then once it falls into the hands of Luosanda, Cheng Kong¡¯s divine kingdom may be searched for.  Therefore, all the memories of Ba Snake were modified in key parts by Cheng Kong directly mobilizing his divine power.  Your Excellency the Archangel could only find some scenes from these memories, and these scenes turned out to be scenes of Ba Snake worshiping a god.  Who is this god? I can¡¯t tell from my memory at all. I only know that it is a god. What the priest¡¯s position is and what the name of the god is are extremely vague. Even His Majesty Luoshan Tami couldn¡¯t help but frowned after seeing it.  There are no clues, and we can only get so little from memory, so Lathander lets the Archangel chase after him. ??????? Luoshan Tami is not just letting the archangel chase him alone, as long as some planes are successfully captured, the other archangels will follow, and this time will not exceed a month.  Even when necessary, His Majesty Luoshan Tami may condense a spiritual clone and rush over. Of course, this will only happen after His Majesty Luoshan Tami promotes the new archangel.  But the ensuing battle did not go as smoothly as the archangel imagined.  After the snakes dispersed, the angel army's initial pursuit was quite effective. Thousands of snakes were hunted to death every day.  Although in this kind of pursuit, on average, dozens of angels will be killed for every Ba snake eliminated, but compared with the previous pursuit battle between planes, the losses were reduced by at least ten times.  But after a month, the Archangel felt that the troops in his hands were not enough.  Not only has the number of Ba Snakes in this plane not decreased, but it is increasing rapidly, and the strength of the new Ba Snakes is much stronger than the previous ones.  This archangel didn¡¯t know that the reason why Ba Snake became stronger the more he killed, the more he killed, the reason was related to Cheng Kong.  Due to the application of the power of time, the lakes in China were once again crowded with snakes.  After selecting the best Ba snakes for breeding, Cheng Kong invested the remaining Ba snakes in the small plane without any hesitation. After a short period of fattening and reproduction, this batch of Ba snakes were once again driven to Stone No. 1  plane.  (To be continued)
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