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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break the Void Chapter 432: Liaodong Autumn Wind Cleanses the Dust

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    Luoyang was the capital of the East and had a very special status in the Tang Dynasty. Being an official here, although not as good as the political center of Chang'an, was still a good job.  The residence of Yin in Henan is in Luoyang.  Today's Henan Yin is Da Xike, who was originally the Minister of Rites. What happened in the Grand View Garden at this time has already reached his ears.  He had been appointed Henan Yin for less than two years. When he heard about this matter, he secretly pondered it in his heart.  "Dayin, this matter should not be taken lightly. With so many people gathered in front of the Grand View Garden, if a civil unrest really breaks out, Dayin may not be able to get away with it." While he was making calculations, an official next to him advised him.  "Oh?" Da Xikai said calmly.  "Grand View Garden is Lord Ye's family property. This matter is known to the whole world. If we continue to suppress the situation and let the people have misfortunes and smash, smash and loot, how can Lord Ye not be angry? Lord Ye is now the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and he has to be granted the title of Duke.  , when he was young and strong, he became angry Ten years ago, there were assassins in Luoyang who wanted to kill him. At that time, Mr. Ye only had one hundred people. He still set up a cross outside the city and killed more than twenty assassins.  Nailed on the rack, the assassins were howling and wailing, just asking for death" "Ye Chang has ever done such a thing?" Da Xi's face changed slightly.  He had been in Luoyang for less than two years, and all he could think about was how to return to the center of power in Chang'an, so he openly and secretly facilitated Yang Guozhong and his gang, and even accepted Yang Guozhong's hints and allowed these rogues to harass the Grand View Garden.  "Da Yin has not been in Luoyang for a long time, so he doesn't know about this, but he has already served here in his humble position, and he also helped the victims with Ye Gong. I have seen his methods with my own eyes." Da Xike hesitated for a while, and then said  : "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. I think Mr. Ye's behavior in recent years has been very different from what he did back then. Back then, he was young and energetic, and it was perhaps inevitable that his methods would be more drastic. Now that our family has a big business, we can't help but look forward and backward when doing things.  " He was the chief official after all. In this case, the clerk couldn't say much. He just muttered secretly in his heart.  When they first saw Ye Chang, they and other officials thought he was just a kind-hearted young man who was easy to talk to, but it turned out to be a thundering method. Although in recent years, Ye Chang has shown many tolerance and compromises in the court situation,  But don't forget, he broke Wang Zhun's leg and slapped Yang Guozhong's son in the face. At the border, he not only killed countless barbarians, but also arrested his boss Gao Xianzhi.  Such a person is not easy to get along with. This Daxi Dayin was deceived by his superficial behavior. Although Daxi said so in his mouth, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He secretly indulged in this way in order to please Yang Guozhong.  But instead of letting himself and Ye Chang form a deadly feud, there are some preparations that should be made. It is better to make preparations first. "In this way, you gather the servants and gather dozens of them for me. They must all be strong and capable of doing things at any time."  ." He ordered.  The official went out as instructed, but after a while, he ran back crawling on the ground: "Dayin, Dayin, Ye Gong has returned to Luoyang." "What?" Da Xijie jumped up from his chair in shock.  His face was horrified: "Isn't he in Liaodong? Whywhy is he back now? How long has he been in Liaodong? Has it been a month?" "Ye Gong has already taken his bodyguard to the Grand View Garden, Dayin, what should I do now?  " "This this you went to summon the police, where are the police?" "Okay, you take them to the Grand View Garden No, no, I'll take them myself.  "Go," Da Xi Ke said. Da Xi Ke ordered his troops and was hurriedly preparing to rush to the Grand View Garden. In front of the Grand View Garden, the guy who was pulled out of the crowd was facing Ye Chang's question.  "II left it at home and never took it with me" After hearing Ye Chang's words, the man's expression changed and he said in a panic.  The so-called "Luzon Chamber of Commerce" did indeed fully imitate Ye Chang's methods in organizing "golden tickets". In order to establish the Yunnan Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible, Ye Chang once issued "sugar tickets", and when he was at the Anxi Chamber of Commerce, he did so again  "Picket".  But no matter what kind of bill it is, there must be a specially printed hard-shell paper with a secret mark as a voucher.  "I don't know where your home is. I will send someone to your home to get it." Ye Chang said again.  How can that person get the evidence? They are the ones who issued the golden tickets. They know that these so-called golden tickets are completely a scam. Even though they had some in their hands at the beginning, they all changed hands later. How could it be possible?  Still keep it till now?  "My homemy home" "Any of you who know him, you might as well think about where his home is." Ye Chang did not continue to listen to his perfunctory words, but asked the people around him.  There are thousands of people gathered around here. When asked, some people really know this person: "Isn't he the same Geng Gong who sold Luzon Gold Tickets? He is the seller of Luzon Gold Tickets."  "He is selling Luzon gold tickets?" "Were we fooled?""Not only have we been fooled, this is clearly asking us to offend Mr. Ye and the government." Someone else shouted: "It's asking us to die. Everyone, this is really a good plan. If we really collide with the Grand View Garden, we will be killed."  When the rebels are beheaded and thrown into the army, naturally they don¡¯t have to pay us back. But if Ye Gong¡¯s guards take action, then this burden will be borne by Ye Gong So calculating and insidious." At this time, everyone felt ashamed and in urgent need.  Looking for a scapegoat, this ungrateful person became the target of beatings.  Ye Chang ignored him and took a few steps back. Following his signal, he pushed the ungrateful man back into the crowd.  Just as Geng Fan wanted to burrow into the crowd, he was grabbed by someone. Someone shouted: "Hit" "Hit". While everyone was shouting, someone started punching and kicking Geng Fan. At first, he was blocking with his left and right hands.  , in the end I could only cry and beg for mercy.  But now that everyone regards him as one of the culprits, no one is willing to let him go. After a while, he started shouting to Ye Chang, but Ye Chang ignored him. He saw him falling to the ground under the beating of everyone, and then being beaten.  I don't know how many feet stepped on it, completely losing its breath.  "It's a murder" Everyone was a little panicked when they saw this situation.  Ye Chang's eyes turned: "The person named Geng was definitely not the only one who made trouble in the crowd just now. Who else, find them out and let everyone identify them, are they also his accomplices?" Where he looked  , everyone changed their colors, fearing that he would be caught as a gangster. Ye Chang looked around, smiled slightly, and then someone immediately pushed a man out: "This guy was also one of the leaders in the heckles just now." The man's face was full of tears  There was no human color anymore. He was just hiding in the crowd, but for some reason, someone pushed him out.  He immediately shouted: "You are wronged, Duke Dongmou, I am wronged, I did not make a fuss, I just came to watch the fun" "You know that is not what I want to hear." Ye Chang said: "Everyone said you made a fuss.  , you must be making a fuss Tell me honestly, who is the instigator behind you, and where is the money you defrauded everyone, and where is it hidden?" "It's wrong, it's wrong, I take it seriously" "Push back to the crowd.  "Ye Chang said. ??????????????????? Someone pushed the guy back into the crowd, and then he repeated it ungratefully, and in the blink of an eye, another life was lost.  Ye Chang's expression was unmoved, and he said calmly: "Next one." Another person was pushed out from the crowd. Now the people participating in the excitement also understood that there must be an informant arranged by Ye Chang among them.  During this time, everyone was in danger and kept silent, not even daring to whisper.  "Answer the question I just asked." Ye Chang said: "If you are not satisfied with my answer, you know the consequences. Of course the third person knows the consequences. Two crushed corpses are not far away from him. He has two legs.  Zhan Zhan, unable to stand firmly, collapsed on the ground: "II" "Huh?"  "Ye Chang snorted softly. "I said, I said" Faced with this kind of pressure, the man couldn't stand it, and he immediately started shouting. He didn't say too much. Originally, he  Even as an errand boy, he really didn't know much, but he revealed a piece of news: Renfang in Luoyang City is the stronghold of their group, which is located in the southeast corner of Luoyang City, adjacent to Yongtong Gate.  Neighbors are a good place to go. If anything goes wrong, you can leave the city immediately. When the people heard the news, they suddenly became angry again, and everyone clamored to go to Lirenfang to find out. Of course, Ye Chang did not refuse.  , On the contrary, this action is exactly what he wants. Among the people, those who are afraid of trouble will take the opportunity to leave, especially those with ulterior motives. At this time, they can only sneak away and then rush to Cihuifang where the Grand View Garden is located to report the news.  Lirenfang had to pass through more than half of Luoyang City. When they reached Nanheng Street of Jixianfang, they saw a team of dozens of officers coming to block their way.  "Da Xike asks to see you." The group of officers were protecting one person, and they quickly ran up to Ye Chang and saluted Ye Chang. When Ye Chang heard the name "Da Xike", his face darkened. This guy was originally in the Ministry of Rites in Chang'an.  The minister was a guy who wanted to flatter Yang Guozhong but ended up being slapped on the horse's hooves. Now he is Henan Yin, and he is one of the big officials in Luoyang City. Strictly speaking, he can also get involved in all the big and small things in Luoyang City.  What's the matter?  "Ye Chang said. "The lower official is Henan Yin. This matter in Luoyang City is really related to the lower official's responsibilities.  "Da Xike looked at Ye Chang: "There are many people around Mr. Ye I'm afraid they will cause trouble, so why don't you ask Mr. Ye to send them away?  " Ye Chang frowned. Da Xike was quite brave. He came to flatter Yang Zhao again. Wasn't he afraid of offending himself? After thinking about it, he suddenly understood that Da Xike didn't know that he was following the imperial edict.  To deal with the two capitalsThe last name is turmoil.  Maybe he thought that he had entered the capital without authorization "Moreover, the Grand View Garden was surrounded by people for several days. Henan Yin Da was sarcastic and Tokyo's Li Cheng remained silent. If there was no weirdness in this, Ye Chang would not believe it.  .  Li Cheng stayed behind in Tokyo because he was not on good terms with Yang Guozhong, but Da Xike did not have that much integrity. He knew that he would not deliberately condone certain things in order to please Yang Guozhong. "It's a joke, when they surrounded the Grand View Garden, you didn't  I sent people to disperse them. Now they want to follow me to pursue those who deceived the people and incited civil unrest, but you came out to disperse them. Da Xigao, could it be that you are the one behind this? " Da Xigao originally thought that even if Ye Chang didn't  Dismissing those people was just a matter of relying on power, but he never thought that Ye Chang would turn his back on him without hesitation and directly put the hat on his head as the one behind the scenes.  His expression suddenly changed: he wanted to flatter Yang Guozhong, but he didn't come here to become Ye Chang's mortal enemy.  He originally wanted to go to the Grand View Garden to disperse the people. He heard about what happened in front of the Grand View Garden on the way, so he changed his route to intercept Ye Chang in the middle so that Yang Guozhong's people could have time to clean up.  Now it seems that Ye Chang has seen his intentions. How dare he come forward? He can only shrink his neck and say with a smile: "The Duke is joking. The Duke is joking. When the officials heard that the Duke was here, they led the people specially."  I'm here to serve you. I wonder if the Duke has any orders?" Ye Chang glanced at him coldly. He had a wavering temperament and was obviously a wallflower.  He stopped growing day by day, shouted to the people who were following him, and then continued to move forward.  The number of people who followed was reduced by half. After all, everyone was worried and took the opportunity to escape home, and then come out to inquire about the news after the situation calmed down. This was the choice of most people.  Even so, when Ye Chang arrived at Lirenfang with his men, there were still more than a thousand people.  When they arrived at the place where the man was speaking, they saw an inconspicuous small courtyard. There were already dozens of people guarding the courtyard with swords, and they were all officers and soldiers by the looks of their clothes.  "Jun Gong, we followed the order and surrounded the courtyard, captured four people, and killed one on the spot." The leaders of the officers and soldiers stepped forward to report to Ye Chang.  Some of the people watching were surprised: "Ye Gong has sent people here a long time ago?" "That's natural. The guy just confessed in front of so many people. There must be his accomplices among the crowd. These accomplices must be  Came here to report the news. How could Mr. Ye let such scoundrels succeed? He first sent people to block them, just in time to catch them all. " "But I just kept running and didn't see any orders from Mr. Ye?"  Idiot, what kind of person is Mr. Ye? What kind of people are his soldiers? How can you see through how resourceful he is?" Amidst the discussion around him, Ye Chang turned to Da Xi, who was following him with a grimace: "Da Xi  Dayin, what do you think we should do now? " "This this" Da Xikai complained secretly, and suddenly regretted that he should have stayed in the yamen and should not have jumped out to swim in this troubled water. "What are you doing?  Is it possible that Henan Yin doesn¡¯t know what to do with him at this time? If so, it seems that the imperial court is unclear about who should be employed, and you no longer need to hold the position of Henan Yin.¡± Ye Chang said solemnly: ¡°I am here with the saint¡¯s secret order this time.  To solve the commotion among the people in the two capitals, the sage promised me full power - you cannot govern the people, and things like this happened under your rule" "The lower officials are frightened, the lower officials are frightened The lower officials know how to deal with it."  Gritting his teeth, he quickly blocked Ye Chang's next words.
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