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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1377 to 1378, Mountain Creation

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    But soon, some townspeople came to the garrison to report the strange creatures and some abnormalities found outside the town.  It has to be said that the brains of people who are eager to make meritorious deeds move faster than ordinary people. After receiving this information, Odecumbus connected the information with those strange bird-man invasions in the blink of an eye.  Of course, even if there is no relationship, Audicamps will find a way to connect the two.  No way, if you want to improve your official position, you have to do it in one fell swoop.  "Follow up! Keep up! Speed ??up!" Audicumbus quickly gathered more than a hundred giant foot soldiers under his command.  Under the supervision of Odecumbus, the Giant Foot soldiers lined up in two rows and rushed towards the location pointed out by the townspeople.  These giant-footed soldiers have extremely strong legs and will not feel much fatigue even if they run for hundreds of kilometers continuously.  As for Audicumbus himself, he followed the team on a six-legged horse.  "In terms of foot strength, Odecumbus, a long-eared tribesman, is far inferior to these giant-footed soldiers.  Fortunately, this six-legged horse is the standard equipment of the garrison commander, so Odecumbus can keep up with his team.  After arriving at the location provided by the townspeople, Audicamps quickly discovered some strange traces.  The most important thing is that he saw a large scorpion, about two meters long.  Since the development of the three-eyed plane, there are very few creatures that have not been recorded.  So after seeing this big scorpion, Odecumbus's heart skipped a beat.  Yes, this kind of creature that has never appeared within the empire must be the magical beast brought by those birdmen!  Yes, that's it.  After guessing half of the truth, Audicamps immediately ordered: "Seize it!" Obviously, the big scorpion is the engineer angel released by the Brood Angel.  As the Brood Angels continue to cultivate, the number of Engineer Angels increases day by day, and these more Engineer Angels will collect more resources and bring them back.  With such accumulation of cycles, today, a week later, this brood angel has bred more than 500 engineer angels.  It is said that it is possible to breed so many Engineer Angels in just a week with only the few resources that were carried before.  It's already pretty good.  After all, the cost of the Brood Angel is only the nutrients needed to produce thirty elemental angels.  As the number of Engineer Angels increases, the scope of their resource collection will naturally expand.  And Audicumbus happened to meet an engineer angel who was exploring a new area.  Well, the combat effectiveness of the Engineer Angel is almost non-existent. The pair of pliers digging in the soil are okay against ordinary beasts, but against a group of extremely vicious giant-footed soldiers.  Basically, you can only lock in one ending.  "Death!" As several spears penetrated the bodies of the engineer angels who were trying to resist from different angles, the desperate flight over a distance of more than ten kilometers ended.  Next, the Brood Angel hiding a hundred meters underground was also found and killed by Odecumbus.  Throughout the battle, except for the hundreds of engineer angels who defected to other brood angels after the death of the brood angels, the rest of the engineer angels were all killed.  So far, Audi Campbell has achieved brilliant results.  After dragging the corpses of the dead Brood Angels and even those Engineer Angels back to the town.  The residents of the town suddenly became excited.  To be honest, when the civilization of this magic series develops into a semi-feudal and semi-slavery system, residents above the civilian class can basically say that they have no worries about food and clothing.  After having enough food and clothing, they can have more time to spare, which makes their curiosity far greater than that of intelligent creatures with uneven food and clothing.  After letting the somewhat idle townspeople appreciate his fruitful results for a while, Odecumbus and his people rushed to Black Earth City, the superior city that governs the town, to claim credit and receive rewards.  No matter what.  The Three-Eyed Empire is an empire that has survived all the wars. Although it has had too many comfortable days now, its military system has not completely relaxed.  After receiving the report from Odecumbus, the Lord of Black Earth City naturally did not dare to relax at all, and immediately sent the city defenders to investigate near the town.  As a result of this investigation, three more Brood Angels were destroyed.  However, because the previous Brood Angel was killed, the three Brood Angels began to breed elemental angels to defend themselves, which also caused a lot of losses to the defenders sent by Black Earth City.  But in the end, the Black Earth City defenders won.  Just as the Lord of Black Earth City was cheering,?, when the good news was spread to the Imperial Capital, the lurking Brood Angels officially entered the stage of rapid attack.  The rule Cheng Kong set for the Brood Angels is that the number of Engineer Angels exceeds one thousand.  You can quickly attack the troops.  Soon, the hinterland of the Three-Eyed Empire was attacked by a large number of angels. These angels moved in teams as usual. They were like guerrillas, haunting the villages, towns or transportation lines of the Three-Eyed Empire.     to be honest.  Facing the angel detachment using guerrilla tactics, the leaders of the Three-Eyed Empire really had a headache.  They have never encountered such tactics before, and the generals who were entrusted with the important task of clearing up domestic security were almost forced to hang themselves.  As a result, the armament materials transported to the front line cannot arrive safely and smoothly, and panic is pervasive in the country.  Fortunately, the materials used by the Three-Eyed Empire for war were directly transferred from the reserve warehouse. Otherwise, this war would not have been fought.  The frontline soldiers have no food or clothing, and their relatives in the rear are threatened. I am afraid that most of the soldiers will not have the intention to continue fighting.  All of this was not Cheng Kong¡¯s handiwork, but a plan devised by the angel commanders themselves.  Although those Brood Angels suffered some losses due to some reasons, their impact on the overall situation was not great, and they also played a good interference role.  "At least for now, the Three-Eyed Empire among the seven empires is already half-broken.  With the cooperation from inside and outside, most of the Three Eyes Empire fell, and the Angel Legion's troops were directed towards the imperial capital, forcing His Majesty the Emperor to retreat to the seaside, ready to flee to foreign countries at any time.  It has to be said that the Angel Legion has already taken advantage of the three-eyed plane.  As long as the Three-Eyed Empire completely collapses, it will easily trigger a chain effect, making the remaining empires unable to sustain themselves.  Cheng Kong, who is responsible for cultivating the incarnations of angels, has made a new round of adjustments to various angels based on some of the problems exposed by Brood Angels, Engineer Angels, etc.  For a being like Cheng Kong.  As long as you are willing to consume your divine power, you can create new arms.  Well, in fact, subtle modulation consumes very little divine power for Cheng Kong.  In order to avoid the destruction caused by the lack of combat effectiveness of the Brood Angel and the Engineer Angel, Cheng Kong added some soul abilities to the Brood Angel, which simply means the ability to control the thinking of creatures within a certain range.     certainly.  This method of control is not absolutely effective. For those creatures with powerful souls, this control often fails, but it can effectively suppress the opponent's strength.  Furthermore, Cheng Kong also added a hard shell and a mouth that can spit out venom to the Engineer Angel.  Although this kind of modulation cannot deal with those powerful enemies, it can play a lot of role in dealing with ordinary defenders.     The key is.  Such fine-tuning basically does not increase resource consumption much.  Soon, a new batch of Brood Angels once again entered the Three Eyes Plane through the space gate, numbering one thousand.  They were put into the other six empires respectively.  In fact, due to the notification from the Three Eyes Empire, the remaining six empires already knew about the existence of those scorpions and cocoons.  However, due to the vast territory of the country, most of the troops were mobilized to the front line to fight against the Angel Legion, so even the scene of Brood Angels falling from the sky was discovered.  These empires did not have much spare power to destroy them.  As a result, as the Brood Angels began to continuously create angels, the situation in the Three Eyes Plane began to collapse.  The reason for this is that angels have strict discipline like robots. They have corresponding wisdom and can formulate an attack plan within a certain range according to changes in the situation.  And the native creatures of this three-eyed plane basically belong to the realm of being arrogant with the wind and fleeing against the wind.  What's more, angels don't need a complete social system to maintain their war potential. They only need enough Brood Angels to produce more angels, and when Brood Angels grow to a certain level, Brood Angels can  Produce new Brood Angels.  Of course, this kind of production is limited to its own reproduction.  It is not possible to make some direction adjustments to the Brood Angel like Cheng Kong.  But that¡¯s enough.  Although the newly produced Brood Angels take a certain amount of time to grow, as the Engineer Angels take these newly produced Brood Angels to other places, the existences believed by the indigenous creatures in the Three Eyes Plane begin to awaken.  .  Rivers, lakes and seas, this is the existence that indigenous creatures believe in.  Basically, it is a relatively large mountain range in the three-eyed plane.  Lakes, even rivers,Altars or temples have been built by indigenous creatures all over the ocean. As the ruling class, the three-eyed human race promotes the divine right of kings and takes the opportunity to consolidate the foundation of their rule.  And these mountains, lakes, rivers and oceans really give some power to indigenous creatures.  The only problem is that I don¡¯t know whether these mountains, lakes, rivers and oceans are sleeping because they are too large or for some other reason. They have basically never moved.  When the war situation continued to collapse, several major empires had to hold continuous mass ceremonies in major cities in an attempt to awaken the patron saints they believed in.  After realizing this, the angel commanders immediately stepped up their offensive.  Well, by this time, as the number of Brood Angels continues to increase, the Angel Legion no longer needs to add reinforcements through the space gate.  In fact, in terms of quantity, the number of angels is not greater than that of the indigenous warriors. However, due to their advanced tactics and strict discipline, the indigenous warriors are unable to cause greater damage to the angels under the same conditions of strength.  s damage.  But in any case, the indigenous creatures have their own advantages, so even if the number of angels increases sharply, they cannot completely defeat these indigenous creatures in a short time.  As time goes by, the indigenous creatures are almost desperate.  A large number of giant-eyed tribes, long-eared tribes and even giant-footed tribes gather in front of different temples or altars, praying devoutly to their patron saints. They hope that their patron saints will appear and defeat the evil birdmen.  As for the three-eyed royal family, they did not appear in public as usual.  I don¡¯t know what they are doing hiding in the palace.  The long period of no response made the indigenous creatures anxious, and their emotions were filled with fear, uneasiness and even a trace of anger.  But the incarnation of Cheng Kong, who was checking the situation in this plane through his spiritual thoughts, had already sensed some different situations.  Those mountains and lakes have shown stronger reactions, while rivers and oceans seem to be much less active.  However, Cheng Kong had no intention of stopping this from happening.  He wanted to see it.  How exactly will these mountain lakes react?  After all, this is the first time Cheng Kong has seen such a natural being who has been influenced by the power of faith and developed spiritual intelligence. I am afraid there are many more in this multiverse. Therefore, Cheng Kong needs to observe the other party's situation to facilitate handling similar situations in the future.  Problems that may arise.  The first thing to make noise was a mountain range in the Three Eyes Empire, which was located near Black Mountain City.  This is also the origin of the name of Black Mountain City.  "Compared to other similar mountains, the length of this mountain range is much smaller. Perhaps this is why it first made noise?  After all, small creatures are far superior to large creatures in terms of flexibility, and this seems to be confirmed in the mountains.  A violent earthquake initially broke out in Montenegro, causing all the Brood Angels underground near Montenegro to be destroyed and buried.  After the earthquake, the monsters living on the Black Mountain began to riot.  They attacked the nearby angels one after another, with no regard for life or death.  Although these monsters are not strong in strength, their numerical advantage has more or less caused a lot of losses to the nearby angels fighting guerrillas, and the woods that used to provide good concealment effects for the angels have also begun to mutate, and they will even move on their own.  Burn, come and attack the angels.     certainly.  This method does not have much effect. After calculation, earthquakes and monsters cause more damage.  No matter what, it seems that this is the end of Black Mountain¡¯s methods.  If it were just this kind of loss, Cheng Kong could still accept it. After all, compared to the huge number of angels that exceeded one million, this kind of loss was just a drop in the bucket.  But soon, the situation changed.  Those huge mountains, lakes, and rivers.  Something seems to be brewing in the ocean.  "What is this?" A team of engineer angels found something strange in a mountain range while searching for resources.  After receiving the news from the Brood Angel, the commanding angel in charge of this area immediately sent hundreds of giant beast angels to transport this strange thing back and deliver it to the incarnation of the heroic world.  This strange thing is about a hundred meters in size and round in shape.  Like a meatball, the surface is made of rock.  The body surface of this meatball can resist the penetration of the incarnation's spiritual thoughts, so the incarnation of Cheng Kong had to let several giant beast angels dismember it.  When the rock layer on the body surface is peeled off, what is revealed is a body with both rocky and fleshy textures. ?Well, to put it simply, it should be a muscle layer made of rock, but with the elasticity of muscles.  Phew!  A giant beast angel pierced his long sword into the muscle layer, and a greasy-smelling liquid spurted out along the wound, splashing all over the giant beast angel's face.  But this liquid is not harmful in any way.  Cheng Kong¡¯s incarnation dipped a little with his finger and immediately discovered that this liquid was actually very similar to the amniotic fluid of ordinary creatures. The only difference was that there was a large amount of power of faith in this amniotic fluid.  Could it be that this mountain range is preparing to lay an egg?  Cheng Kong couldn¡¯t help but have such strange thoughts pop up in his mind.  Although this idea is a bit weird, such a thing is not impossible.  Not to mention that Cheng Kong used ice coffins to cultivate angels, but there are countless planes in the multiverse, and even weirder things that happen are reasonable.  As the behemoth angel continued to cut, the muscle layer outside the dome was quickly penetrated. After a large amount of amniotic fluid spurted out, the entire dome shriveled up.  But even if the dome is shriveled, you can still see from the shriveled shape that there is a round thing hidden inside.  Without Cheng Kong¡¯s incarnation speaking at all, those giant beasts and angels quickly dismembered the outer layer of the dome.  The next thing that appeared in front of Cheng Kong was a creature shrunk into a circle.  This creature is probably slightly smaller than a giant egg. In terms of appearance, it is similar to arthropod ants on Earth.  To be honest, from the perspective of combat of the creatures themselves, arthropods are really more capable of combat than vertebrates.  The power of arthropods comes from the hydraulic system. For creatures of the same size, arthropods can drag objects dozens or even hundreds of times their own weight. For vertebrates, they can drag objects several times their own weight.  That's great, but as for more detailed mammals, they can usually only drag objects that are lower than their own weight.  Of course, this is only limited to ordinary animals. Those magical creatures and even divine creatures are limited to this.  As for the same divine creatures, it is difficult to determine which one is more powerful, arthropods or mammals.  Of course, this kind of creature cultivated by the mountains is most likely because the intelligence of the mountains is more familiar with the insects that live on them.  No matter what, this is the creation of that mountain range.  Cheng Kong guessed that the mountain range could not move on its own, so he created something to fight on his behalf.  After all, no matter how severe the earthquake is, it will at best destroy some Brood Angels and Engineer Angels, but will not have any lethal effect on other angels flying high in the sky.  On the contrary, those violent earthquakes caused considerable losses to the indigenous creatures, which was regarded as a hindrance to the indigenous creatures.  But for those mountain intelligences, maybe the death of some indigenous creatures is nothing.
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