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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1375 to 1376, Invasion Again

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    In order not to arouse Cheng Kong's possible resentment, Dolisak did not dare to move around and simply lay down in the square.  But the sunshine here was so warm that it didn¡¯t take long for Dolisak to fall into a deep sleep, snoring very loudly from time to time.  Not to mention that Dorisak fell into a deep sleep, Cheng Kong's current incarnation has fixed the scope of their respective affairs.  One avatar is responsible for the missionary affairs in the Orion civilization, while the other two avatars are responsible for debugging and cultivating angels. Another avatar is responsible for the biological basin, one is in charge of the heroic world, one is responsible for the capture of other planes, and the other is responsible for the gods.  National Security, the remaining three incarnations are analyzing the rules.  As for the real body, he has not fallen into a deep sleep now, but is carefully observing the war between the two black masses.  To be honest, Cheng Kong now feels that his avatar is not enough.  It seems that we need to train some assistants.  Cheng Kong turned his attention to the angel army who was preparing to attack another dimension.  "Compared to the Angel Legion that was first built in the past, the current Angel Legion can only be called a real legion.  An angel with a crystal on his forehead is directing his subordinates to gather towards a space door: "Speed! Speed ??up!" This angel is a leader promoted by Cheng Kong's incarnation. Angels like this are now  There are already thousands of them in the Angel Legion.  They received special treatment from Cheng Kong. These angels did not need to participate in the battle. They only needed to direct the angels to fight. Therefore, their physiques were specially strengthened. Even if they were seriously injured, they could recover in a short time.  This ensures the safety of the angel leaders and prevents those angels from collapsing after losing their command.  After being trained to a certain level, these angel leaders will be granted higher rights and status, and can handle some affairs on behalf of Cheng Kong.  This is somewhat different from the Bright Angel Legion in Lathander. After all, the commander of the Bright Angel Legion not only has corresponding command rights, but also has corresponding strength.  In Cheng Kong¡¯s view, this setting is completely unnecessary. ???????????????????? If the commanders really need to go into battle to kill the enemy, then the battle situation of the Angel Legion will be very dangerous.  As for if the commander is not required to go into battle to kill the enemy, then strong strength is a waste for the commander.  Of course, the Angel Legion also needs some powerful battle angels.  However, for now, Cheng Kong has no idea of ??improving the strength of these angels.  Rather than improving the strength of these angels, it is better to cultivate some powerful angels individually.  "Speed, enter!" The voices of the angel leaders came and went. Under the orders, groups of angels filed into the space gate.  This is a plane not too far away from the ancestral plane.  What is different from the ancestral plane is that this plane has actually developed to its peak period.  The intelligent creatures in this plane have developed a highly prosperous and glorious civilization and established several huge empires.  They even began to explore beyond the plane.  In terms of belief, they believe in natural creations such as mountains, rivers and rivers. What is surprising is that due to the long-term influence of faith, these believed in mountains, rivers and rivers have also developed weak spiritual wisdom, and can convert some  Power is fed back to the believer.  Generally speaking, the civilization system in this plane is biased towards the magic series. However, the origin of this magical power is completely derived from the power given by mountains and rivers to transform their physiques.  It should be noted that most of the intelligent creatures here are human beings.  Don¡¯t get it wrong, it¡¯s the human race, not humans. The humans in Cheng Kong¡¯s mouth specifically refer to humans on Earth.  The so-called human race refers to those who have an appearance similar to humans, with limbs and no tails. Well, if the four-armed creatures from the ancestral plane were not too ferocious and not very similar to humans, they should also be classified as human race.  Therefore, these human races are not completely similar to humans, and they are probably divided into several races.  According to the information collected by the angels who quietly sneaked into this plane, these human races are roughly divided into three-eyed tribe, long-eared tribe, giant foot tribe, etc.  Well, because the three-eyed tribe has the most powerful magical power, they occupy a dominant position in this plane.  The seven imperial royal families in the plane all belong to the Three-Eyed Clan.  Below is the Jumu clan, which can be regarded as the traditional nobles in these empires.  Counting down, long ?The ? tribe is the officials of the empire, but the Juzu tribe is the bottom race, playing the role of soldiers, civilians and even slaves.  And the number of racial members of these human races is also increasing from top to bottom.  The three-eyed clan has the smallest number, but the specific number is unknown. After all, these royal members live in heavily guarded palaces, and it is difficult for angels who go to this plane to investigate the situation to detect the specific number.  "However, we have found out the number of the Giant-Eyed Tribe, there are probably millions, the Long-Ear Tribe has tens of millions, and the Giant-Foot Tribe has over 200 million.  "Ordinary people in these human races are much stronger than humans on Earth.  Perhaps it is the gift of mountains and rivers, the four races have their own racial talents from birth.  The racial talents of the Three-Eyed Clan are unknown. The Giant-Eyed Clan can shoot flames from their giant eyes. The Long-Eared Clan can listen to very distant sounds and manipulate some of the power of the wind. The Giant-Footed Clan's racial talents are considered the weakest.  , as long as you step on the earth, you can gain physical strength ten times stronger than humans on earth.  No matter what, this plane named Three Eyes by Cheng Kong is a ripe peach.  So after positioning and opening the space door, a large number of angels swarmed in.  After the invasion of the ancestral plane, the Angel Legion already had some experience. They spread like locusts around the space gate.  The space gate is set up in a remote desert area in the Three-Eyed Plane.  For most planes in their mature and heyday, the emergence of deserts is a normal thing, and some planes are even full of deserts from the day they were born.  Due to the remote location of the space gate, the natives in the three-eyed plane did not notice the angel's appearance at first, until the first city was attacked.  "Retreat!" As the city lord, Shadora of the Jumu Clan looked at the rain of spells that continued to pour down, and had to give the order to retreat with regret.  He has never seen these strange human races with wings, but they are extremely powerful.  Under the attack of hundreds of strange humans, the thousands of Giant Foot warriors under his command were all killed and wounded after being unable to hold on for an hour.  It¡¯s really abominable.  Huangni City has fallen!  Damu City fell!  The Fall of Baili City As a kind of bird-man with wings appeared on the land of the Big Eye Empire, a series of bad news spread from various places to Wanshan City, the capital of the Big Eye Empire.  As the 231st emperor of the Big Eye Empire, Camrodo felt a little exhausted mentally and physically. Even during the Xuanyanmen Incident thirty years ago, Camrodo destroyed his 138th emperor in one breath.  When all the brothers were sent to the guillotine, they didn't feel as uncomfortable as they did now.  Is this the mountain¡¯s punishment for me?  Kamrodo thought silently in his mind.  Just like thirty years ago, Kamrodo's hundreds of sons are now forming cliques and fighting fiercely with each other. I'm afraid that before he returns to the mountains, tragedy will happen before his eyes.  .  Of course, compared to the news of the fall of many cities, the death of a few sons is a trivial matter.  "Deploy the Giant-Eyed Elite Cavalry Regiment and the Three-Eyed Royal Cavalry Regiment!" After hesitating for a long time, Camrodo gave the order.  It can be said that the giant-eyed elite cavalry regiment and the three-eyed royal cavalry regiment are the intimidating force of the big-eyed empire.  Although the giant foot people have been extremely dissatisfied with the cruel rule of the three-eyed, giant-eyed and other tribes for a long time, due to the strong suppression of the two elite cavalry regiments of the empire, the empire has been calm. No matter how much dissatisfaction there is,  The cavalry regiment endured the killings.  Because of this, Camrodo knew that once the two cavalry regiments stationed in the imperial capital were transferred to the front line, the consequences would be disastrous if chaos broke out in the imperial capital.  But if it is not handled in this way, the ordinary domestic army will not be able to resist the attacks of those birdmen.  The strength of these two cavalry regiments, Jumu and Three Eyes, is not weak. After arriving at the front line, they killed the Angel Legion until they could no longer hold on.  The weakest of these two cavalry regiments have three or four that are equal to the strength of the angels, and most of the officers inside are capable of competing with an angel detachment.  As for the two captains, they have the strength of four-winged angels of light.  In fact, the number of angels who entered the three-eyed plane through the space gate is not very large, probably only more than 300,000. They need to deal with seven empires at the same time, so their forces are scattered.  After the seven empires dispatched their elite combat forces, the originally rapidly advancing Angel Legion fell into a stalemate with the enemy.  ThisThe three-eyed human race felt hope.  But they don¡¯t know that these angels are actually just attracting their attention.  The main reason why the Angel Legion invaded the Three Eyes Plane is to test the actual combat effectiveness of the Brood Angels and Engineer Angels.  Any kind of angel needs to be tested before it is cultivated and finalized in order to test out the shortcomings and omissions of the new angel.  While the Angel Legion was engaged in a stalemate battle with the elite combat forces of the seven empires, several small space gates appeared high in the remote mountainous areas of the seven empires.  With the opening of these space doors, a huge egg-like cocoon rushed out of the space door, with circles of wings growing on them.  It can be seen that the mass of these cocoons is very heavy, so even with hundreds of wings, the flying speed is not very fast.  After the space gate dissipated, these dozens of huge cocoons dispersed.  After flying several kilometers, he retracted his wings and plunged towards the ground.  These huge cocoons fell from an altitude of thousands of meters, just like ground-penetrating bombs. When they hit the ground, they burrowed in, leaving only a deep and invisible pit.  Of course, if someone discovers this deep pit, even if they dig it open, they will only find nothing underneath.  After drilling hundreds of meters underground, these giant cocoons will spurt out several scorpion-like things from their tails.  These guys in the form of scorpions will spray out a solution that solidifies the soil and seals the upper end of the pit.  Needless to say, by this time, everyone knew that these giant cocoons were the Brood Angels newly cultivated by Cheng Kong, and those scorpion-shaped things were the Engineer Angels.  Cheng Kong has already tested it several times in China.  The original Brood Angels did not carry Engineer Angels, so they had many shortcomings after drilling into the ground. The biggest problem was that the deep holes left by the Brood Angels when they drilled into the ground would attract attention, and the initial Engineer Angels  Angels need to be cultivated by Brood Angels themselves, which makes Brood Angels develop extremely slowly.  Even in the simulated war in the Kingdom of God, due to this problem, twenty-eight of the thirty Brood Angels dropped at once were destroyed by the enemy on the first day.  Therefore, in this war of invading the three-eyed plane, the Brood Angels dropped by Cheng Kong each carried five Engineer Angels, and were filled with enough nutrients to cultivate thirty Engineer Angels.  After sealing the upper end of the pit, the five engineering angels each chose a direction and began to dig a passage.  They need to find enough resources in the shortest time so that the Brood Angel can start cultivating angels.  As the five engineer angels left, tentacles began to grow on the bodies of the Brood Angels, and the ends of these tentacles began to expand rapidly, forming cocoons for nurturing angels.  With the passage of time, the first batch of thirty engineer angels has been cultivated.  The fully mature cocoon fell off the tentacles on its own, and the scorpion-like engineer angel tore open the cocoon with his sharp pliers.  They begin to swallow the soil around the nest angel as soon as they are born.  Brood Angels need enough space to accumulate the materials collected by Engineer Angels and even grow more tentacle cocoon chambers to cultivate Angels.  The soil swallowed by the Engineer Angels was quickly broken down into small balls and excreted.  These pellets have different uses. Some pellets concentrate nutrients in the soil and provide them for the nest angels to eat, while some pellets are excreted directly onto the ground.  Those are just useless trash.  Of course, the soil here does not contain many nutrients.  When the Engineer Angel opens up a space of hundreds of cubic meters, the soil it swallows can only provide the nutrients for the Brood Angel to cultivate a Engineer Angel.  Therefore, if the Brood Angel wants to cultivate enough Engineer Angels, even eating the soil of a mountain range may not be enough.  Therefore, the nutrients produced after the soil is swallowed are only a temporary supplement.  But soon, an engineer angel who went out to explore returned along the opened channel.  This engineer angel discovered an extinct volcano that had been silent for a long time.  Of course, although it is an extinct volcano, there is still magma boiling inside.  For the Brood Angels, the leyline magma can form relatively rich nutrients after being decomposed by the Engineer Angels  So after the engineer angel piled up the decomposed nutrient balls next to the brood angel, it led the thirty engineer angels towards the extinct volcano.  As for the other four engineer angels, they also discovered good places such as rivers and graveyards.  There is no doubt that rivers can provide sufficient water and some nutrients. After all, angels are also living creatures, and they are not the kind of beings that do not need to eat and drink.  The graveyard can replenish the soul power consumed by the Brood Angel.  The original soul power of the Brood Angels is enough to condense thousands of angel cores, but this is far from enough to launch a plane war. Therefore, it is also the Engineer Angels' responsibility to use local materials to obtain more soul power.  One of the responsibilities.  Diokanbus, the commander of the Death Mountain garrison and a member of the Long-ear tribe.  Dio Canbus's father was also the chief of the Death Mountain garrison. After his father's death, Dio Canbus succeeded his father in accordance with the laws of the empire and became the new chief of the garrison of Death Mountain Town. He has hundreds of Giant Foot soldiers under him.  Death Mountain Town is considered the second most powerful person, second only to the mayor.  After becoming the commander of the garrison, Odecumbus was very proud of himself.  Both the clerk and the tax collector in the town greeted Odecumbus with a smile. As for the Juzu merchants who did business in the town, they even entertained the garrison chief every now and then, and there were even frequent guests.  Send the gold coins to Odecumbus so that the defenders will not cause too much trouble when the caravan passes by.  This kind of life makes Audi Campbell very satisfied.  But as time went by, Audi Campbell became a little dissatisfied.  Although the garrison commander was extremely noble in the eyes of the soldiers, businessmen, etc., he was actually a big shot in the town. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and Odecums feel that with his talents he should be held in a higher official position.  But in the three-eyed plane, no matter which empire it is, the official position is determined by the death of the father and the son. If there are no accidents, the official position cannot be promoted.  The so-called accident is naturally a great achievement.  As long as you make great achievements, there is hope for promotion in official position, and you can even join the Jumu family and become a member of the glorious noble family.  This idea is a good one, but due to the peace of the country and the deterrence of the two elite cavalry regiments, there are no external wars and no internal strife.  Audikus felt that he had a heart to kill the enemy, but he had no enemies to kill himself. In recent years, he has been quite depressed.  This angel invasion immediately made him overjoyed. This could be called an invasion by a foreign enemy.  Since there is a war, there is an opportunity to gain merit.  But Audicums soon became disappointed.  The invasion war took place in the south, which is more than three thousand kabu away from this town. Well, kabu is the distance unit of the three-eyed plane, and each kabu is about five hundred meters long.  His Majesty the Emperor did not mobilize all the troops from across the country, but directly dispatched the two cavalry regiments guarding the imperial capital, thus ending Odecumbus's dream of meritorious service.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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